Op Limits Flashcards
Maximum Torque
Takeoff / Max 100%
Transient 101% to 107% (5 Seconds)
Torque above 107% is indicative of a system malfunction
Maximum ITT
Idle 750°C
Takeoff / Max 820°C
Transient 821to 870°C (20 Seconds)
Idle 60 to 61% Ground, 67% (Min) Flight
Idle 46to50%
Takeoff / Max 100%, (100%+/- 2% PMU Off)
Avoid stabilized ground operations from 62 to 80% Np
Oil Pressure
Takeoff / Max 90 to 120 PSI
Aerobatics / Spins 40 to 130 PSI
Aerobatics / Spins (Idle) 15 to 40 PSI (5Sec)
Oil Temp
Takeoff / Max 10 to 105°C
Transient 106 to 110 °C (10 Min)
Maximum Fuel Flow
All Phased of flight 799 PPH
Prohibited maneuvers (1-6)
1.) Inverted Stalls
2.) Inverted Spins
3.) Aggravated spins past 2 turns
4.) Spins with the PCL above idle
5.) Spins with landing gear , flaps , or speed brake extended
6.) Spins with the PMU off
Prohibited maneuvers (7-11)
7.) Spins below 10,000 feet pressure altitude
8.) Spins above 22,000 feet pressure altitude
9.) Abrupt cross-controlled (snap) maneuvers
10.) Aerobatic maneuvers, spins, or stalls with greater than 50 pounds fuel imbalance
11.) Tail slides
Airspeed Limitations
Max Airspeed Gear and/or Flaps 150 KIAS
Max Operating Speed 316 KIAS or 0.67 Mach
Full rudder deflection above 150 KIAS will exceed the limits of the rudder control system
Starter Limit: 20 Seconds
Wait 30 Sec, 2 Min, 5 Min, 30 Min after each start/motoring attempt
Maximum ITT 871 to 1,000°C for 5 Sec
(Do Not Attempt Restart)
Maximum Oil Pressure 200 PSI
Minimum Oil Temperature -40°C
Minimum Battery Voltage 23.5 V
Normal Above 18,000 Ft MSL 3.6+/-0.2PSI
Overpressurization Safety Valve Opens 4.0PSI
Normal Recovery Fuel 200 Pounds
Minimum Fuel 150 Pounds (200 Pounds solo)
Emergency Fuel 100 Pounds
Minimum Fuel for Aerobatics 150 Pounds per side
Minimum Landing Distance Available (LDA) 4,000 Feet, or heavy weight flaps up landing ground roll plus 500 Feet, whichever is greater
Minimum Runway Width 75
Maximum Crosswinds
Dry Runway 25 Knots
Wet Runway 10 Knots
Icy Runway 5 Knots
Touch-and-Go 20 Knots
Formation Takeoff / Landing. 15 Knots
Maximum Tailwind Component for Takeoff .10 Knots
Maximum Wind with Canopy Open 40 Knots
Acceleration Limits
Symmetric Clean. -3.5 to 7.0 Gs
Symmetric Gear / Flaps. 0 to 2.5 Gs
Asymmetric Clean -1.0 to 4.7 Gs
Asymmetric Gear / Flaps 0 to 2.0 Gs
Intentional Spin Entry
Minimum Altitude for Entry 13,500 Feet MSL
Minimum Cloud Clearance 7,000 Feet above clouds
Maximum Icing Band 5,000 Feet
Maximum Icing Type light rime
Ground operation is limited to ambient temperatures of -23 to 43°C