Lists and Information Flashcards
Eight Essentials of MAD Theology
Distinctive Ministry of the Apostle Paul Israel & Church (Law & Grace) (Mid-Acts) Beginning of the Body of Christ Literal Interpretation Pre-Tribulation Rapture Cessation of Sign Gifts One Baptism Jew/Gentile Equality
JOSHUA: Joshua
JUDGES: Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah, Barak, Gideon, Abimelech, Tola, Jair, Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon, Samson
*not explicitly described as a judge
10 Plagues
1) Waters of Egypt Turn to Blood
2) Frogs
3) Gnats
4) Flies
5) Death of Egyptian Livestock
6) Boils
7) Hail (fire)
8) Locusts
9) Darkness
10) Death of Firstborn (passover)
Days of Creation
1) Heavens and Earth (Formless, with water)
2) Sky (barrier between water and sky)
3) Dry Land (land and seas)
4) Stars and Heavenly Bodies (time)
5) Sea Life and Birds
6) Land Plants and Animals, Mankind
7) God Rests
Traditional Dispensations
Innocence Conscience Human Government Promise Law Grace Kingdom
Ten Commandments
1) You shall have no other gods before me
2) You shall not make a carved image (worship icon/idol)
and shall not bow down to them or serve them
3) You shall not take the name of your Lord God in vain
4) Remember the Sabbath Day
5) Honor your father and your mother
6) You shall not murder
7) You shall not commit adultery
8) You shall not steal
9) You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
10) You shall not covet your neighbor’s things
12 Disciples
Simon (Peter) Andrew [Peter's Brother] James John Philip Bartholomew Matthew Thomas James [Son of Alphaeus] Simon [the Zealot] Judas [Son of James] Judas Iscariot {replaced by Matthias}
Works of the Flesh
Sexual Immorality Impurity Sensuality Idolatry Sorcery Enmity Strife Jealousy Fits of Anger Rivalries Dissensions Divisions Envy Drunkenness Orgies
Fruits of the Spirit
Love Joy Peace Patience Kindness Goodness Faithfulness Gentleness Self-control
Covenants of God
Edenic (Gen. 1:26-30; 2:16-17) Noahic (Gen. 9) Abrahamic (Gen. 12:1-3, 6-7; 13:14-17; 17:1-14; 22:15-18) Mosaic (Ex. 20; Deut. 11:26-28) Davidic (2 Sam. 7:8-16) New (Jer. 31:31-34)
Importance of the GGF in Ministry
Pastor– Counsel, Pastoral Subsidy, Pastoral PrayerLink
Church– Conflict Management, Church Planting, Building Funds (often loaned), Pastoral Search, Relief Funds, Leadership Training, Prayer Need Awareness
Other– Licensing/Ordination, Family Bible Conference/Leadership Conference, Prayer Calender, Truth Magazine, Journal of Grace Theology
Christian Education Ministry Opportunities
Sunday Morning Service Sunday School "Junior Church" Nursery Toddlers "Wednesday Night" Bible Study Small Groups One-on-one Instruction
Missions Programs in Church
Board/Group Dedicated to Missions Invite Missionaries/Missionary Candidates Available Resources Pulpit Promotion Personal Encouragement Short-Term Missions Trips Local Evangelism/Ministry Opportunities
Divisions/Types of Theology
Biblical Practical Systematic Historical Contemporary
Ingredients for a Balanced Sermon
Biblically Rooted/Focused Instructional Applicatory Illustrative Organized (Intro, Body, Conclusion) One Main Focus, "The Big Idea" Well Times (appropriate length)
Potential Counseling Situations
Crisis (death, sin issues) Marriage (pre, divorce) Mentorship/Discipleship Church Discipline Parenting
Essentials for Worship Service
Public Reading of Scripture
Preaching of the Word
Fellowship Time (occasional meals)
11 Areas of Theology
Angelology Anthropology Bibliology Christology Ecclesiology Eschatology Harmartiology Pneumatology Soteriology Theology Proper Theology of Sanctification
Minor Written Prophets
Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi
Major Written Prophets
12 Tribes
Ephraim+ and Manesseh+ (Joseph’s Two Portions)
*Eastern ^Southern \+Western #Northern %No Land/Priests
Beliefs of Progressive Dispensationalism
- See Church Age as harmonious continuation in God’s plan
- Reject Core Essentials
- Reject literal interpretation as a major issue in C.T. vs. D.T.
