OM-B 2022 Flashcards
1) Shal all the wind limits (Airbus and Wizz Air) be considered, as including wind gusts/maximum wind speed ?
2) Operations on a Narrow Runway covered by “Compacted Snow” is not allowed. Which RWYCC limit applies in any other circumstances to calculate Xwind Limits ?
3) What is the definition of a Narrow Runway ?
4) What is the condition for both CPT and FO to be able to operate on a Narrow Runway?
5) Describe the company limitations for ground manoeuvring:
- while taxing on a runway
- on straight taxiways
- where a taxiway passes through a ramp area
- on normal taxiway turns
- for tight 90º turns or 180º turnarounds
6) Is the low speed end of the landing roll considered to be part of the rollout or the taxi ?
7) Turns to RETs/HST are designed for such a radius that they can be used up to what speed?
8) Describe the company IAS limitations.
9) During Descent, 250kt should be maintained below 5000FT AAL or ?
10) What does T FLEX MIN = to ?
11) What is the maximum distance from an Adequate Airport ?
12) Distance to an Adequate Airport is 380NM does this include WX suitability ? (1.5)
13) According to FCTM what is the standard drift down one engine inoperative speed to be used ?
14) During checklist reading should both pilots be responsible to verify that the item has been
completed correctly?
15) What are the 3 checklist that are completed silently by PM?
16) From when until when are headsets not required to be used?
17) Can the PM make system selection without the call of the PF, and in this case what should he do after ?
18) Usually the commander should make the first call to SCA after RVSM check, if that is not the case within how many minutes should the SCA contact the cockpit ?
19) What should the Commander tell the SCA during the first call after RVSM check ?
20) From when until when should the flight deck door be closed ?
21) Can position crew members fly in the flight deck at Commander’s discretion ?
22) After FL100 and what degree of PITCH shall the Commander decide to switch SEAT BELT SIGN OFF ?
23) What is the call to be made on the PA in case there is an urgent need to brief the SCA, unless EMER CALL button was pushed ?
24) During the final stages of a prepared on unprepared emergency landing, what calls should be made on the PA at 1500ft AGL, 500ft AGL and by who ?
25) Following a unprepared or prepared emergency landing or an emergency on the ground (ex.RTO) after parking brake is set, which call should be made by the flight deck and who makes the call ?
26) Following a unprepared or prepared emergency landing or a RTO what are the possible TWO calls that can be made from the Flight Deck on the PA once ECAM or Paper Checklist are completed ?
27) Should you rely on the Auto Callout during any approach for the call outs “ONE HUNDRED ABOVE” and “MINIMUM” ?
28) Explain the Altimeter Calls when setting STD or QNH ?
29) When should the call RATE be made ?
30) What call should be made 1000ft before reaching FCU ALT/FL?
31) Is that True that you should never attempt to select V/S or PUSH LEVEL OFF when ATL* mode is engaged during climbing or descent ?
32) When should you call RAD ALT ?
33) Auto Callout is based on Radio Altimeter, on what reference are stabilisation criteria based on ?
34) During an NPA with Minimum between 400ft and 600ft when would it be suggested to make the 500’ Call (Cleared to Land or Negative Clearance) ?
35) When should the PM make the call PAPI and what should be the PF answer ?
36) For how long should you keep the side stick take over push button if you want to claim control of the plane ?
37) Describe the Stabilisation Criteria for a Normal and Circling Approach ?
38) Short transition fluctuations of VAPP are acceptable beyond stabilisation criteria below 1000ft, caused by turbulence, sudden wind change or slow A/THR response, after such situation, what altitude should the approach be fully stable by ?
39) Is a 360º turn or an orbit allowed for the purpose of meeting stabilisation criteria’s ?
40) ATC may require a 360º turn or an orbit for traffic sequencing, what are the two cases by which such manoeuvre is allowed ?
41) Describe when is a Missed Approach/Go Around Mandatory ?
42) Is take off with FD off when FD are serviceable permitted ?
43) When requested OFF should FD be deselected simultaneously ?
44) Except for AP U/S what should hand flying be limited to ?
45) Define RAW DATA as per Airbus definition ?
46) Which altitude/FL should be set on the FCU when flying a STEP SID or STAR (with constraints) ?
