Open questions 1 Flashcards
Describe the ayoma staining method
The sample is fixed in formalin containing CdCl2
that makes Golig membranes argirophilic
o Then the tissue is impregnated with AgNo3 and
Golgi membranes tend to bind Ag ions
o In the next step, Ag ions are reduced to black metal
Ag by hydrokinone
o After embedding and cutting the sections are
stained with Orange G and Safranine
o Results: dictiosomes of Golgi are black, the
cytoplasma is yellow and nuclei are red
Describe the location, the structure and the main functions
of the nuclear lamina
The nuclear lamina is a scaffold-like network of protein
filaments surrounding the nuclear periphery. Consists
mainly of intermediate filament proteins Lamin A/C and B, which together form a complex meshwork underneath the inner nuclear membrane.
- Functions:
➢ Maintenance of the nuclear envelope and nuclear shape.
➢ Spatial organization of the nuclear pores within the nuclear membrane.
➢ Regulation of transcription.
➢ Anchoring the interphase heterochromatin.
➢ Role in DNA replication.
Describe Feulgens reaction. What are the steps and the
result of it?
What can be detected by this method?
Whatkind of cytological method is it?
DNA can be detected by this way
o This reaction is made in two steps
- In the first HCl is used for a mild acidic hydrolysis à RNA is dissolved from the cells, then purine bases are separated from the DNA,then 2-deoxyriboses turn into aldehyde
- In the second step aldehyde groups form a
colored product with Schiff reagent
Describe the mechanism(s) by which water molecule pass
the plasma membrane?
What are the similarities and differences between the processes?
- Diffusion and osmosis
- Aquaporins: integral membrane proteins that forms pores, mainly facilitating transport of water between
Similarities: They both don’t require energy (ATP)
Differences: Simple diffusion happens through membrane other uses aquaporins (channel proteins)
Describe the morphological (size) and the chemical
structure of eukaryotic ribosomes. Where are they located
in the cells?
- Large subunit (49 ribosomal proteins + 3 rRNA moleclues) and small subunit (33 ribosomal proteins
+ 1 rRNA molecule) - Located in cytoplasm or on the rER
List the major types of membrane lipids. Where are they
- Phospholipids on rER
- Glycolipids in Golgi (trans?)
- Cholesterol on rER
What does glycosylation mean?
What are the types?
Where does it happen?
What is the significance
of glycosylation?
Glycosylation is the enzyme process that links saccharides to produce
glycols. There are two types of it:
1) N-glycosylation
2) Oglycosylation
- N-Glycosylation is addition of oligosaccharides to the NH2 of ASP
(asparagine) . It starts in the ER and continues in the Golgi.
Oglycosylation is the addition of oligosaccharide to the OH of SER, THR
- It happens in med and trans Golgi
- (Glycosylation is addition of oligosaccharide to molecules e.g.. proteins)
- Main functions: protect a protein from degradation, hold it in the ER until it is properly folded or help guide it to the appropriate organelle by serving as a
transport signal for packaging the protein into appropriate transport vesicles
What are the difference between constitutive and regular
secretion (exocytosis)
o Constitutive: is performed by all cells and serves the release of components of the ECM or delivery of newly synthesized membrane proteins that are incorporated in the plasma membrane after the fusion of the transport vesicles
o Regular secretion: Non-constitutive requires an external signal, a specific sorting signal on the vesicles, a clathrin coat, as well as an increase in
intracellular calcium
List five significant and different features of human
mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA).
o Circular DNA
o No histones
o No chromatin
o Mitochondria are derived only from mitochondria:
mitochondrial DNA is replicated and the mitochondrion divides by cleavage
o All mitochondria of an individual originated from
the mother
Describe shortly autolysis and autophagocytosis. What is
the major difference between them?
o Autophagy: very important. Useful for digesting harmful molecules.
o Autolysis: uncontrolled process where lysosome enzymes get out of control and digest everything
What is the purpose of embedding in the microscopic microtechniques?
