Common Literary Techniques Flashcards
It is the use of figurative language to create visual representations of actions, objects and ideas in our mind in such a way that they appeal to our physical senses.
Imagery Example:
The room was dark and gloomy. -The words “dark” and “gloomy” are visual images.
Simile and Metaphor:
Simile and Metaphor: Both compare two distinct objects and draws similarity between them. The difference is that Simile uses “as” or “like” and Metaphor does not.
Simile and Metaphor Example:
- “My love is like a red red rose” (Simile)
- He is an old fox very cunning. (Metaphor)
It is deliberate exaggeration of actions and ideas for the sake of emphasis.
Hyperbole Example:
Your bag weighs a ton!
It gives a thing, an idea or an animal human qualities.
Personification Example:
The flowers are dancing beside the lake.
It refers to the same consonant sounds in words coming together.
Alliteration Example:
Better butter always makes the batter better.
It is use of the words in such a way in which the intended meaning is completely opposite to their literal meaning.
Irony Example:
So nice of you to break my new PSP!
Onomatopoeia is defined as a word, which imitates the natural sounds of a thing.
Onomatopoeia Example:
Assonance takes place when two or more words close to one another repeat the same vowel sound but start with different consonant sounds.
Assonance Example:
Go and mow the lawn. OOO
In poetry it means moving over from one line to another without a terminating punctuation mark.