old tests Flashcards
Compare the uterine horns, uterine body, and cervix between the sow and the mare
the uterine horns of the sow and mare are both bicornuate, the sows is more developed.
The sow and mare both have endometrial folds in the uterine body but the mare has endometrial cups as well
The sow has a cervix with interdigitating prominences where as the mare has a cervix with longitudinal cervical folds
which of the follicles has an antrum
what is an antrum
tertiary follicle has an antrum
antrum= fluid filled cavity
from the female anatomy, determine what best fits the blank
a. site of fertilization
b. site that blocks polyspermy
c. “catches” oocyte from ovary
d. produces estradiol, progesterone
e. produces PGF2a
f. site of cotyledon attachment
g. produces gametes
h. mucus secretion (2types)
I. site of copulation
j. strong contractions expels fetus
k. closure to caudal vagina
L. birth canal
m. transport of zygote (fertilized egg)
a. ampullary isthmic junction
b. utero-tubal junction
c. infundibulum
d. ovary
e. Uterus
f. endometrial caruncles
g. ovary
h. cervix
I. vagina/fornix vagina
j. uterus
k. labia
L. vagina/fornix vagina
m. isthmus
list three functions of the livestock uterus
- environment for embryo
- production of PGF2a
- facilitates sperm transport to oviduct
- muscle contractions
what two muscles are responsible for contracting the testes for thermoregulation? which muscle can sustain contractions
- Tunica dartos (sustained contractions)
2. cremaster muscle (short contractions)
list three of the four components of the blood testis barrier. What is the function of the blood testis barrier?
the components are Sertoli tight junction, peritubular myoid cells, and basement membrane/capillaries
the function is to prevent immune factors from killing germ cells because they think it is a foreign body
name the appropriate part of the epididymis that corresponds to each function listed below.
a. storage of sperm ______
b. maturation of sperm _______ and ______
a. tail (cauda)
b. corpus (body) and caput (head)
place in numerical order the pathway of sperm
a. cauda epididymis
b. seminiferous tubules
c. urethra
d. efferent ducts
e. corpus epididymis
f. vas deferens / ductus deferens
g. rete testes
g. caput epididymis
b, g, d, h, e, a, f, c
list three functions of the pampiniform plexus
temp regulation through counter current heat exchange
testosterone concentration
pressure/pulse regulator
which gland of the males accessory glands does what
\_\_\_\_ major source of fructose \_\_\_\_\_ low volume produced \_\_\_\_\_ large volume produced \_\_\_\_ moderate volume produced \_\_\_\_ lobulated and disseminate types
a. seminal vesicle
b. bulbourethral gland
c. seminal vesicle
d. prostate gland
e. prostate gland
explain defeminization of the male brain and why this does not occur in the female brain
the male fetal gonads produce testosterone that travels to the hypothalamus and can pass through the blood brain barrier
here aromatase converts estradiol (through aromatization). Estradiol regresses surge center
females produce estradiol from their gonads that travel to hypothalamus but gets stopped by alfa fetoprotein produced by fetal liver and wont allow estradiol to pass through blood brain barrier so not regressing surge center which is important for cycles
___________________ enzyme is important for the conversion of ______________ to dihydrotestosterone, which is important for the development of male external genitalia and accessory glands
5 alfa reductase
list the three steps for testicular decent
- growth/elongation body away from testis
- growth of gubernaculum (rapid)
- regression of gubernaculum
list three factors that affect the potency (biological activity/strength) of a hormone
- hormones affinity to receptor
- number of receptors present
- hormones half life
what is the biochemical classification, source, target tissue, and action of the following hormones
- progesterone
- LH
- GnRH
- progesterone
BIOCHEM- steroid
TARGET TISSUE- endometrium, hypothalamus, female parts (uterus)
ACTION- promotes/allows pregnancy to be sustained in uterus - LH
BIOCHEM- glycoprotein
TARGET TISSUE- Leydig cells , theca cells, luteal cells,
ACTION- stimulate production of testosterone
3. GNRH BIOCHEM- neuropeptide, SOURCE- hypothalamus TT- AP ACTION- causes stimulation of LH and FSH in AP
The _____________ is located at the base of the brain and is the “primary regulator” (the PRESIDENT) of reproductive hormones
Does the PP or the AP do the following
a. releases oxytocin
b. composed of secreting glandular tissue
c. developed from neural ectoderm
d. contains axons and nerve terminals
e. synthesizes and releases FSH and LH
a. PP
b. AP
c. PP
d. PP
e. AP
starting from cholesterol, list the steps to estradiol (label aromatase at the appropriate enzymatic reaction)
cholesterol pregnelone progesterone testosterone (aromatization) estradiol
With respect to mode of action related to protein hormones please define primary and secondary messengers. What are the two secondary messengers discussed in class
secondary messengers: calcium and cAMP
primary: hormone
secondary: next thing hormone binds to after receptor??
