OM Flashcards
Basic Policy
Pax Comfort
Seatbelt on?
takeoff and landing
when captain considers necessary
Company clearance
content of an operational flight plan approved by both the captain and the dispatcher
message required for flight, sent by dispatcher, which includes the operational flight plan.
Providing a DRM means dispatcher approves it
Flight Plan
info provided to ATC in accordance with the company clearance
Operational flight plan includes..
Flight number flight leg airplane type route altitude alternate airport fuel on board
take off time
when the landing gear leaves the runway
When shall flight crew wear harnesses?
Takeoff and landing and any time directed by the captain
CC duties when SB sign turned on?
Conduct minimum safety measures
Take seats
Request pax to fasten SB by announcement
What info shall ground personnel collect before flight?
Airplane, crew, pax and cargo info
Other necessary info
Time to report for duty, and when will schedulers be notified?
1 hr prior to ETD
40mins prior to ETD
When shall mutual approval be completed by?
30 mins prior to ETD
ATS plan and IFR plan submitted to ATC by?
ATS 30 mins prior to ETD
IFR 2 hours prior to ETD
Hand carry articles and additional HCAs (law, company, additional)
(Law): -Licence -Ops Manual -Radio Licence -Docs necessary for CIQ -Medical (Company): -Route Manual -Aeronautical Maps -Flash light (Additional): -DRM or operational Flight plan -ATS flight plan
Captain must confirm (reaching the aircraft)
Security Items (exterior, cabin, cockpit) Airplane Exterior Devices and equipment on board Docs to be carried Journey and Radio Log
Docs to be carried on Airplane plus Docs required by other countries
(Envelope Items): -Radio Station Licence -AOC original transcript -Designation for operating limitations -Airworthiness Cert -Registration Cert -Emergency Docs (Other): -Journey and Radio Log -Operations Policy Manual- Vol 2 -Operations Specifications (copy) -Ops Manual -Route Manual -AOM -QRH (2) -MEL/CDL Manual (Other countries) -Civil aircraft landing permit (US air force airports) -Emergency response for DG incidents (US) -Noise Documents (All Foreign Airports)
Crew Briefing Items
- Outline of flight
- Allocation of emergency equipment and usage
- Duty in emergency
- Precautionary measures in Hijack
- Assignment in case of irregular crew comp
- Type, qty, and location of radioactive materials
- if check and training occurring
- procedure for manipulation of controls by co or 2nd co
- other necessary items
Jump seat briefing
- emergency brief
- oxy mask and life vest
- instructions for using jumpseat
Preparation of W+B- who does it
-Load control system available- prepared by that
-LCS not available, prepared by Load Controller
-If no LC at that airport, prepared by FC.
Capt and LC shall check data
Capt check prior to departure
- All pax on board
- DGs loaded correctly
- All exterior doors closed
- All obstacles removed except those necessary for push back
- Seat assignment correct (conducted by CP)
Responsibility for AC during push back
- Capt within scope of attention
- Person in charge or ramp coordination otherwise
Speed reporting (OM)
+/- 5% of cruising speed in flight plan, if not under radar, report to ATC
VFR limitations
- Not at night
- not at 20,000ft or above
- no “VMC on top” operations
Captain ground personnel debrief and docs to submit
- Items to be reported (ASR, CR)
- Wx conditions
Submit (international)
- Operational Flight plan or DRM
- ATS flight plan (Copy)
When is a cockpit security check not required?
when any crew member stays in the cockpit between flights
Operational Convenience items provided by company
- Landing Distance table
- AOC (copy)
- Normal Checklist
- Handy Speed book
missing document shall be replaced at an airport where possible. AOM may be used to replace missing item
Turbulence PA
Include time, level and duration of turbulence PRIOR to turning on SB sign
What is 10min chime for
To advise to complete safety check
Critical Phase and requirements
- block out to 5 mins after takeoff
- 10 mins before landing to block in
- no unnecessary communication
- seat belt sign on
- headset and microphone
- no cockpit seat changes below 10,000ft
Items to be reported to ground personnel and ATC by captain during flight
- emergency or distress situation (including witnessing)
- Near collision
- Unreliability of Nav aids
- any other necessary items
When shall preflight preparation be completed by?
Before entering active runway except:
- if backtracking
- ATC are aware you are not ready but advise you to enter
Non-type rated freighter jumpseat users shall show understanding of:
Declaration checklist for jumpseat users- B767 freighter
Where is operational control station
Tokyo Int’l Airport
With consultation between dispatcher and capt, what can be changed on company clearance?
