Of Mice of Men Quotes 2 Flashcards
George looking down on Lennie?
- Poor Bastard
Slim looks god like?
- His authority was so great it was taken on almost every subject.
Lennie compared to an animal?
- Behind him walked his opposite…. a bear dragged its paws.
George believes the dream will come through with the help of Candy?
- I bet we could swing her.
Slim judges people on there actions?
- Maybe he ain’t bright….. worker?
Slim = important in how he decided about the dog?
- Candy looked…. Slims opinions were law.
Slim treats Crooks with more respect?
- Oh! Hello, Crooks.
Lennie is child like?
- Blubberin’ like a baby? Jesus Christ!.
Description of George by narrator?
- The first man was quick…. sharpe, strong features.
George is protective of Lennie?
- Hide till i come for you….. Say that over.
Candy believes Curley’s wife is a tart?
- she even gives the stable buck the eye.
Hinting to the reader, Foreshadowing what was going to happen?
- Hide in brush till you come.
George is aggressive and bully’s Lennie?
- So you forgot that….. a crazy bastard.
Slim finds it odd for people to support each other?
- Funny how you and him string along together.
Description of Slim?
- A tall man….. a temple dancer.
Complaining about conditions in the bunkhouse?
- We don’t want no pants rabbits.
Everyone has the dream, but not possible?
- Everybody wants a little piece of lan.
Kills Lennie has to push himself, but he believes it is for the best?
- And George…. and then he threw is from him.
Lennie copies George and looks up to him as a farther figure?
- Lennie, who had been imitating George exactly
Lennie drones on like a child?
- Lennie droned…… I ain’t gonna say nothing.
Lennie simple mad dream?
- Go on, George….. rabbits.
George has all power over Lennie?
- No lennie…. lennie obeyed him.
Foreshadowing, symbolic, uncontrollable power?
- Lennie sat in the barn and looked at the dead puppy..
Aware George would be angry like a child?
- George gonna give me hell…. botherin’ him.
Lennie fights back and shows his strength?
- Curley’s fist… Lennie’s big hand.
Carlson is brutal?
- Tell you what… back of the head.
Carlson respects slim?
- Slim entered… Carlson stepped back.
Carlson unafraid and does not like Curley?
- You damn punk… I’ll kick your God dam head off!.
Crooks is aloof and seems intelligent?
- He kept his distance and demanded people kept theirs.
Cynical compassion of heaven land and the dream?
- Nobody gets to heaven, and nobody ever gets no land.
Isolation and emotion of Crooks?
- A guy goes nuts if he ain’t got nobody… a guy gets lonely an’ he gets sick.
Enjoys company, Crooks voice changes?
- Come on in… difficult for Crooks to conceal his pleasure with anger.
Crooks is revealed a good personality, however the segregation of the time shows?
- The door opened quietly… a lean negro head, lined with pain.
Crooks is looked at as lower?
- Fight at Christmas, seen as a lower and a form of entertainment.
Crooks is a victim?
- The boss gives him hell when hes angry.
Crooks buys into the dream?
- if you… guys… work like a son-of-a-bitch if i want to.
Curley’s wife uses society prejudice to put Crooks down?
- I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it ain’t funny.
Metaphor to express harsh reality?
- Crooks had reduced himself to nothing.
Wants the dream but backs off?
- Member what i said… Jus’ foolin’ .
Candy has a low opinion of Curleys wife?
- Well, …. A tart.
Curleys wife disillusioned with marriage, she is confined and uses sarcasm.
- I’m glad you bust Curley up…. I’ d like to bust him up myself.’
Her childish behavior looks down on everyone?
- You bindle bums…. he could put me in the pitches.
Curleys wife is isolated?
- I get so lonely… How’d you like not to talk to nobody.
Lack of empathy Metaphor from Carlson, ends on this?
- Now what the hell ya suppose is eatin’ them two guys.
No sympathy for Candy?
- That dog stinks.
Carlson description as a bully?
- A powerful
- He ain’t very small
Boss believes that the relationship between L and G is odd?
- I never seen one guy take so much trouble….
Boss, Aggressive on meeting people keen to make an impression?
- he glanced coldly… calculating and pugnaciously.
Candys hate for Curley’s wife when Lennie has killed her?
- You Lousy tart/ you god-damn tramp.
End of the dream, blames C’s wife?
- Now Candy spoke his greatest fear… he knew.
Candy outlines the dream to Crooks, he is overwhelmed?
- Candy cried, sure they all want it… he stopped overwhelmed with his picture.
Candy is powerless
- No… listen to us.
Candy and the dream, prepared to pay . Scared he will die alone like his dog?
- S’pose i helped … how’d that be.
- Candy interrupted….. right now.
Candy, alone and symbolic?
- Candy looked for help from face to face.
C’s wife ends a victim, she dies powerless and alone?
- And she continued… her body flopped like a fish.
Simile, C’s Wife?
- Flopped like a fish.
Curly’s aggressive?
- Curley lashed… getting into it.
Curley’s a fighter and a threat to Lennie and builds tension?
- Curley’s like a lot of little guys… he ain’t a big guy.
Curley threatened by Slim? - Concerned with Wife
- Where the hell’s Slim
Curley is weak and Lennie is described as a animal?
Curley was white… his fist was lost in Lennies paw.
The fight violent reactions and violent language?
- Curley came suddenly to life
- Shoots for his guts
Slim compared to god?
- … and saw the calm god like eyes. - Imagery
Slim sorts out situation, he has authority?
- If you don’t tell… an’ then will you get the laugh.
Slim understands and protects George?
- Slim came directly… very close to him.’
Describes how the boss is different?
- A little Stockey man… and not a laboring man.
Boss is cautious of what he thinks George is doing?
- I said what stake… you taking his paw away from him?
Candy concerned about being thrown out?
- Put on the country.
- A few miles south of Soledad, the Salines River drops in close to the hillside bank and runs deep and green.
The light in chapter one?
- twinkling over the yellow sands.
- Golden foothill slopes.
Personification of the sun?
- The shade climbed up the hills toward the top.
What can the start and end of the book be compared to?
The garden of Eden.
Animals foreshadowing the death of Lennie.
- A silent head and beak lanced down and plucked it out by the head.
George foresees problem for Lennie?
- I never seen no jail bate worse in my life
Lennie likes Curley’s wife?
- Shes purty
Curleys wife was never going to be an actress?
- Her voice had a nasel, brittle quality
It was obvious she wanted company?
- She was suddenly apprehensive
Curley glove?
glove fulla vaseline
Where does the name “Of mice and Men” come from?
- 18th century poet Robert Burns.
- It is about a mouse that carefully builds a nest that is only destroyed by a plow man. It is able to show that everyone’s lives are vulnerable to tragedy.
- It is also written in a Scottish dialect.
The silence when Candy’s dog died is described as an object?
“The silence came into the room”
Steinbeck making it sound like Lennie is telling George to shoot him?
“Lets do it now George”
light in chapter one?
the shade climedup thehills toward the top
chapter 2 light, bunk house?
the sun threw a dust-laden bar through one of the side windows
chapter 2 light curleys wife?
The rectangle of sunshine in the doorway was cut off
Symbol of dream being cut off
sounds in chapter 4 death of C’s wife?
the thuds and occasional clangs of a horseshoe game.
sound and vision with the approaching men?
the leaves rustled… And shouts of men sounded again, this time much closer then before.