Old Testament Bible Exam Prep Questions Part II Flashcards
Who was Abigail’s cranky husband?
Where are the caves where David hid from Saul?
Where did Saul go to talk with a medium?
Who did Saul want the medium to call up from the dead? (In your opinion, was this really him?)
Where did David return to find that the city had been looted?
Who was responsible for looting and taking the women and children captive in 1 Samuel 30?
How did Saul die? (According to 1 Samuel)
Suicide (fell on his own sword)
T/F David fought with the Philistines up until the day Saul died.
On what mountain does Saul die?
Mt. Gilboa
Where did the Philistines take the body of Saul? How did they dishonor him?
Beth-shean; they cut off his head and pinned his body to the wall
Who rescues Saul’s body and properly buries it? (Why do they do this?)
The men of Jabesh-gilead; Saul had saved them before
T/F Jonathan was killed in the same battle in which his father died.
How old was David when he became king of Israel?
T/F: The writer of 2 Samuel only emphasizes David’s good qualities.
How does David react to the death of Saul?
Tears his clothes and properly mourns
After the death of Saul, who is crowned king of Israel (not Judah!)?
T/F: David refers to his rival, Saul’s son, as “King of Israel” in 2 Sam 2
Who is the military commander for Ish-Bosheth?
Who is the military commander for David?
Why does Abner join David?
Ish-bosheth accuses Abner of sleeping with his father’s concubine
Who murders Abner? Why?
Joab; revenge for his brother’s death
What city did King David select for his first capital?
What people lived in Jerusalem until David captured it?
Who was the king of Jerusalem at the time of Abraham?
What was the name of the terraced construction along the steep slope in Jerusalem, upon which houses were built? (See note on 5:9 as well)
The Millo
What is the central valley in Jerusalem called?
Tyropoeon Valley (Valley of Cheese makers)
What was the hilltop north of the City of David?
Mount Moriah
What is the valley to the east of Jerusalem?
Kidron Valley
What was the name of the spring outside Jerusalem that David used when he captured Jerusalem?
Spring of Gihon
How long will David’s line last, according to 2 Samuel 7?
Which king built a palace in Jerusalem for David once he established this as capital?
Hiram, the King of Tyre
Who was the king of Tyre?
What was the length of David’s reign as king of Israel?
40 Years
Who touched the Ark and was struck dead? (Why was he struck for touching the Ark?)
Uzziah; He did not carry it properly
In what chapter of 2 Samuel is the Davidic Covenant?
How long will David’s descendants be on the throne?
Why does David take care of Saul’s grandson Mephibosheth?
He made an oath to Jonathan
Who insulted David by abusing his envoys? (How were they abused?)
The Ammonites; they shaved half of the bears of the envoys and cut their robes
T/F: Because David had Moabite blood, he went easy on the Moabites in battle.
Uriah was…(nationality, and by marriage)
A Hittite
David committed adultery with….
What was Bathsheba doing when David first saw her?
Taking a bath on her roof
T/F A foundation for David’s palace has been found in Jerusalem which indicates it probably overlooked the whole city.
Who delivered the letter which ordered Uriah’s death?
Who was the prophet who confronted David about his sin?
How did the prophet confront the king?
Story of a man steeling a sheep
What is the Psalm connected with David’s repentance?
Psalm 51
What was the name of the second son of David and Bathsheba? (He has two given in chapter 12)
Who arranged to have Ammon killed?
Who killed Absalom? (Chapter 18)
The temple was built on the threshing floor belonging to… (24:18ff)
T/F: David only had two wives, Michal and Bathsheba.
T/F: David started to build the temple but died before it was finished.
T/F: The book of Chronicles says that David had a foundational role in the establishment and organization of temple.
T/F: A small fragment has been discovered inscribed with David’s name at Tel Dan.
Know the names of the Northern and Southern Kingdom, the capitol city of each, and the year that kingdom came to an end
Northern: Israel, Samaria, 722 BC // Southern: Judah, Jerusalem, 586 BC
In their present form, 1-2 Kings could not be written before….
6th Century BC
The authors of 1-2 Kings were deeply influenced by what other biblical book?
