Oke Flashcards
- What requirements and distance does the takeoff alternate need to comply with?
Two hours flying time in still air with one engine inoperative (920nm)
- When is a takeoff alternate required?
When the weather at the departure airport is below landing minimums for that airport
When the weather at the departure airport is below the captains landing minimums
When conditions exist that preclude a return to that airport.
- What phases of flight require use of headsets and boom microphones?
Critical phases of flight and flight below 18000 feet
- If an approach requires TACAN equipment, may that procedure be used if it is in the FMS database?
- What are the domestic and international holding speeds? When is the earliest you may slow to the appropriate
maximum holding speed?
Altitude up to
and including
Above 6000’ up
to and including
Above 14000’
up to and
Above 20000’
up to and
Above 34000’
Domestic 200 kts 230 kts 265 kts 265 kts 265 kts
ICAO 230 kts 230 kts 240 kts 265 kts M0.83
Pans-Ops 210 kts 220 kts 240 kts 240 kts 240 kts
Not more than 3 minutes prior to holding fix
- Where are the touchdown zone lights located on the runway and how far do they extend?
Two rows of transverse light bars disposed symmetrically about the runway centerline consisting of
steady−burning white lights which start 100 feet beyond the landing threshold and extend to 3,000 feet
beyond the landing threshold or to the midpoint of the runway, whichever is less.
- Above what altitude must one pilot don and use oxygen when the other pilot is absent from his duty station?
- When must one pilot be on oxygen at all times? Should Normal or 100% oxygen be used?
Above FL410
- What is the maximum distance from the airport you may accept a visual approach?
35 nm
- What is the maximum speed when conducting a procedure turn course reversal maneuver in the US?
200 knots
- What is the only scenario that allows you to begin an approach (prior to the final approach fix) when reported
visibility is below published minimums (excluding PIC emergency authority)?
Both ILS and PAR available and used
- On a Cat III approach, to continue below AH what conditions must be met?
The Captain must analyze whether the aircraft is in a position and condition to continue the coupled
approach to an autoland and rollout.
Autothrottle must be engaged and LAND 3 annunciated
- Are you authorized to conduct circling approaches or circling maneuvers? If so, under what conditions?
Circling approaches are not authorized
Circling maneuvers are authorized if
Ceiling > 1000’, Visibility > 3SM (or charted mins if higher)
Clear of clouds
Advise ATC of minimum maneuvering altitude
- If visual reference is lost during a circling maneuver, describe the missed approach procedure.
Make an initial climbing turn toward the landing runway and continue the turn until established on the
missed approach course.
- What is the maximum distance from the runway you may fly during a circling maneuver?
FAA – 2.3 nm
ICAO – 5.28 nm