OM-A 2022 Flashcards
1) Reduced required minimum number of Cabin Crew?
2) Boarding with LESS than minimum Crew?
3) After a flight crew incapacitation can the crew member be reactivated for the same flight duty?
4) Bottle to Throttle? How many Hours?
5) Maximum Flight Duty Period? How to extend it?
6) How long should the crew be on board on a “cold” aircraft rotation and how long on standard rotation?
7) Does post flight duty (20min) count for the maximum FDP?
8) Explain the Sterile Cockpit concept?
9) During what stages of flight (including ground ops) should a PA NOT be made?
10) When can a flight be conducted below MSA?
11) Explain the Temperature Correction procedure, including Temperature Correction cause by
High Altitude and Wind speed?
12) Required RFFS CAT for A320, A321 and acceptable Downgrades?
13) Explain the RFFS Downgrade after Dispatch?
14) Does LPC_NG take off performance calculation take into account the loss of runway length due to alignment? And what type of alignment?
15) What is an Alternative Method to ensure the required missed approach gradient will be achieved ?
16) The landing mass of an aeroplane shall allow a full stop landing from 50ft above the threshold within 60% of LDA. Does this apply for any other Aerodrome (all types of Alternates) ?
17) What is the minimum screen height for a full stop landing in case of a steep approach?
18) Flights are approved to/from airports, which are listed on the OMC ARP Approved Airport list.
Where can you find this list?
19) Explain Take-off Minima.
20) What can a captain do to be able to commence take-off if the RVR/Vis is not reported?
21) When is a take off considered a LVTO?
22) What are the requirements for an LVTO with RVR below 150m but not less than 125m ?
23) What are the RVR/Vis for which Pilot Assessment for the initial part of the take-off run can be replaced both as an improvement or degradation?
24) For which RVR does the required value has to be achieved for all the relevant reported points(LVTO)?
25) Can Vis be converted to RVR for the purpose of calculating Take-off Minima?
26) Which one has priority between RVR and Vis?
27) At least one of which visual references do you need for a CAT I approach ?
28) Describe CAT II DH and RVR minima plus Visual Reference and Lateral Element?
29) Can a manual landing be planned for a CAT II approach and is this recommended by Wizz
30) Describe CAT III A DH and RVR minima plus Visual Reference?
31) Describe CAT III B DH/NO DH and RVR minima plus Visual Reference or none?
32) What does Relevant RVR for Take-off mean?
33) What does Relevant RVR for Landing mean?
34) Which RVR is always controlling ?
35) If all the 3 RVR are reported which one is/are controlling?
36) Explain the Approach Minima at Wizz Air?
37) What type of landing capability do you need once passing 1000ft?
38) Where can you find how to calculate the landing minima after a temporary failed or
downgraded ground equipment ?
39) Why do we increase MDA by 30’ in Wizz Air?
40) What are the 3 cases for which a conversion from Vis to RVR is not allowed?
41) Should the commander still consult the “Effect of temporary failed or downgraded ground
equipment on landing minima” chart after passing 1000ft AGL (other than a primary approach aid)?
42) What is the Circling Minima for Wizz Air and what is the lowest minima it can be reduced to ?
43) If during a Circling Approach visual contact is lost, which missed approach procedure should
you follow? The one from the runway intended for landing or the one from which initial instrument approach track we departed from? And in what case then should we follow another procedure?
44) In what situation can an aeroplane leave the visual manoeuvring circling area during a missed approach?
45) If performing a missed approach during a circling approach in what direction should all the turns be made? And what is allowed if the missed approach starts on downwind?
46) During a missed approach commenced during a circling approach who is responsible for Terrain Clearance, even if the missed approach was initiated by ATS?
47) Describe the Planning Minima for a Take Off Alternate Aerodrome?
48) Describe the Planning Minima for a Destination Aerodrome?
49) Describe the Planning Minima for all the type of Alternates?
50) What are the conditions for a Take Off Alternate if the Departure Aerodrome is not available?
