Healthcare in America Flashcards
The Medical Model
The “Sickness” is located in the patient, and the physician has the authority to cure it
The Wellness Model
The authority and responsibility for health are in each individual and emphasizes prevention
Effect of poverty on health
-Poverty has proven to be hazardous to mental and physical health
-on average, people in lower socio-economic groups have higher rates of heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, respirator infections, epilepsy, and some cancer
-2/3 of poor workers do not receive health insurance from employers
Women of color
Have poorer health, use fewer health services and have higher premature death, disease, and disability rates compared to caucasian women
First medical social worker was hired in
1905 at Massachusetts General Hospital
-ten years later the hospital employed 100 SW
The Great depression changed health care by
- making many unable to afford it.
- by the 1950’s it was provided primarily as a part of employment
The US healthcare system is currently financed through
Employment based voluntary health insurance
health insurance allows a client to choose a doctor
-but there are higher out of pocket expenses
Managed Care
requires clients to choose from within a network of doctors
The US is ranked ____ in overall provision of healthcare service
The US spends _______ in relation ti any other country
50% more per capita. The higher health care costs are associated with pressure for new technology, aging population, high cost for drugs, and high price of malpractice
Acute Care
and Dischange Planning
Hospitals and Inpatient services
Social workers have a critical role in discharge planning in acute care settings
Ambulatory Care and Case Management
Outpatient services, education, concealing and outreach
-case management and crisis intervention are primary tasks of social workers in ambulatory care settings.
Provides services for people with terminal illnesses that are expected to die within six months
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1966 (HIPPA)
Increased many peoples ability to maintain continuous coverage when they changed jobs
The Newborn and Mother’s Health Protection Act of 1996
An ammendment to HIPPA that disallows insurance companies from restricting benefits for a hospital stay in connection with childbirth
Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998
Amendment to HIPPA provided protection to patients who have reconstructive surgery in connection to a mastectomy
Healthcare SW Values
- Health care is a right
- all people should be guaranteed access
- Consumers should be able to choose care
- Confidentiality should be guaranteed
American’s with Disabilities Act
1990 president Bush, intended to make society more accessible to people with disabilities by requiring reasonable accommodations
More than 49 million Americans have disabilities. 1 in 5.
-defines as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more life activities
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is a chronic disease that destroys the immune system
- there is global and local access to treatment
- ADA applies to HIV/AIDS
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act [PL 111-148]
Enacted in 2010, closes the “donut hole” a little each year until 2020. in 2010 people on Medicare who spent more than 2,830 on prescriptions began receiving refunds of 250 from the gov.
First significant healthcare reform in 40 years, since the enactment of medicare and medicaid.
Universal Health Care
Everyone would be covered by insurance, regardless of preexisting conditions and employment status.
Single-player Plan
Health care would be financed by the federal government through payroll and personal taxes and administered by state governments. Elliminates economic distinctions.
Mortality Rates
Death rates
-higher in lower socioeconomic groups
Morbidity Rates
Illness Rates
-Higher in lower socioeconomic groups
Healthy Maintenance Organizations (HMO)
-Managed Care Structure
requires patients to have primary care physician who is first contact and provides complete care.
-limits tests and requires referrals