Ontology Flashcards
An ontology defines a common vocabulary for people who need to share information in a domain.
It includes machine-interpretable definitions of basic concepts in the domain and relations among them.
5 Motivations to develop an ontology.
The need to:
- Share common understanding of the structure of information among people or software agents.
- Make domain knowledge explicit and reusable.
- Compare domains, applications, context.
- Facilitate collaboration.
- Provide a model to study a domain.
An ontology includes: (3)
- Classes (concepts, kinds, types, sorts of thing)
- Relationships (properties, roles)
- Instances (individuals)
Answers to the question “what kind of thing is this”
Classes define the main concepts in the domain.
Class hirearchy
A class can be:
- Superclass (parent) of another class.
- Subclass (child) of another class.
Every subclass inherits the characteristics of its superclass in the domain.
Multiple inheritance is usually allowed. E.g. SeaPlane can be both a Plane and WaterBorneVehicle, although neither of these two is a subclass of the other one.
Ontologies usually have individuals also called instances.
These are the specific objects we will see in our world. Every individual belongs to at least one class.
Individuals inherit the attributes of their class(es), and have specific values (that differentiate them from other individuals in the class).
OWL relationships
Called properties and are divided into those:
- between individuals (object properties), or
- relating an individual to a value (datatype properties, elsewhere often called attributes).
Relationships (4)
- Allow us to define classes (e.g. all individuals having certain properties)
- Specify the main attributes (by naming them and defining restrictions) which each individual in the class should have,
- Allow us to define links between classes,
- Can specify the link between two classes by naming it and defining restrictions.
Resource Description Framework
is a framework for representing information on the Web.
RDF is extensively used in providing linked data.
- RDF allows the representation of data about resources on the Web, and also about physical things in the real world, as well as about abstract ideas.
- You can start by thinking of RDF as a way of describing individual things and their relationships.
- RDF makes descriptions out of triples.
- A large collection of data is then a large network of nodes and links where every one of the links is the middle part of an RDF triple.
Uniform Resource Locator.
It means a Web Resource attress, including protocol (e.g. HTTP).
Uniform Resource Indicator
Includes URLs and resources having no location (e.g. urn:isbn:073727272 (a book)).
Could be a way of referring to a real world thing (e.g. a person).
Internationalized Resource Indicator.
Like URI but allows unicode.
RFC2396 resource
“A resource can be anything that has identity”
What does it mean to assert an RDF triple
To say that some relationship, indicated by the predicate, holds between the resources denoted by the subject and object.
The statement corresponding to an RDF triple is known as an RDF statement.
The predicate itself is an IRI and denots a property, that is, a resource that can be thought of as a binary relation.
Description Logic exists to describe two kinds of thing
- Concepts
- Roles
Description Logic
- A concept can be thought of as a set of things (its instances)
- The word ‘concept’ means the same as ‘class’ in this context.
E.g. Human, Pizza, Grandmother, MeatTopping
Description Logic
Can be thought of as a binary relation between things
E.g. hasTopping, isMotherOf, isGrandmotherOf
8 Ways in which concepts are built up
- Atomic concepts
- Universal concept
- Bottom concept
- Negated concept
- Concept intersection
- Concept union
- Universal value restriction
- Existential value restriction
Building concepts
Atomic concepts
Names of concepts, e.g. Human, Pizza
Building concepts
Universal concept
Instances are all things in the ontology.
Building concepts
Bottom concept
This is the class with no instances.
A.k.a. the empty concept
Building concepts
Negated concept
where C
is any concept.
Instances are things not in C