51) At least One Destination Alternate Aerodrome should be selected unless….
52) When Two Destination Alternates must be selected ?
53) Once you are already in the air, what are the weather requirements for your Destination? ETA
- /+ 1 hour or only ETA is required ?
54) On IFR flights what are the weather requirements for ETA at Destination to be able to continue pass a RCF or PDP ?
55) How often is a 9HR TAF updated or reissued and a 12-24HR TAF?
56) In case the weather deterioration from above to below minima at ETA -/+1HR is given as a
TEMPO, the aerodrome may be considered as above minima from planning purpose, but what Fuel Requirements should you fulfil?
57) Describer the Weather Deterioration and Improvement Chart including Mean Wind and Gusts according to:
FM(alone) and BECMG AT,
TEMPO(alone), TEMPO FM, TEMPO FM…TL, PROB30/40(alone),
58) What does the Taxi Fuel account for?
59) List the items included in the Alternate Fuel calculation?
60) When two destination alternates are required for which of the two must the alternate fuel be
sufficient for ?
61) May the departure aerodrome be selected as a destination alternate ?
62) What is Final Reserve Fuel ?
63) Explain the Reduced Contingency Fuel Procedure?
64) Explain the Isolated Aerodrome Fuel Planning Policy?
65) What is the minimum Oil Quantity you can depart with?
66) Should you expect to find any overnight fuel usage from APU entry on AFL by maintenance if
67) Do the standard mass of FC and CC include hand baggage?
68) When should you report a delay of flight plan to OCC?
69) What is very important to remember about an aircraft which might be dispatchable by MEL?
70) Should you record even minor technical problems on the ATL?
71) When is it prohibited to start the APU during the refuelling?
72) Describe the Fuel Discrepancy Table used after refuelling.
73) How many of the 3 can you do simultaneously? Refuelling, boarding (dis) pax, boarding (dis)
74) Is it possible to refuel during boarding (dis) without headsets?
75) Describe WCHR R,S,C and what it the maximum number on board ?
76) Can dry snow be left on the surface to blow off during Take Off?
77) Is a thin Hoar frost layer acceptable on the upper surface of the fuselage?
78) What is the maximum size (mm) of frost which can be left on the underside of the wing tank
that does not penalise take off performance?
79) What is the minimum number of healthy Satellites available for which a RAIM check is not necessary?
80) In case of GNSS system malfunction, will the navigation system still be able to comply with the applicable navigation specification? For example, during a RNP final approach the required RNP is 0.3, in case of downgrade to RNP 0.4, can you still fly the miss approach ?
81) In case of loosing GNSS signal while flying in RNP5 Airspace, a progressing downgrade of RNP will happen, which other way(system) will help you to still be able to navigate to the required accuracy ?
82) Should you notify ATC in case of loss of required PBN capability?
83) What are the alternative means of navigation in case of PBN capability downgrade/loss ?
84) In case of PBN capability downgrade/ loss while in cruise, is there an option to continue the flight by being vectored ?
85) Do all the countries’ airspace and airports have the same contingency procedure in case of PBN downgrade/loss? Which documents would be worth to check?
86) In Wizz Air are you allowed to use minima labelled LPV or RNP 0.30 VNAV?
87) What considerations should be made in a RAIM Outrage of more than 5 min is expected and experienced (as per NOTAM)?
88) What are the 3 considerations to be made when planning to make a RNP Approach at an airport?
89) Between which points of an RNP Approach Flight Path should never be revised by flight crew?
90) Is it allowed to use a QNH from ATIS or METAR during an RNAV/RNP approach?
91) What is the cross track error/deviation (difference between the RNAV system computed path and the aircraft position relative to the path) allowed for normal operations?
92) Is a deviation(within limits) from the standard RNP accuracy allowed during and immediately after a turn while flying an RNP approach?
93) In case of any further deviations of the aircraft during an RNP approach is it still possible to fly manually while following the FDs?