-Rules of flight
Capt may change in flight unless the change seriously affects fuel planning and flight watch duties
In flight, destination is forecast to be below landing minima at ETA:
- Select additional alternate
- if unable and wx is not forecast to improve, destination must be changed.
Provision NOT applied when:
- holding is possible over the destination until wx is forecast to improve, or
- alternate wx at ETA there is at or above 1500ft ceiling and 5000m vis, or
- aircraft diverts to alternate
Wx at alternate is forecast to be below the Alternate Minima at ETA:
-if possible, change the alternate
-continue to destination if:
1 hr either side of ETA wx is forecast:
-2000ft ceiling or DH/MDH+1500ft, whichever is higher
-5000m vis or RVR/VIS+3200m, whichever is greater
If unable to do either, the destination must be changed
If both destination and alternate are forecast to go below minima:
- Destination shall be changed
- It is desirable to select an alternate for the new destination
When destination is closed temporarily:
-Flight may be continued taking into consideration wx conditions, flight time, and remaining fuel
Regular Airport
Designated in the business plan to be used for departure, intermediate, and destination airports
Other designated airport
Used as alternate, fuel supply, and those used as destination or departure airport in international flight
Adequate airport
used for ETOPS. Adequate:
- runways
- Lighting
- communication facilities
- weather service
- nav aids
- landing aids
- fire fighting service
When shall 2 alternates be selected
When wx is forecast to go below minima intermittently at ETA, unless ceiling and vis at first alternate are forecast to be 1500ft/5000m at ETA
When is an alternate not required?
Flight time less than 6 hours and;
-1 hr either side of ETA, wx is forecast to be:
2000ft ceiling or MDH/DH+1500ft, whichever is higher
5000m vis or RVR/VIS+3200m, whichever is higher
2 hours cruise fuel shall be carried as reserve
Taxi Fuel
- Engine start until takeoff
- Ramp weight used
- 47lbs a minute, 10 minutes are considered. APU fuel burn of 4lbs a minute is included
-Takeoff until landing at destination-
CLB: TOW used; CRZ: avg crz weight used; DES: TOD weight used
Contingency fuel
5% of BOF or 15 mins hold at destination at 1500ft, whichever is greater
Alternate fuel
- after go around, fly to, and land at alternate
- TOW minus BOF and contingency
Reserve fuel
30 mins hold at 1500ft over dest, or alternate if selected.
If no alternate, 2hrs cruise fuel
Company specified for each route considering increased fuel consumption
-May be cancelled by PIC and dispatcher if deemed unnecessary
Extra fuel
ATC, Wx, MELs etc
Shall be MEA when specified. Otherwise 2000ft above the highest obstruction within 5nm
Driftdown clearance
2000ft within 5nm
When can a flight not be conducted?
- Destination below minima at eta
- severe turbulence or wx expected at low level and considered unavoidable
- severe TS is observed and considered unavoidable
- no flight in an area where severe icing expected
takeoff and landing before sunset at airfield with no lighting
shall take off 10 mins before sunset
not after 20 mins after sunset
in between times, runway shall be ensured clear of obstructions and an alternate selected
flight must be planned to land 20 mins before sunset
must not land after sunset
Ops around sunrise at airfield with no lighting
No takeoff or landing before sunrise
takeoff may be 20 mins before if obstructions check is made
Flights in Class G airspace?
Only US military airspace and airport within that airspace
Net takeoff flight path?
Clears obstacles within a lateral range of 300ft + 0.125D by 35ft or more. Obstacles greater than 2000ft horizontally are not cleared. Heading changes of greater than 15deg, 3000ft.
Required landing distance obtained by
Landing distance x 1.67 (or divide by 0.6)
TEMPO below minima at planning stage
Can be considered above landing minima, unless analysis of all data indicates below company minima
Use of VV
Can be used for ceiling if cloud condition not reported
Do not use except Kadena or Yokota
Handling of Wx time for alternate airport
At ETA, although an appropriate time margin should be considered
In-flight fuel check
- At appropriate wpt after reaching crz alt
- during crz, every hour
- at convenient wpt at end of crz
Captains check at end of crz
- dest wx
- alt wx
- confirm whether approach to dest can be made as well as fuel remaining to cope with contingencies
Low fuel
30 mins or less estimated upon landing-
Minimum fuel
Fuel remaining has reached a stage where little or no delay can be accepted-
Self contained navigation
over areas where associated air navigation facilities or landmarks cannot be effectively used for a distance of more than 300nm
When GPS is used as part of RNAV:
- must be possible to shift to nav equipment other than GPS if any doubt is caused in position info from GPS
- nav aids required by the state are available on the segment where GPS is used
SCN decision point
Best point from where to divert in case the number of INS becomes less than 2
2 sets at the time of departure
RAIM function
THe GPS determines the integrity of the GPS
Critical DME
when unable to use, causes a hinderance to DME/DME/IRU or DME/DME navigation
DME gap
a segment on the route where combination of DME which meet designated navigation accuracy required cannot be received
European equivalent of RNAV1
European equivalent of RNAV5
RNAV10 time limit definition
the max flight time from when the system is placed in the NAV mode.
