OM - GB335 - Chapter 3 Flashcards
Project Management Activities
- Planning
- Scheduling
- Controlling
Project Planning
Establishing objectives Defining project Creating work breakdown structure Determining resources Forming Organization
The Role of the Project Manager
Responsible for making sure that:
1. all necessary activities are finished in order and on time
2. The project comes in within budget
3. The project meets quality goals
4. The people assigned to the project receive motivation, direction, and information
Work breakdown Structure
- Project
- Major tasks
- Sub-tasks
- Activities
Project Scheduling
identifying precedence relationships sequencing activities determining activity times and costs estimating material and worker requirements determining critical activities
Purpose of project scheduling
- shows the relationship of each activity to others and the whole project
- identifies the precedence relationships among activities
- Encourages the setting of realistic time and cost estimates for each activity
- helps make better use of resources by identifying critical bottlenecks in the project
Project Management Techniques
Gantt Chart
CPM (Critical Path Method)
PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique)
6 Steps PERT & CPM
- Define the project and prepare the work breakdown structure
- Develope relationships among the activities
- Draw the network connecting all of the activities
- Assign time and/or cost estimates to each activity
- Compute the longest time path through the network (this is called the critical path)
- Use the network to help plan, schedule, monitor, and control the project
8 questions PERT & CPM can answer
- when will the entire project be completed?
- What are the critical activities or task in the project?
- which are the noncritical activities?
- What is the probability the project will be completed by a specific date?
- is the project on/behind/ahead of schedule?
- is the money spent equal/less/more than the budget?
- Are there enough resources available to finish the project on time?
- if the project must be finished in a shorter time, what is the way to accomplish this at least cost?
Determining the project schedule
Perform a Critical Path Analysis
- the critical path is the longest path through the network
- the critical path is the shortest time in which the project can be completed
- any delay in critical path activities delays the projects
- critical path activities have no slack time
Variability in Activity Times
3 time estimates are required:
Optimistic time
Pessimistic time
Most likely time
Project Crashing
shortening the duration of the project
Advantages of PERT/CPM
- useful when scheduling and controlling large projects
- straightforward concept and not mathematically complex
- graphical networks help highlight relationships among project activities
- critical path and slack time analyses help pinpoint activities that need to be closely watched
- project documentation and graphics point out who is responsible for various activities
- applicable to a wide variety of projects
- useful in monitoring not only schedules but costs as well
Limitations of PERT/CPM
- Project activities have to be clearly defined, independent, and stable in their relationships
- Precedence relationships must be specified and networked together
- Time estimates tend to be subjective and are subject to fudging by managers
- there is an inherent danger of too much emphasis being placed on the critical path