October, 2023 Flashcards
- 即插即用的摄像头
- 全自动咖啡机
- 一键设置全自动
- 最值得花钱的型号
- 干净利落的设计
- 风力发电机
- 灰熊
- 日落时分/前排座椅/甲烷
- A plug-and-play webcam
- A bean-to-cup coffee maker
- Set it and forget it
- Best splurge-worthy model
- A sleek design
- Wind turbines
- grizzly bear
- twilight / front seat / ethanal
stay in her good graces
但要看董事会的决定 而我现在并不招西比尔喜欢
But it’s up to the board, and I’m not exactly in Cybil’s good graces right now.
The saving grace is that
- A legal system with so many loopholes to drown yourself in
- The law is like a donut. There’s always a hole in it.
streets ahead in the competition/far ahead in the competition
The Americas seventh largest corporate behemoths have left the rest of stock market in the dust
“七巨头”市值暴涨,将股市的其他企业远远甩在身后。📌dust表示“尘土”,那么leave sb/sth in the dust这个习语的意思正好对应“望尘莫及
This week the Chinese industry claimed to have exported over 5m cars in 2023, exceeding the Japanese total. China’s biggest carmaker, byd, sold 0.5m electric vehicles (evs) in the fourth quarter, leaving Tesla in the dust.
Openai, the American creator of Chatgpt, appears leagues ahead.
Anthropic’s Claude 3 is snapping at gpt-4’s heels.
Have a good product at an unbeatable price
he is a godsend
- 你需要再解释一下
- 咱到个带,刚刚你讲的那个
- I’m gonna need you to connect some more dots here
- Can you back up a little bit?
高雅 低俗
精英工作、高薪工作、舒服的工作 (钱多事少离家近)
Manhattan 宫殿般的公寓/城堡
High-profile events/ cases
High-end products、low-end products
Highbrow art v. Lowbrow art
even as class counsel litigate against an army of top-flight(最顶尖 - of the highest quality, formal) defense counsel.
Top-notch(顶尖, informal)
high-touch service 人性化的服务
cost-effective 高性价比的
high-powered attorneys (能力超群)
Elite jobs, high-paying jobs, cushy corporate jobs
Name brand colleges, top universities, world-class colleges, selective university
bougie lifestyle
posh school, posh accent、posh part of the town、nice upsacle neighborhood (e.g. Part of being successful is to have enough money so that you don’t have to see the pain in daily life that’s why people want to live in this nice upscale neighborhood)
swanky hotel
Palatial Manhattan apartment
Swish country house
Google’s Glitzy headquarters
Luxury apartment with a doorman and top-of-the-line amenities
Stay ahead of the curve
girls smoking is perceived as low class. Smoking and doing drugs is seen as low class. There is nothing cools about it. It means you lack self-discipline, bad family ground.
bottom- feeding law firms
glamorous job. nothing that glamorous. I love that you think that showing a grumpy perpetually dissatisfied clients is a glamorous job.
司法系统美国的说法 中国的说法
We don’t call it justice system we call it judicial system in China
Not in the slightest e.g. I don’t need you in the slightest.
1. 挤到最前面去
2. 时间、练习、迭代,一旦你度过最难熬的学习初始阶段,它就会成为公司肌肉的一部分,视公司更加强壮
- Muscle my way through the crowd
- plow through the crowd
- with time, practice and iterating, once you get over that steep learning curve, it will become the firm’s muscle
- 也不是不好 只是没人家表现得好
- 我们看了一堆候选人,你还不够格。
- 你进候选名单了
- 他表现也没有其他人好
- It was not bad it was just outperformed.
- We’ve seen a dozen of qualified candidates. But you come up short. 那你不够格
- You are shortlisted.
- he fared no better than the rest of the group.
- 会说多种语言对于任何律所都会带来价值
- 我认为我会对团队有价值
- 整个系统有用的插件
- how speaking more languages is a value-add to any law firm.
- I believe I will be an asset to the team
- A valuable plug-in/add-on to the whole system
Chinese clients always think they can get away with **playing fast and loose with ** rules when it comes to discovery
you’re playing pretty fast and loose with my soul
Chinese culture where they seem to **revel in **like inflicting misery on themselves and everyone around them.
Big law, revels(rivals) in these jurisdictional fights. Because big law is typically defensive, whereas the plaintiffs bar is trying to pick that forum to advantage
Give you sometime to chew on
Meet the asking price
Meet the ticker price
- 我觉得那是纯扯淡
- 他为什么会相信这种论点?我们应该怎么反驳?
- I do not find that credible at all.
- why would he be crediting that argument? And how can we come back?