- updating renews time limit
- GPS updating has no time limit
What is an RNAV approach considered?
RNAV operation without designated navigation accuracy
Required check for RNAV/RNP
Correct database
Appropriate signals provided
RNAV1/2 NAV sensors
DME/DME (not established in Japan for RNAV1), DME/DME/IRU, GPS
RNAV5 NAV sensors
RNAV10 NAV sensors
RNP nav sensors
Is RAIM always necessary when using GPS?
Not if route can be flown with sensors other than GPS
2 types of GPS stand alone approach
LNAV- considers only the protected airspace for stepdown
LNAV/VNAV- Considers VNAV path at constant descent rate
When checking track bearings/distances, what tolerance is allowed?
within 3deg
When is RAIM required?
When planning flight that has “GPS required.”
Required for 15mins before and after ETA for GPS stand alone approach
RNAV1/2 Operational Procedures
- Check Nav aids and critical DMEs serviceable
- Check wpt sequence, tk distances and angles, altitude and speed restrictions, and whether wpts are fly by or over
- Confirm onboard equipment and position updating
- Enter pos shift if GPS not updating and takeoff point is greater than 1000ft from TH
- Use AP or FD in LNAV. for RNAV2, ND may be used
Required on board equipment RNAV1/2
1 x FMS, 1 x DME, 1 x IRS, 1 x GPS
RNAV5 Operational Procedures
- Check WPTs against planned route
- In principle, use AP or FD in LNAV, however ND may be used
RNAV5 Required on board equipment
1 x FMS, 1 x DME, 1 x IRS, 1 x GPS, 1 x VOR
RNAV10 Operational Procedures
-Confirm onboard equipment operative
-Confirm availability of air navigation facilities
-Confirm position updating due to time limit when necessary.
{DME/DME=15mins, VOR/DME=30mins}
- In principle, use AP or FD with LNAV mode, however ND may be used
Confirmation of route eligibility RNAV10
Probability of headwind shall be 75%, confirm using flight planned winds.
Estimate distances and times, figuring out where updating will occur. If all fits in requirements, route can be conducted.
Required on board equipment RNAV10
2 x FMS, 2 x IRS = 9hr33 limit
2 x FMS, 2 x IRS, 1 x GPS = unlimited
SCN required on board equipment
2 x FMS, 2 x IRS
Basic RNP1 Operational Procedure
- RAIM required
- Verify tk angles and distances, altitude and speed restrictions, and whether wpts are fly over or fly by
- Confirm updating excludes unserviceable aids
- Brief contingency
- XTK error should be limited to 1/2 RNP, however up to RNP x 1 is acceptable during turns
- Use AP or FD in LVAV mode
Required on board equipment Basic RNP1
2 x FMS, 2 x IRS, 2 x GPS, 2 x EHSI
RNP4 Operational Procedure
- Verify number of satellites is at or above the minimum required- 24. Verify using NOTAM. If not available, conduct RNAV10.
- Verify RNP loaded in system matches the published value
- manually enter 4 into RNP value when entering airspace. Delete when exiting.
- Review contingency
- Xtk error should be limited to 1/2 RNP. Up to 1 x RNP acceptable during turns
- Shall use FD or AP in LNAV mode
Required on board equipment RNP4
2 x FMS, 2 x IRS, 2 x GPS*, 2 x EHSI
*If 1 GPS becomes inop, change to RNAV10
RNP Approach Operational Procedure
-Verify track angles/distances, altitude and speed restrictions, whether wpts are fly over or fly by
-“Direct To” IF available provided resulting Tk angle does not exceed 45deg.