which of the following pertains to proestrus, estrus, metestrus, diestrus stage of the estrous cycle of the cow
a. rapid growth of the dominant follicle to preovulatory follicle
b. transition from estradiol to progesterone
c. ovulation
d. lutenization occurs
e. greatest exhibition of behavior of heat
f. longest stage of the estrous cycle
g. uterine contactions quiescent
h. transition from progesterone to estradiol
I. stages of the follicular phase
j. stages of the luteal phase
k. anovulatory follicular waves
a. proestrus
b. metestrus
c. estrus
d. metestrus
e. estrus
f. diestrus
g. diestrus
h. proestrus
I. proestrus/estrus
j. metestrus/diestrus
k. proestrus
during the peripubertal period in females the ________ center of the hypothalamus becomes desensitized to the negative feedback of ________. This hormone has a positive feedback on the ___________
surge center
with respect to growth of the CL, large luteal cells (LLC) develop from the _________ cells of the follicle and increase in size due to __________ (hypertrophy/hypoplasia). SMall luteal cell (SLC) develop from the __________ cells of the follicle and increase in size due to ______________ (hypertrophy/hypoplasia). Vigor of the CL is related to the number of __________Cells of the follicle prior to ovulation
theca interna
define anestrus and name three types of anestrus
anestrus is an animal that is not cycling
- lactational
- gestational
- stress/immune/disease
besides seasonal polyestrous please name the two other types of estrous cycles in mammals. Give an example of a species for each
- monoestrous (dog)
2. polyestrous (cow
when using progesterone in the cow for estrus synchronization what specifically are we trying to achieve
progesterone is not for regressing CL but to promote CL growth to get all CL’s to same spot. Also decrease FSH/LH/GnRH
When a follicle transitions into a CL this process is termed ______________. When the CL regresses this is termed ___________
list four reasons for manipulation of the estrous cycle in animals
performance animals
decrease labor
uniform weaning weights
needed AI
when using PGF2a in the cow for estrus synchronization what specifically are we trying to eliminate
list and describe the 3 mechanisms of luteolysis discussed in class
- prevention of production of P4: PGF2a enters cell via PGF2a receptor and activates PKC to prevent cholesterol from converting to P4. PGF2a also allows increase uptake of Ca2+ causing apoptosis
- immune system: PGF2a creates immune response to CL during luteolysis. Immune cells prevent P4 synthesis resulting in apoptosis
- reduced bloodflow: PGF2a causes vasoconstriction of vessels to CL which causes degeneration of capillaries to CL
Describe one environment and one nutritional influence, which can stimulate the onset of puberty
environmentally one could place a male with females/near them to decrease time for onset puberty. Nutritionally, females (cows=ex) are said to need to be a certain percent of their mature body weight and if they are not it can lead to delay of onset puberty. So can bad nutrition overall. So if good nutrition equals normal onset of puberty.
what are the four important events in the pre-antral and antral follicles?
a. which event do granulosa cells acquire LH receptors
- recruitment
- selection
- dominance
- atresia
during the ovulation process, plasmin and ___________ (hint: the hormone of pregnancy) activates the collagenase which digests/weakens the __________ and BM (basement membrane of the follicle). ___________ stimulates smooth muscle contractions. The follicle ruptures and expels the __________, ___________ and follicular fluids by smooth muscle contractions. Many small vessels rupture causing hemorrhafe and the development of the _______________. The follicle implodes and the _________ and ___________ cells begin to mix developing into LLC and SLC. Secretory granules of the LLC secrete ___________ in the nonpregnant animal and relaxin in the pregnant animal
progesterone tunica albuginea PGF2a oocyte cumulus mass corpus hemmorrhagicum granulosa theca interna ocytocin
what hormone causes….
