Old Testament Bible Exam Prep Questions Flashcards
What important verse from 2 Peter refers to the Holy Spirit’s agency in the inspiration of the Bible?
2 Peter 2:20-21
Have the original manuscripts of the Old Testament ever been found?
LXX is the abbreviation for the….
What is the name for the Greek translation of the Old Testament?
At which council was the Old Testament canon confirmed? (The “final stage” of the OT canon.)
Council of Jamnia
What does the Greek word biblia mean?
What are the three languages in which the Bible was written?
Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic
What does “canon” mean?
Accepted Books (and order) of the Bible. The word has Semitic origins meaning “measuring rod”
What is the name for the books written by Jews in the period between the Old and New Testaments?
Who accepts the deutero-canonical books as scripture?
Roman Catholics
How many books are there in the English Old Testament?
How many books are there in the Hebrew Bible?
What are the divisions of the Hebrew Bible?
1) Torah (Law), sacred literature. 2) Nevi’im (Prophets), including history books, beliefs, and values. 3) Kethuviem (Writings), includes stories, psalms, and proverbs
Where were these Dead Sea Scrolls found?
T/F: While a complete copy of the book of Psalms appears in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Isaiah is missing chapters 40-66
False (Isaiah is most complete)
What led God to make a covenant with his people in the first place?
Salvation of his people and making them the light of the world
What is the word used to describe the “ultimate heir of David”?
What is the period between the testaments called?
Second Temple Period
T/F Most scholars agree that there is a single, unifying theology of the Old Testament.
T/F The Old Testament does not explicitly describe God as a trinity.
T/F The land of Israel was to be a reconstituted Eden.
T/F The Law is described as an object of delight and admiration.
T/F The New Testament abolishes the distinction between Jew and Gentile.
What is central to biblical faith in the Old Testament?
What are the three key regions of the Ancient Near East?
Mesopotamia, Egypt, Syria-Palestine
Mesopotamia is important for biblical study because….
Source of… Abram, Semitic peoples, Assyria, and Babylon
What is the main geographical feature of Egypt?
Nile River
What divides between the northern and southern portions of Palestine?
Mount Hermon
T / F Syria / Palestine is also known as the promised land.
What is the river which marks the point at which the Israelites ended their 40 years of wandering?
Zered River
What is the mountain at the northern edge of the Land, about 9232 feet, and is snow-covered for most of the year?
Mt. Hermon
T/F: The Sea of Galilee is 689ft below sea level.
What is the lowest body of water on Earth at 1290 ft. below sea level.
Dead Sea
The city of Nazareth, best know as the home of Jesus, is located in what region of the Land?
T/F: Palestine was not called a “land flowing with milk and honey” until after Israel developed the land during David’s reign as king.
The traditional author of the Pentateuch is….
The Hebrew word for Law is….
The word Pentateuch means…
Five Scrolls
Name the five books in the Pentateuch.
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
The Old Testament is written primarily in what language?
How did God encourage Israel’s compliance with the Law as revealed at Sinai?
Covenant. Obedience = Blessing, Disobedience = Punishment
T/F The names of Israelite kings appear in the records of the Assyrians
What does the name “Genesis” mean?
T/F Genesis has ten linear genealogies of ten generations each.
The theme of Genesis is….
Creation, Sin, Recreation
T/F The promised blessing goes to the first born son.
Which line assumed leadership in the book of Joshua? (Although ultimately the kings did not come from this line).
T/F No creature other than man is given a proper name in Genesis 1
T/F Genesis 1 does not discuss the mechanics of creation.
T/F Clearly all the events of Genesis predate the time of Moses.
T/F Genesis seems to reflect its origin in the second millennium BC
T/F The genealogies of Genesis 5 and 10 have parallels in Sumerian king lists.
False (5 and 11)
Know what is made on each day of creation.
1) Light 2) Sky and Water 3) Land and Vegetation 4) Celestial Bodies 5)Sea Life and Birds 6) Land Animals and Mankind 7) Nothing–God Rested
Know the general order of events in Genesis 1-11
Creation, Fall, Flood, Patriarchs
The name for God in Genesis 1 is…
What is the name of God used in Gen 2:4 which connects creation to the redemption from slavery in Exodus?
T/F The creation story in Genesis deliberately contradicts important elements of other creation myths from the ancient world.
T/F The idea of creation by word expresses the knowledge that the whole world belongs to God.