- 我来研究一下
- 给我简单讲一下
- I’ll run this down. - explore and investigate it down /I’ll chase it down
- Give me a run-down of it/ brief me on that
- 我们在交叉质询环节可以疯狂攻击他们,他们肯定显得不靠谱
- 我不想在简易判决环节压缩我们展示这部分观点的过程
- 那笔钱通过走账的形式(返还借款)又从Greenland返还给了GPAC
(中性) 把资金投入到研究中 - 我的电梯卡着另外两个电梯没法走
- 你在跟我瞎搞/闹呢吧
- 窗外就是广袤无垠的 令人着迷
- I think we’re going to excoriate them and they’re not going to come across as credible.
chewed me up and spat me out 吃人的社会 you can never defeat the rich they will hire an army of high powered lawyers to chew you up and then spit you out.
vivsect you
My parents are going to eat me alive/bite my head off if I do that
I’m still shortlisting attorneys in building out my list of demands
- But I don’t want to short-circuit the process. On a on a motion for summary judgment.
- that $453,364 of such funds was “round-tripped” back to Greenland to pay for a loan it made to GPAC
Funneling money into this shell company
Channeling money into research and development
- it’s tripping it. My elevator is tripping these two.
- You are tripping.
- out that window is just vast, infinite-trippy(致幻药引起幻觉的).
- 信号不稳定
- Wi-Fi 时断时续
- 你电话信号不稳定 断断续续的m
- 你刚刚断了
- The connection is not stable
- The Wi-Fi just goes in and out.
- Your are on and off
- You are cutting off. You were cut off
Just looking at you give me a jostle of energy
- 我的屋子暂时不方便接客
- 放空大脑
- my rooms is not guest-ready right now
- Getting head-empty
behind every successful person lies a pack of haters
- 不听劝就吃亏
- 越无知越自信
whoever can’t listen must feel.
Dumb people are usually delusionally confident
Without further ado
that being said
Speaking of which
- 直接使用赔偿协议中的语言
- 照搬、照抄 我的作业都是GPT写的,你怎么保证学生交上来的作业不是ChatGPT写的呢
你永远找不到完全一样的对话,因为你交谈的对象都不同。 - 这部电影被翻拍了很多次
- 傲骨之战是傲骨贤妻的衍生剧
- But really, all we need is a declaration from the court, that they acted willfully. Right like, we’ll just track the language from the indemnification provision.
- How can you ensure that the student answers are not a **carbon copy **of those generated by ChatGPT
You can never find a carbon copy conversation because who you talk to is different - There are a lot of remakes of this movie
- The good fight is **a spin-off **of The good wife
- 我很担心会打乱整个的节奏/影响大局
- 我很害怕这个结果
- 城市动荡
- I am scared to ** rock the boat **
Don’t rock the boat or it will capsize.
The scandal capsized his promotion.
- I am ** deadly afraid ** of that result.
The activists had been emboldened by the huge pro-democracy protests that rocked the city in 2019.
The city is very rocky right now
- 我喜欢你的回答,看他们反应吧
- 我们不用搞得很复杂,就按照一般格式来写,看他们怎么出招
- I like your response. We will see how they reacts.
- Let’s make it simple and just check all the boxes and ** put the ball in their court **
1. 如果你规划好时间的话,大概45分钟
2. 我也不想花一个小时在这种事情上/不想花2个小时在通勤上
3. 你的周末时间不太能够得到保障
4. 这个offer是有时间限制的,如果时间到了的话,我们就不留情面了
5. 这个东西很省事
6. (考试)时间有点紧
7. 好花时间啊
- If you budget your time, it’s going to be 45 minutes
- So we don’t want to blow an hour on it/ I don’t wanna blow two hours on commute every day
- Your weekend is not very protected/weekend work
- There’s **a time-fuse **to this and we have our thumbs on the trigger, when the time is up we will pull the trigger
- This is an incredible time-saver
- We are already pretty tight on time
The exam is really tight on time - it‘s a big time draw it’s not really worth it for me anymore./ It takes a bit of commitment
It’s such a grind
- 这个东西实在是太有意思了
您就别假谦虚了 - (1) 不要言过其实
(2) 这个展览名不副实
(3) 盛名之下其实难副
(4) 不要胯下海口最后又做不到,哪怕最开始目标定低一点
(5) 普度夸大了药效,对于副作用轻描淡写,但是这还不足以让我们告赢 - 超过预期,就增加重量/未达预期,就减少重量
- 急功近利、好高骛远、贪多嚼不烂是年轻人的通病。保持低调、脚踏实地、步伐稳健才能走得长远
v. 华而不实
欣赏有崇高理想的 不欣赏不切实际的
- 我不想越权
- 过度宽泛(过度宽泛的立法无效)、规定太窄了
漏洞开的比天宽 - 频繁使用但是却一直不太明晰的“帮助”贿赂例外
- I can’t oversell how amazing this show is.
