Modern questions in learning and memory Flashcards
what is plasticity
the ability of neurons to change in form and function in response to alterations in their environment.
the three types of stimulus in pavlovs dog experiments
unconditioned - food
(innately rewarding)
neutral - the bell initially
conditioned - what the bell becomes
olfactory classical conditioning: commonly used methods for testing
expose fly to different odours and pair them with either sugar coating or an electric shock
then track the movement of the fly when given different odours again
will go to odour where they received reward (sugar)
Describe the basic neural circuitry underlying olfactory memory in flies
each kenyon cell receives input from many different projection neurones
require more than 1 site to be activated, above threshold
diff kenyon cell activated by different odours
what is GAL4
a transcription factor in yeast
what is the basic GAL4 mechanism when inserted into drosophilia
GAL4 put not fly attached to an enhancer
GAL4 binds to upstream activating facotr UAS
recruits RNA polymerase and transcription of gene occurs
what is UAS
upstream activating factor - can be used to drive GFP or knockdown
how do you create GAL4 split lines
split GAL4 into 2 parts: GAL4DBD and Activating domain
only in cells where both promoters are active will have both the parts
causes expression of the UAS transgene
what a re kenyon cells axons subdivided into
mushroom body output neurones (MBONS)
dopiminergic neurones (DANs )
both match in 1:1
if yo give the shock before the stimulus….
good as it signals the end of the shock so fly will approach