47) Is a company requirement to use A/THR when …?
48) Which speed must be used when flying with Manual Thrust ?
49) Describe the position of the feet when landing with strong crosswinds(>20kts) or landing on slippery or contaminated runways to aid directional control with the use of auto-brake ?
50) Down to what altitude can AP stay connected to during a CAT I Approach ?
51) From when until when should tray tables be stowed?
52) In which way should you handle PB switches ?
53) In which way should you perform the flight control check ?
54) Which Cost Index (CI) should used for Diversion (all cases) ?
55) In case of Terrain in the vicinity while operating in/out of an airport, what is the set up of TERR on ND and WX on ND for PF and PM ?
56) In what case is it allowed to turn the WX on ND OFF ?
57) Do VOLMET or weather via ACARS replace ATIS ?
58) For altitude reporting for flights in RVSM from which side the altitude data must be taken from ?
59) What is the recommended set up of the TCAS during climb, cruise and descent ?
60) After passing which FL should all the radio frequencies be recorded on the OFP ?
61) What is the standard call for a Radio Check over 121.5 ?
62) In case of Loss of Communication, should you note down the last frequency and first frequency where communication was lost and then reestablished ?
63) What is the procedure in case Departure clearance is given during taxi (differently from receiving clearance pre-departure) ?
64) What should you do in case clearance to line up, enter/cross runway or take off clearance is received when the other pilot is not listening ?
65) What does the COM CHECK imply ?
66) Are you allowed to use the INT/RAD spring loaded switch instead of the “push to talk” trigger on the side stick ?
67) Is it permitted to tune VHF 1 with RMP 2 ?
68) Up to how many miles before TOD should calls to Handling Agent be attempted ?
69) Explain the Pack Flow Policy.
70) Explain the Cost Index Policy.
71) Is there any rule regarding minimum LDA for take-off alternate airport ?
72) For which Frequency Coverage does Wizz Air hold the approval when flying in NAT HLA ?
73) For how long can RNP10 be maintained in case of GPS PRIMARY LOST and No Ground Base Radio Navaid update is possible ?
74) What is the allowed and suggested amount to be taken extra, if while analysing the OFP you realise that some changes are possible in regard to fuel consumption due to a longer then expected SID/ STAR?
75) In case Tankering is suggested on the OFP, who will make the final decision if to carry such extra amount or not ?
76) Which critical parts of the Cockpit Preparation should never be interrupted ?
77) When the aircraft is cold, until when should no switching or power be connected to the electrical system ? (One thing from CPT side, one thing from PM side (could be either CPT or FO))
78) How long after switching on the GPU (EXT PWR: from AVAIL green to ON blue) should you wait to start the APU when entering an unpowered aircraft ?
79) When OAT is above 0º, delay the APU START and APU BLEED ON as long as…?
80) What is the only case when APU and GPU in parallel is permitted (otherwise usually not
recommended) ?
81) When OAT is below 0º why should you start APU + APU BLEED as soon as possible ?
82) In what position is the CAPT/CAPT & PURS switch for EVAC set on ?
83) What is the official procedure to check the Cooling Time by FADEC on the EWD ?
84) If Cooling Time is less than…..sec the Cooling Time is not displayed ?
85) In case of very long Cooling Time what procedure shows good airmanship ?
86) What is the minimum distance an aircraft should remain from a suitable diversion airport while flying in NAT HLA ? (=1 hour single engine diversion)
87) Which FL should be inserted in the FL/TMP field on the FMS INIT LOAD in case of a planned intermediate “step” CRZ FL (from OFP) ?
88) Why wind data should not be inserted in the PERF APPR page during FMGS Initialisation ?
89) Against what possible mistakes does the insertion of the destination QRH (during cockpit preparation )provide a safety net to ?
90) Which altitude should be inserted in the FCU while waiting to receive an official clearance ?
91) Why is the use of PBDs to built a pseudo EOSID not recommended ?
92) When reaching INIT-B, during cockpit preparation which ZFW and CG (standard) should be inserted ?
93) What is the Default Flap Setting for Take Off in Wizz Air ?
94) What is considered a Standard Take-Off ?