- Reject Heavenly Church vs. Earthly Israel Distinction
- See only one people of God (see first point)
- Believe Messianic Kingdom Begins at Ascension (Acts 1-2)
- Emphasize a present age Kingdom Rule (Now, not yet)
Old Testament Books of the Bible
PENTATEUCH– Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
HISTORY– Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther
POETRY– Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon
MAJOR PROPHETS– Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel
MINOR PROPHETS– Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
New Testament Books of the Bible
GOSPEL– Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
PAULINE EPISTLES– Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians,, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Timothy , Titus, Philemon
GENERAL/JEWISH EPISTLES– Hebrews, James, 1 & 2 Peter, 1 & 2 & 3 John, Jude
Important Characters in the Genealogy of Jesus According to Matthew
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah (Tamar)… Salmon (Rahab), Boaz (Ruth)… David (Bathsheba), Solomon, Rehoboam… Joseph (Mary)
Important Characters in the Genealogy of Jesus According to Luke
Adam, Seth… Noah… Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Judah… Boaz…Joseph
Names of God
Adonai, El Shaddai (Almighty God), Christ (Messiah/Anointed), Emmanuel (God with man), Jehovah (YHWH), Jesus (God Saves), King, Lamb, Prince of Peace, Redeemer, Shepherd, Jehovah-Jireh (God the provider), Creator, Father
Spiritual Gifts
ROMANS 12:3-8
Prophecy, Service, Teaching, Exhortation, Generosity, Leadership, Mercy
Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Healing, Miracles, Prophecy, Distinguishing Spirits, Tongues, Interpretation (tongues)
Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Miracles, Healing, Helping, Administration, Tongues
Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Shepherds/Teachers
Qualifications for Elders According to 1 Timothy 3:1-7
Above Reproach, Husband of One Wife, Sober-minded, Self-controlled, Respectable, Hospitable, Able to Teach, Not a Drunkard, Not Violent but Gentle, Not Quarrelsome, Not a Lover of Money, Manage His Household Well, Keeping His Children Submissive, Not a Recent Convert, Well Thought of by Others
Qualifications for Deacons According to 1 Timothy 3:8-12
Dignified, Not Double-tongued, Not Addicted to Much Wine, Not Greedy, Holding the Mystery of the Faith with a Clear Conscience, Tested First Before Serving (to be Proven Blameless), Husbands of One Wife, Managing Children and Household Well
With Wives that are Dignified, Not Slanderers, Sober-minded, and Faithful in All Things
Qualifications for Elders According to Titus 1:5-9
Above Reproach, the Husband of One Wife, Having Children that are Believers and are Not Open to the Charge Debauchery or Insubordination, Not Arrogant, Not Quick-tempered, Not a Drunkard, Not Violent, Not Greedy, Hospitable, a Lover of Good, Self-controlled, Upright, Holy, Disciplined, Holding Firm to the Trustworthy Word (that He May Be Able to Give Instruction in Sound Doctrine and Also Rebuke Those Who Contradict It)
Kings of United Kingdom
Saul > David > Solomon