How does Adam describe Eve in Gen 2?
Bone of My Bone, Flesh of My Flesh
What does Eve add to the command of God?
“Do not touch the fruit”
What did Adam say to the serpent in Gen 3 in response to the temptation to eat from the Tree?
What verse in Genesis 3 is known as the “Protevangelium,” and what does that mean?
Genesis 3:15; “First Message/Gospel” pointing to the offspring of Eve that would destroy Satan
How was the way back to the tree of life guarded?
Cherubim with Flaming Sword
Who are the two sons of Adam in Chapter 4?
Cain and Abel
Who was the first man who married two wives?
Who were the results of the interaction of the “sons of God” and the “daughters of men”?
Nephilim (“Fallen”); thought to be a race of Giants
The man who lived 969 years was . . .
What does the name “Noah” sound like in Hebrew?
On what mountain does the ark come to rest? In which modern country is this mountain?
Ararat; Turkey
What is the sign of the covenant God made with Noah?
A Rainbow
After the flood, how is murder to be treated?
Life for a Life/Capital Punishment
Who were the three sons of Noah?
Shem, Ham, Japheth
The sons of Japheth are associated with which peoples?
Greeks, Aryans of India
Which son of Noah sins against his father? Who is cursed as a result of this sin?
Ham; Canaan
What is the Babylonian flood myth called?
Epic of Gilgamesh
T/F: The Gilgamesh Epic is remarkably similar to the biblical flood story, except the time in the ark is much longer.
Where was the “Tower of Babel” built?
Who was the father of Abraham?
T/F: The name Babel is similar to the Hebrew word balal, which means “to babble.”
In which chapter of Genesis is the call of Abram found?
What does Abram’s name mean?
Abram= “exalted father”, Abraham = “father of multitudes”
Who was Abram’s nephew?
In what Mesopotamian city was Abram born?
T/F Abram lived during the great and bountiful second Dynasty of Ur.
At what location did Abram and his family stop on the way to Canaan?
In Genesis 12:1-3, as God makes his famous promise to Abraham, what does God tell Abraham to do?
Go to the land that God will Give to Him
What are the two words repeated five times each in the promise to Abram?
“I will”
Abram lives near what city in Gen 13?
To demonstrate his promise to Abram, God took Abram outside and told him to count what?
What Mesopotamian king led a raid in Canaan,
Who was Hagar?
Sarah’s Servant/Concubine
Who was the mother of Ishmael?
What was the sign of the covenant that God gave to Abraham in Gen 17?
T/F Circumcision was unique to the Israelites.
Who were the three visitors who came to Abraham?
The Lord and 2 Angels
What are the two cities destroyed by God in Gen 19?
Sodom and Gomorrah
Lot’s descendants become what two nations?
Ammonites and Moabites
What is the meaning of the name Sarah?
Noble Woman
Sodom and Gomorrah were located near what body of water?
Dead Sea
Who wanted to force Hagar to leave the camp?
What is the mountain to which Abraham was sent to sacrifice his only son?
Mount Moriah
What is given as a substitute for Isaac in Genesis 22?
What does Abraham call the place where he was to sacrifice Isaac?
Mount of the Lord
From whom did Abraham buy a cave in which to bury Sarah?
Ephron the Hittite
Who was Isaac’s wife? Whose daughter is she? (How is she related to Isaac?)
Rebekah; Bethuel’s; 2nd Cousin
How did the servant know which woman was to be Isaac’s wife?
The woman who offered him AND his camels water
Ishmael had 12 sons; who are descended from these twelve tribes?
What name means “heel grasper”?
Who were the wives of Jacob? Who were his concubines?
Leah and Rachel; Bilhah and Zilpah
God changed Jacob’s name to…
Where did Jacob have his first vision and message from the Lord?
How did Jacob mark the spot in which he had the dream of the ladder to Heaven?
To what location does Jacob flee after stealing Esau’s birthright?
For whom does Jacob work there?
Who is the only daughter of Jacob mentioned in his genealogy?
Who was the mother of Joseph, the favored son?
Rachel (also the mother of Benjamin)
T/F Jacob rewarded Simeon and Levi for their bravery.
T/F Jacob cheated his uncle by stealing his sheep.
Where does Jacob have his second encounter with the Lord?
What does the name Rachel mean?
Ewe, Value, Protection, Good Value
What did Rachel steal from her father? Why?