Which substances are used for
In which cases is embedding not needed?
o Purpose: to provide a mechanical support. The
technique of infiltrating the fixed tissue with paraffin is called embedding
- Alcohol (dehydration)
- Xylene (for removal of alcohol)
- Paraffin (embedding agent)
o Freezing (physical fixation maked the tissue solid enough to section it without embedding
Whic 2 RNA processing stops occur on transcripts destined to become rRNA?
What is the significance of these modifications?
Where do these steps happen in the cell?
1) 5’ end capping (cotranscriptional modification)
Adding methyl guanine cap to the 5’
2) 3’ end tailing (co- transcriptional modification) Adding poly A tail to 3’
3) Splicing (co-transcriptional modification) by splicosome (snRNPs) cutting out the introns and binding exons. The process regulate and stabilise mRNA synthesis.
Happens in the nucleus.
Where are the mitochondrial proteins synthesized?
How are they targeted and transported to their destination?
Mitochondrial proteins are synthesized in cytosol on free ribosomes
The proteins synthesized on free ribosomes have mitochondrial
localisation signal on there N-terminus.
This binds to the outer membrane receptor (this receptor can recognize the mitochondrion localising signal).
The 2 membranes (outer and inner) are temporarily linked forming a membrane contact site. These sites are the translocon molecules TIM and TOM, which form the tunnel for proteins to enter mitochondria.
TOM is in action to enter for outer membrane protein and TIM is in action for inner membrane protein
List the main steps of the microscopic microtechniques.
Give the name of the substances or instruments that is commonly used in a given step.
- Sample
- Fixation: to perserve tissue as life-like as possible.
• Physical
• Chemical – enzymes are denatured irreversibly.- Aldehydes (formaldehyde)
- Heavy metal ions
- Alcohols (methanol and ethanol)
- Organic acids (acetic acid)
- Aldehydes (formaldehyde)
- Embedding: for mechanical support of soft tissues.
• Dehydration – alcohol.
• Clearing – removing of alcohol; xylene.
• Embedding agent: paraffin. - Sectioning: to obtain a thin layer of tissue.
• Microtome.
• Cryostat (for frozen sections) - Staining
- ‘Deparaffinized’ by xylene.
- Rehydrated with alcohol.
- Staining
- H&E
- Covering: reverse process
• Dehydration with alcohol
• Clearing agents – xylene
• Permanent ‘glue’ glass over the section.
What are the compartments of the nucleolus and what are their functions?
1) Fibrillar center (FC) - Pars amorpha.
Contains rRNA genes and NOR (nuclear organizing region)
2) Dense Fibrillar compartment - Pars fibrosa.
Contains actively transcribing rRNA, and snRNP. Pre mRNA modification and processing happens here.
3) Dense granular compartment (DGC) - pars granulosa.
Site of late processing events in the biogenesis of rRNA.
4) Nucleolus associated chromatin.
Describe step by step the pathway of lysosomal enzyme from their synthesis to the destination.
Name the cellular components where these steps occur and give the name of the process.
Follows the secretory pathway. Synthesized on the rER like secretory proteins and pass into lumen.
Lysosomal enzymes undergo N-glycosylation in rER then it goes to (cis
Golgi) and being modified by MGP) signal and later on this lysosomal
enzyme will bind to MGP receptor then it forms a vesicle and goes to its
destination. For example: Endosome
The phosphorylation of mannose residues is a criticla step in sorting lysosomal proteins to their correct intracellular destination.
What kind of reaction is the PAS reaction?
What are the main steps of it?
Which structures can be detected by PAS?
- It’s a cytochemical staining method to detect polysaccharides like glycogen. PAS means Periodic Acidic (HIO4) + Schiff reagent (purple). It is the most common step for complex carbohydrate formation (glycogen, glycoprotein, glycolipid).
- Glycogen is everywhere (cytoplasm of liver)
1) Periodic Acid oxidisizes hydroxyl groups into aldehydes of hexoses in complex carbohydrates
2) Schiff reagent (aldehyde detector) gives red colour and red fuchsin precipitation.