What was the “devastating blow” to the Jewish people which the books of 1-2 Kings tries to explain?
Destruction of the Temple
The judgment of Israel in the books of Kings is based on God’s covenant as recorded in what earlier book?
2 Samuel
T/F In the books of 1-2 Kings, the royal Davidic line comes to an end.
What is the main cause of the judgment which fell on Israel and Judah in Kings?
They turned away from God
T/F One of the main themes of 1-2 Kings is that the Lord is the only true God.
Where is the only true place of worship in 1-2 Kings?
Jerusalem Temple
How many kings are mentioned in 1-2 Kings?
Who was the son of David that was “next in line” to the throne before Solomon?
Who were Adonijah’s supporters?
Abiathar the Priest and Joab
Who was instrumental in getting David to name Solomon as the next king?
Nathan and Bathsheba
Where did David tell Solomon to build the Temple?
Mount Moriah
What was the area between the Temple and the City of David called?
At what location did God first appear to Solomon?
What did Solomon request from God?
How is this gift immediately demonstrated in the text?
Two women bring him a problem concerning “their” child
Solomon married the daughter of what major world leader?
Pharaoh of Egypt
What does the name Solomon mean?
Who helps Solomon build the temple?
Hiram, the King of Tyre
From where did Solomon import gold for the temple?
What is the inner room of the Temple called?
Holy of Holies
What are the two pillars outside the temple called?
Jakin and Boaz
With what was the interior of the Temple lined?
Cedar paneling and Gold
T/F The bronze altar in front of the Temple was 30 feet high, overlooking the whole temple complex.
T/F The Bronze Sea supplied water for the temple and was mounted on the backs of 12 bronze oxen.
T/F The holy place, or nave, was sixty feet long by thirty feet wide and contained ten golden lamp stands.
Where did the cedar for the Temple and Palace come from?
Jerusalem is known by what other name?
City of David
Who visits Solomon because she has “heard of his fame”?
Queen of Sheba
Sheba is modern…..
What was the major cause of Solomon’s worship of foreign gods?
Foreign Wives
Who was Solomon’s adversary in the north? (11:14-24)
Hadad the Edomite
Who built two golden calves and became an apostate?
Who was Solomon’s son who reigned after him?
T/F: The pomegranate was a decorative motif in the Temple.
T/F Solomon’s son was not at all interested in relieving the economic problems his father caused.
T/F: Archaeologists have recovered the general outline of the foundation for the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem.
Who was the prophet who condemned the apostasy of the golden calves?
An unnamed man of God
In which two cities were the golden calves built?
Bethel and Dan
Who was the god of the Moabites?
Who was the god of the Ammonites?
Who was the mother-goddess of Canaan?
Which neighbor of Israel was ruled from the city of Damascus?
Which of Israel’s neighbors were known as seafarers
Which of Israel’s neighbors are descended from Esau?
Which of Israel’s neighbors now is known as Ammon, Jordan?
The capital of this neighbor of Israel is Sela, possibly later known as Petra?
Omni’s son, Ahab, made a political marriage to the daughter of the king of… whose name was….?
Sidon; Jezebel
The prophet in the court of Ahab that was responsible for hiding the true prophets of God was….
What city was extensively fortified by Solomon, possibly including stables?
At what place did Elijah challenge the prophets of Baal?
Mount Carmel
In the struggle between Elijah and Baal, what are the things the Lord overcomes? (Things normally associated with Baal)
drought, thirst, hunger, debt, death
Who is an example if Israel “blessing the nations” in the ministry of Elijah?
Widow of Zarephath
T/F: Elijah taunted the priests of Baal.
T/F: Elijah had the 450 priests of Baal exiled from Israel.
False (he persecuted them)
T/F: Elijah had Jezebel killed for her idolatry.
T/F: The Phoenicians brought Baal worship into Israel.
T/F: Omri is mentioned in Assyrian records.
T/F: El, the head of the Canaanite pantheon, is frequently mentioned in the Bible.
Who was the successor to Elijah as prophet in the northern kingdom?
Who was responsible for Naboth’s death?
T/F Jezebel was killed by Elisha the prophet at the command of the Lord.
Who was the king of Judah (the southern kingdom) that allied with Ahab against the king of Aram?