Household god; protect inheritance
How did Reuben offend his father Jacob?
He laid with Bilhah
In what town is Rachel buried?
With whom does Jacob wrestle in Gen 32?
Who are the descendants of Esau?
Who is raped by the king of Shechem in Gen 34? Who is it that defends her? (How do they defend her?)
Dinah; Levi and Simeon; Kill and the Men
T/F Leah is buried near Shechem in a beautiful tomb purchased from the Hittites.
False (Buried in Hebron)
What is Joseph given by his father?
A Coat of Many Colors
Who is the youngest son of Jacob?
T/F: Joseph dreamed of seven stars and seven lamp stands which bowed before him.
T/F: The brothers of Joseph lied to their father about what happened to him.
Which brother of Joseph wanted to save him from the others (although he failed)?
Which son of Jacob dishonors himself in Gen 38?
What was to be Tamar’s punishment for her adultery?
To be Burned
What was the price paid for Joseph when he was sold into slavery?
20 Shekels of Silver
What is the name of the Egyptian who buys Joseph?
T/F Joseph quotes the seventh commandment when his master’s wife wants to have an affair with him.
What was this man’s role in the Egyptian government?
Chief of Pharaoh’s Officials
Who were Joseph’s fellow prisoners?
A Baker and a Cupbearer
What is the title for the “king of Egypt”
What did the Pharaoh’s dreams mean?
Seven Years of Plenty Followed by Seven Years of Famine
In Gen 41, how does the Pharaoh describe Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams?
He is Full of the Spirit of God
Who were Joseph’s two sons?
Ephraim and Manasseh
How did Joseph explain his ability to interpret dreams?
Comes from God, not Himself
Who does Joseph marry in Egypt?
What did Joseph hide in Benjamin’s sack of grain?
A Silver Cup
What region of Egypt was given to Joseph’s family?
Which son of Joseph received the first blessing, despite being the younger of the two sons?
From which of Jacob’s sons will the kings of Israel come? (Gen 49)
Which son of Jacob is described as being a “viper by the path”?
T/F: Because Gad and Asher were sons of Jacob’s concubine Zilpah, they are not included in the blessing of the sons.
What does Jacob ask Joseph to do “on his death bed” in Gen 49?
To Bury Jacob with his Fathers (ancestors)
T/F: In order to punish the ten bad sons, Jacob pronounces a series of curses upon them from his death bed.
How old is Joseph when he dies?
110 Years
How long did it take to embalm a body in ancient Egypt?
40 Days
How is Joseph buried?
Embalmed and Buried in a Coffin (like an Egyptian)
Where is Jacob buried?
The name “Exodus” comes from the Greek word meaning . . . .
Going Out/Departure
What is the Hebrew title for the book of Exodus?
The overarching theme of the book of Exodus is….
Fulfillment of God’s Promises
T/F The book of Exodus clearly claims to be written by Moses.
T/F Archaeology has proven the Israelites lived in Goshen for more than 400 years.
In Hebrew, which name for God occurs over 6,800 times and functions as God’s actual specific name?
What are the two cities built by the Hebrew slaves?
Pitham and Raamses
How long were the Israelites in Egypt?
400 Years
What are the two dates possible for the Exodus?
1400 BC or 1200 BC
T/F The tabernacle has parallels in both Canaanite and Egyptian tent-shrines.
Which Egyptian god was challenged by the plague of darkness?
Ra - the sun god
What was the basic reason the Egyptians enslaved the Hebrews?
Too Many Hebrews; Pharaoh Feared and Uprising
T/F The name Moses is common in compound Egyptian names.
What name of God is reveal in Exodus 3? What does it mean?
Yahweh; “I am”
Land is a key them in Exodus. How is the “promised land” described in Exodus?
Land Flowing with Milk and Honey
What does the name “Moses” mean?
Drawn Out of Water
To what region does Moses flee when he is forty?
What is the reason for Moses fleeing Egypt?
He killed an Egyptian
Whom does Moses marry in the wilderness?
Moses father-in-law was. . . (name, role)?
Jethro the Priest
Mt. Sinai is also known as Mt. . . .
What is the traditional site of Mt Sinai? (Check the map on page 143)
Near the Southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula
The name of the pharaoh that was possibly ruling at the time of the Exodus (if the later date for the Exodus is used, that is!)
Ramses II
Who was Moses’ helper, supposed to be his spokesman?