What kind of molecules are kinases?
How do they act on their target molecules?
Give at least 3 possible activators of the kinases.
Name 2 different cellular processes that are regulated by kinases.
1) They are enzyme which can phosphorylate its substrate
I. Before the kinase can phosphorylate a signaling protein in the cell, it must first be activated.
II. When signal molecules bind to the two tyrosine kinase receptors, the receptors move closer toghether in the plasma membrane and form a dimer.
III. A conformational change takes place, allowing the kinase part of each receptor to add a phosphate from an ATP molecule to the substrate on the other member of the dimer.
IIII. Once activated, the kinase enzymes can phosphorylate signaling proteins inside the cell.
2) They act on their target molecules by kinase cascade CAMP, Cyclin,
DAG (ciacylglycerol kinase).
4) Mitogen process and conversion between glycogen to glucose
What are the proteosomes and what is their function?
Which proteins and how are they targeted to proteosomes?
Describe how the proteosomes are involved in the regulation of M-phase.
Proteosome is a multienzyme complex. Its function is to degrade the protein.
- Ubiquitin ligases will target proteins to proteosomes so ubiquitin
attaches to the protein lead it to proteosomes - APC is a ubiquitin and it attaches to its substrate and terminate M-
phase (located in the nucleus and cytoplasm)
Detect an enzyme in LM section. Which methods can you choose?
Can you use this method in TEM?
- Histochemistry methods can be used to detect
enzyme - E (enzyme) + P (product) -> E+P (coloured)
- For instance acid phosphates want to be detected. Its substrate is
Naphtyl phosphate. Acid phosphates will cleave off phosphate groups
than niftily is dyed. - Naphtal + salt -> Azodye (quite usable, black)
- No acid phosphate in nucleus in tetrahymena (presence of oxodye
demonstrates enzyme activity) - NO! In TEM we have to use contrast enhancements
What does metachromasia mean?
What is the cause of it?
Give exact examples for metachromasia?
It is a characteristic of certain basic dyes (such as crassly violet,
Toludine blue). When material is stained by them, material gets a colour
different from that dye.
The cationic radicals of the dye bind to the anionic radicals of the substrate in such a way to other the wavelength when the mast cells are stained with toludine blue.
Describe the structure and function of the smooth ER.
In which cells is it found?
It consists of tubules and vesicles (more tubules than rER and it doesn’t
have any ribosomes an the surface)
Function of it changes according to the cell.
- Storage and regulation of Ca2+ for contraction (muscle cells). Sarcoplasmic reticulum.
- Detoxification and breakdown of glycogen(liver)
- Synthesis of steroids, phospholipids, cholesterol, ceramid.
- In every cells: Ca storage
What are the motor proteins? List them.
What are the differences between them?
1) Dyenin + 2) Kinesin: acts on microtubules. Crawls hand-over-hand movement, using its two heads to move forward.
3) Myosin: acts on microfilaments. Crawls using step-by-step inchworm movement.
Both are driven by ATP.
What are the histones?
What are the types of them and what is their function?
Explain what histone code means.
Protein found in eukaryotic cell nuclei package and order DNA into small units nucleosomes. (DNA+histone = nucleosome)
- Histones are classified into 2 groups:
- Nucleosomal Histones (H2A/B, H3, H4)
- HI histones
Function of H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 is forming octomers where DNA is
wrapped on it-
HI histone links the octomers and DNA.
The histone code is a hypothesis that the transcription of genetic information encoded in DNA is partly regulated by chemical modification to histone proteins.
- Histone code is modification of Histone Acetylation, Methylation,
Describe the function of SRP (signal recognition particles) in details.
What are the chemical components of it?
SRP is a ribonucleic protein to the endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotes and the plasma membrane in prokaryotes.
Chemical components of it: RNA and
SRP binds to signal sequence on proteins and it will go to SPP
receptors and protein will go to rER through translocator.
Describe in one sentence the process of apoptosis.
What are the main morphological changes in an apoptosis cell detectable by different microscopic methods?