T/F: When Ahab was killed, birds ate his liver, as predicted by Elijah the Prophet.
Who was the “standard” king by which all the kings are judged?
In what modern country was the Assyrian empire located?
Which king of Israel is mentioned in on the Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III?
Which king consulted Baal-Zebub about his health?
Which king of Israel is mentioned in the Mesha Inscription?
T/F: A jasper seal has been discovered which records the name of Jereboam II.
Which Old Testament character ascended into heaven without dying?
Which prophet parted a body of water? (There are two in Kings!)
Elijah and Elisha
What did the prophet Elisha do to the Syrian army?
He plagued them with blindness from God
What did Elisha do when mocked by teenagers?
They mocked him for being bald
Where did Jeroboam build a cult center (altar) which has been excavated?
Which king of Israel paid a heavy tribute of a thousand talents of silver to Tiglath Pilesar III? How much silver is this?
Menahem; 75,000 pounds of silver
The major reason for the judgment of Israel was… (Read 2 Kings 17:7-23)
Broken Covenant/Idolatry
T/F: The Assyrian king Ashurbanipal was known for his fairness and relative compassion in dealing with captured peoples.
T/F: At Hazor, a city in northern Galilee, the attack of TPIII left an ash layer 39 inches thick.
Which Assyrian king destroyed Samaria? (Note that two kings claimed to have destroyed the city.)
T/F: The Assyrians were the first to use exile as a form of punishment for captured peoples.
T/F: Some 27,290 people were deported from Israel by the Assyrians.
T/F: Israelites were deported as far east as Tarsus in Asia Minor.
Who are descended from the people “resettled” in Israel after the fall of the nation?
According to 2 Kings 17, why did the Lord punish the northern kingdom?
Broken Covenant/Idolatry
Who was responsible for destroying the royal house of Omri and putting an end to Baal worship?
Which king of Israel was know for building an “Ivory Palace” with Phoenician and Egyptian influences?
Athaliah was the mother of….
Who was the only woman to rule Judah?
By what other name is King Azariah known? (15:1-7, see note, IVPA 90-91)
Why was Azariah smitten with a skin disease?
He did not remove the high places
Which king repaired the temple? Why do you think he did this?
Josiah; saved by the priest
The Assyrian king that took tribute from Israel was… (15:17-22)
Tiglath-pileser III
In what year was Israel destroyed?
722 BC
T/F The Assyrian nation was well known for their cruelty.
T/F The Assyrian empire fell to the Babylonians in 612 B.C.
T/F Hezekiah was the wickedest king since the time of David.
False (Manasseh)
Who was the Egyptian pharaoh who invaded Judah in 926 B.C.?
To whom did Ahaz say, “I am your servant and vassal”?
Which Assyrian leader invaded Judah in 701 B.C.?
T/F: The Assyrian invasion of 701 B.C. is the clearest case of an Old Testament event which can be substantiated from archaeological evidence.
What Judean town did the Assyrians lay siege to and destroy in 701, inscribing the event on a monument in Nineveh?
T/F: The Assyrians claimed that they deported more than 200,000 people form Judah and destroyed 46 cities, including Jerusalem.
How did the Lord rescue Jerusalem from the Assyrians?
Angel of the Lord strikes them dead
T/F: A wall relief depicting Sennacherib’s siege of Hazor was found by archeologists in Nineveh.
False (it was found in Lachish)
The prophet who came to Hezekiah was…
When Hezekiah became ill, he prayed to the Lord and….
God granted him 15 more years
T/F: An inscription was discovered inside Hezekiah’s tunnel dedicating the tunnel to Hezekiah in celebration of the Lord’s deliverance of Israel from Assyria.
Hezekiah entertained envoys from what nation?
Who was the most apostate of the kings of Judah?
Which king had the longest reign of any king in both Israel and Judah?
The author of Kings blames the fall of Jerusalem on which king? (Chapter 21)
According to 2 Chron 33:11, how was Manasseh taken to Babylon?
Captured with hooks and bound with chains of bronze
What did the priests find in the temple when Josiah was king? Who was the priest that found it?
The Law; Hilkiah
What festival did Josiah celebrate after the reading of the Law?