The area of Egypt where the Israelites lived, often not effected by the plagues.
T/F: The Egyptian magicians could produce the same effects as some of the plagues.
T/F: The Israelites also have to endure the plagues as a punishment for their idolatry
In Exodus 24, what do the elders of Israel do when the go up the mountain of God?
Worship and Eat Before the Lord
What is the meal eaten by the Israelites the evening of the last plague, celebrated to this day?
Who was the woman that worshiped God in song in Exodus 15?
What is the name of the place where Israel complained “bitterly” about water.
What were the dimensions of the Tabernacle?
45’ x 15’ x 15’
What was engraved on the top of the Ark of the Covenant?
Two Cherubim
What was stored inside the Ark of the Covenant?
Ten Commandments, Manna, Aaron’s Staff
What did the bread on the table of the presence symbolize?
12 Tribes
After what was the golden lamp stand with six branches modeled? (What is the modern name for this lamp stand?
A Flowering Almond Tree; Menorah
Why did the LXX entitle the book “Leviticus?”
The Tribe of Levi
In which book of the Hebrew Bible is the Tabernacle described?
T/F The Tabernacle provides order for Israel’s worship and a “tangible aspect for the divine presence.”
How is holiness described in the book of Leviticus?
A Ritual State
The priesthood is described in Leviticus chapter….
Which book stresses holiness and repeats the phrase, “Be holy, because I am holy.”
T/F The book of Leviticus takes place in less than a month.
T/F Clean and Unclean are hygienic terms in Leviticus.
T/F Someone who is unclean may only take part in the peace offerings.
T/F The holiness code deals with sanctification.
How many burnt offerings are described in Leviticus?
3 (herd, flock, bird)
What is the reason given for a “guilt offering”?
Reconcile Sinners relationship with God
What is the reason given for a “burnt offering”?
To Please God
What are the two stones Urim and Thummim used for according to chapter 8? (Read also the note at Exodus 28:30)
Seeking the Lord’s Decision on particular Matters
Who was it that offered “strange fire” or an unauthorized sacrifice before the Lord?
Nadab and Abihu
T/F: Mammals with cloven hoofs are considered “clean” (see Lev 11)
T/F/ Water animals with fins but no scales are considered “clean.”
T/F: According to Leviticus, God desires to be with his people when they worship him.
What is the focus of Leviticus 11–15?
Laws of Cleanliness and Uncleanliness
Who entered the Holy of Holies on the Day of Atonement? (Read Lev 16))
High Priest
What was the offering that was to be given at the time of the harvest?
Sheaf of First Fruits
At what feast was there to be no leavened bread?
Which festival is known today as the beginning of the Jewish new year, or Rosh Hashanah?
Feast of Trumpets
During which special day was the book of Lamentations read?
Feast of Trumpets
During which festival was the book of Ruth read?
Shavuot/Feast of Weeks
What was the offering called required a tenth of all produce to be given to the Lord? (See Lev 27:30)
The census reports in Numbers were recorded when the Israelites lived where?
T/ F Because of the unfaithfulness of Israel in the wilderness, it is not clear by the end of Numbers whether or not they will enter the land.
What is the final Hebrew word of Aaron’s blessing in Numbers 6:24-26?
T/F The book of Numbers explains why Moses did not enter the Land.
Once when Israel complained, they were punished with poisonous snakes. What was Moses told to build in order to heal them?
Bronze Serpent on a Pole
How long did the Israelites stay at Mount Sinai?
1 Year, 2 Months
What were some of the restrictions of the Nazirite vow? (Numbers 6)
No Cutting Hair, No Touching Dead Things, No Drinking Wine (consuming from the fruit from the vine)
What is the festival celebrated in Numbers 9?
What was used as a signal to show the Israelites when to begin marching?
When the Cloud lifted from the Tabernacle
From what location did Moses send out the spies?
What guided Israel in the wilderness?
Cloud by Day, Pillar of Fire by Night
Which tribe lead the procession of Israel?
About what kind of food did the Israelites complain?
What was the main problem that Aaron and Miriam had with Moses?
They Challenged Moses’ Authority
T/F The spies only traveled as far north as Shechem, the former home of Abraham and Isaac.
According to the unfaithful spies, who lived in the land?
What were the names of the two “good” spies?
Joshua and Caleb
Who defeated the Israelites who tried to take the land without Moses’ blessing?