What is the molecular machinery responsible for apoptosis?
1) Apoptosis is the main process of programmed cell death that may occur
in multicellular organisms.
2) Blebbing, shrinking, apoptotic bodies, chromatin
condensation and fragmentation
3) Proteases - caspases.
What does the cytochemical reaction mean?
What are the basic requirements of this method?
Give at least one example of cytochemical reactions.
This sort of cytological methods combines microscopic and chemical
analytical methods for the localisation of different chemical components
in the cells or tissues
1) reaction product should visible (colour in LM and scattering for EM)
2) For quantitative evaluation precipitate should be proportional to the amount, concentration of the substance being analysed
- The method should be specific for the substrate of the chemical group
that we study
Feulgen Reaction (DNA can be detected)
1) HCL cleaves off the purine bases from DNA then 2 deoxyribose
groups form red colour with Schiff reagent
2) Alderhyde groups form red colour with Schiff reagent
What is the MPF? What are the components of it?
How does it act? Give at least 3 substrates of MPF.
What are the consequences of the changes in the target molecule?
- MPF is M-Phase promoting factor - is a CdK and cyclin complex. It acts
on promoting M-phase.
Consists of nuclear lamins, condensin complex, MAP s(microtubule associated proteins.
Consequences of changes in target molecule:
1) Nuclear lamina will be decomposed.
2) MAP. It can form microtubules, which is needed for the M-phase
3) Activates (indirectly) APC (anaphase promoting complex). It terminates M-phase.
Define the principles of tissue culture techniques in one sentence.
List 4 significant physical and/or chemical requirements of tissue cultures.
Describe the types of cell cultures.
- Cell cultures is the process by which cells are proliferated and grown under controlled conditions 1) Aspetic condition (sterile) 2) Stable pH 3) CO2/O2 concentration 4) Humidity 5) Temperature
Primary cultures: derives from tissues
- cell streams: derived from primary cultures
- cell lives: derived from cell strains (tumour cells, transformed cells)
What does TIM - TOM stand for and what is its function?
TIM/TOM is a protein complex in cellular biochemistry which translocates proteins produced from nuclear DNA through the mitochondrial membrane for use in oxidative phosphorylation.
- TIM - Translocase of the inner membrane
- TOM - Translocase of the outer membrane.
The TOM and the TIM are working independent way
- TOM: following transport through the cytosol from the nucleus, the signal sequence is recognized by a receptor protein in the translocase of the outer membrane (TOM).
- TIM: The signal sequence and adjacent portions of the polypeptide chain are inserted in the TOM complex, then begin interaction with a translocase of the inner membrane.
What is the peroxisome?
What do you know about its special structure, function and origin?
Peroxisomes are organelles which are present in almost all eukaryotic
cells - they are involved in the metabolism of fatty acids.
They have enzymes (catalase) that rid the cell of peroxides.
They synthesize glycerolipids, cholesterol and bile acids.
They can be derived from the ER and replicate by fission.
What is the significance of apoptosis? What kinds of cells have to commit suicide in a multicellular organism?
Give 4 examples.
Apopotosis is a self-regulatory mechanisms, necessary to maintain homeostasis.
1) SMA (Apoptosis of motor neurones)
2) Alzheimer and parkinson (apoptosis of nerve cells)
3) HIV (apoptosis of virus infected cells
4) Tumours (lack of apoptosis)
5) Formation of fingers
What is the telomerase?
What is its function?
In which cells is it active?
Telomerase is an enzyme which can add telomere repeat seqence to the 3’ end of telomeres to protect the end of the chromosome from DNA damage or fusion with neighbouring chromosomes.
Telomerase is usually inactivated by DNA hypermethylation, but the tumor cells can remove the methylation. This legnthens the telomeres, causing immortality to the cell.
Telomerase is active in normal stem cells and cancer cells, but normally absent in somatic cells.
Telomerase activity is regulated during development and has a very low activity in somatic cells. Because these somatic cells do not regularly use telomerase, they age.
If telomerase is activated in a cell, they will continue to grow and divide.
