Oncology Flashcards
What are the cancer screening principles?
- must be an important health problem
- latent or early symptomatic stage
- natural history, development from latent to declared disease, adequately understood
- test must be suitable with a high level of accuracy
- test acceptable to the population
- accepted treatment
- facilities for the diagnosis and treatment
- agreed policy who to treat
- cost should be economically balanced in relation to possible expenditure on medical care
- continuing process, not a once and for all
What is the immediate management of SVC obstruction?
- Dexamethasone 8mg BD
- PPI cover
- oxygen
What is the definitive management of SVC obstruction?
- stent
- radiotherapy
- chemotherapy
What is the mangement of VTE in cancer?
- D dimer is not useful as raised anyway
- DOAC (apixaban)
What are the issues with a doac in cancer?
- can interact with chemo
- higher risk of GI bleed
When should you think of neutropenic sepsis?
- Recent chemo with any of: Fever >38, hypothermia<36, chills, shivers, sweats, any indication of infection
- SIRS/sepsis with neutropenia <1/0.5
What is the management of neutropenic sepsis?
- sepsis 6
- broad spectrum antibiotics within 1 hour of presentation
- screen for source
- monitor FBC daily
- IV piperacillin/tazobactam 4.5g 6 hourly
- van IV if MRSA suspected
- IV gent if NEWS≥7 or less than 7 but currently chemo or stem cell transplant
What is the tissue diagnosis for brain mets?
- Neurosurgery
- CT guided biopsy
What is the immediate management of brain mets?
- Dexamethasone 8mg BD
- Advise not to drive
What is the definitive management of brain mets?
- Surgery
- radiotherapy
- chemotherapy
What cancers are the most likely cause of brain mets?
- lung
- renal cell
- breast
- melanoma
- GI cancer
What are the symptoms of brain mets?
- ICP symptoms
- neurological deficit
- seizure
What is the management of an obstructive hydrocephalus?
Titration of steroid in the context of cancer
- 25% every 3 days
- maintenance dose of 2-4mg OD if required
- If seizure then add levetiracetam
What are the most common causes of bone mets?
- breast cancer
- prostate
- lung
- myeloma
Immediate management of malignant spinal cord compression
- MRI whole spine
- Dexamethasone 8mg BD
- PPI protection
- analgesia
- laxative
- contact oncolgy on call
What is the definitive management of spinal cord compression
- surgery
- radiotherapy
- chemotherapy