Which pharaoh of Egypt killed Josiah in battle?
Necho II
T/F: Josiah was a good king, walking in the ways of his father David.
T/F: Because he was a good king, Josiah had the longest reign in the history of Judah
What was the god that required human sacrifice, whose temple Josiah destroyed in the Valley of Hinnom?
What Babylonian king destroyed Nineveh in 612?
What Hebrew prophet was baffled by the rise of Babylon against Judah?
Who was king of Judah when Israel was destroyed?
Who was the last king of Judah?
How many times were people deported from Judah to Babylon?
What kind of burial did Jeremiah predict that king Jehoiakim would have?
Where did the last group of refugees go under the leadership of Jeremiah?
Who was the Babylonian king that destroyed Jerusalem 586 B.C.?
Where were twenty-two ostraca discovered, containing military communications during the Babylonian invasion?
Who was appointed as governor by the Babylonians after Jerusalem fell.?
According to Jeremiah, how long as the exile to last?
70 Years
The oldest tradition maintains that the author of Chronicles was…
T/F It is thought that texts from Chronicles which are found in Ezra-Nehemiah prove that Ezra-Nehemiah are the later works.
False (Chronicles as Later)
T/F According to Chronicles, the Davidic Covenant replaced the Mosaic Covenant.
Who was the Persian king who conquered Babylon?
Cyrus II
In what year was Babylon conquered?
538 BC
T / F The primary audience of the book of Chronicles was Judah as the historical heir of Israel.
T/F: The genealogies in 1 Chronicles go all the way back to Adam.
T/F: The Levites were also a paramilitary group.
T/F A major interest of Chronicles is seeking God.
Read 1 Chronicles chapter 10; What did the author of Chronicles emphasize with the life of Saul?
His death was a result of broken faith in God
T/F Since the books of Chronicles emphasize Judean kings, the authors believed the northern kingdom was completely rejected and no longer a part of the Covenant.
1-2 Chronicles emphasizes which “type” of king?
T/F: Many scholars believe the same person wrote Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah.
On what artifact is the “decree of Cyrus” found?
Cyrus Cylinder
T/F The books of Chronicles have a special interest in Solomon’s Temple.
What are some of the things the Levites do in the Temple?
Offering praise through music, uttering prophecy and encouragement, supporting the Aaronic priests in administering sacrifices, safeguarding the holiness of the Temple
What year was the Decree of Cyrus?
539 BC
T/F: 2 Chronicles describes Cyrus’ persecution of Daniel by throwing him in the Lion’s den.
Which prophet predicted that Cyrus would give the exiled Jews their freedom?
T/F The last few verses of Chronicles are nearly the same as the first verses Ezra.
T/F Ezra wrote Ezra 1-6
Who were the first to lead the Jews back from Babylon?
Ezra and Nehemiah
T/F Parts of Ezra are written in the first person, implying he wrote those sections.
What is the range of years covered by Ezra- Nehemiah?
537-433 BC
Who was the governor of Judah who rebuilt the Temple?
Who was the priest that helped build the first altar after the return?
What is the feast celebrated as soon as the altar is rebuilt?
Feast of Booths
T/F: The majority of the Jews returned to Jerusalem after Cyrus’ decree.
By the time the Temple was rebuilt, who was the king of Persia (520 B.C.)?
Who are the two prophetic books associated with the return from Exile?
Haggai and Zechariah
T/F: Cyrus allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem, but they were not allowed to take the items captured from the Temple.
T/F: The temple completed in 516 B.C. was larger than that of Solomon’s, and more ornate.
T/F: When work on the temple stopped, the Jews found a copy of the original decree of Cyrus in Ecbanta, allowing them to finish the work.
When did Ezra arrive in Jerusalem?
458 BC
T/F: Men who had married foreign women were forced to divorce and abandon their children.
What was Nehemiah’s job in the Persian government?
He was a cupbearer
Who was the Persian king Nehemiah served?
How long did it take to complete the repairs on the walls of Jerusalem?
52 Days
What was the water source for Jerusalem in the rebuilt city?
Spring of Gihon
T/F Nehemiah’s walls covered an area slightly larger than Solomon’s.