94) What is the latest point during a RNP Approach to which you may get Direct to, and what is the requirements in such a case?
95) During a go-around based on RNAV while not RNAV capable what is the Standard Procedure?
96) Prior entering RVSM what is the maximum tolerance between the two primary altimeters (CPT and FO)?
97) What is the separation within NAT? (Lateral, longitudinal and vertical)
98) What is SLOP? And by how many miles and to which side can you deviate?
99) Is it necessary to advise ATC when performing SLOP?
100) Explain the altimeter accuracy on the ground? Limit between altimeters and ground and limit between each other?
101) Which altimeter setting (QNH or STD) should you use while flying a SID/STAR/APPR in reference to constraints points?
102) How often should a in-flight Fuel Check be performed?
103) What are the 3 things to be checked while a in-flight Fuel Check?
104) How much fuel should be left on board at arrival at the destination aerodrome (With or
without alternate)?
105) What actions should be taken if during an in-flight fuel check you discover that will be landing at the destination Aerodrome with less then minimum fuel (with or without alternate)?
106) In which situation should the Commander “REQUEST DELAY INFORMATION” from ATC?
107) In what situation should the Commander declare an emergency in regards to fuel on board?
108) What is the minimum amount of fuel on a flight using a RCF?
109) In what situation should the Commander declare to ATC “MINIMUM FUEL”?
110) What does the information of MINIMUM FUEL to ATC implies? Is it his an emergency?
111) Should the pilots expect any sort of priority from ATC when declaring “MINIMUM FUEL”?
112) Should the PAN PAN PAN call be used instead of MINIMUM FUEL?
113) When should the Commander broadcast to ATC “MAY DAY, MAY DAY,MAY DAY FUEL”?
114) Can you change heading to avoid bad weather even if momentarily unable to contact ATC
of such need?
115) By how many miles, should you avoid all red/magenta or yellow (associated to CB) areas at 0-25000ft, 25000ft - 30000ft, above 30000ft ?
116) To minimise the risk of severe turbulence, what is the minimum vertical and lateral distance should a CB be cleared by ?
117) If the top of CB cell is above ……ft overfly should always be avoided?
118) Should flying under a cumulonimbus overhang/anvil be avoided?
119) Should climbing in attempt to get over the top of the storm be considered?
120) Are Wizz Air aircraft certified for known icing conditions?
121) Where is severe icing most likely to be found?
122) Define severe icing? How many mm of ice on airframe?
123) Which speed should be maintained when encountering turbulence?
124) Which area around a Jet Stream are turbulence most likely to be found?
125) What are the weather conditions for which TAKE OFF is PROHIBITED?
126) How high and far can mountain waves be found ?
127) Do all the countries have the same wake turbulence categories?
128) Up to what distance can Wake Vortices be found behind a Crusing plane?
129) If a flight crew accepts visual separation who is responsible for Wake Vortices?
130) Should encounter of Wake Vortices be notified to ATC and ASR to be filled?
131) Explain Controlled Rest?
132) Describe Flight Crew Incapacitation Procedure?
133) Describe Approach Ban?
134) How many approaches can be made at the same aerodrome before a Diversion must be
135) According to Wizz Air Procedure up to which point should the MEL be applicable to the flight, consulted and applied?
136) What is CDL and what does it apply to?
137) Describe the procedure to Dispatch an aircraft with MEL?
138) Are pilots allowed to make MEL/CDL list or DD list entries on the Aircraft Status Report?
139) Explain the two possible scenarios when a Failure occurs during taxi?
140) Explain the recording of non-airworthiness related items in the ATL? Before Push Back,
During Flight, After Flight.
141) What is the standard phrase to be written in the ATL when recording a non-airworthiness related item and dispatched by MCC with a non-safety related defect?
142) In case of a Computer Reset (successful or not) when should MCC be contacted and should MCC provide you with a Reference Number to enter in the ATL?