Which phenomenon is called cytoplasmic basophilia?
What is the cause of it?
What are the types fo it?
Which cells show these types of cytoplasmic basophilia?
Basophilia is a staining phenomenon. Acidic compartement can be
stained by basic dye. If the molecules in the cytoplasm contain acidic groups, we name the phenomenon as cytoplasmic basophilia.
The cause of it is the phosphate groups of DNA and RNA.
1) Diffuse (homogenous)
2) Granulated
3) Polarized
- Diffuse (rER spread evenly. E.g. plasma cell)
- Polarized (all the rER is found on one side - e.g. pancrease (exocrine part)).
- Granular (rER in groups - e.g. motor neurons)
Name forms of cell death
Pyroptosis (occurs most frequently upon infection with intracellular pathogens)
Cell death with autophagy
Keratinization (cornification)
Compare of necrosis and apoptosis
- Murder (passive)
- Pathological
- Caused by unexpected injury
- Swelling of organelles
- Lysis of nucleus and cell
- Leaking of plasma membrane
- Many cells (necrotic zone)
- Inflammation
- Suicide (active)
- Physiological
- Induced by external or internal signal
- Shrinking
- Chromatin, DNA condensation and fragmentation
- Blabbing of plasmamembrane, change of phospholipid asymmetry
- Apoptosic bodies
- Single cells that are phagocytosed
- No inflammation
What is a P53?
A classic tumor suppressor
- senses genomic damage
- inhibits the cell cycle and initiates DNA repair (in G1)
- Induce cell death
- DNA damage
- P53 phosphorylation —> stabilized
- Binds to promoter of P21 (a CKI molecule)
- Transcription of P21
- P21 inhibits Cdk-cyclin complexes
- DNA damage is corrected or cell death (apoptosis)
What can cause mutations in tumor cells?
Viruses: HPV (cervical cancer)
Bacteria: H. Pylori (gastric cancer)
Chemicals: (lung cancer)
UV and ionizing radiations: (skin cancer)
Genetic instability
New cellular subclones
What are the functions of the:
- rER?
2 sER?
Rough ER:
- protein synthesis
- co-translational translocation
- integration fo transmembrane protein
- post-translational protein modification (e.g. proteolytic cleavage, N-glycosilation)
- protein folding (chaperons)
- quality control
- transportation of proteins
Smooth ER: - synthesis of membrane lipids (phospholipids, cholesterol, ceramid) - storage of Ca2+ Specific: - synthesis of steroids - detoxification (liver) - glucose metabolism
What is a cajal body?
A nuclear body which stores RNA and protein complexes like snoRNP and snRNPs.
What is the TATA box?
A part of the promoter where the DNA double helix is composed primarily of T and A nucleotides.
It binds TFIID and assembles other transcription factors. The TATA-box is a key component of many promoters used by RNA polymerase II.
What are the hallmarks of cancer?
- Continous growth signals
- Resistance to anti-growth signals
- Immortality
- Resistance to cell death
- Making new blood vessels
- Invasion and metastasis
What is an oncogene?
A gene that has the potential to cause cancer.
In tumor cells, they are often mutated.
What is the role of telomerase in tumor cells?
Telomerase is active in stem cells, embryonic cells and most cancer cells.
- Telomeres maintain genomic integrity in normal cells, and their progressive shortening during successive cell divisions induces chromosomal instability. In the large majority of cancer cells, telomere length is maintained by telomerase. Thus, telomere length and activity are crucial for cancer initiation and survival of tumors.
- It lengthens the free 3’ ends of the DNA.
- The DNA polymerase can synthesise the other strand.
- No exit from cell cycle (unlike normal somatic cells)
How can one inhibit signaling pathway (cancer) in patients?
1) inhibition of ligand binding to the growth factor receptor
2) Inhibition of the receptor activity
3) Inhibition of Ras
What are the cellular characteristics of the tumor cells?
