OIAs Muscles of facial expression (1) Flashcards
Epicranius- covers upper part of cranium and consists of 2 muscular parts, united by
tendinous sheath called the epicranial aponeurosis..
i. Frontalis – lies over frontal bone
ii. Occipitalis – lies over occipital bone
iii. Contraction raises eyebrows & wrinkles forehead
Orbicularis Oculi
i. Surrounds eye
ii. Causes eye to close or blink, “winking muscle”
iii. Compresses the lacrimal gland
Orbicularis Oris
i. Surrounds mouth
ii. Closes and protrudes lips, “kissing muscle”
i. In wall of the cheek
ii. Compresses cheek inward (assists with chewing, whistling)
Zygomaticus ( major and minor)
i. Extends from zygomatic arch down to corner of mouth
ii. Major raises corner of mouth, “smiling muscle”; minor raises upper lip to expose
i. From the chest upward over neck to mandible
ii. Pulls angle of mouth downward, “Frowning muscle”, tenses neck skin
iii. Also lowers mandible