Oli's Guide (PC12 Checkride Survival Guide) Flashcards
If the PC12 cabin pressure fails, what altitudes can you fly at for a maximum of 30 minutes?
At altitudes above 10,000 feet through 12,000 feet MSL
If the PC12 cabin pressure fails, when must the pilot use continuous oxygen?
Above 12,000 MSL.
If the PC12 cabin pressure fails above 10,000 through 12,000 when must the pilot use continuous oxygen?
If the duration will be greater than 30 minutes.
If the PC12 cabin pressure fails, what oxygen must you supply your passengers above 15,000
All passengers must be provided oxygen.
If the PC12 cabin pressure fails and the cabin altitude is greater than 10,000 up to 15,000 for more than 30 minutes, how many passengers must be supplied oxygen?
10 percent of your passengers must be supplied oxygen for durations over 30 minutes.
Can we use an uncontrolled airport with an IAP as an alternate?
Are we authorized circle to land maneuvers?
Do we have an approved MEL (Minimum Equipment List) for the PC12?
If an item on the MEL is able to be deferred how long can that be?
B - 3 days, C - 10 Days, D - 120 Days
How much rest must you get if you flew 8 hours?
10 hours
How much rest must you get if you flew 8-8.5 hours?
11 hours
How much rest must you get if you flew 8.5-9 hours?
12 hours
How much rest must you get if you flew 9+ hours?
16 hours
Can we carry HAZMAT
What is the fuel reserve requirement for an IFR flight when an alternate is not needed?
1 hour
What is the fuel reserve requirement for an IFR flight when an alternate is needed.
Flight to destination, approach, missed approach, flight to alternate and reach the missed approach at the alternate with 45 minutes of fuel.
Can you depart VFR and pick up an IFR clearance airborne
Yes as long as you remain VFR until clearance is received.
Can you deice the PC12 with the engine running?
Can you deice a PC12 by brushing off fresh snow?
What types of de ice fluid can we use?
Type 1, 2, 3, 4
What defines a high minimums captain?
Less than 100 hours in aircraft
What are the weather minimums for a high minimus captain?
+1/2 mile visibility and +100 ft (to all minimums?)
Once the pre-takeoff de-ice check is complete, how long do you have to take off?
5 minutes
How long is the class 2 good for?
For me, 1 year