A) Interphase
I. Altered nuclear morphology
II. Changes in the euchromatin-heterochromatin ratio
B) Mitosis
I. Abnormal chromosome (number, structure)
II. Defects in the segregation of the sister chromatids.
Other than P53, what other tumor repressor is critical in the G1/S entry in the normal cells?
Retinoblastoma protein (Rb).
a. Rb binds to E2F1 transcription factor
b. E2F1 inititates the G1/S entry
c. When bound to Rb, E2F1 is inhibited
d. Phosphorylation of Rb —> E2F1 is released —> E2F1 is active —> transcription of genes essential for S-phase
e. If Rb doesn’t function —> inbibition of entry into the S-phase
What are some characteristic features of cancer cells?
Transformed phenotype in cell cultures:
i. No contact inhibition—cells do not stop proliferation at confluency.
ii. Cells often do not need to attach —> suspension.
iii. No Hayflick limit.
iv. Telomerase active, no shortening of the telomers.
v. No replicative cell senescence.
vi. Abnormal shape, motility, abnormal growth factor requirements.
vii. Immortal cell lines.
What is metastatis and what are the steps?
Metastasis: the major cause of cancer-related death.
Metastasis is the development of secondary malignant growth at a distance from a primary site of cancer.
a. Responsible for >90% of cancer-related death.
b. It is not well understood.
c. Steps:
i. Local invasion—epithelial-
mesenchymal transition (EMT).
ii. Intravasation—into the lymphatic
or blood system.
iii. Blood Circulation.
iv. Extravasation—Leaving the
circulation system.
v. New coloncy at the distant site—
Describe the nucleolus and its function.
Granular body within nucleus - consists of RNA and protein.
Site of ribosomal RNA synthesis; ribosome subunit assembly.
What is the function of the golgi apparatus?
Modifies proteins
Packages secreted priteins; sorts other proteins to vacuoles and other organelles.
More specifically;
Modification of N-oligosaccharide chains of proteins (Lysosomal enzymes get a M-6-PO4 signal in cis
Golgi and are not modified further in the Golgi).
- O-glycosylation: addition of oligosaccharide chains to proteins by glycosyl transferases.
- Proteoglycans synthesis (found in ECM).
- Addition of SO4 group to amino acids and carbohydrates.
- Modification of lipids (glycolipids and sphingomyelin).
- Proteolysis.
- Sorting: ➢ Back to ER ➢ Retaining of Golgi proteins ➢ Lysosome ➢ Plasma membrane (secretion)
What is the function of the mitochondria?
Site of cellular respiration: energy originating from glucose or lipids to ATP.
What is ubiquitin?
Small, regulatory protein. Can: - mark a cell degradation via proteasome - alter their cellular location - affect their activity - promote or prevent protein interactions.
1) What does proteins microtubules consist of?
2) What is its motor proteins?
3) What is its main function?
1) alpha, beta tubulin
2) dynein, kinesin
3) mechanical, protection, mitotic spindle
1) What proteins does microfilaments consist of?
2) What is its motor protein?
3) What is its main function?
Actin filament.
1) Polymers of actin.
2) myosin
3) muscle contraction
What do the enzymes do:
1) Hydrolase
2) Nuclease
3) Protease
4) Ligase
5) Isomerase
1) Hydrolase: General term for enzymes that catalyze a hydrolytic cleavage reaction
2) Nuclease: Breaks down nucleic acid by hydrolyzing bonds between nucleotides.
3) Protease: Breaks down proteins by hydrolyzing peptide bonds between amino acids.
4) Ligase: Joins two molecules together; DNA ligase joins two DNA strands together end-to-end
5) Isomerase: Catalyzes the rearragement of bonds within a single molecule.
What do the enzymes do:
1) Polymerase
2) Kinase
3) Phosphatase
4) Oxido-reductase
5) ATPase
1) Polymerase: Catalyzes polymerization reactions such as the synthesis of DNA and RNA
2) Kinase: Catalyses the addition of phosphate groups to molecules. Protein kinases are an important group of kinases that attach phosphate groups to proteins.