Don’t undersell yourself
Don’t sell yourself short
- Don’t oversell yourself.
This show is overhyped.
name brand colleges don’t always live to their prestige
It is better to under-promise and over-deliver rather than the other way around.
Purdue oversold the benefits and trivialized/downplayed the risks but that doesn’t put us over the finish line because were still unable to process - Overshoot/undershoot your goal
- Overreach/under reach
Overreaching oneself and biting more than one can chew is pretty common in young people.keeping a low profile and staying down-to-earth and sure-footed is the way you make it to the end/ keep things on the down low
v. Meretricious 哗众取宠而已- 华而不实的; 虚有其表的; 金玉其外的
I admire people who have lofty goals but not those who have lofty expectations.
- I don’t wanna overstep.
- Overbreadth (over-breadth doctrine) /underbreadth
The congress created an exception you can drive a truck through
Instead, in 1997, it increased the GRAS loophole to the size of the Hoover dam, changing the rules so food companies no longer had to tell the FDA about ingredients they deemed safe.
- much-overused and little-understood FCPA exception for “facilitating” payments
people there are very insular and provincial, but still think they are some hot shit
I don‘t want you to mince words
- 我不想听他给我讲一堆疯言疯语
- 能不能不要让我听见这些?
- 映入眼帘
- 在我的视线里
- 在可及范围之内
- I don’t want to get another earful of his crazy talk. (Handful)
- Can you move him out of my earshot
- The picture is in my eye line
- In my line of sight /in my sight
- In/beyond my reach
- 普度制药在弗吉尼亚投资额(高)达200亿
- 如何拿到一个慰留奖励,使你的高年费显得不那么肉疼
- 他们重金花了3kw买下了公司 (两种表达)
- 我们可以轻松地以低于市场的价格获得原材料
- Purdue investing in the local comunity of Virginia ** to the tune of $2 billion** (in an amount of)
- How to get a retention offer so that your hefty annual fee doesn’t feel nearly as bad
- They bought the company at a whopping 30m
The spent a whopping 30m dollars on that - we could easily source ingredients at a fraction of the standard costs
- 一派胡言
我不想听你又给我胡编什么借口 - 弥天大谎
- 铸成大错
- 明显的错误
- 一不小心的错误
- 小错
7 全是谎言错误
- That is a flat-out lie
That’s a pack of lies一派胡言
I don’t want to hear any lame exercises that you are concocting today
paddles a litany of lies
We all weave a web of lies
2. tell a whopper
3. blunders /makes a blunder
4. if it is such a glaring error, that you don’t point it out.
5. It‘s a momentary slip of judgment/ inadvertent mistake
6. venial error/sin
7 the show is littered with falsehoods
- 美国这个国家看起来就是分崩离析,每个人都想掐死对手,但是仍然能正常工作
- 竞争十分惨烈
- 大屠杀、血洗
我得准备明天的事了 将会是一片混乱 - 就有限的几个机会进行角逐
- A country is so divided and it seems everyone is at each other’s throat still works and functions.
- The competition is pretty cutthroat
- It’s a bloodbath/massacre
I gotta prep for tomorrow. It’s gonna be a bloodbath. - vying for the same small number of opportunities
- 有一个包含各种不同类型的人工智能的地方。
- 规则60(b)(6)赋予法院大量的公平权力来授予最终判决的救济。
- 他们前往深圳,去寻找大批的英语教师外国人。
当你选择忽视这个话题上大量的证据并选择逃避生活在你的幻想世界时,这就成了你的问题。 - A和B的综合体
- 观看美国电视节目可以帮助我们大致了解其丰富文化。
- 不同文化的混合
- 大杂烩
- 各种各样的
- 各种各样的权术
- There’s **a repository of **different kinds of AIs
- Where Computer data is stored - Rule 60(b)(6) gives a court a reservoir of equitable power to grant relief of final judgment
- they headed to Shenzhen and scour/source the plethora of English-teaching foreigners
It’s your problem when you are choosing to ignore the plethora of evidence on this topic and choose to leave to live in your fantasy land
(Plethora = excess/an overwhelming numbers/amount of) 大批的 - A composite of A and B
- Watching American TV shows is how we form a rough idea of the culture tapestry of the country
If you do your job well, your synthesized explanation of the law will look like a beautiful tapestry that clearly displays the intricate patterns of the law. If you do your job poorly, you’ll have a fist full of loose threads, but no cohesive, well-woven explanation of the law.
- I like living in a city with a good mix of different cultures.
