OLD TESTAMENT: Key Events Flashcards
Genesis 1&2
Genesis 3
Genesis 6-9
Genesis 9
Genesis 11
Promise to Abraham
Genesis 15 (1900 B.C.)
Sign of Abrahamic Covenant
Genesis 17
Isaac’s Marriage w/ Rebekah
Genesis 24
Jacob’s Ladder
Genesis 28 (“Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you.” 28:15
Jacob’s marriage with Leah/Rachel
Genesis 29
Jacob prospers with flocks by peeling rods of poplar and almond and plane trees
Genesis 30
Jacob leaves secretly for Canaan from Laban - covenant of Mizpah
Genesis 31
Jacob wrestling with the angel
Genesis 32 (Peniel)
Esau’s reconciliation with Jacob
Genesis 33
Shechem violates Dinah - Simeon and Levi kill every male
Genesis 34
The Exodus
Exodus 5-15; particularly 12-14 (last plague/Passover and the crossing of the Red Sea) (c. 1450 B.C.)
Fall of Jericho
Joshua 6
The annointing of David
1 Samuel 16 (1050 B.C.)
Davidic Covenant
2 Samuel 7; Psalm 89
Dedication of the temple
1 Kings 8 (2 Chr. 6) (1000 B.C.)
Division of the kingdom
1 Kings 12 (2 Chr. 10) (950 B.C.)
The Exile
Deportations: 2 Kings 24; Fall of Jerusalem: 2 Kings 25 (2 Chr. 36) (586 B.C.)
The Return from the Exile
Ezra 1 (535 B.C.)
Crossing of the Red Sea
Exodus 14
David and Goliath
1 Samuel 17
Raising of the serpent in the wilderness
Numbers 21
Phineas’ zeal and the sin of Baal Peor
Numbers 25
Elijah and the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel
1 Kings 18
Dry Bones
Ezekiel 37
Moses victory over the Amalekites
Exodus 17
Exodus 16 (Manna, Murmuring, and Meet)
The Fleece
Judges 6
At what even did the moon and sun stand still?
Joshua 10, the five Ammorite kings come up against Gibeon
When did the sun dial go back ten degrees?
As a sign from God to Hezekiah that he would recovere and have 15 more years of life. Isaiah 38:7-18: “And this is the sign to you from the LORD, that the LORD will do this thing which He has spoken: “Behold, I will bring the shadow on the sundial, which has gone down with the sun on the sundial of Ahaz, ten degrees backward.” So the sun returned ten degrees on the dial by which it had gone down.”
Gideon visited by an angel
Judges 6
Fiery Furnace
Daniel 3
Dream of nations crushed by another kingdom
Daniel 2
Daniel’s prayer
Daniel 9
Daniel and the lion
Daniel 6
Hezekiah and Sennacharib
Isaiah 36 ff.
Elijah and the woman
1 Kings 17
Naaman the leper
2 Kings 2
Jehoshophat’s prayer
2 Chronicles 20
Man’s eyes opened to see chariots of angels
2 Kings 6 (w/ Elisha)
Genesis 14; Psalm 110; Hebrews 5, 6, 7