Oil Systems Flashcards
What does a lubrication system need to do?
*reduce friction
*absorb shock loads
Be compatible with latest exhaust aftertreatment systems
What does the American petroleum institute classify engine oils by?
It’s application
What are two distinct classifications of oil?
C-series compression ignited
S-series spark ignited
What classification of oil does today’s dpf equipped engines use
Crude oil (mineral oi) originates from where?
From the ground
What is base stock
The raw mineral processed from crude oil
What’s does winter rated oil mean
Means it’s viscosity rating is measured at 0°F (-18 °C)
Given suffix W
What do the society of automotive engineers do
Viscosity rating
What percentage of motor oils are base stock?
What types of oil pumps are the most common?
External gear oil pump
What’s is normal oil pressure?
20-40 psi
What is minimum oil pressure
10 psi
What is high oil pressure
65-75 psi
What are the two types of oil coolers?
Plate and tube
What temp should engine oil never exceed?
250°f or 139°C
What does percentage of solids refer to?
Total amount of particles suspended in oil
When should you change oil?
Before dissolved solids rose above 5%
What does TAN stand for?
Total acid number- the acidity of oil
What does TBN stand for
Total base number- measurement of lubricants reserve alkalinity
What is the recommended oil change interval calculated by?
Quantity of oil in oil pan by barrels of fuel burned
What is the purpose of a base pan?
Store oil
What are two types of oil circuits?
Full flow- any oil reaching engine components has passed through an oil filter
Supplemental partial flow- filters oil through a bypass filter and returns filtered oil to the sump. No oil passing through bypass fikter actually reaches engine components
What is viscosity
An oils restance to flow
What is viscosity index?
A measurement of the total amount of change in an oils viscosity due to temperature
What do oil additives do
Improve original properties of base stock oil
What is good oil level
Midrange between low and full mark
What does the oil pressure regulating valve do?
Prevents excess oil pressure build up
What does the oil suction tube screen do
Protects oil pump from debris
What types of pumps are used
Positive displacement pumps
What is proper procedure for pil sample
Operating temp
Mid stream
How to test an oil cooler
Remove and pressurize with air and check for leaks
What is the purpose of a piston nozzle jet
Cool and lubricate pistons components
What causes areation
What is cavitation
Collapse of tiny bubbles due to high temp
What is a micron
A unit of measurement equal to 0.001 mm
What is cold sludge caused by
Cold start up
What is the term used to describe lube that surrounds and supports moving parts?
Low viscosity oil
Flows easier than high viscosity
What is multigrade oil
A blend of different several oils with different viscosities
What percentage of base stock is amde from polyalphaolefin
When oil is gray white or brown it’s usually a sign that has leaked into it
What’s Danny’s last name