- as a major overhaul largely of financial regulation system, but also included a hodgepodge of(大杂烩) corporate governance matters
- A wider array of
- An entire panoply of power plays
- 他们都失去了那堆钱中自己的按比例份额
- 那堆钱,因为法律费用,一天天地在减少
- They were all deprived of their pro rata share of the same pot
- there’s a pot of money, and it gets smaller every day, because legal expenses
- fair enough. But I mean, you had a chance he could have bounced it then.
- 这样我们可以自始至终地拥有谈判筹码
- 我的整个童年,都是专注考试努力用功
- 痴迷自己的分数
- 你不用24小时一直gogogo,否则你会崩溃的
- 我想要的是成就,而不是单纯的活动。
- 到课程结束时,我已经完全崩溃了。
- So we’ve got settlement leverage all the way through
- Throughout my childhood, I am an exam-oriented try-hard.
- Grade-focused( grade-obsessed)
- You don’t have to be 24 seven go go go otherwise you will burn out and have a meltdown
- I want achievement not activity
- By the end of the course I was a complete basket case.
from the get-go they were dead set on coming to this orchestrated conclusion.
we try the case when they say oops, joke’s on you, because there’s only $10 left.
- 告的他们跪地求饶
哭穷 - 这个东西不是十万火急
- 没有onedrive,那团队整个就是个疯人院
- 教培在中国就是个摇钱树
- 眼霜就是智商税/圈钱
仿冒品 - 最高法院就是在夺权
- 一说美国xx不好,他们就伤自尊
- 气他要打我
- 重量一大,你的这个姿势完全就不对了啊
- 他们愿意烧钱,我们奉陪到底
买啥彩票,直接放把火烧钱吧 - 一说到要付赡养费,那什么tmd女权都不讲了
- 他们就是在温室里长大的,心灵脆弱的狠
- 他们就是想在开曼把事情闹大,然后冻结纽约的诉讼
- 车开的很凶残
狗又不消停了 - 雾霾爆表了
- 我也行、瞧我的
- litigate till they cry uncle
we find out whether we’re litigating cases until they cry uncle, or we’re just getting a big check.
We should’ve taken them for every dime they had.
Aren’t you tired of everybody in the C-suite crying poor? 你不厌倦那些整天哭穷的高管吗?
cry poor
2. this is not a mad rush
3. I’ve worked with firm who don’t use automation before, let me tell you, it was a madhouse (full-fledged dystopian nightmare)
4. massive cash cow
5. money/cash grab
Most eye creams on the market are just a money grab because a lot of moisturizer can we take up to your eyes
rip-off e.g. personal training lessons are mostly rip-off
knock-off e.g. the watch is a knock-off
6. power grab
The shadow docket is a power grab by the Supreme Court
7. get butt hurt
8. **throw a book at me / ** bite my head off
The fact that I bring up anything societal it’s enough for the party and throw the book at me.
9. out the window
10. if they wanna lit the money on fire, we are happy to fight till the end
throw money at the problem
lending gambling money inside a casino
set the money on fire. It would be more fun than buying lottery tickets.
11. when it comes to alimony, all their feminist big talk just go down the toilet
12. They grew up in bubble wraps.
13. They’re making noises about filing for Chapter 15. And trying to, you know, put things on ice in New York.
14. Drive like an assassin/ drive at whiplash speeds
my dog crisis
15. off the charts
through the roof
16. hold my beer
McKinsey is the answer to “how can I do capitalism in the most despicable way possible
The Vanguard Group said hold my beer
Yeah, no, I hear you
work for a pittance
- 仗还么打胜,就还开起庆功会来临
- 事情还没定,先别急着高兴
- 要与时俱进,不要盲目乐观
- 活在当下,心系未来
- You don’t take a victory lap when you are winning you take that when you’ve won.
- So don’t count the chickens yet
- you need to stay ahead of the curve but don’t get ahead of yourself
- stay present and planful
- 中国的沟通与世界不通
- 你活在梦里
- 你生长在温室中/你未经历过风雨
- 幻影破灭
- 压在心理久的,压抑的情感最后以尖酸的评论发泄出来。需要时不时地自己注定发泄一下。
- China’s internet is blocked off from the rest of the world .
- You live in a bubble.
- grow up in bubble wrap.
- bubble burst. I am bursting the bubble
- bottle things up, those things don’t go away, the pent-up emotions bubble up as snarky comments. So you you you gotta blow/let off some steam once in a while.
Some pent-up anger
- 纽约就发展停滞
你想要不断取得成功。当然,我想要进步,而不是原地踏步 - 按照目前全球大麻去罪化的速度,很多人以为中国也即将这么做
- 想看看这事儿是否又戏
要非得说这个离谱的论点能站得住脚的话,他对所有的集体诉讼原告都适用 - 拿到法庭认证口译员的身份可以助你律师一臂之力/给我优势
- New York is not going places.