95) What should be “called” when briefing a SID or STAR ?
96) What is the degree tolerance between FMGS track and Chart when briefing a SID or STAR ?
97) A full emergency briefings should only be performed for the first sector, nevertheless which points should be highlighted during a short Emergency Briefing on following sectors ?
98) Resight the Emergency Briefing ?
99) What is the only case placing hands on thrust levers below 400ft AGL during an EO TO is allowed ?
100) What is the tolerance Track and Distance when flying in NAT HLA ?
101) What is Planned uplift Kg made by ? ( ? - ? = )
102) Which items should be cross checked on a Load and Trim Sheet ?
103) What does the Before Push Back Fuel Check involve ?
104) Should all the slides be armed before requesting Start Up ?
105) Until when the second engine should not be started ?
106) In case of de-icing after start (to remote stand) what is the the only item postponed after the selection of Engine Mode Selector Normal stating the beginning of the After Start Flow ?
107) If the aircraft has been parked in wet conditions for a long time, what can you expect during the first brake application (Brake Check) ?
108) On straight taxiway and above what speed is rudder preferred over nose wheel steering use ?
109) What does Briefing “CONFIRMED” means ? (5 Items)
110) What is the recommended ND setting during Taxi ?
111) Is it allowed for the PM to record complicated taxi instructions on the MCDU scratchpad ?
112) As turning the Taxi Light ON and OFF to indicate stop of aircraft movement is only regulated by the FAA, what practise should you use in terms of Taxi Light lifetime ?
113) During Taxi, PF should normally set Thrust Lever to EPR not higher than….., if this thrust is insufficient PF may increase thrust further to maximum….% N1 ?
114) Should additional runway margin be considered when performing a 180º turn on Wet or Contaminated runway ?
115) What type of thrust and braking should you use if a 180º turn is required on a runway with minimum turn radius ?
116) For a A320 180º turns of a runway may be performed on a Narrow Runway, what about the A321 ?
117) When a radar heading is issued by ATC prior take off, what function should be set on FCU ?
118) Whenever a flight is cleared for visual departure or direct (instead of SID) which function on MCDU should never be used ? And what instead ?
119) What would happened to the FMGS data if a DIRECT TO was executed on the ground ?
120) What should you do before lining up for a LVO departure if the RWY is ILS supported ?
121) If you have been cleared to line up and no delay has been notified by ATC, after how many
minutes should you notify being ready to ATC ?
122) What does being “READY” (for departure) actually means ?
123) How many degrees within the runway should you be before applying initial stabilisation values (Thrust) ?
124) Until what speed should the PM call “THRUST SET” ?
125) Except during a SPECIAL EFP, a turn should never be made before …AGL ?
126) When is a Rolling Take Off not allowed ?
127) What should you do if the FMA is blank after applying FLEX and still blank/wrong after applying TOGA ?
128) Describe the associated procedure with a RTO with or without RETURN TO RAMP ?
129) During an RTO PM should make the 70kts call ONLY…?
130) What is the difference between NADP 1 and NADP A ?
131) Why should you be careful of a late switch from QNH to STD setting in case the QNH value is significantly below STD value ?
132) Should you intentionally trigger the FLAP AUTO-RETRACTION function ?
133) No paperwork should be done until FL…?
134) What is the maximum gradient climb speed ?
135) What is the maximum ROC EO speed ?
136) What is the maximum ROC All Engines speed ?
137) Is it allowed for the pilot monitoring ATC on VHF1 to also listening on VHF2 (WX) ?
138) Is it permitted for the pilot transmitting/receiving on VHF2 to monitor VHF1 on reduce volume ?
139) Once Cruise is reached what is worth to do and discuss about ?
140) The A/THR system can result in slow thrust response during rapidly changing wind direction/speed or orographic turbulence encountered when flying above mountainous areas resulting in either rapid speed loss (even
141) Should you enter a Holding if Oceanic Clearance cannot be obtained prior entry to NAT ?
142) Oceanic FIR is RNP10. What should be entered in the “REQUIRED” value field of navigation accuracy in case GPS PRIMARY LOST? And what should you do if nevertheless ACCURACY becomes LOW ?
