OM-A Flashcards
When is a destination alternate not required?
- Flight time <6h
- 2 separate runways available at destination (separate approaches)
- Weather at ETA ± 1 hour: >5,000m visibility, +2,000ft cloud ceiling, or circling minima +500ft (if greater)
- 15 mins extra fuel must be carried.
What is the specific gravity of fuel and oil?
Jet A/A1 - 0.8
Oil - 0.88
How is Final Reserve Fuel calculated?
30 minutes holding at 1500ft AGL above the alternate aerodrome in ISA conditions.
When is a take off alternate required? And how far away from origin?
When performance or weather conditions at the departure aerodrome preclude a return.
The take off alternate needs to be within 320nm (1h OEI cruising speed).
Take off alternate weather REPORT or FORECAST shall be above minima for the expected instrument approach.
How many types of commanders discretion are there?
Extend FDP
Reduce FDP
Extend rest
Reduce rest
What it the minimum RFFS Category for A320? (Dep/Dest + Alternate/Temp Downgrade Dep/Dest)
Dep/Dest: Category 6
Alternate/Temp downgrade at dep/dest: Category 4
What are the different repair intervals in the MEL?
Repair Interval A: No standard interval is specified (it is specified in the specific MEL)
Repair Interval B: 3 consecutive calendar days, excluding the day of discovery
Repair Interval C: 10 consecutive calendar days, excluding the day of discovery
Repair Interval D: 120 consecutive calendar days, excluding the day of discovery
How is the operators MEL related to the manufacturers MMEL (master-MEL)?
The Minimum Equipment List (MEL) is based on the Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL).
An Operator’s MEL may differ in format from the MMEL, but cannot be less restrictive than the MMEL.
When is the MEL applicable?
- MEL is applicable until the aircraft commences the flight
- Any decision to continue a flight following a failure or unserviceability which becomes apparent after the commencement of a flight must be subject to pilot judgment and good airmanship.
- The Commander may continue to make reference to and use the MEL as appropriate.
How is “commencement of flight” defined?
Means the point when an aircraft begins to move under its own power for the purpose of preparing for takeoff. (SAS Connect: the point where the aircraft begins taxi for take-off).
What does the CDL stand for and when is it used?
Configuration Deviation List, identifies any external parts of the aircraft that may be missing at the commencement of flight + performance penalties/limitations/corrections.
What must be done if a Load <15> report is received by the crew after landing?
Entry must be made in ATL and ACC should be contacted.
If the crew suspects to have experienced a hard landing event but not received a Load <15> report, is any action required?
Yes, regardless of printout or not it should be reported in ATL and ACC contacted.
What is required to dispatch with an aircraft with multiple MEL’s?
- Flight crew workload is not significantly increased
- Emergency procedure affected by one MEL remarks have no influence on the emergency procedures by the other and vice versa
Who is able to action items with an M-procedure?
Only certified maintenance staff
Is it allowed to start/shutdown APU during fueling?
Yes (but only if APU not failed to start previously or automatic shutdown occured)
What passenger categories are NOT allowed to sit in the emergency exit row?
Passengers that might hinder other persons evacuation. For example
- Infants + Children under 12
- Volumnious pax
How many DEPU may travel on the same flight?
Maximum of 4 DEPU (+ own accompanying kids under 16 years of age)
How many DEPA may travel on the same flight?
There are no limits as to the number of DEPA’s on-board
Cut engine
Fire (left arm indicating area of fire)
Hold position
Establish communication via intercom
Do not touch controls (technical communication signal)
Evacuation recommended
Stop recommended
Emergency contained (all-clear)
What are the maximum allowed LMC?
+/- 5 passengers
+/- 300 kg bags/cargo
Fuel unlimited (but can only be done by commander)
What needs to be checked on a NOTOC? (4 items)
- Flight number
- Position of dangerous goods
- Drill code
- Review applicable emergency procedures
Whats needs to be checked on normal loadsheet received via ACARS? (8 items)
- Date
- Flight number
- Aircraft registration
- Crew
- Takeoff fuel
- Trip fuel
- Number of pax (if required)
- Passenger distribution (if required)
What weights is used when making an LMC?
100 kgs/pax
15 kgs/each checked bag
Actual weights for mail/cargo