I see that you wanna go places. Yes of course, I wanna evolve, not stagnate. - With the current climate of de-crminliaztaion of weed, many people assume China is going to the same place/ following suits.
- whether this thing has legs or not
You don’t pull the trigger until you are sure there’s some legs there.(self-reporting)
to the extent the wacky, stupid argument has any legs, it would apply a class-wide basis - I was hoping that I can use certification of a court interpreter will give me a leg up/give me an edge.
- 通过国家的喉舌
保罗马科思会把新闻部变成一种算法或打造成超越者的喉舌 无论如何 我们都完蛋了 - 摆脱了一些之前毛的思想禁锢
没人居住的鬼城 - 言论管控会导致思想上的自我审查
- 当你看到州法院和联邦法院运作的具体细节时,你会看到,州法院有一些水、磨磨蹭蹭的,有的时候你还可以糊弄过去,联邦法院非常干练的按照程序来的,不会容许你胡搞的。
- 我不盲从
- 极度贫困
- 出手很重的集权制度
- 加拿大有一些英国等级制度的残留
- 中央集权的政策正在分崩离析
- 高高在上的xx皇帝颁布指令
- Go through the state mouthpiece
Paul Marks is gonna fold the news division into an algorithm or make it a **mouthpiece for Hyperion*. Whatever it is, we’re fucked.
- Relinquished some of the shackles of mao
ramshackle ghost towns - Censorship will create a mental block
- When you look at the nitty-gritty details of the inner-workings of state and federal courts, you will see state courts are a bit dilly-dally. wishy-washy, and you can get away with not being very responsive, but federal courts are like super rule-following and no bullshit.
The video is a bit blurry
A sketchy draft
This is where the law gets a bit murky/This is more difficult than you might think. In part because a legal rule that sounds definite and clear in the abstract may prove murky in application
It’s a really fuzzy standard
Especially in a nebulous area like this the tribunal will look at prior decision and says other tribunals have held this.
- I don’t follow others Willy nilly/blindly
- Somalia-level poverty
- Heavy-handed dictatorship
- Canada has some British class system bullshit carried over.
- The top-heavy policies are starting to tear at the seams.
- Here’s Malcom, handing down orders from the mountain top.
- Hertz现在应该给你跪下来认错
- 如果有必要的话,先要换一辆车
- 我会记录这一点的
- 换一辆车
- 最后都会结清的
- 会在你的信用卡冻一笔钱
- 开雨刷
- 踩刹车
- 储物格
- 车顶有空调
- 上车
- 踩油门
- 踩到底
- 加油
- 将加油枪插入,然后拉动把手,将安全锁固定下来。
- 你有点开歪了
- 掉头
- 刚彻底清洗过车
- 车速表
- 车追尾了
- 左转向灯
- 急刹车
- Hertz should bend over heels for you right now
- You wanna get a car swapped if necessary
- Ok I will be sure to document here as well
- Trade the car out
- It will all balance out
- A hold in your amount
- Pull down your windshield wiper
- Pump the brakes
- Glove compartment
- A/C on the roof
- Hop in
- step on the gas
- flooring it
- fill up the tank/ gas up
- Put the Gas nozzle in and then pull the lever and put the safety down
- You are veering off a little bit
- I’ll double back
- I had my car detailed last weekend. 
- I’ve been looking at the speedometer. I was only going at 35.
- It tailgates
- turn signals on /blinkers/flip on the left blinkers
- You stop pretty abruptly you came to a screeching halt. It came out of the blue
- 利用他人的辛勤工作来推动你的事业
- 你应该每天进行一些呼吸训练
- 有些工作是赚钱的,有些是发自内心的
取决于你是否享受每天的工作 - 不是每个人都愿意从事脑力工作
- 那是一种不用动脑的事情
- Use the legwork of other people to further your cause
- you should do some breathwork every day
- some jobs are money jobs, some are heart jobs.
It depends on whether you really enjoy the day-to-day? - not everybody want to do brainwork.
- that’s kind of a no brainer
- 在亚洲菜市场买菜是可以砍价的
- 中国美食无穷无尽
- 中国美食尽收眼底
- Although you have to haggle down the price sometime in Asian markets. 砍价
- The culinary diversity in China is almost limitless.