143) What call should be made from the Flight Deck in case of Turbulence encounter where safety of Cabin Crew is at risk ?
144) Explain the all the time “head up” during FMGS arrival preparation ?
145) What should be checked in regard to calculated VAPP if gusty crosswind are expected for the landing ?
146) What could happen if diverting to ALTN only once the minimum destination fuel has been reached ?
147) Should you inform SCA if an LVO is expected ?
148) During the Approach FMGS Preparation, should you enter the gust value for the wind from ATIS or ATC ? For example if reported wind is 150/20/30 which value should be considered ?
149) What should be remembered in terms of company V/S restrictions when descending(or climbing) with Managed Mode (DES or CLB) ?
150) What is the danger of initiating a MANAGED DESCENT after overflying the descent point ?
151) What is the minimum Flap selection for the CABIN READY button to be active on FAP (Cabin) ?
152) If the CABIN READY button on FPA has been pressed by SCA, when will the ECAM LDG MEMO - CABIN turn green ?
153) If all reasonably attempts of the crew failed to achieve a “secured” status of the cabin, may the Commander decide to land (with an unsecured cabin) ?
154) If no “cabin secured” status has been reported by SCA, and there is still enough time before landing (above stabilisation altitude) can the flight deck seek confirmation by calling SCA ?
155) When is approach checklist usually called and in what situation should it be called again even if previously completed ?
156) Until when should Approach Phase not being manually activated ?
157) To reduce flap wear and minimise the possibility of exceeding VFE, when is the best time to select flaps ? (flaps/slats are non intended to be used for aircraft deceleration)
158) Is it allowed to fly lower speed than the manoeuvring speed for the actual flap configuration ?
159) Flying lower speed than the manoeuvring speed for the actual flap configuration is allowed, this is part of the “unstable speed range” of the flight envelope. What is the downside of doing that ?
160) What should you do in case the aircraft is not decelerating as anticipated prior to, or after intercepting the glide slope, rather than using speed breaks with Flaps >1 ?
161) What should you do if following approach chart speeds or ATC speeds could lead to a possible unstabilized approach ?
162) List the methods which can be used in case of a potential overspeed during approach ?
163) What danger could be faced, if not enough speed margin above F speed for final turns requiring an heading change of Above 45º ?
164) In case of FPL sequencing required during approach what standard calls should be used ?
165) Is it allowed to momentarily set THR LEVERS above CLB detent in case of unsatisfactorily A/THR performance?
166) What is the lowest altitude AAL by which F2 should be out ?
167) What type of configuration management should you consider when facing the following
• high landing weight (above 60t)
• Aircraft with sharklets
• Tailwind on final
• Turbulence caused by thermals associated with convective weather
• Nonstandard, steeper than normal G/S
168) On approaches where Minima is referenced to BARO should you rely on the auto-Callout, for the “100 ABOVE” and “MINIMUM” call ?
169) If PF announces “VISUAL” are the “100 ABOVE”, “MINIMUM” or altitude with distance call still necessary ?
170) What is the risk when initiating a Go-Around at or above the altitude selected on the FCU?
171) What is the best practise to avoid Altitude Bust, if deciding to perform a Go-Around initiated at or above the altitude selected on the FCU?
172) When performing a Go-Around should TOGA always initially be applied?
(2.12.20) (unless is a Discountinued Approach)
173) Should you consider Manual Thrust in case during a Go-around Speed Trend may exceed VFE ?
174) Is selection of V/S allowed if SRS is engaged ?
175) Is the selection of V/S or “push to level off” allowed when ALT* is engaged?
176) What are the possible reasons to reject a landing which was previously judged achievable?
177) Describe how a go-around below minima should be handle regarding “rotation rate” and flap selection?
178) What are the best interception degrees for ILS approach (especially Manually Flown RAW DATA) to avoid overshooting, especially if initiating the turn only once LOC needle starts inward movement? (30º-45º-60º-etc)
179) Is the use of “step down descent” for NPA allowed?
180) When performing a VOR NPA should you hard tune the NAVAID or soft tune is good enough?
181) What is the best ND selection display on PM side to be able to call deviation when performing a VOR NPA?