Kings of Judah
Judah and Benjamin
Rehoboam [Shemaiah] > Abijah > Asa* > Jehoshaphat* > Jehoram > Ahaziah > Athaliah > Joash* [Joel] > Amaziah* > Uzziah (Azariah)* [Isaiah & Micah] > Jotham* [Isaiah & Micah] > Ahaz [Isaiah & Micah] > Hezekiah* [Nahum, Habakkuk, & Zephaniah] > Manasseh^ [Nahum, Habakkuk, & Zephaniah] >Amon {Nahum, Habakkuk, & Zephaniah] > Josiah* {Nahum, Habakkuk, & Zephaniah] > Jehoahaz {Nahum, Habakkuk, & Zephaniah} > Jehoiakim [Daniel, Ezekiel, & Jeremiah] > Jehoiachin {Daniel, Ezekiel, & Jeremiah} > Zedekiah {Daniel, Ezekiel, & Jeremiah]
–Destruction of Jerusalem, 9th of Av, 586 BC, Babylonian Captivity–
*Good King
^Evil King, Repented
{name(s)] = Prophets
Kings of Israel
Ten Northern Tribes
Jeroboam I [Abijah] > Nadab > Baasha > Elah > Zimri > Omri [Elijah & Micaiah] > Ahab [Elijah & Micaiah] > Ahaziah > Joram [Elisha] > Jehu > Jehoahaz [Jonah, Amos & Hosea] > Jehoash [Jonah, Amos & Hosea] > Jeroboam II [Jonah, Amos & Hosea] > Zechariah > Shallum > Menahem > Pekahiah > Pekah > Hoshea
–722 BC, Fall of Samaria to Assyria–
*All Kings are Evil
[name(s)] = Prophets
Dispensational Theology VS Covenant Theology
Strict Literal Interpretation VS Frequent Allegorical Interpretation
Premillenialism VS Amillenialism and Postmillenialism
Distinction between Israel and BoC VS Believing Israel and BoC = God’s People
Dispensations (4-11+) VS Covenants (2-3)
Future for Israel VS Church is Future Israel
Post-cross Church Beginning VS Church Began after the Fall
Covenants of Covenant Theology
Works (Creation of Man to Fall)
Grace (Fall through Eternity)
Redemption (Persons of Trinity agreement to Redeem mankind)
Figurative/Spiritual Baptisms
Christ Baptizing with Holy Spirit at Pentecost (Matthew 3:11)
Christ Baptizing with Fire; perhaps at 2nd Coming (Luke 3:16)
Holy Spirit Baptizing Believers into Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:13)
Christ’s Baptism into Death (Luke 12:50)
Noah’s Ark [the antitype to Christ’s saving baptism] (1 Peter 3:20-21)
Israel under Cloud and in Sea into Moses (1 Corinthians 10:2)
Baptism for the Dead (1 Corinthians 15:29)
Ritual/Water Baptisms
Diverse Law Baptisms/Rituals (Hebrews 9:9-10)
Tradition, not Law, Baptisms of Jews (Mark 1:1-9)
John’s Baptism of Jesus-introducing the Messiah (John 1:31; Luke 3:3)
Baptism of Christ as Messiah (?) (Matthew 3:15)
Pentecostal Water Baptism for Remission of Sins (Acts 2:38)
Types of Church Government
EPISCOPAL- Hierarchy of Clergy; examples: Eastern Orthodox, Coptic, Roman Catholic, Anglican, Methodist, (some) Lutheran
PRESBYTERIAN- “Elder-run”; examples: Presbyterian, Reformed
CONGREGATIONAL: PLURAL ELDER-LED- Elders are Chosen by Leader(s), not democratic vote
Outline of Genesis
Pre-Patriarchs (1:1–11:32)
The story of creation (1:1–2:3)
Adam and Eve (2:4–25)
The fall (3:1–24)
Cain and Abel (4:1–26)
From Adam to Noah (5:1–6:8)
Noah and the flood (6:9–9:17)
The spread of nations (10:1–32)
The tower of Babel (11:1–32)
Patriarchs (12:1–50:26)
Abraham (12:1–25:11)
The descendants of Ishmael (25:12–18)
Isaac (Abraham’s son) (25:19–26:35)
Jacob (Abraham’s grandson) (27:1–35:29)
The descendants of Esau (36:1–43)
Joseph (Abraham’s great-grandson) (37:1–50:26)