olfaction Flashcards
What is olfaction?
A multidimensional coding sequences – cannot be measured along a fixed dimension
What is labelled line in olfaction?
One dedicated channel to process one smell ‘taste’
Receptor input – labelled line – line decoder output
What is combinatorial code?
Identity not dedicated to one taste but coded by entire population.
Receptor input – pattern code- pattern decoder output
What amplifies sensory signals in olfaction?
Second messengers amplify sensory signals
Allows action potentials to fire and stimulus to be detected.
Describe the olfactory signal transduction
- Oderants
- Bind to membrane odorant receptor proteins
- Stimulate G-protein Golfs
- Activate adenylyl cyclase
- Form cAMP
- Bind cAMP to a cyclic nucleotide-gated ion cation channel.
- Open cation channels and allows influx of Na and Ca
- Open Ca activated Cl channels
- Cause current flow and membrane depolarisation (receptor potential)
What does each neuron express in olfaction? What happens as olfactory sensory neurons mature?
A single type of receptor. and They narrow down to express a single olfactory receptor each.
In olfaction, what converge on the same glomerulus?
Olfactory sensory neurons expressing same receptor
What is the olfactory bulb equivalent called in drosophila?
Antennal lobe
Where do sensory neurons transfer their information to?
Second-order neurons at glomeruli
What ensures odour specificity is carried through?
Receptor-specific matching of sensory neurons to second-order neurons
State was is involved in sensory neuron transfer information in mammals
State was is involved in sensory neuron transfer information in Drosophila
Olfactory sensory neurons
Mitral cells, tufted cells
Olfactory receptor neurons
Projection neurons
what transforms the odor code?
Where is it in olfaction?
The first relay synapse
Between sensory neurons and second-order neurons.
What does the synapse do over time? what does this allow
It weakens
Allows nervous to respond better to start of odor rather than continuously
What does converging sensory neurons (expressed same receptor) onto same second-order neurons enable?
- Reduces noise
- Strengthens weak responses – allows to enhance in a weak environment
What are the functions of lateral cross talk in lateral inter-glomerulus?
Gain control: be sensitive to both very weak and very strong odour
De-correlation: makes responses of neuronal population to different odours as different as possible
What do different areas of the brain regulate?
Different kinds of high olfactory behaviour – learned vs innate
Learned behavior: piriform cortex = mushroom body (Kenyon cells)
Innate behavior: Amygdala = lateral horn
Explain an experiment which proves the function of the lateral horn
Fruit flies normally avoid laying eggs on food that smells of toxic microbes
But if you silence this lateral horn region, they fail to avoid laying eggs on the toxic food
the differences between innate and learned olfaction
Innate: categories
Learning: discriminate
Innate: dense
Learning: sparse
Innate: certain preferred
Learning: arbitrary
Innate: stereotyped
Learning: random