OM-A 7.1.4. FTL - Definitions Flashcards
What is the definition of contactable?
- short period of time during the day (between 06:00 and 22:00 local)
- other than a day off
- crew member is to be contactable for purpose of receiving a message from easyJet.
- Allocation of duty periods during a Contactable Period require minimum 10 hours notice.
- No longer than on hour.
- Does not count towards cumulative duty hours.
What is the definition of Days Off?
- Single Day off shall include 2 local nights.
- Consecutive days off shall include further local night for each consecutive day off.
- A rest period may be included as part of a day off.
What is the definition of a Duty?
Any CONTINUOUS period during which a crew member is required to carry out any task associated with easyJet business?
What is the definition of an ‘Early Start Duty.’
- if it commences in the period 05:00 to 06:59 local.
- a SBY commencing in the period 03:00 to 06:59 local is considered to be an early duty.
- except when a call out results in undertaking a duty in the Night Duty Definition.
What is the definition of Flight Time?
Time between:
- Aircraft first moves under its own power
- until it first comes to rest, after being airborne, on the designated parking position.
What is the definition of Flight Duty Period (FDP)?
Any time during which a person operates an aircraft as a member of its crew.
Starts: Report time
Ends: On-chocks time of final sector.
What is the definition of a Late Finish Duty?
When it ends in the period 01:00 to 01:59 local.
What is the definition of a Local Night?
A period of 8 hours falling between 22:00 to 08:00 hours local.
What is the definition of a Night Duty?
A duty is a night duty if any part of it falls in the period 02:00 to 04:59 local time.
What is the definition of a Rest Period?
A period of time before starting an FDP which is designated to give crew members adequate opportunity to rest before a flight.
What is the definition of a Rostering Period?
4 consecutive weeks.
What is the definition of a Sector?
Any period between:
- aircraft first moving under its own power, until;
- it next comes to rest, after being airborne, on the designated parking position.
What is the definition of a Split Duty?
- An FDP
- consists of 2 sectors or more
- separated by less than a minimum rest period.
What is the definition of a Standby Duty?
A period during which easyJet places restraints on a crew member who would otherwise be off duty.
- allocation of duty periods do not require 10 hours notice.
- EasyJet may pass messages to a crew member on SBY.
What is the definition of Suitable Accomodation?
- Well furnished bedroom
- subject to minimum noise
- well ventilated
- facility to control levels of light
- facility to control levels of temperature.
What is the definition of a Time Assignable Day?
- A period of 24 hours commencing at 00:01 local
- Not a day off
- Not a leave day
- Does not have a SBY, ground or flying duty rostered.
A crew member may be notified of a duty to be performed on a Time Assignable Day:
- at any time up to the end of the preceding duty period or contactable period
- subject to achievement of minimum rest, etc.
What is the definition of Travelling?
All time spent by a crew member transiting between, place of rest and place of reporting for duty.
What is the definition of a week?
A period of seven consecutive days starting at 00:01 UTC on Mondays.
What is the definition of Article 146 of the Air Navigation Order.
A person shall not act as a crew member if they know or suspect that their
- physical or mental condition
- renders them unfit to operate
- to the extent that it would endanger the safety of the aircraft or its occupants.
What is the definition of a mixed duty?
- Crew member required to report for duty in advance of the stipulated report time
- for a scheduled flight
- to carry out a task at the behest of easyJet
- time spent on the task shall be part of the subsequent FDP.
What is the definition of Acclimatised?
Crew member has spent:
- 3 consecutive Local Nights
- On the ground
- within a time zone which is 2 hours wide
- able to take uninterrupted nights sleep
Crew member remains acclimatised until duty period finishes at a place where local time differs by more than 2 hours.