Key NT Passages Flashcards
Locate the book and chapter reference for some notable New Testament people, events, and statements.
Birth of Jesus (shepherds)
Lk 2
Birth of Jesus (wise men)
Mw 2, Lk 2
Baptism of Jesus
Mw 3, Mk 1, Lk 3, Jn 1
Temptation of Jesus
Mw 4, Mk 1, Lk 4
Sermon on the Mount
Mw 5-7
The Lord’s Prayer
Mw 6:9-13, Lk 11:2-4
“Take my yoke”
Mw 11:29
Parables of the kingdom
Mw 13
Prodigal son
Lk 15
Caesarea Phillippi
Mw 16, Mk 9
Mary and Martha
Lk 10:38-42
Correcting a brother
Mw 18:15 ff
Keys to the kingdom
Mw 16:19
Two Great Commands
Mw 22:37-40
The Comforter
Jn 14:7
“You must be born again”
Jn 3
Woman at the well
Jn 4
Way, truth, and life
Jn 14:6
Feeding of the 5,000
Mw 14, Mk 6, Lk 19, Jn 2
The Vine
Jn 15:5
Good Shepherd
Jn 10
High priestly prayer
Jn 17
Triumphal entry into Jerusalem
Mw 21, Mk 11, Lk 19, Jn 12
Last Supper
Mw 26, Mk 14, Lk 22
Death of Christ (event)
Mw 27, Mk 15, Lk 23, Jn 19
Resurrection of Christ (event)
Mw 28, Mk 16, Lk 24, Jn 20
Ascension of Christ
Mk 16, Lk 24, Acts 1
Great Commission
Mw 28, Mk 16, Lk 24, Jn 20, Acts 1
Acts 2
Conversion of Paul
Acts 9
Acts 18
Jerusalem Council
Acts 15
Philippian jailer
Acts 16
Acts 17
Body as temple of Holy Spirit
1 Corinthians 6
Love chapter
1 Corinthians 13
Law as schoolmaster
Galatians 3
Fruit of the spirit
Galatians 5
Armor of God
Ephesians 6
The mind of Christ
Phil 2
Pressing toward the mark
Phi 3:12
Not grieving as those without hope
1 Thess 4
“Man of lawlessness”
2 Thess 2
Fought the good fight
2 Tim 4:7
The washing of the new covenant
Titus 3:5
Heb 4-7
Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves
Heb 12:6
Problems with unanswered prayer
Jas 4
Problems with the tongue
Jas 3
Living stones
1 Pet 2
That we may know…
1 Jn 2
The elect lady
2 Jn
The great white throne judgment
Rev 20
The millennium
Rev 20
The Good Samaritan
Lk 10
Seven Great Signs
- Water into wine (Cana) (Jn 2)
- Healing of nobleman’s son (Jn 4)
- Healing at pool of Bethesda (Jn 5)
- Feeding 5,000 (Jn 6)
- Walking on water (Jn 6)
- Healing the blind man (Jn 9)
- Raising Lazarus (Jn 11)
Jesus’ I Am Statements
- The bread of life (Jn 6:35)
- The light of the world (Jn 8:12)
- The gate (Jn 10:9)
- The Good Shepherd (Jn 10:11)
- The resurrection and the life (Jn 11:25-26)
- The way, the truth, and the life (Jn 14:6)
- The vine (Jn 15:5)