OM A 8.1 Flight Preparation Flashcards
What is the radius for the MSA and what clearance does it provide ?
25NM, 1000ft clearance
What is the MORA and what clearance does it provide ?
20NM from centerline
1000ft clearance for terrain up to 5000ft
2000ft clearance for terrain above 5000ft
What is the minimum grid altitude ? what clearance does it provide ?
Lowest safe altitude that can be flown off track
1000ft clearance for terrain up to 6000ft
2000ft clearance for terrain above 6000ft
What is the rescue and fire fighting category required (RFFS) ?
A319/A320 category 6
A321 category 7
What are the acceptable downgrade of RFFS for planning ?
Dep/Dest normal is 6 (A319/A320), 7 A321, but can be downgrade to 5 if low volume (indicated in OFP)
Dep/dest if temporary downgrade (ATC, NOTAM, ATIS) less than 72h, two cat below so 4 for A319/320 and 5 for A321
Takeoff alternate, dest alt,enroute : non UK RFFS 4, UK RFFS 5
When is a takeoff alternate required ?
when the weather of the applicable instrument approach in use is below the required minima to return to dep aerodrome
At planning stage what is the required weather for the takeoff alternate ?
Weather report above the applicable minima of the expected instrument approach
At planning stage what is the required weather for the destination ?
Report or forecast must be at or above the minima of the expected instrument approach
When do you need two destinations alternates ?
The weather reports or forecasts at destination are below the applicable planning minima.
No meteorological information is available.
The landing performance requirements cannot be assured at a destination aerodrome due to dependence on a specific wind component or runway state.
What are the planning minima for the destination alternate ?
Can we use isolated aerodrome ?
No they are not approved by easyjet
When can we have no destination alternate ?
- The flight is less than 6 hours
- Two separate runway
- and weather for 1 h before ETA and 1h after will be ceiling +2000ft or circling +500ft whichever is greater and Visibility +5km
If dispatched with no alternate then the Additional Fuel not less than the fuel necessary to fly for 15 minutes at 1500 ft (450 m) above aerodrome elevation in ISA.
What is the maximum distance we can fly from an adequate aerodrome ?
No further than 1 hour OEI cruise speed
A319 380NM
A320 400NM
When can we consider runway as being separated ?
They are separate landing surfaces which may overlay or cross such that if one of the runways is blocked, it will not prevent the planned type of operations on the other runway.
Each runway shall have a separate approach procedure based on a separate navigation aid.
Can the destination and the alternate both be based on PBN ?
No one of the two has to be equipped with an instrument approach other than GNSS
What are the aerodromes categories ?
Category A:
Non-complex and can be treated as routine.
Category B:
Complexity requiring specific briefing, e.g. audio visual briefing, aerodrome brief in the Aerodrome Briefing Supplement.
Category B Restricted:
Complexity and threat levels requiring specified restrictions but not requiring an aerodrome visit or specific training.
Category C:
Special crew qualification required which can be achieved by an aerodrome visit or specific training.
What is the aeroplane categorie of easyjet aircrafts?
Cat C with Vat from 121kt to 140kt
When do you need a takeoff alternate ?
When the wx at dep airport is less than the applicable minima for the approach procedure.
When can you use the conversion of reported met visibility to RVR/CMV ?
Cannot be used:
- if an RVR is reported
- For takeoff minima
- for any RVR less than 800m following conversion
- Cannot be used for planning
What are the minimum Ceiling and visibility for a visual approach ?
2500ft or circling minima if higher, vis 5000m
What is the maximum distance for a Takeoff alternate ?
A Takeoff ALTN must be located within a threshold DIST based on One Engine Inoperative (OEI) speed in still air and STD conditions. Increased LDG minima for overweight conditions must be considered. takeoff alternates, if required, must be within 320 nm.