T/F The Valley Gate, on the western wall of Jerusalem, was excavated in 1924
T/F Despite the order of the books, Nehemiah arrives in Jerusalem before Ezra.
T/F The walls Nehemiah rebuilt for Jerusalem are essentially the same walls found in the modern “old city” of Jerusalem.
T/F After Ezra read the Law to the people, they confessed their sins and said “Today we are redeemed from our sins”
T / F At the end of the Old Testament, the future of Israel remains uncertain.
Which book of the Old Testament does not mention the name of God?
What is a general range of dates for the writing of the Book of Esther?
485-464 BC
Which Reformer criticized the book as “too aggressively Jewish”?
Martin Luther
T/F Even the Jews did not consider Esther scripture until after the first century A.D.
Which Jewish holiday is explained in the Book of Esther?
Feast of Purim
The “Ahasuerus” of the Book of Esther is known in Persian history as…
Xerxes I, King of Persia
T/F Xerxes I is well known from the Greek historian Herodotus.
What are the three key themes of Esther?
Divine Responsibility, Human Responsibility, Absurdity of Wickedness
How long was the banquet hosted by Xerxes?
180 Days
Who was the first queen of Xerxes?
Queen Vashti
The capital of the Persian Empire was…
How did Mordecai save the king’s life?
He told Queen Esther of the plot by two of the kings angry eunuchs (Bigthan and Teresh)
Who was the Persian official offended by Mordecai? Why was he offended?
Haman; Mordecai did not bow to him
What is Esther’s Jewish name?
Hadassah (“Myrtle”)
T/F: Archaeology proves that Esther was Xerxes’s queen Vashti.
Who said, “If I perish, I perish”?
How did Esther risk her life?
Entered the King’s Presence without Being Invited
What ultimately happened to Haman’s estate?
Possessed by Mordecai
What happened on the 13th day of Adar?
Jews prevailed over their enemies when the opposite was expected on the day Haman chose for the Jews’ destruction
The word pur refers to…
Persian Origin, meaning “lot”). Haman, the enemy of the Jews, cast lots to detain day of his plan to exterminate them (3:7)
T/F The prophet Daniel speaks about Xerxes in Dan 11:2
True (4th King)
T/F Susa was one of four palaces built by the Persian kings.
T/F: Because of the secular nature of Purim, it is no longer celebrated by Jews today.
What are some of the traditional activities on Purim?
Public reading of Esther; fasting followed by a time to eat, DRINK, and be merry
What is the most important feature of Hebrew poetry?
Which book is a collection of love songs?
Song of Solomon
Which book is a collection of worship prayers?
Which book discusses finding the meaning of life?
Which book discusses the suffering of the innocent?
Which book collects sayings of Solomon and many other writers?
T/F The special features of Hebrew poetry are clear even in translation.
T/F There is no word in Hebrew for “poem.”
T/F Poetry is rare outside of Job and Psalms
How many proverbs did Solomon write, according to 1 Kings?
What characteristic of Hebrew poetry is this: “Lord, how are they increased that trouble me! Many are they that rise up against me” (Ps 3:1)?
“Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.” This is an example of what sort of parallelism?
T/F Hebrew poetry is readily recognizable but difficult to define.
T/F Hebrew wisdom literature has a strong connection with the Royal Court.
According to Jewish tradition, the book of Job was written by….
T/F The Hebrew of Job is straightforward and easy to read.
Which other Old Testament book refers to Job?
T/F Some scholars think that Job is a commentary on Deut 28
The name Job is related to the Hebrew word for . . .
The book of Job concerns itself with the question of…
At what point in history is the story of Job set?
Time of Abraham
What New Testament book refers to Job as a real person?
What is the Babylonian work most similar to Job?
Ludlol Bel Nemeq (Babylonian Job)
What parts of the Book of Job creates a literary framework?
T/F/ Job’s three friends represent an oversimplified orthodoxy which is based on a misreading of wisdom tradition.
Which part of the Book of Job is written in prose?
Prologue, Epilogue
Where does Job live?
How does the book present Job’s wealth?
Sheep, Children, Property
What does the name Satan mean?