- Chinese culinary experience curated just for you
- 每个人都是一整天划社交媒体
- Instagram上是每个人在社交媒体的生活都是精心陈列的
精心雕琢自己给别人的印象 - Netflix 一直不断提供让你上瘾的内容
- TikTok根据你在某些视频上停留的时长来操控为你定制的视频流
5.你还是属于症状比较轻的 - Google会含有各种广告,让你消费,即时满足
- 不断划视频会达到一个饱和值
- 如果某个产品是免费的话,那么你本身就是产品
- 疯狂刷视频,感觉身入流沙,被吸入无底洞
- 时间总是在我们追逐多巴胺时奇妙地溜走。
- 在欲望和行动之间,按下暂停键。
- 为一个对奖励感到疲倦的世界提供康复。
- 净化自己、mental health day
- 心灵、心态、心境
每天让毒物侵蚀自己的心灵 - 照骗
- 抽烟都比登陆Twitter更健康
- 让人们不滑手机是不可能的
- 媒体常常只关注戏剧性的新闻
媒体喜欢报道哗众取宠的大动作- 你看到的是别人的高光时刻,而自己却活在“花絮”之中。
- 我们总是展示关系有多完美,但实际上它们早已暗藏危机。
- social media at the tip of your finger tips all day long
- Everyone’s life is well curated online. It’s performance art.
Manicure your image from a perfectionistic standpoint - Netflix it’s just keep upping the fix
- Tiktok manipulate the feeds based on how long you stay on certain videos.
- For the average Netflix watcher you’re on the low scale.
- Especially on social media constantly push links in your face. You are constantly tempted by instant gratification click and make the purchase.
- Scrolling TikTok endlessly will reach a saturation point
- If you’re not paying for the product you are the product
- doom scrolling, I feel like I am in quick sand all the time getting sucked in to this hole
- Time has a funny way of getting away from us when we are chasing dopamine
- press the pause button between desire and action.
- recovery for a reward-weary world.
- Cleanse yourself
- psyche、mentality/frame of mind、head-space
You are letting toxins getting deeper and deeper into your psyches.
affects your mentality
I am in a different head-space right now. - The photos are staged and doctored.
- It might be healthier to smoke a pack of cigarettes than to log on Twitter.
- good luck to keep people from scrolling.
- Media tends to focus on the theatrics of the news/sensationalize
medias like grandstanding - You are seeing everyone’s greatest hits while living your gag reels.
- We are constantly advertising how great our relationships are while they are on fire.
- 开头越爽,结局越痛
- 我们总是回归到基线水平的幸福
- 无聊是生活的本来面目
- 三小时的午休很快就会变得没啥意思了
- 你的这一整套孤独堡垒的把戏有点没意思了
- A sudden spike often leads to a sharp slump
- We always default to our baseline happiness.
- Boredom is the default state of life
- The three hour lunch grow old pretty fast.
- This whole fortitude of solitude is growing old.
That’s way out of line
- 压榨果汁
- 珍珠奶茶
- 淡啤酒
- 自来水
- 红茶
- 黑茶(普洱)
- pressed juice
- Boba Tea
- light beer
- Pipewater
- Black tea
- dark tea
- 不算纠缠证人
- 没有那么迷弟了,不过还是迷弟
- not much of a badger - overruled
- not as much of a fan, but still a fan
- 父子时光 分享智慧(两种表达)
- 好基友时光
- 共同的冒险和共同的逆境将年轻人紧密联系在一起,形成了牢固的友谊群体。
- father-son bonding time to get his experience juices soaked in 父子时光 分享智慧
It’s time to dispense your wisdom. - bro-hang time
- Shared adventures and shared adversity bound young people together into strong friendship clusters within which they mastered the social dynamics of small groups, which prepared them to master bigger challenges and larger groups later on.
want to give me some pointers = tips
- 这份研究,把很多东西都厘清了
- 国际学生在精心打造个人陈述时必须强调他们的国际经验,以一种有机的方式呈现给律师事务所,其实也可以不必费尽心思将迄今所做的一切都串联起来,就是我很厉害。
- This is a study that pulls all the threads together.
- International students have to emphasize their intl experience when they are crafting the personal pitch to the law firm in a cohesive way v. you can just Substantively excellent without trying to thread the needle through everything you have done so far.
- FBI意图已经如司马昭之心昭然若是
- 如果我可以穿越到过去,有三件事割肾也要告诉你
- 我也不会心灵感应,告诉我你想啥的
别惊讶 我不会读心术 - 让我看看我的水晶球告诉我什么
我也无法预知未来 - 你可以想象一下
1.The feds telegraphed what it will do ahead of time.
2. If I could teleport back in time these are the three things that I will sell my kidney today to tell freshman year
3. I can’t telepath, tell me what’s on your mind
Victor, this may come as a shock to you, but I can’t read your mind.
4. Let me see what we have in my crystal ball
I don’t have a crystal ball so I don’t know what will happen
5. You can mentally transport yourself there/just imagine yourself there
what does it look like in your mind’s eye?
- (评论)精辟的;(人)有洞察力的
- 有意思
- 妙趣横生
- 有洞察力的
- 吸引眼球的 (三种)
短视、视野狭窄 v. 眼光长远的
- Pithy; perspicaciou
Pithy one-liners/ that’s pithy - riveting
- Scintillating
- perspicacious
- Appealing/alluring/captivating
tunnel-visioned /got tunnel vision/short-sighted v. Long-sighted/far-sighted/foresighted
Relationship is like doing a daily trust fall with a person. it really hurts when (not if) you hit the ground.
