Oncology: General Overview Flashcards
General Signs and Symptoms of Cancer: CAUTION
C- change in bowel/bladder routine A- A sore that will not heal U- Unusual bleeding/discharge T- Thickening/lump develops I- Indigestion or difficulty swallowing O- Obvious change in wart/mole N- Nagging cough/hoarseness
Primary Prevention
Screening high risk population
Elimination of modifiable risk factors
Natural agents to prevent cancer
Cancer vaccine
Secondary Prevention
Early detection
Selective preventative pharmacological agents (Tamoxifen)
Multifactorial risk reduction
Tertiary Prevention
Prevent disability that can occur secondary to cancer and its treatment
Manage symptoms
Limit complications
Epithelium Tumor Classification
Pigmented Cells Tumor Classfication
Malignant melanoma
Connective Tissues Tumor Classfication
Nerve Tissue Tumor Classification
Astrocytoma Glioma Neurilemma Sarcoma Neuroblastoma Retinoblastoma
Lymphoid Tissue Tumor Classification
Hematopoietic Tissue Tumor Classification
Myeloproliferative syndromes
Multiple myeloma
TNM Staging
T- size and extent of primary tumor
N- lymph node involvement
M- Presence of metastasis
Stage: Early malignancy that is present only in the layer of cells in which it began. For most cancers, this is referred to as carcinoma in situ
Stage 0
Stage: Malignancy limited to the tissue with no lymph node involvement or metastasis
Stage I
Stage: Malignancy spreading into adjacent tissues; lymph nodes may show signs of micrometastases
Stage II
Stage: Malignancy that has spread to adjacent tissue showing signs of fixation to deep structures. Lymph node involvement is high.
Stage III
Stage: Malignancy that has metastasized beyond the primary site
Stage IV
Treatment provided, in addition to other cure interventions, with the intention of preventing cancer recurrence
Differentiated cells
Cells that have matured from less specific to a more specific cell type
Abnormal development of cells or tissue that is often an early sign of neoplasia
increase in cell number that may be normal or abnormal depending on additional characteristics
A change in a cell from one type to another that may be normal or abnormal
Chemotherapy or radiation given prior to surgical oncology intervention
Undifferentiated cells
Cells which have not differentiated into a specific type (e.g. primitive, embryonic) or have no special structure or function