Old Exam 1 Questions Flashcards
Most abundant element in Earth’s crust (by weight)
Tendency of mineral to break along smooth flat surfaces
Most common mineral in Earth’s crust
Not a characteristic of minerals
Either liquid or solid
Most abundant mineral group in Earth’s crust
Mass number of an atom is obtained by totaling the number of
protons and neutrons
Building block of the silicate minerals is called the
silicon-oxygen tetrahedron
Most unreliable diagnostic property of minerals such as quartz is
Each elemnet is defined by the number of
The definition of a mineral includes words such as…
naturally ocurring and crystalline
An igneous rock that contains vesicles
contains many small holes, is also extrusive, is also aphanatic
Which is an igneous rock? rhyolite, slate, limestone, shale
Granite and gabbro have
a similar texture
Rocks that contain crystals that are roughly equal in size and can be identified with the unaided eye are said to exhibit this texture
This igneous texture is characterized by two distinctively different crystal sizes
Rhyolite is the fine-grained equivalent of this igneous rock
The textures of an igneous rock…
records the rock’s cooling history
Igneous rock is formed
by crystallization of molten rock
Detrital sedimentary rocks are classified primarily on the basis of
particle size
Which rock type is associated with a high-energy environment?
Which pair of minerals is most common in detrital sedimentary rocks?
clay and quartz
Sedimentary rocks account for about ____ percent of rock exposures on the continents
The most abundant chemical sedimentary rock is
List in correct order the forms of coal from lowest grade to highest
Lignite, Bituminous, Anthracite
Metamorphism may result from
pressure, heat, chemical action
What changes may occur during metamorphism?
crystals may grow larger, rock becomes more compact, certain minerals may recrystallize
When certain minerals recrystallize with a preferred orientation that is perpendicular to the direction of the compressional force, the rock is said to exhibit
The common rock produced by the metamorphism of limestone is
This metamorphic rock is composed of alternating bands of light and dark silicate minerals
This dense, nonfoliated metamorphic rock is produced most often from sandstone
The agents of metamorphism are…
heat, pressures and chemical fluids
What type of metamorphic rock will shale normally become following low-grade metamorphism?
Through metamorphic activity
grantie can change to gneiss
Most of the heat for contact metamorphism is supplied by
a nearby mass of magma
Chemical weathering would be most effective
in a warm, humid climate
Which is not a product of chemical weathering of potassium feldspar: Silica, Iron oxide, Potassium bicarbonate, clay
Iron oxide
What sedimentary rock is composed of the most abundant product of chemical weathering?
If grantie and basalt outcropped in an area with a hot and humind climate,
the basalt would weather more rapidly