T/F In Job’s first test, he did not sin, but after the second he cursed God.
False (his wife did)
T/F Job’s wife was helpful and supportive in his trials.
T/F Even though Job is not an Israelite, he still worships the one true God.
T/F In the end of the story the Lord rewards the three friends for comforting Job.
Who began the first cycle of speeches in Job 4?
Zophar insisted that Job’s main problem was…(see 11:4-6)
Whose speech set the stage for God to speak?
What does the name Elihu mean?
Yahweh is God
God spoke to Job from a….
What are the two creatures that God described in his second speech?
Behemoth and Leviathan
What does the word Behemoth mean?
Large Creature
T/F: According to Job, God is in control of everything, even Satan.
What is the Hebrew title for the Book of Psalms?
Who is the author of the largest number of the psalms?
How many divisions are in the Book of Psalms?
Psalms which contain poetic, woeful cries of pain and anguish are called (in LGW):
T/F The phrase “of David” can also be translated “belonging to” or “about David.”
T/F 1 -2 Sam describe David as a songwriter and skilled musician.
What is a possible explanation for the collection of the first three sections in Psalms?
Rise of David’s Kingdom
T/F Personification is a literary style that gives human attributes to something non-human.
T/F A simile is a figure of speech in which the writer addresses someone absent as though they were present and capable of responding.
Give a biblical example of hyperbole.
Psalm 42:3
What word is frequently used in the Psalms at the ends of stanzas , although there is little agreement on what it actual means? (Ps. 3:2, for example.)
What is the earliest Psalm?
Psalm 90
How many Psalms have headings which are connected to incidents in David’s life?
Which Psalm is a thanksgiving Psalm associated with the Sabbath celebration?
Psalm 92
Which psalm did David write after Nathan confronted him about his sin with Bathsheba?
Psalm 51
List the various “types” of Psalms (9 in the ESVSB):
Lament, Hymns of Praise, Hymns of Thanksgiving, Celebrating God’s Law, Wisdom Psalms, Song of Confidence, Royal Psalms, Historical Psalms, Prophetic Hymns
What is a prayer for an enemy’s destruction called?
What is an Execration text?
Sculpture that is written on, then smashed. Used as a way to curse the people whose names are written on the Pot/Sculpture. Earliest written document that mentions Jerusalem
How does Psalm 1 describe the one who “does not walk in the ways of the wicked”?
Tree Beside Water
Which Psalm describes our experience of God as a “deer thirsting after water”?
Psalm 42
Whom did David appoint as his chief musician?
Where is Mt. Zion?
Location of the Temple Mount and Jerusalem
It is thought that Psalm 90 was written by….
Psalm 119 is an example of an ….
Acrostic Poetry (alphabetical, 8 fold)
At the end of Psalm 41 there is a…
Who were the Levite family that wrote several of the Psalms?
Sons of Korah
What is the ram’s horn used in worship called?
What is the name for a psalm that calls for God’s judgment on the enemy of the psalmist?
What is a “song of ascent?” (See Psalms 120-134, see note on Ps 120).
Song of being on the way up to Jerusalem
What is the Hebrew phrase for “Praise the Lord”? (See note on Ps 146, for example)
T/F: We are certain of the tunes for most of the Psalms, although a few are obscure.
T/F: Mt. Zion is a particularly impressive mountain in the Negev.
T/F: Hyssop was used for ritual cleansing in the Old Testament (Ps 51).
Who is the author associated with most of the Book of Proverbs?
How many proverbs did Solomon write?
What is the Egyptian wisdom book, written about 1250 B.C., which is similar to Proverbs 22:17-24:22?
The Instruction of Amenemope
What are two examples of Wisdom literature from the post-exilic period?
Sirach, Wisdom of Solomon
From whom did King Lemuel learn his proverbs? (See 30:1-33, 31:1-9)
His mother
What is emphasized the most in the wisdom of the Book of Proverbs?
According to the first seven verses of the book, what is the purpose of Proverbs?
Describe and install wisdom in God’s people
In Proverbs, the fool always chooses…
The word “heart” in the Bible is used metaphorically for… (see Prov 4:23)
the Center of one’s inner life and orientation to God
Where are the emotions located in the Ancient Near East worldview?