-Use AP or FD in LNAV behind the IAF
-Missed approach if:
Onboard equipment required is inop
UNABLE RNP is displayed
XTK error exceeds 1 x RNP
Required on board equipment RNP APP
2 x FMS, 2 x IRS, 2 x GPS, 2 x EHSI, 1 x AP
Failure of SCN equipment:
- look for NDBs
- use on board wx radar
- plot INS position
- obtain useful info from ATC and other aircraft
- if INS info unavailable, keep magnetic hdg to next wpt
- perform DR plot using air plot and last available wind
What turbulence level is unable RVSM?
Greater than moderate
Composition of equipment for CPDLC ops
1 x FMS, 1 x ACARS, 1 x CDU, 1 x SATCOM
Required on board equipment ADS-B OUT
1 x Transponder, 1 x GPS, 1 x FMS
ETOPS Wx mimima multiple runways
Single runway
When is ETOPS weather only required to be above landing minima?
After company clearance becomes effective
Precision approach and non precision approach
Precision- lateral and vertical
NPA- lateral only
2 types of RNAV approach
GPS stand alone
GPS overlay
Cat 1 minimums
DH 200 RVR 550
Cat 2 minimums
DH 200-100 RVR 300
Cat 3a minimums
AH RVR 175
Ceiling definition
Lowest layer 5/8 or more below 20,000ft
Lower limit of takeoff minima when SSP/LVP not in force?
CMV definition
A value equivalent to RVR derived from visibility using the predetermined formula
Lower limit of landing minima on short runway at night?
When equal to or less than 1900m, at night, with no VGSI, lower limit shall be 1000ft ceiling and 5000m vis
Lower limit of circling minima?
MDH 550, VIS 3200m
Alternate minima Cat 3?
VIS 1200m
Alternate minima Cat 2?
Alternate minima Cat 1?
Alternate minima NPA or APV?
Alternate minima circling approach?
If minima for alternate airport is equal to or greater than alternate minima table, what minima is used?
DH/MDH + 100 and/or VIS + 400
Can CMV be used in the flight planning phase?
When must a missed approach be made before DA/MDA?
Approach Ban point:
- Weather below minima
- Any RVR less than 200
Approach can not be continued safely due to failure of airborne or ground equipment
When must a missed approach be made at or below DA/MDA?
Must be continuously in a position where a descent to landing can be made at appropriate ROD using normal maneuvers.
Appropriate visual reference (at least 3 lights of ALS)
What changes with low visibility?
RVR less than 1200m, max XW 10, runway must be 15% greater than Field Length (Dry)
What additional requirements apply to Cat 1 below DA?
Must not descend below 100ft AFE using ALS or RAI unless red terminating barrettes, red side row barretts, or other visual reference(s) are distinctly visible and identifiable.
What runway conditions can Cat 3 be carried out?
DRY, DAMP, or WET-Grooved
Points on Approach Ban?
- OM
- 1000ft AFE
Outside Japan:
-If not specified, 1000ft AFE
When is RAIM prediction not required?
To operations within the US and US territory where RAIM prediction is not available. Require:
- 2 sets of INS
- weather minima 1000ft-5000m
Who can be admitted to the cockpit?
- A person performing official duties
- A person implementing their duties (company eg dispatcher)
- Deadheading crew
- A person with permission from ANA
Can cabin attendants use jump seats?
What is the restriction on the number of people in the cockpit?
Must be sufficient seats and seatbelts.
Cat 1 behaviour, examples, and actions?
Punishable by law.
- Hijacking or damaging airplane
- violence against crew or pax
- issue warning letter
- restrain, if necessary
- police stand by
Cat 2 behaviour, exampes, and actions?
Violation of aeronautics law
- operating exits
- smoking in lavatory
- interfering with duties of crew
- using electronic device
- not fastening seatbelt when instructed
-issue prohibition order
Category 3 behaviour, examples, and actions?
Violation of aeronautics law but not to be punished
- smoking in non-smoking area other than lavatory
- shouting or making noise without reasonable reasons
-issue warning letter if necessary
Prohibition Order, and when can it be issued?
Prescribes content of behaviour impeding aircraft safety Instructs not to repeat behavoiour Written in 12 languages Requires captains permission Requires submission of ASR
Can be issued any time on board the aircraft
Warning Letter, and when can it be issued?
Warns pax behaviour is unlawful
Written in 12 languages
Requires captains permission
Requires submission of ASR
Can be issued once doors close until doors open
Handling of restricted carry on items- before and after door close
Before- Hand to ground personnel for check in
After- keep secure in lockable stowage (galley)
What is required a long distance from land?