182) What is it adviced to do in regard to GPWS, when performing a LOC approach using ILS equipment? (G/S U/S or not intended to be used)
183) If GPS PRIMARY is active instead of “timing” which recommended spacing distance maybe used when of downwind with ND ROSE, while performing a Circling Approach?
184) Does the standard procedure for a missed-approach during Circling (as per OMA) precludes the Commander for an alternative strategy (if briefed and coordinated by ATC) ?
185) Unless differently specified what is the standard go-around altitude to be set on the FCU ?
186) If the standby attitude indicator fails during a CAT3B approach is a miss-approach mandatory?
187) What is the WX requirement to perform a Practise CAT3B approach with Autoland?
188) Are the pre-flight planning requirements still valid once the aircraft commences the flight?
189) Is it advisable for the Commander to retain some fuel margin above Final Reserve to allow for contingency at final destination when adopting a COMMIT TO LAND procedure?
190) What is the difference between selecting ENABLE ALTN and NEW DEST function on the FMGC when performing a Diversion?
191) What should be done if difficulty in directional control is experienced during the landing rollout?
192) What are the advantages of landing with FLAP3, in what WX condition is it recommended and not recommended?
193) Is it true that an overweight landing will always require an overweight maintenance inspection?
194) An Overweight Landing will always require post maintenance inspection, is this more outlying than burning fuel to be able to land within limits?
195) If the approach was made in icing conditions, or if the runway was contaminated with slush or snow, until when should you wait before retracting the flaps/slats?
196) In exceptional cases are you allowed to disregard the 3 min engine cooling time for CEO aircraft?
197) Should you consider Single Engine Taxi when contaminated or slippery taxiway or parking
198) When is Single Engine for A321 not advised and when it is?
199) Below what N1 percentage can the Beacon be switched OFF, at parking stand?
200) After which checklist is the Commander allowed to open the cockpit entry door?
201) Which ECAM page and standard call must CM1 said to SCA to authorise disembarkation?
202) Describe the standard Chocks configuration?
203) Describe the additional Standard Chocks configuration in case of night/long stay and/or during severe weather conditions or wind speed exceeding 25kts?
204) If it is the last flight of the day and no maintenance is taking over the plane, what should be done before the Commander signs the AFL?
205) If the Brake temperature is very high, should the Commander anyway place the Parking Brake On before closing the plane?
206) Since Alternate planning is Runway specific, will any change in runway at Destination or Alternate require adjustment of the ALTN fuel calculation?
207) Explain what is a FUEL ALTERNATE.
208) Explain what is a COMMERCIAL ALTERNATE.
209) Which alternate is usually selected at planning stage when risk of diversion is low?
210) Which alternate is usually selected at planning stage when risk of diversion is high?
211) When two alternates are required can one of them be a FUEL ALTERNATE?
212) What consideration should be made when there is a possibility of high number of diversion at busy airports?
213) CONT99 has an historical data based on fuel consumption monitoring for each route/aeroplane combination over how many years ?
214) Explain the TANKERING procedure and what considerations to be made to finally decide if to tanker more, less or amount stated on OFP?
215) What is a safe margin from MLW when TANKERING?
216) When should you consider intersection take off if lower FLEX is more than 5 degrees?
217) Optimum flight level is defined as flight level at which the balance of fuel consumption and flight time is the most economical. Within how many feet from Optimum FL (above or below) should you fly?
218) What does the selection of Optimum Flight Level depends on?
219) By inserting what datas can the FMGS give a more accurate calculation than OFP in regard to Optimum FL?
220) On a flight with a route longer than 350NM GCD, when is it advised to use the OFP Optimum FL and when the FMGS?
221) What is the most economical V/S during an early descent?
222) In what position should the cockpit door be left during a ferry flight with no occupants, and why?
223) Which door should be armed and disarmed by the Commander on a ferry flight with no occupants and when should so be done?
224) A MASTER WARNING requires immediate action, but does not take priority over….?
225) A MASTER CAUTION (level 2) requires crew action when ….?
226) A CAUTION (level 1) requires only….?
227) If any OEB is applicable, who calls OEBs and at what point during the Abnormal Operation
228) Should you dismiss completely OEBs with ECAM ENTRY: NONE?