In which chapter is Wisdom personified as a woman?
T/F Proverbs has a lack of interest in the covenant, law and Temple.
T/F Proverbs teaches that God’s will is intensely practical.
T/F The book of Proverbs has a clear and easy to follow outline.
T/F In Proverbs, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom.
T/F King Hezekiah is responsible for collecting some of the proverbs of Solomon found in the book.
T/F: Proverbs is an anthology which does not come from any one time.
Who are the persons responsible for the sayings in chapter 30 -31?
Agur, King Lemuel
According to Jewish tradition, when was Proverbs 31:10-31 to be recited?
The best definition of the word Qoheleth is…
The book claims to be written by. . . .
What is the theme of Ecclesiastes?
Life is Meaningless
What is the repeated “theme” of 1:2?
What is metaphor for the theme of meaningless?
Chasing the Wind
What are some of the things that Qoheleth tries in a quest to find satisfaction in life?
Pleasure, Work, Entertainment, Education
What is a key repeated phrase in Ecclesiastes which is foundational to all wisdom lit, especially Proverbs.
Fear of the Lord
What phrase, appearing more than 30 times in the book, describes life on earth?
Under the Sun
T/F The writer of Ecclesiastes finds pursuit of wealth a satisfying life goal.
T/F: According to Ecclesiastes, we ought to enjoy life because it is a gift of God.
What is the “common destiny” that awaits all men?
T/F God’s good gifts are to be received humbly and enjoyed fully as blessings from God.
What does the title of this book mean?
The Ultimate Song
What are the ways that the book has been interpreted over the years? (Class notes.)
Allegorical, Typological, Prophetic, Literal
Who is the woman who is the bride in this book?
A Shepherdess
What are the range of dates possible for the book?
960-931 BC
The Song of Solomon celebrates God’s gift of….
What was a common term of endearment in ancient love poetry? (See 5:1)
What is the occupation of the man and woman in the book?
King and Shepherdess
T/F SoS and Proverbs agree in their condemnation of sexuality within marriage.
What phrase is repeated three times as a warning to the young lovers? (See 2:7, 3:5 and 8:4)?
“Do not stir up love until it pleases”
What is the metaphor used for the bride’s body in chapter 1?
A Horse
T/F: In a Jewish wedding, the bride walked to her groom’s home accompanied by her closet friends.
T/F: According to Song of Solomon, love is both pleasurable and painful.
T/F: The Song of Solomon uses extravagant and unlikely metaphorical language.
What is the verse in Genesis which describes the sexual intimacy of marriage?
Genesis 2:24
To whom does the woman often address her speeches?
Daughters of Jerusalem
What is the key verse in the Song of Songs? (Check the notes!)
What is a brief definition of a prophet?
One who speaks for God
The Hebrew word nabi’ means….
T/F God’s standards for his prophets were first revealed to Abraham.
False (Moses)
T/F The prophets were the regular teachers of God’s word.
T/F The prophets asserted that God speaks through them.
What kind of relationship between God and his people do the prophets describe?
A Marriage
Originally the “Minor Prophets” were all placed on one scroll. What was that scroll called?
The Book of the Twelve
T/F The Prophets claim that the coming judgment will eradicate Israel because of their idolatry.
Who were the three earliest prophets?
Micah, Amos, Hosea
How many books are considered to be written by prophets in the Old Testament?
Who was the prophet that confronted King David?
Who was the prophet that confirmed Josiah’s discovery of the Book of the Law?
Who were the two prophets that went to the northern kingdom to confront them over their care of the poor and idolatry?
Hosea and Amos
Who was the prophet that warned King Hezekiah that Judah would be threatened by a king from the east?
Which prophetic books are considered the “major” prophets?
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel
Which prophet ministered just prior to the fall of Jerusalem in 586?
Which prophet had a great vision of the future temple while he was an exile in Babylon?
Who were the three “post-exilic” prophets?
Haggai; Zechariah; Malachi
Which prophetic book only contains one sentence of prophecy actually preached by the prophet?
Which of the prophets is considered to be “apocalyptic”?
Which prophets returned after the exile?
Haggai; Zechariah; Malachi