Operant Conditioning (2) Flashcards
According to Thorndike’s law of effect, which behaviours are “stamped in”?
Those that produce favourable consequences.
According to Thorndike’s law of effect, which behaviours are “stamped out”?
Those that produce unfavourable consequences.
What did Thorndike observe after putting a cat into a given box again and again?
That the whole demeanour of the animal changed.
In Thorndike’s experiment into the law of effect, how did the cat’s behaviour appear at first?
It appeared to be almost random (one might even say chaotic).
In Thorndike’s experiment into the law of effect, what happened to the cat’s behaviour over time?
It gradually became more orderly, more deliberate, and more efficient.
What were the bases of Thorndike’s operant conditioning theory?
- That stimulus-response connections represent the basis of all learning.
- Responses that are reinforced are “stamped in” by experience, and thus occur more frequently, whereas responses that are punishing are “stamped out” and subsequently occur less frequently.
What are three examples of concepts on which Thorndike based his operant conditioning theory?
- Attention
- Internal perception
- Mental states
What is a Skinner box (devised by Skinner)?
A chamber, often small, that is used to conduct operant conditioning research with animals.
What kinds of methods did Skinner devise, as relate to the Skinner box?
Those that permitted the animal to repeat the operant response (for example rats pressing a lever, or pigeons pecking an object) many times in the conditioning situation.
What was the dependent variable in Skinner’s experiments?
The operant response rate
What are key features of a Skinner Box?
- A pellet dispenser
- A speaker
- Signal lights
- A lever
- A dispenser tube
- A food cup
- An electric grid
- A shock generator
Which two types of behaviour did Skinner describe?
- Respondent behaviour
- Operant behaviour
What is described by the term respondent behaviours?
Behaviours that are involuntary and reflexive in nature.
What are two examples of consequences that follow a particular behaviour, affecting the probability of the behaviour re-occurring?
- A rat pressing a lever and being provided with food.
- A rat pressing a lever and being shocked.
What is a characteristic of operant behaviours?
They are voluntary.
What are primary reinforcers?
Reinforcers that have innate reinforcing qualities.
What are six examples of primary reinforcers?
- Water
- Food
- Sleep
- Shelter
- Sex
- Touch
What type of reinforcers are not learned?
Primary reinforcers