229) When Engine Failure during take off happens, after what altitude and action should the PM announce the title of the failure?
230) Explain F-DODAR.
231) Describe the different procedure into preparing an approach if AP is available or when NOT available?
232) Describe which situations can fall under the list of Abnormal?
233) FCOM review during Abnormal/Emergency situations is advisable only after …?
234) Can you consider a ECAM Warning no longer applicable if during the procedure it disappears?
235) During in flight emergency operations Thrust Lever should never be operated by PM and guarded switches always require PF confirmation, does the same apply when on the ground?
236) RED ASAP means? AMBER ASAP means?
237) Explain the definition of a MAYDAY call and how to make one?
238) Explain the definition of a PANPAN call and how to make one?
239) Asking updates to ATC, keeping high situational awareness of time, weather and fuel is of most important, would you agree?
240) What should you do if after a bird strike there is an obvious sign of Engine Damage?
241) Describe the signs of Engine Damage following a Bird Strike?
242) How is it advisable to react during those situations following a Bird Strike?
- Severe engine damage
- Strong engine vibration
- Known or suspected airframe damage or engine damage
- Damaged windshield
- Known or suspected strike to Air Data and AOA sensors
- Bird Strike during approach or landing
243) Which equipment should you check after a Lightning Strike?
244) Explain NITS briefing.
245) Should a NITS briefing be repeated back?
246) During an Emergency Landing, which calls should be made at 1500ft AGL, 500ft AGL, once on the ground and Parking Brake is set?
247) During Take Off, above 100kts, should pilots stop for Electrical Failures?
248) Below which speed does the Autobrake become inoperative?
249) Which items must be completed for a new departure after a RTO WITHOUT Return to Ramp ?
250) Will the cabin crew wait for the Commander order to initiate an evacuation in case the aircraft has suffered major structural damage ?
251) What should be communicated and coordinated with ATC before a landing during an emergency situation ?
252) Is it true that while performing the Emergency Evacuation checklist the shut down of engine and APU may require reselection of VHF1 on ACP1 ?
253) After an Evacuation, who is the last person to leave the plane and is it possible from the rear door?
254) Is the “no call” policy until passing 400ft AGL applicable to all failures or just for Engine Failure procedure?
255) If during a EFATO on a straight flight path, which FCU selection should be made if NAV appear and what selection if RWY TK appears instead?
256) Explain the Standard and Special EFP.
257) What would happen if after exiting SRS mode (OP CLB) TOGA is selected with Slats still out?
258) If a FUEL LEAK is detected should you count the fuel in the affected tank still usable?
259) During an LVO approach, it is Airbus policy to go around if an ENG FAIL is experienced between 1000 - 100 ft RA, should you do the same if ENG FIRE is detected?
260) Engine-out go around (Missed Approach) does not factor in a level acceleration segment. What is the company policy? If the 10 min TOGA requirement is limiting ?
261) Explain why you should or should not consider relighting an engine if both the scenarios where landing is possible at short notice or not?
262) When the decision has been made who announces “Emergency Descent”?
263) What is the priority of manoeuvres for an Emergency Descent?
265) An ENG or APU fire has not been SECURED until the fire lights is ….?
266) Who makes the 1500ft AGL and 500ft AGL call during an Emergency Landing? PF or PM?
267) What signs can indicate a Windshear or Downburst?
268) In case of suspected faulty speed indications, which procedure should be followed when only one side is effected and when all sides are effected ? (PF,PM,ISIS)
269) During a Loss of Braking why is it important to limit the brake pressure application to 1000PSI?
270) In regard to HIJACK what does the non application of standard body cover procedure to enter the cockpit can indicate?
271) If a diversion is decided due to e medical emergency, which airports are preferred to used? Can the fly continue after disembarkation of effected pax?
272) In case of Cockpit incapacitation is it advised to use stairs of aerobridge once arrived at the stand?
273) What can be the causes for a Quick Disembarkation?
274) How many degrees of turn is assumed if obstacle clearance considerations require a turn before reaching clean manoeuvring speed?
275) What is the MORA obstacle clearance and within how many miles from route?
276) At what speed is the drift down procedure performed over mountainous areas where obstacle clearance can be an issue?
277) Explain the LMC procedure.