Oncology and Palliative Care (0-5%) Complete Flashcards
Screening for Breast Cancer:
“Average risk” guidelines
Age-based recommendations:
__ - ___yrs – Recommend FOR screening ____________ q___-___ yrs
Age-based recommendations:
50-74 yrs – Recommend FOR screening mammogram q2-3 yrs
Screening for Breast Cancer
“High-risk” guidelines
• Screen from ages ___-___ yrs with ____________________
Self-study: Genetics: BRCA 1 & 2
Screening for Lung cancer
Need ALL three
- Age ___-___ years*
- _____ pack-year* smoking history
- Current smoker or quit within the past ____ years
Need ALL three
- Age 55-74 years*
- ≥ 30 pack-year* smoking history
- Current smoker or quit within the past 15 years
Screening for Colorectal Cancer
Average risk = General population (CTFPHC 2016)
o Age __-__ – Screen with _______ q ___ yrs OR ______ q___ yrs
o Recommend AGAINST using ________ as a screening test in average risk
Increased risk (CAG 2018)
o _____ First-degree relative with colon cancer OR advanced adenoma
o Age ___-___ yrs or ___ yrs before earliest age of relative’s diagnosis (whatever is youngest) - Screen with _______ q__-__ yrs
Average risk = General population (CTFPHC 2016)
o Age 50-74 – Screen with FIT or gFOBT q2 yrs OR Flex sigmoidoscopy q10 yrs
o Recommend AGAINST using colonoscopy as a screening test in average risk
Increased risk (CAG 2018)
o ≥ 1 First-degree relative with colon cancer OR advanced adenoma
o Age 40-50 yrs or 10 yrs before earliest age of relative’s diagnosis (whatever is youngest) - Screen with colonoscopy q5-10 yrs
Screening for Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Whom to screen?
Screening test – ______ q ________
o DO NOT screen Pts with _________, unless ___________
Whom to screen?
High-risk populations (either of…)
o All patients with cirrhosis, regardless of age/etiology
o Hep B carrier (sAg +) AND…
§ Asian males ≥40, Asian females ≥50
§ African or North American blacks ≥20 yrs
§ FHx of HCC in 1st-degree relative (start at
age 40)
§ CASL = All HIV co-infected patients (start at
age 40)
§ AASLD= All Hep D co-infected patients
Screening test – Ultrasound q6 months
o DO NOT screen Pts with Childs-Pugh C cirrhosis, unless awaiting liver transplant
Screening for Cervical Cancer (CTFPHC)
• Screening population
o Women ages ___- ___ –> Screen with ____________ q ______
• Screen with ____________ q ______
• STOP screening at age ____ AND _____ negative tests in the last ____ yrs
Screening for Cervical Cancer (CTFPHC)
• Screening population
o Women ages 25-69 – Screen with cervical cytology q3 years
• Screen with pap test cervical cytology q3 yrs
• STOP screening at age ≥70 AND ≥ 3 negative tests in the last 10 yrs
Esophageal cancer screening?
Esophageal (CTFPHC 2020) - Do NOT screen for cancer or dysplasia/ Barrett’s in chronic GERD without alarm symptoms
– Does not apply to patients with alarm symptoms (dysphagia, odynophagia, weight loss, anemia, bleed, loss of appetite)
– Does not apply to patients with previously diagnosed Barrett’s
Breast Cancer: Diagnostic Workup
Relevant Biology
• KNOW- Breast Cancer mainly grows on __________ or _________
• Imaging __________
• Biopsy/Markers __________ + __________
Mastitis not responding to antibiotics -> Next step? ________________ to rule out ________
Once Confirmed Localized Breast Cancer -> Move to ____________
*If receiving COVID vaccine, attempt mammogram/ultrasound ______ or _______ to avoid ______________
Breast Cancer: Diagnostic Workup
Breast Cancer: Initial Localized Management
Bottom Line for early stage Breast CA: _____________ or ___________ + _____________
Breast Cancer: Staging
Staging Post Surgery- Do they need imaging?
and which imaging?
Breast Cancer: Adjuvant Therapy
Indications for adjuvant anti-estrogen therapy
• __________________
o Pre-menopausal – _______ x ______ years
o Post-menopausal – _______ x ______ years
Indications for adjuvant chemotherapy**
• ___________________
• ___________________
• ___________________
• ___________________
Breast Cancer: Metastatic Management
- Hormone receptor (ER/PR) +
___________ - HER-2 +
___________ - Triple Positive
_______________ - Triple Negative (ER/PER/HER-2 -)
Breast Cancer: Metastatic Management
- Hormone receptor (ER/PR) +
o Endocrine therapy + CDK 4/6 inhibitor (e.g. Letrozole + Palbociclib) - HER-2 +
o Double HER-2 blockade (Trastuzumab + Pertuzumab) + chemotherapy (Taxane) - Triple Positive
o Double HER-2 blockade (Trastuzumab + Pertuzumab) + chemotherapy (Taxane) + Endocrine therapy - Triple Negative (ER/PER/HER-2 -)
o Immunotherapy (for PD-L1+ disease)
o Chemotherapy
Breast Cancer Treatment Side Effects
Side effects of Tamoxifen?
Side effects of Aromatase inhibitor?
Side effect: Irreversible cardiomyopathy?
Side effect: Reversible cardiomyopathy?
Breast Cancer: Antiresorptive therapy
Which ones to use?
Role in adjuvant?
Role in Metastatic?
Survival benefit?
Breast Cancer: Surveillance
• ____________________________
• Recommend AGAINST ____________________________
Lifestyle modifications after breast cancer (CMAJ 2017)
__________ = reduced breast cancer mortality
Breast Cancer: Surveillance
• Annual mammogram, history, physical & breast exam
• Recommend AGAINST surveillance blood work, bone scan, CT scans
• Lifestyle modifications after breast cancer (CMAJ 2017)
o Exercise (150 mins/wk = reduced breast cancer mortality)