Introducing KRR Flashcards
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
… the representation of knowledge in a form suitable for computational manipulation and exchange,
… together with the use of reasoning
… to process knowledge represented in this way
… in order to both generate new knowledge and uncover properties of existing knowledge.
Resource Description Framework
A way to represent knowledge using triples.
(Subject, predicate, object)
Advantage of RDF
A set of triples forms a graph where the nodes are labelled by things that can be subjects or objects, and the directed links are labelled by predicates.
An engineering artifact, usually a model of (some aspect of) the world.
It introduces vocabulary describing various aspects of the domain being modelled and provides an explicit specification of the intended meaning of that vocabulary.
Web Ontology Language.
A W3C standard designed for the Semantic Web, and much more expressive than RDF.
The study of entailment (and syntax, semantics, rules of inference).
Propositional logic
The only things manipulated are propositions; things that are true or false.
First order logic
Besides statements that can be true or false, there are also individual things that the statements can refer to.
There is quantification over the collection of individuals.
That means you can say that all of them have some property, or that at least one of them has some property.
Higher order logic
Differs from first order logic by allowing quantification over sets of individuals (second order logic), or sets of sets, or sets of sets of sets, etc of the individuals. This can make some things easier to express at the expense of being more impractical to do than any computation.
Modal logics
These arose traditionally in expressing statements about propositions such as necessity and possibility.
Modal logics can be used to represent concepts such as an agent knowing something, a person believing something, someone being obliged to do something, one event happening in the future or the past of something else (temporal logics).
Non monotonic logics
In classical logic, adding new facts does not make something false that was previously true.
But in a log of human situations we do this in the sense of assuming things to be true that can be rejected after getting more information.
Compound proposition
A statement that consists of simpler propositions combined together.
Propositional logic builds statements out of: (3)
- Letters (or words) for atomic propositions, often called propositional variables or just variables
- The logical connectives
- Parentheses ‘(‘ and ‘)’ to avoid ambiguity.
5 Logical Connectives
- ∧ (and),
- ∨ (or),
- ¬ (not),
- → (implies / if – then –),
- ↔ (iff / – if and only if –).
Operator precedence
- ¬ (not),
- ∧ (and),
- ∨ (or),
- → (implies / if – then –),
- ↔ (iff / – if and only if –).