Ocular fundus Flashcards
Ocular fundus pathologies
Retinitis pigmentosa Congenital stationary night blindness Cone dystrophy Albinism Stargardt's disease Best's dystrophy Vitreoretinal dystrophies Choroidal dystrophies
Retinitis pigmentosa
Hereditary types
Variety of hereditary progressive degenerations of retina
Isolated vs part of syndrome
Isolated primary RP is sporadic, AR, AD, X-linked
Many genetic subtypes therefore wide range of presentations
Retinitis pigmentosa definition
Most common retinal dystrophy
Rods > affected than cones
Retinitis Pigmentosa differential diagnosis
Trauma (scar on retina) Retinal detachment surgery/laser Syphilis, rubella infection Previous RA/RV occlusion Drugs eg chlorpromazine
Retinitis pigmentosa clinical features
Nyctalopia (PROGRESSIVE) Decreased visual field Ring scotoma (tunnel vision) Decreased central vision (late) Glare esp at night while driving Bone spicule pigment clumping of midperiphery fundus Attenuation of retinal arterioles Waxy optic disc appearance Cystoid macular oedema Cataract
Retinitis pigmentosa variation in pigment pattern
Retinitis punctate albescens
Retinitis pigmentosa management
Family history Genetic counselling Visual fields Dark adaptation ERG/EOG Low vision aids Social services referral Rx of associated anomalies eg cataract surgery Diamox for macular oedema Vitamin A palmitate and lutein to slow progression Gene/stem cell therapy Argus II epiretinal prosthesis system
Retinitis pigmentosa systemic associations
Usher’s - deafness
Bassen-Korzweig -abetalipoproteinaemia
Refsum’s disease - impaired phytanic acid metabolism
Kearns Sayre - abnormal mitochondrial DNA
Leber’s congenital amaurosis - neurological + systemic abnormalities
Congenital stationary night blindness description
Non-progressive night blindness
Normal appearing fundus
Abnormal dark adaptation on electro tests
Fundus albipunctatus
Cone dystrophy
Progressive cone photoreceptor degeneration
Central vision loss and colour appreciation
Subtle macular changes
AD inheritance
Dx - electrophysiology NB
Albinism description
Ocular vs oculocutanous
AR or X linked inheritance
Albinism symptoms
Congenital nystagmus Decreased VA Strabismus Hypopigmented macular structures Macular hypoplasia Optic chiasm anomalous Pale skin + hair
Albinism X linked mosaicism
Stargardt’s disease
AKA fundus flavimaculatus
Flecked retina
Loss of central vision in adolescence
Atrophic macula
AR inheritance pattern
Dark choroid using fluorescin angiography
Electrophyiology normal especially early on
Best’s macular dystrophy
Gradual yellow material accumulation at macula
Egg yolk early then scrambled egg later
AD inheritance
EOG ALWAYS abnormal
Vitreoretinal dystrophies
Inherited retinoschisis
Stickler’s syndrome
Inherited retinoschisis
Congenital vs acquired
X linked recessive
Cystic appearance to both fovea with radial striae extending over macula (bicycle spokes)
Stickler’s syndrome
AD inheritance
Skeletal abnormalities
High myopia
Retinal detachment
Choroidal dystrophies
Gyrate atrophy
X linked recessive Progressive nyctalopia in childhood Progressive VF loss > central loss Progressive patchy chorioretinal atrophy No tx
Gyrate atrophy
Autosomal recessive inborn error ornithine metabolism
Childhood nyctalopia + progressive VF constriction
Scalloped patches of chorioretinal atrophy starting in periphery
Tx: pyridoxine (B6)