a. luteolysis of CL
b. Sertoli cells secrete (neg feedback on FSH)
c. hormone stimulates Leydig cells
d. precursor for steroid hormones
e. stimulates FSH secretion from AP
d. produced by both Sertoli and Leydig cells
f. cauda epididymis smooth muscle contractions
g. converts testosterone to estradiol
h. produced by the CL, needed to maintain pregnancy
I. maternal recognition protein in ruminants
a. estradiol
b. inhibin
c. LH
d. cholesterol
e. GnRH
f. oxytocin
g. aromatase
h. progesterone
I. IFNtau
Spermatocytogenesis occurs in the basal compartment of the seminiferous tubules . _______________, __________________, and _______________ are the cells which undergo spermatocytogenesis. The _______________ cells are able to revert back for stem cell renewal
spermatogonia A
“ B
“ C
Spermatogonia A
meiosis occurs in the _________ compartment of the seminiferous tubules and refers to ___________________ and ________________ differentiating cells
primary spermatocyte
secondary spermatocyte
spermiogenesis occurs in the ________ compartment of the seminiferous tubules and is the differentiation of spherical to elongated spermatids
when sperm are released from the Sertoli cells into the lumen of the seminiferous tubulues, this event is called
spermiogenesis is the metamorphosis of spherical spermatids into highly specialized spermatozoa. There are 4 phases of spermiogenesis. List these 4 phases in A, B, C, and D in the order in which they occur in the right column. Then match the 4 phases with one or more of the major processes that occur in each phase. These processes are clues. but they are not listed in the order of which they occur
List phases
a. mitochondira migrate and cluster in mid-tail piece
b. Golgi causes formation of large acrosomic vesicle
c. manchette formation
d. acrosome forms a distinct cap over top of nuculeus
e. centrioles migrate to bottom (South pole) of nucleus
f. spermatids are now called a spermatozoa
- Golgi phase
- cap
- acrosomal
- maturation
a. maturation
b. Golgi
c. acrosomal
d. cap
e. Golgi
f. maturation
___________ is the reaction that allows the sperm to penetrate the zona pellucida. This reaction releases enzymes one in particular known as ____________ aids in hydrolyzing ZP (hint name of enzyme similar to reaction name)
acrosomal reaction
Once sperm penetrates the zona pellucida it enters the perivitelline space and the __________ portion of the sperm, which has the binding protein ________ attaches to the microvilli of the oolemma (oocyte membrane)
equatorial segment
The _________ and ____________- are two ways by which the oocyte prevents polyspermy from occurring
zona block
vitteline block
the oocyt with male and female pronuclei visible is called an ______
__________- is when male and female pronuclei combine
The process of cell division where the embryo increses in cell number but does not change in mass is termed __________. Each cell within a 2-, 4-, 8- celled embryo is called a ____________ (name of each cell). These cells are ______________ meaning each cell has the potential to develop into a fully formed individual
The __________________ of the blastocyst will differentiate to form the embryo
inner cell mass
the _____________ of the blastocyst will differentiate to form the placenta
trophoblast cells/ trophectoderm
name two barriers and two faciliatators of sperm transport through the female repro tract
barriers: vaginal ph/ bacteria
cervical mucus sulfomucin
facilitators: cervical mucus sialomucin
myometrial contractions
name the parts in order of spermt ransprt from sem tubes to amp junction where fertilization occurs.
sem tubes-rete tubes- efferent duct- head epidid- body- tail- vas deferens - ampulla - crus penis - shaft penis - glans penis
anterior vag - cervix - uterine body - uterine horn - isthmus - ampullary junction
options: yolk sac, amnion, chorion, and allantois
a. collects liquid waste from the embryo
b. attaches to the endometrium
c. protects fetus, acts as cushion
d. contains germ cells, regresses
a. allantois
b. chorion
c. amnion
d. yolk sac
briefly explain why intrauterine migration of the embryo is important in the mare and sow
mare: the embryo must bounce around a lot to signal and obtain maternal recognition to prevent PGF2a from ending pregnancy
sow: there must be two embryos in each horn of the uterus to allow antiluteolitic mechanism to redirect PGF2a and maintain pregnancy
describe the conceptus secretion and mechanism (what is going on) for maternal recognition of pregnancy in the sow
the sow conceptus is estradiol
the mechanism is antiluteolitic. There is intrauterine migration of the embryos to make it so there are two embryos in each horn at least. This is required to redirect PGF2a and maintain pregnancy. Estradiol also causes myometrial contractions which allows movement and pacing of embryos. The critical days are 11-12 and 15-18
Explain what needs to occur for the embryo to develop from an early morula to a blastocyst. Hint: this includes more than just the cavity forming
- polarization needs to occur. This helsp guide cells to the trophectoderm (polar cells) and cells to the inner cell mass (non polar)
- compaction needs to occur. This is the flattening of spherical cells to wedge shaped cells to increase intracellular communication. Gap junctions form on inner cells for this communication and tight junction in trophectoderm for permeability
- a distinct fluid cavity (blastoceole) must be formed sodium/potassium pump
Interferon tau inhibits secretion of what hormone from endometrium. What is the function of this hormone
PGF2a and the function is to cause luteolysis of the CL
precopulatory, postcopulatory, proceptivitiy, receptivity, attractivity
a. memory positive or negative
b. search for a partner
c. increased activity (more steps taken)
d. female to female mounting
e. lordosis posture
f. send signals such as pheromones
a. postcopulatory
b. precopulatory
c. attractivity
d. proceptivity
e. receptivity
f. attractivity