Amalekites and Canaanites
What was the punishment God gave to the Israelites because they did not enter the promised land at the time planned?
40 Years of Wandering
What people did not allow Israel to pass through their territory?
At what mountain did Aaron die?
Mount Hor
Which two kings did Israel defeat in order to control the land east of the Jordan?
Sihon and Og
What was the fate of the rebellious Korah, Dathan, and Abiram?
They were eaten by the earth (the ground split)
Who was the ruler of Moab who opposed Israel?
Who was the prophet that attempted to curse Israel?
Who warns Balaam about the Angel of the Lord blocking his path?
Balaam’s Donkey
T/F: Balaam cursed Israel twice, but the third time the Lord made him prophesy a blessing on Israel.
False (never cursed Israel)
What does the name “Deuteronomy” mean in Greek?
“Second Law”
What is the traditional site of Mt. Sinai?
South Central Sinai Peninsula
What is a little box placed on the hand and head called?
What is the box placed on the door called?
What is the primary reason Moses is not allowed to enter the land?
Ha lacked faith when he struck the rock twice instead of speaking to it as God had told him
Og was the king of….
Bashan (Amorites)
After writing the law, Moses instructed the Israelites to read it in public every….(31:9-13)
The end of every seven years during the festival of Tabernacles
From what mountain did Moses view the land before he died?
Mount Nebo
How many members of the older generation entered the land?
The historical books include which books in the English Bible?
Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 &2 Kings, 1 &2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther
What does the name Joshua mean?
Yahweh is Savior
Who was Joshua’s father?
What was the covenant memorial that was done in Joshua 5?
Circumcision of the New Generation
T/F Jericho is one of the oldest cities in history, and is also the lowest city on earth.
Jericho was to be “devoted to the Lord.” What does that mean? (6:17, note)
Total Destruction/Take Nothing
At what place did Joshua lead Israel in a renewal of the covenant?
Mt. Ebal
Who deceived Joshua into making a treaty? (How did they do it? What was their “punishment” for making a false treaty?)
Gibeonites; Dressed poorly to look like travelers; became Israel’s servants
Who was the king of Hazor who was defeated by Joshua.
What was Joshua to do with the horses and chariots captured at Hazor?
Hamstring the horses and burn the chariots
T/F: The name Ai means “ruins.”
What is the northern-most city destroyed by Joshua? (Cf., map on page 412).
T/F: Joshua burned the cities of all the kings he defeated.
Whose burial is recorded in the Book of Joshua? (See ch 24:28-33)
The book of Judges begins and ends with….
How many judges make up the characters in the Book of Judges?
What is the most likely date of composition for the book of Judges?
1010-970 BC
T/F Judges seems to argue for a righteous king who can lead the people of God.
T/F The early bronze age was something of a “dark age” (1200-1000 B.C.)
On what principle did the cult of Baal operate?
Priestesses– Sexual Pleasure
Who are the three “major” judges.
Gideon, Samson, Jephthah
T/F The book of Judges describes the Judges as ideal leaders, both militarily and spiritually.
The book of Judges gives a chronology which could include how many years?
Up to 410
Be able to describe the “Judges cycle” (ESVSB page 448). They are all pretty much the same.
- People Sin 2. God Gives them over to their Enemies 3. People Cry Out 4. God Raises a Judge
T/F While the Judges Cycle repeats throughout the book, the level of sin and rebellion remains constant.
What is the main reason Israel failed to complete the conquest of Canaan? (2:6-3:5)
Israel’s Unfaithfulness
Who was the only woman who was a judge?
Who defeated Sisera, commander of Jabin’s army?
Who was the left-handed judge?
Who was the judge that asked for a sign (several times!)
Gideon, Samson, Jephthah
Which tribe was affected by Gideon’s war with the Midianites?
Who told the fable in Judges 9?
Who was Gideon’s son, and why is his name significant?
Which judge (s) destroyed Hazor?
Deborah and Barak
Why is the name of Gideon’s son significant?
it means “My Father, the King” (Gideon was not a king)
What kind of god is Baal? (Skip ahead to page 1414)
Baal was the rider of the clouds, giver of rain, maker of thunder and lightning (he should have been able to burn up the sacrifice in the story of Elisha and the 450 Prophets of Baal)
What did Gideon make that became a “snare” for Israel?
Who announced the birth of Samson?
