Oncology 1- Paulson Flashcards
What is the mc cause of CA in men?
What is the mc cause of CA in women?
What is the mc cause of CA in men & women?
T/F: The CA stage is what it is at the time of diagnosis?
Ex: Stage II breast CA that went away and came back then spread to bones = stage 2 breast CA with metastasis to bones
Tx means….
Tumor can’t be measured
T0 means….
Tumor can’t be found
Tis means….
In situ (stage 0) hasn’t spread anywhere
T1-T4 means…
Describes tumor size and spread to adjacent structures
Nx means…
Nodes can’t be evaluated
N0 means…
No nodal involvement
N1-N3 means…
Describes size, location, and/or # lymph nodes involved
M0 means…
No distant metastasis
M1 means…
There are distant metastasis
What are the mc bone metastasis?
“PT Barnum Loves Kids”
Prostate, thyroid, breast, lung, kidney
Patients with bone metastases can be ________ or involve significant _____
asymptomatic, pain
Patients with this type of CA may present with hypercalcemia, bone fractures, pain and spinal cord compression
bone mets
What imaging might you do in a patient with bone mets?
Depends on primary tumor and location of pain
Xray, CT, PET, bone density