3) Phosphatase: Catalyses the hydrolytic removal of a phosphate group from a molecule.
4) Oxido-reductase: enzymes that catalyzes reaction where one molecule is oxidized while the other is reduced. E.g., oxidates, reductases, dehydrogenases.
5) ATPase: Hydrolyzes ATP. P
What are some types of enzymes involved in glycolysis?
What does mutase do (general and role in glycolysis)?
- Kinases
- Isomerase
- Dehydrogenase
- Mutase.
General -
Catalyzes the shifting of a chemical group from one position to another within a molecule.
Role in glycolysis -
The movement of a phosphate by phosphoglycerate mutase in step 8 helps prepare the substrate to transfer this group to ADP to make ATP in step 10.
What are possible explanations of stem cell plasticity?
- multiple stem cells
- cell fusion
- trans de-re-differentiation
- pluripotency
What are some problems of the use of human embryonic stem cells?
1) unsolved theoretical and experimental questions of the differentiation process
2) Moral and legal issues due to the use of aborted or supernumerary embryos
3) Limited number of available human stem cells
4) Expected MHC incompatibility.
Use of adult stem cells
I. Advantages
II. Disadvantages?
I). Multipotency
2). No MHC incompatibility
3) No or less ethical and legal problems
1) Rarity of adult stem cells
2) Unsolved theoretical and technical questions.
Name the stem cell types
A) embryonic stem cells
B) embryonic germ cells
C) umbilical cord blood stem cells
D) adult or tissue specific stem cells
What are stem cell markers?
Genes and their proteins used to isolate and identify stem cells.
CD15 is commonly used.
What are characteristics of the undifferentiated ES cells?
A) Pluripotency (they can differentiate all germ-layer -derived cell types
B) Clonogenicity
C) self-renewal
D) Expressino of Oct-4 transcription factor
E) Lack of G1 checkpoint
F) No X inactivation
What do you know about the location, the structure and the function of the nuclear lamina?
The nuclear lamina is located under the inner face of the bilayer nuclear
Nuclear lamina is composed of a meshwork of intermediate filaments. The proteins of this filaments are Lamin A, B and C. The nuclear lamina binds to chromatin to macromolecule complexes and to nuclear pores.
It also consists of nuclear lamina associated proteins. It provides structural support for the nuclear envelope and involves in
many cytological processes like replication, transcription, nuclear
organization, etc.
What is a Barr body?
A small, densely stained structure in the cell nuclei of females consisting of a condensed, inactive X chromosome.
What is the Hayflick limit?
Is the number of times a normal human cell population will divide before cell division stops.
What is epithelial-mesenchymal transition?
Local invasion (metastasis).
Cellular changes for the EMT, cancer cells of epithelial origin acquire mesenchymal features. EMT is required for:
- Invasion through the basal lamina
- Extracellular matrix degeneration (proteases)
- Moving through the extracellular matrix (focal adhesion).
How big is the human microbiom (bacteria)?
80-100 bigger than human genome: 10 to the power of 16.
Major functions:
- Production of short chain fatty acids
- Production of vitamins and co-factors: B12, folic acid and vitamin K.
- Inhibiting growth of patogenic organisms
- Degradation of plant and insect toxins
- Ontogenetic role (morphogenic effect)
- Educating the immune system
350 x ‘core’ human genome
80 000 bacteria in human body - they have 1-6000 genes each.
What are the principle steps of intrinsic asymmetric cell division?
1) Symmetry breaking
2) Polarity establishment
3) Determinant segregation
4) Spindle positioning
5) Distinct daughters
What two qualities does cell differentiation depend on?
Intrinsic factors: lineage, uneven distribution of receptors, transcription factors and asymmetrical division
Extrinsic factors: Positional identity, cell-cell interactions and cell-matrix interactions
What is the Warburg effect?
The observation that most cancer cells predominantly produce energy by a high rate of glycolysis followed by lactic acid fermentation in the cytosol, rather than by a comparatively low rate of glycolysis followed by oxidation of pyruvate in mitochondria as in most normal cells