Anthology: Explorers or just boys messing around Flashcards
What are the themes of this passage?
- Maturity
- Responsibility to society
- Taking risks and challenging your potential
How is maturity themed during this passage?
Reflects ludicrousity;
Immature decision to ride ‘trusty’ helicopter
Title: ‘Boys messing about’
How is responsibility to society mentioned in this passage?
- Negative reaction by society in all cases of failures
- Tax payers pick up the bill, connects with the reader and turns reader against Brookes.
How is taking risks and challenging your potential mention in this passage?
- Experienced explorers: ‘taken expeditions to 70 countries in 15 years’
- ‘Pushing it to the maximum’
- This is another side of the story but which is not picked on in the article
What kind of tone is the passage set in?
-Satirical: Not the first time they ‘ hit the headlines for the wrong reasons’
Mrs Vestey (Brookes’ wife) ‘boys messing about’, ‘bottoms kicked’ (is a reference to their maturity, comparing them to school boys)
What is the structure of the passage?
- Newspaper article – editorial (expressive of authors opinion)
- Introduction starts with past ‘farce’ instead of the usual back ground facts regarding the commotion
What statistics have been mentioned?
’16,000 mile trip took three months’
Cost the tax payers ‘tens of thousands of pounds’
‘HMS endurance’ came to aid from 180 miles away
What words are used in the passage to make the men sound like they are helpless and pointless?
- plucked
- plunged
- Breitling emergency watch, a wedding present.
What words are used to make then men sound like they are stupid?
farce plunged tragedy hostile trusty helicopter
How does the author make the men sound stupid?
Mr Smith, also from London, ‘claims’ to have been flying since the age of five.
The tax payer will pick up the bill.
I’m surprised they used an R44.
What is the passage written in?
narrative, inform
What is the aim of the passage?
to inform the reader about this incident and possible prove that these men are not correct in what they have done.
Who is the the passage aimed at?
All ages and genders, it is informative
How is the story structure in the ways opinion is shown?
Opinion, Story, Opinion, Story , Good history and lastly Bad History.
How does the author grab the attention of the reader?
‘The taxpayer will pick up the bill’.
mocking language?
4,5,6, opinion
Presented like a mother
helicopter systems analysis.
silver back gorilla in Congo
simple sentences?
both men were experienced adventures
nothing short of a miracle
aimed at the readers of the popular newspaper ‘The Guardian’. It purpose to inform people and pursude readers to dislike the mean mentioned in the text using emotive language.
The writer creates a dislike for the men and mocks them for the entertainment of the reader.
connectives of time?
9 hour rescue
Model verbs?
Absence because of opinion.
trusty helicopter.
encouraged to be disliked?
cost taxpayer tens of thousands of pounds.
plucked from the water
they will probably have there bottoms kicked