I can see the gear turning in your head.
I can hear the head-scratching. What’s on your mind.
penny for your thought
what’s on your mind
what’s your take
- 记得慢慢地将他们包裹在你的幻觉中
- 让他们看起来强大的是一系列他们自己包围在其中的巢穴和安全网,包括他们的朋友、家人、日常例行,这些为他们提供了连续性、安全感和掌控感。”
- Remember to envelop them in your illusion slowly.
- What lets them seem strong is the series of nests and safety nets they envelop themselves in—their friends, their families, their daily routines, which give them a feeling of continuity, safety, and control.
出血(大量流失)v. 止血
hemorrhaging (big law firms are hemorrhaging associates) v. stanch the bleeding
stitch up the wound.
- 骄兵必败 - 所以不要太傲娇、攻击性
- 他的衣品就大写的两个高傲
- pride comes before a fall - so don’t get supercilious /aggro (aggressive)
- he dresses like he is better than everyone else.
- 年轻和年老
- 欧洲人已经被社保体系养得没有任何锐气了
- 养肥了再杀
- 把村中长老带来谈判桌
- 背调不错嘛
- Boomer versus Zoomers
- Europeans are so hammocked in their social safety net that they don’t have edge.
- Fatten for the kill
- I bring the village elders to the negotiation
- good dossier
good at/strong suit - 3 alternatives
terrible at/weak point - 3 alternatives
He is well-versed in law
My boss is superlative at what he does.
You have to be a savant at Maths to do Quant
That’s where he really shines
That’s the weak link
That’s the fatal flaw
That’s his Kryptonite
We will take the win where we can
Working west coast hours on East Coast time
Before kicking off a new project, it is important to get buy in from all stakeholders to ensure the project’s success.
they are all in
- 还是不建议太小来美国,因为太容易受影响。每隔几个街区就有一个无底洞,掉进去就出不来
- 人们听完法官的演讲后并没有特别深刻的印象
- 那个时刻至死难忘
- I don’t recommend people coming to US at an impressionable age. It feels like there is a black hole every other block that will suck you in.
- If you listen to the song that triggers you over and over again at a certain point, it just stops registering to you anymore (register = make an impression on someone’s mind). This is called Tolerance.
- The justice’s speech did not register
- do you remember that moment when a student, sort of froze and cold call Is that something that sort of like burned and seared into your brain this was not improvisation in service of my sadistic delight
You two (walking in on his mom fking his friend) will be seared into my memory onto it until the Day I die
We need to get out of here before we are scarred for life
- 疯狂刷视频,感觉身入流沙,被吸入无底洞
- 一盘散沙
- 我跟他们说吃屎去吧
- 什么时候都不要敲桌子
- 他在谈话中散播细枝末节,试图分散你的注意力,就像往你眼里扔沙子一样
- 我早起了,心噗噗乱跳,在屋子里来回走快磨出一个洞来
- doom scrolling, I feel like I am in a quick sand, and all my time got sucked into this hole
- a heave of loose sand
- I ask them to go pound sand
- don’t pound on table at any point
it’s not a matter of who pounds on the table the most, and insist the most on its own positions, that that’s not a very constructive
- “He peppers the conversation with minutiae to distract you from the truth, as if he’s throwing sand in your face”
- I was up, heart pounding, pacing a hole in our living room floor.
Pepper your speech with jokes
- 你的手臂变粗了,我也感觉我的手臂更错了
- 你的手臂越来越青筋暴起。
- 他减重后下颌线出来了。
- 灯光一打,他的鼻子更挺了。
- 他的脸上有一道轻微的伤痕,虽然不算严重,但还是很明显的。”
- 西方审美下,好看的脸往往棱角突出。
- 胡子有点渣人
- 倒v型、圆肩、胸肌中缝,清晰的腹肌
- I can see more definition in your arms/ I am definitely feeling tighter around my arms
- Your arms are getting more veiny/vascular
- His jaw is more tapered after he lost some weight
- his nose is more pronounced
- He has a light scar on his face which is not deformity but it’s noticeable
- West term standards for attractive face is sharp angular features
- your beard/stubble is a bit scratchy. 胡子有点渣人 women prefer stubble(胡子渣) to beard
- he has really good genetics: capped delts, V taper (broad shoulders, and lats and a narrow waist V-tapered body type/back) , visible chest seperation, and visible ab definition
iphone 15 只是变了一下样子
Cosmetic change
- 放松 (六种表达)
- 热身 (两种表达)
- 休息一下
- 松了口气
- (1) Rest and recuperate
(2) loosen up
(3) No guard rails, no off switch - work as hard as you can or you will be replaced - take time to unplug and recharge
Take a moment to reset and recharge and you will feel refreshed and ready to take on the rest of your day.
