Older Adults Flashcards
More than 35 million people in the US are over the age of 65
Majority of them are independent, active, healthy and live in own home
Prejudice based on age
The study of the biological, psychological, and social aspects of aging
Gerontology social workers need to know
Basic physiology and medications
-as 80% of retirees take at least one prescription drug per day
Gerontology SW help with
retirement adjustment, widowhood, physical decline, relocation, loss, and death
How people age:
Marital roles, sexual behavior
Activity theory proposes that the more active a person is, the more satisfied the person will be during his “golden years”
Dissengagement theory states that to withdraw and become more introspective as one grows older is normal and healthy
Legal, economic, and political Gerontology SW
Gerontological SW need to be informed about important legal issues, court cases, legislation, and economic policies that affect and protect the rights of the elderly
1945 first gerontological society of america promoted age related issues
1947 at a national SW confrence emphasized working with older clients
1958 SW met to discuss how to assess the social service needs of older clients to build curriculum to prepare students.
1965 older americans act established the federal administration on aging and statewide area agencies on aging
-coordinated fund for older people
Medicare and Medicaid programs established 1965
1974 SSI supplimental Security Income was added to public assistance package providing assistance to the people living in poverty
1980’s American Association of Retired Persons became powerful political lobbying group
1980s gerontological social work was accepted as an established field of practice during the 1980’s
3 categories of older people
Young-old (65-74)
Old-old (75-84)
Oldest-old (85+)
Young-old (65-74)
Old-old (75-84)
Oldest-old (85+)
One in eight americans is ole, or 12.4 % of the pop, in the 21 century this will increase
a combination of psychiatric work and mental health care and services for older people
Social Security Act was passed in 1935
Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 allows time off to care for dependent children and parents
when a client projects meanings, wishes, thoughts from other relationships onto the relationship with the social worker
SW’s emotional reaction to the client based on past history or beliefs
Group Work
Support Groups, therapy, social, recreational and educational, service and advocacy, family caregiving.
Interdisciplinary teams
Many types of support coming together
Types of old people who are at risk
- women
- African American
- Latino
- Indigenous
- Alone
- Oldest
- Rural
Passive Euthanasia
The intentional termination of ones own life by means provided by another person
Active Euthanasia
Doctor administered lethal injection or actively causes death
Medicare part D
Provides some prescription coverage, however many seniors spend over 1,000 a month in prescription costs and for them this is not enough.
Elder abuse and Neglect
-Estimated, Over 70,000 cases of elder abuse each year.
Elder Abuse Is
-The willful infliction of injury, forced confinement, neglect or withholding of food or medicine, exploitation, or cruel punishment
Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia
- loss of intellectual and social abilities that is severe enough to interfere with daily functioning
- not a normal part of the aging process
- Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common form of dementia
- symptoms include impaired memory, thinking and language abilities, personality and behavior changes
More than 54 million people currently provide care for older relatives or friends, up from 7 million in the 90’s
This is largely due to the baby boomers caring for their older parents
Advanced Directive
A formal written statement that outlines medical treatments that the person may or may not want to prolong life. This is used if the person cannot participate in decision making due to his or her physical condition.
Baby Boomers
The Cohort Born between 1946 and 1964, these make up the largest cohort of pop. Their aging will nesisitate a vast increase in health care, recreation, housing, and nutrition services for people who are older as well as entitlement programs like ssi
Elder neglect
withholding basic needs such as food or medicine
An advocate for people in nursing homes, board and care homes, and assisted living facilities.
Living Will
A formal written statement that states how the person wishes to have his or her death handled in the event that she or he cannot participate in decision making. This is done while mentally competent.