An Angel
A Nazirite vow included…
Not Cutting Hair, Not Touching the Dead, and Not Drinking Wine
Who did Samson want to marry?
Who was the woman used by the Philistines to obtain Samson’s secret?
How did Samson defeat the Philistines in his final battle?
Pushed Down Two Center Pillars of the Pagan Temple (Killing Himself, too)
Which tribe moved from their tribal territory to the far north, near the headwaters of the Jordan?
Tribe of Dan
Who were the most serious threat against Israel in the period of the Judges and early kingdom?
Which tribe caused a civil war by treating a concubine brutally.
Tribe of Benjamin
T/F: Samuel slew 3000 Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey.
False (1,000)
T/F: The Philistines were defeated in Egypt before settling in Canaan about the same time Israel arrived in the land.
T/F: The Philistines are originally from the Aegean.
T/F: The Philistines captured the Ark of the Covenant in the book of Judges.
What does the book of Ruth say about God?
Sovereignty, Wisdom, Covenant Kindness
During what biblical period does the book of Ruth take place?
Judges (Ruth 1:1)
According to Jewish tradition, who was the author of Ruth?
In which section of the Hebrew Bible is Ruth placed?
The Writing (Five Scrolls)
The Hebrew word hesed means….
Loving Kindness
What is the key theological teaching of Ruth?
What country was Ruth from?
Naomi left her home in Bethlehem because of a…
Which name means “God is my delight”?
What was the chief function of a kinsman-redeemer?
Marriage so that land would not remain in perpetuity outside of the family
What is the word used to describe this sort of marriage of a childless widow?
Levirate Marriage
In which book does a mother-in-law play a major role?
What does Naomi want to be called after her many troubles?
Mara (“bitter”)
Who is a close relative of Elimelech that may act as kinsmen-redeemer?
What did it mean to “uncover a man’s feet”?
Demonstrates her dependence on him in view of her bold marriage proposal
What is “gleaning”?
harvest left for the poor
What does Boaz do to show that he is “completing the deal” to marry Ruth?
Uncovers his feet
Who is the central character in the Book of Ruth?
Ruth (and God)
What did Ruth and Boaz name their son?
Who is the famous great-grandson of Ruth and Boaz?
What is the main theme of 1-2 Samuel?
Davidic Dynasty
T/F Despite the fact that God used human kings in the Old Testament, God himself is rarely described as a king.
T/F 1-2 Samuel contrasts the decline of Eli and his sons with the rise of David.
False (rise of Samuel)
T/F David is pictured as wholly positive until the Bathsheba / Uriah debacle.
Samuel was the last of the….
What event led Israel to demand a king?
Samuel appoints his sons as judges
About what year did David become king?
1010 BC
Who was Samuel’s mother?
Who were the sons of Eli?
Hophni and Phineas
Where was the Ark of the Covenant located before it was taken into battle?
Where did the Philistines take the captured ark of the covenant?
What was the name of the Philistine God which was damaged by the Ark?
What does the name “Dagon” mean?
“fish” or “grain”
What plague did the Philistines suffer because they had set the ark of the covenant in the temple of their gods?
Tumors of the Groin
To what town does the Ark go when it is finally “rescued”?
Kiriath Jearim
T/F Samuel wanted a king from the beginning.
Who anointed Saul as king?
What was the site of Saul’s first victory?
What job first brought David recognition?
Musician in Saul’s Court
What first caused Samuel to tell Saul that God would take the kingdom away from him?
Saul makes an improper sacrifice instead of waiting for Samuel
What does “Holy War” imply in 1 Sam 15? (Remember Aachen?)
Total Destruction/Take Nothing
Where did the Lord send Samuel to anoint the next king?
Who was the father of David?
T/F Samuel asked for the youngest of the sons to be brought before him first.
What did Saul do as David played his harp for him?
Threw a Spear at David
How tall was Goliath?
6 Cubits and a Span (9 ft., 9 in.)
Where did David’s battle with Goliath take place? (In what valley?)
Valley of Elah
After David’s defeat of Goliath, what is the irritating little song everyone sings, irking Saul greatly.
Saul has killed his thousands, David his ten thousands
Who was the daughter of Saul who married David?
Who was the son of Saul that loved David?
Who helps David escape from Saul? (Several answers possible here.)
Jonathan, Michal
To what Philistine city does David go to when he flees from Saul?
What is the priestly city annihilated by Saul?