143) Is it possible to start the flight (push back), where no entry and call to MCC was made, if the Commander is certain that an item is non airworthiness related ?
144) For a flight without cabin crew who is responsible to complete a security check of the galleys and trolleys of the aircraft?
145) By what percentage should the number of dispensing oxygen units exceed the number of
146) How long should the PBE provide oxygen for?
147) Does Wizz Air carry explosives and radioactive materials?
148) Does Wizz Air carry COMAT and EIC?
149) Is an approval required for dangerous good which are required to be aboard the airplane?
150) What should cabin crew do in case carry on baggages need to be moved to the cargo hold?
151) Although Wizz Air operates under an EASA approved AOC, which entity is actually
responsible for aviation security matters?
152) In case of unlawful interference on board the aircraft how soon should the Commander contact OCC?
153) What is the LRBL? And where is this located?
154) What are considered as criminal offences on board an aircraft?
155) What are the 3 indications that an unattended aircraft has been secured at a MUST-SEAL
156) What should GHA/MX provide to the crew, in case they have opened a secured aircraft before crew arrivals?
157) What should the flight crew do if the Preflight Security Handover Form usually provided by GHA/MX is missing or not signed?
158) Is the walk around with Seal Plate necessary at a MUST-SEAL Airport?
159) What is the difference in the procedure regarding missing, damaged or opened seals on
aircraft’s panels/hatches for a MUST-SEAL or NO-SEAL Airport?
160) Is it necessary to seal all the sealable doors, panels and hatches if found unsealed at a MUST-SEAL Airport?
161) If GHA/MX reports to have found the plane not secured at a NO-SEAL Airport, is a Second Security Search still necessary?
162) Should you perform a walk-around with Seal Plate at a NO-SEAL Airport?
163) Can crew hand over the responsibility of securing an aircraft at a NO-SEAL Airport? And in
that case who will be responsible for it?
164) Which type of flight (place of origin) will require a Security Search?
165) In case of a Security Search needed at a NO-SEAL Airpot what are the 4 defined areas
around (outside) the aircraft to be checked?
166) What is the procedure when performing a Security Search at a MUST-SEAL Airport?
167) Should the Commander make an entry in the AFL that a Security Search has been
168) Should either a Security Check or Search be performed at every turn-around?
169) Is there any difference between Security Check or Search in the Flight Deck, compared to
170) In case authorised maintenance, catering and cleaning company take over the plane is a Security Check or Search still necessary before handing over the aircraft?
171) During an Aircraft change/swap should you perform a Security Check or Search when taking over the plane directly from another crew, if the plane was coming from a NON-EU country?
172) Should the bags belonging to a pax who will not longer board the plane be offloaded?
173) Usually Wizz Air does not allow the carriage of weapons or fire arms, in which country the
legislation allows such permission among the Wizz Air network?
174) Should the Commander contact immediately OCC when declaring PAN or MAYDAY?
175) Within how may hours should the Commander report an Incident or Accident?
(11.2.2 - 11.2.3)
176) Which is the Wizz Air approved platform where to report any type of Incident or Accident?
177) In case of AIR-GROUND communication failure which phrase must be used before
178) In case of RECEIVER FAILURE which phrase must the used when transmitting a message over the radio?
179) Which SSR transponder code must be used in case of Air-Ground Communication Failure?
180) An error in the excess of how many minutes should be reported to ATC in regards to the
estimate for the next reporting point?
181) When should this SSR Transponder Codes be used? 7700,7600,7500,2000,7000?
182) What should the Commander do in case the difference between the remaining fuel recorded
by previous crew on AFL and the fuel read on ECAM exceeds 100kg?
183) What kind of defects does the DD-HIL (Aircraft Deferred Defect Holt Item List) contains?
184) Can the ATL page put on DD-HIL be issued both by MX and Flight Deck Crew?
185) What kind of defects does the MEL/CDL contain?
186) Can the ATL page put on MEL/CDL be issued both by MX and Flight Deck Crew?