Flying more than 740km off the coast requires:
- life rafts for all on board
- emergency rations- 3 meals for all on board
Minimum age for emergency exit seat
What should be done to the CVR after accident?
Remove the CB to secure the recording. A white cap is fitted for easy identification.
Cabin signal to cockpit of emergency situation
1 HI chime with light and EICAS
4 chimes with seat belt sign prior to takeoff means?
1 minute prior to takeoff
Signal to ground personnel in case of interphone failure
Flash Ldg lights 3 times- INT unuseable
Flash Ldg lights 3 times then turn all lights on- Emergency and INT unusable
Minimum age of attendant accompanying pax who need assistance, and infants?
Evacuation escort?
Assist WHCH pax. Must be 15 or over, and seated within 4 rows.
Infant definition?
7 days - 2 years
Child definition?
What age can be accepted as UMNRs?
Maximum prisoners per flight, and required escorts? Where is considered international waters?
- each require 3 escorts. beyond 12nm from the coast.
When are crew members under the Captains command?
From reporting for flight duty until relieved of all duties assigned to them.
Minimum cabin crew?
- Over 250 seats, 6.
When calculating cabin crew requirements, what pax do not need to be considered?
infants, CC, deadheading CC and FC
BASIC 1 minima?
T/O: 0-800
Precision App: 300-1600
NPA: Add 100-800 to Cat 1 Captains value
Alternate minima: Cat 1 Captains value
Captains Duties: Prior to flight
Prior to Flight:
- check crew fitness to fly
- check NOTAMS, WX and W+B
- check and ensure safety of loading
- check and ensure the amount, type, quality of fuel and lubricants.
- check condition of airplane and equipment
- check installation of documents and tools
- check and approve the flight plan
- brief crew
Captains duties: In flight
- adhere to rules
- direct and supervise crew
- revise company clearance when necessary
- comply with procedures for seeing vessels in distress
Captains duties: Post flight
- submit required reports
- ensure smooth CIQ
- conduct debriefing
- notify maintenance of anything necessary
Co-pilot duties
- assist captain
- report W+B to captain
- check fuel and lubricants
- determine engine power setting
- check fuel remaining
- check required docs on board
Manipulation of controls by co-pilot
-captain must have 300hrs and be a LAC
-BASIC 1 captain familiar minima
-Xwind no more than 1/2 the limit
-Dry, damp, or Wet(G)
-No control malfunctions
-MLW 250,000lbs for wet runway 2000-2300m
-additional 15% runway length
Below 300ft, captain must take over instead of offering advice
In addition, what are the restrictions on the second co-pilot?
- must have flown to that airport
- rwy 2500m+
- ILS straight in only
Definition of takeoff or landing by copilot?
takeoff- start of takeoff roll until after t/o checklist
landing- 1000ft AFE until taxi speed
Captain report?
Shall be done in accordance with Civil Aeronautics Law and equivalent to items designated by law.
Air Safety Report?
Obliged to submit by Civil Aeronautics Law and designated by the company to prevent future accidents or increase operational quality.
Captains duties in an emergency
- maintain close watch with ATC, SAR and flight dispatcher
- notify ASAP when deviating from law or company regulations
Communication failure actions?
- attempt to use HF
- if HF inop, maintain listening watch on 121.5
- make blind transmission
- squawk 7600
- if all communication equipment fails, follow RM flight procedures
Emergency landing at other than airport
- make a belly landing unless landing is secured
- on land, open cockpit windows. do not in ditching
PAN PAN: expected to be serious danger due to the occurrence of an urgent situation
MAYDAY: threatened by serious danger or in distress
How to silence frequency in emergency?
“Stop transmitting MAYDAY”
JASDF assistance required?
Call sign of radar station or ‘Star Gazer’
Required information, and repeat every 20mins.
If Transmitter and Receiver inop:
fly a triangle with 1 minute sides every 20 minutes
3 steps of assertion
Holding speeds over nav aid
Above 14,000ft: 240kts
6001-14000ft: 220kts
Below 6000ft: 210kts
Holding speeds at DME fix
Above 14,001ft: 265kts
6001-14000ft: 230kts
Below 6000ft: 200kts
Holding speed in turbulence
280kts or M0.8 whichever is lower
Blind pax?
Number not limited so long as they are attended.
Dog considered one attendant.
One attendant can escort maximum 2 blinds.
Do not assign exit rows.
First to board, last to deplane.