Oncology Flashcards
2 types of cancer
- Solid tumors
2. Hematologic malignancies
Types of solid tumors
- Sarcomas
2. Carcinomas
Begin in connective tissues
Originate from epithelial tissues
Epithelial tissues
Line organs
Which race has the greatest risk for cancer?
African Americans, then caucasians
Primary prevention of cancer
Prevention with modifying risk factors (lifestyle, vaccines)
Secondary prevention of cancer
Screening to detect cancer early (breast exams)
What days of the menstrual cycle are best for doing the breast self exam?
7-12, after the period is just about over. Not before, because they will be swollen. If breasts have been removed, tell them to do the same day each month.
Who should get clinical breast exams?
Yearly for women over 40, every three years for ages 20-39
Client teaching before mammogram
No lotion, powder, deoderant (can be picked up as a Ca deposit which would mean cancer), two views of each breast
When should pap smears be performed?
Beginning at age 21 and done every 3 years if there have been no problems
When should colonoscopies be performed?
Every 10 years beginning at age 50
When should fecal occult blood be tested?
Yearly beginning at age 50, unless previous family history
When should testicular exams be performed?
Yearly at the clinic, monthly at home (testicular tumors grow fast)
What age is most at risk for testicular cancer?
15-36, so teach self exams early
When should digital rectal exams for prostate specific antigens be checked?
Yearly for men over 50
Tertiary prevention of cancer
Focuses on management of long term care for pts with complex treatments of cancer. (Support groups, rehab programs)
Change in bowel/bladder habits A sore that doesn't heal Unusual bleeding/discharge Thickening or lump in breast/elsewhere Indigestion/difficulty swallowing Obvious change in wart or mole Nagging cough/hoarseness
Low WBC count, leads to infection
When cancer invades the bone marrow, what can happen?
Anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia
Extreme wasting and malnutrition
1 symptom of clients complaining of with cancer
Extreme fatigue
CBC with diff
Tells the # of different WBC in the blood
With cancer, what are you most concerned about with a CBC?
With blood tests, there will also be elevated liver enzymes (AST, ALT, tells if the liver is being damaged) and tumor markers (found at higher than normal levels in the blood, also called bio markers)
How is lung cancer diagnosed?
Teaching for bronchoscopy
NSP re and NOP until gag reflex returns, watch for respiratory depression, hoarseness, dysphagia, or SQ emphysema (feels like rice krispies sound)
Is it normal or abnormal to have respiratory depression when returning from a bronchoscopy?
Abnormal, respiratory depression is different than a decreased respiratory rate
Best time to get a sputum specimen
1st thing in the morning
How to get a sputum specimen
Sterile specimen, pt should wash mouth out with water to decrease the bacteria count in the mouth, don’t let their mouth touch the cup.
Do this before a bronchoscopy because it’s less invasive.
You can get one from a trach if they have one
Total laryngectomy
Removal of vocal cords, epiglottis, thyroid cartilage
Care post op for laryngectomy
Mid-Fowlers, they will have permanent trach or laryngectomy.
NG feeds to protect the suture line (peristalsis can disrupt sutures)
Monitor drains to prevent fluid accumulation
Frequent oral care to decrease bacteria in mouth (NPO pts tend to get pneumonia)
What do you watch for post op laryngectomy?
Carotid artery rupture (hemorrhage), rupture of the innominate artery (bleeds massively from trach) (Go to OR immediately)
When to hyper oxygenate when suctioning trach
Before and after
When do you stop advancing the catheter when suctioning a trach?
When you meet resistance or when the client coughs
When do you suction a trach?
On the way out, intermittent, no longer than 10 seconds
What to watch for while suctioning a trach
Arrhythmias, vagal nerve stimulation (HR drops, not hypoxic bc with hypoxia HR goes up, this is how you will know it’s the vagus nerve)
What to do if you suspect vagal nerve stimulation while suctioning a trach?
Stop suctioning, hyperoxygenate
When the trach client leave the hospital, what covers the trach?
A bib will act like a filter since they aren’t using their nose as a filter, don’t use plastic or anything with fibers
Laryngectomy tube
Smaller around than a trach, not as long, for long term use, they go home on them
How do pts breathe with a total laryngectomy?
Through the stoma
How do pts with a total laryngectomy talk?
Use an electrolarynx, blom-singer device is commonly used
What can the client do with a total laryngectomy?
Not whistle
Not drink through a straw
Can smoke, not recommended
Can’t swim
Cancer staging
Classifies the size of tumor (T),
If lymph nodes are involved (N)
Presence of metastasis (M)
Trick for situating clients
Highest position that isn’t high fowlers
Cancer grading
Compares the cancer cells with the parent cell they evolved from. The less they look like the parent tissues, the more aggressive. 1-4 grade scale. 4 being the worst
Goals of treatment for cancer
Adjuvant therapy
When two therapies are used together
Neoadjuvant therapy
Time specific therapy, one before the next
Chemo or radiation may be used before removal surgery to shrink the size of a tumor
Removal of breast tissue, can be partial or total (radical)
Hemovac or Jackson-Pratt drains
Reconstruction of breasts
Can be done with mastectomy or at a later time.
They will have an abdominal surgical site (most common site for adipose tissue harvesting)
What to check for after mastectomy
Bleeding, check front and back dressings for pooling of blood (pooling could be inside tissues)
How to care for and educate a patient if lymph nodes were removed with a mastectomy
- Avoid procedures on arm affected forever
- No constriction, BPs, elastic shirts, watches, IV, injections on affected side
- Wear gloves when gardening, watch small cuts, no nail biting, no sunburn
Post op mastectomy
Brush hair, squeeze tennis balls, wall climbing, flex and extend elbow to promote new/collateral circulation