On RBT Flashcards
Variable Ratio
Describes an unpredictable ratio of responses prior to the delivery of a reinforcing stimulus.
Ex. grandma loves the slots in Vegas! On average every 30th pool of the slot machine results in a small cash payout. Sometimes the pay out occurs on the 15th pool sometimes on the 45th on average payout occurs every 30 pulls on the slot machine. 
SD (Discriminative stimulus) The presence of the SD correlates with the availability of a reinforcer
MO (Motivating operation) alters the value of a consequence from moment to moment
EO (Establishing operations) increase the value of a consequence, whereas an AO parentheses abolishing operation parentheses decreases the value of a consequence overtime
7 Dimensions of ABA
Applied: deal with the problems of demonstrated social importance.
Behavioral: deal with measurable behavior
Analytic: require an objective demonstration that the procedures caused the effect.
Technological : I described well enough that they can be implemented by anyone with training and resources.
Conceptual Systems: arise from a specific and identifiable, theoretical base rather than being a set of packages or tricks.
Effective; strong, socially important effects.
Generality: design from the outset to operate in new environments and continue after the formal treatments have ended.
Types of Verbal operants
Mand: a verbal operant under the control of a motivating operation. 
Tact: Tact’s are under the antecedent and control of non-verbal stimuli ( pictures, things, etc., but not written words or text) tax are reinforced by generalized reinforcements
Task Analysis
Is used by behavior analysis to break down a complicated task into a more easily accomplishable sequence of steps
MSWO(Multiple stimulus without replacement)
Preference assessment commonly used by analysis to generate hierarchies preferences for individuals whose preferences may be unclear or difficult to determine.
Operation, response or behavior definition should meet the following criteria
Objective, clear, complete, concise
Conditioned reinforcers
Gain their reinforcing properties through pairing with other conditioned or unconditioned reinforcers 
Unconditioned reinforcers
Things that satisfy a biological needs such as food, sleep water, and other things that satisfy a biological homeostatic need. These are not learned rather our bodies are hardwired to react to these stimuli as reinforces due to their importance to the function of our bodies
First to the abolishing operation on the value of a specific stimulus created by overexposure to that stimulus.
Antecedent stimulus indicates that reinforcement is available for a given behavior
Differential reinforcement
The provision of reinforcement only the opera, appropriate response( or behavior you wish to increase )
and applying extinction to all other responses 
Involves the repeated presentation of the same SD with prompting provided if needed to vocal specific response. This is a frequently done to promote the acquisition of a condition discrimination by repeated exposure to a reinforcing contingency.
Classical conditioning AKA…
Or pavlovian conditioning or respondent conditioning
Who is the founder of radical behaviorism?
B. F. Skinner was a pioneer who founded radical behaviorism.
Response latency
The delay between a specific stimulus and a response
Skinner described verbal behavior, according to… 
Function of the behavior over the form
Cumulative records
Displays a total of behaviors that have occurred over a certain time period. special thing to note about records that they never decrease because they each point on the graph is always one more than the previous.