Ocular Surface and DES Flashcards
What proteins are contained within the tear film?
Lysozyme, lactoferrin, tear lipcalin, secretory IgA
What is normal tear film pH and osmolarity?
7.2 and 302 mOsm/L
What are the two types of stem cells of the eye?
Limbal and conjuctival (distrubuted throughout the conjunctiva and more concentrated in the fornices.)
A decrease of which proteins in the tear film is suggestive of DES.
Lysozyme or lactoferrin
Rosacea can cause why type of cornea manifestations?
Marginal corneal infiltrates, sterile ulceration, episcleritis and corneal neovascularization.
X-linked ichthyosis causes what corneal findings?
Primary corneal opacities - dots or filaments shaped opacities diffusely in the pre-Descements or deep stroma without affecting vision.
Conjunctival lesions in Louis Barr syndrome are a marker for what?
Cerebellar and immunologic abnl (hypogammaglobinlinemia) which are conductive to sinopulmonary infection and T cell leukmeia.
What is the earliest sign of hypovitaminosis A?
Superior Limbic Keratoconjunctivitis is a/w which d/o’s? Follicular or Papillary? Is it U/L or B/L?
- ATD 2. blepharospasm 3. Superior corneal 3. Filamentary keratopathy
Fine papillary reaction; B/L;
Where do persistent corneal epithelial defects tend to occur?
inferior and inferonasal.
What is a Sattler’s veil and when does it occur?
When Hard CL is worn for several hours and central epithelial edema occurs.
What layer are corneal stem cells located?
Basal cell layer of the limbus
Where are conjunctival stem cells located?
Uniformly throughout the bulbar surface.
How much of the limbus has to be intact for normal ocular resurfacing?
Reduction of corneal sensation in type 1 or 2 DM is as a result of what?
Prolonged HYPOglycemia
In recurrent erosion, how does the ocular surface look?