(4) watch Netflix and chill
(5) The valley concert is a nice break(不要用good relaxation)
(6) kick back and relax - warm up; ease into it
- Let’s take a break/rest/five/breather
- Lawyers have to be heaving a sigh of relief
- 耗尽了我们之间的信任
- 毒品会耗尽你脑细胞分泌多巴胺的能力
既担心自己就这么死了,也有几分就这么死了吧 - 看起来很虚弱
- You use up any trust left between us.
- Drugs will drain up your brain cells so that there is no juice left however you squeeze them.
You will reach a point where part of you are scared you are gonna die, and part of you are scared you won’t.
- You look frail
- 不久前(在过去的某一天)
几年前 - 我正在进行一项旅程来丰富我的锻炼计划。
- 我非常理解你的感受。
- 没干过。
- 确实还不如那么做呢。
- 不是要说难听话 covid时候的上海就是个监狱/ 你在说谎
- 我在选择我的措辞时非常谨慎。
- 我就说到这里。
- 我同意,我承认这很吸引人。只是我曾经看过她高高在上,现在她却在下面。
- 一个富有表现力的演讲者会带领人们经历起伏,讲述充满波折的故事。
- 太花时间了对我来说已不再值得。
- 我有这个想法,可能有点离题。
- 无论如何
- 击掌!
- 这是我的思考/见解
- 在你的脑海深处,例如,我一直在脑海深处知道这一点,但直到你说出来我才明白。
- 这只是表明
- 唯一的问题是…
- 让我回放一下录音
- 我有一些与这些想法相符的东西,来举例说明你的观点。
与此相关的,还有。。。 - 你在这里吃什么?
- 我完全同意你的观点。
- 最后我想问问你们…
- 我要戴上我的律师帽子一会儿。
- 我会在这个情感上跟进/借用这个情感。
- 在最近的电话中,你不小心透露了…
- 如果我可以插嘴一下
- 乍一看,我的想法是…
- 终于
- 最重要的是
- 长话短说,就是…
- 不恰当地形容一下
享受彼此的陪伴 - 打个比方
- The other day (in the past)
a few years back - I am on a journey to do sth (I am on a journey to spice up my workout routine)
- I feel you so hard
- I can’t say that I have
- You might as well
- I don’t want to put too fine a point on that 不是要说难听话
Shanghai right now is a prison
Not to put too fine a point on it, I think you are lying.不客气地说,我认为你在撒谎
- I am choosing my words around it very carefully (I like to be deliberate)
- I’ll stop there
- i agree I ‘ll give you that it is catchy. It’s just I have seen her up there and now she is down here
- An expressive speaker takes people on highs and lows they tell stories that go ups and downs.
- it‘s a big time draw it’s not really worth it for me anymore.
- I have this thought which might be a little bit of an offshoot
- Either way
- Like that up top
- Here’s my thinking on this/ two cents
- At the back of your mind e.g. I always kinda know this at the back of my mind but I just can’t put my finger on it until you articulated it.
- It just goes to show that 这就表明
- It’s only that … 唯一的缺点是
- Let me roll back the tape
- I have some things that go along with those lines/ to exemplify your point
Along those lines /connected with all of that - What are you having here
- I am 100% with you on that
- i want to end off by asking you guys
- I am gonna put my lawyer hat on for a minute
- I will piggyback on that sentiment/piggybacking off of that
- over the last phone call, you let slip that .. 一不小心说漏嘴
- If I may interject (interrupt),
- At first blush 一开始, my thoughts are
- At long last 终于
- To top it all off /to top that all off
- The long and short story is
- for lack of a better word
as luck would have it
I was At a loss for words
I am At a lack of idea
Spend time at each other’s company - so to speak
- 大学招生官员将根据一套打分标准对你进行排名
- (1) 减小增长潜力
(2) 降低保护水平
(3) 减弱制度
(4) 降低/提高一个档次
(5) 我会稍微收敛一些
(6) 克制自己的情感
(7) 让xx克制一点
(8) 限制他们的行为,让他们收敛
(9) 低调一点 - 在全球范围内保持与人们的联系、大范围、小范围
- 浮动计算的/过度的
- 你已经算轻的了
- college admission officers will rank you on a numerical scale
- scale back the growth potential
Scale down the level of protection
Dial back the regime
Take it up/down the notch
I will walk it back a bit /he is trying to walk back from his previous statements
Tamp down my rage
Tone them down
Put them on a leash
In response, many Chinese multinationals are playing down their ties to the country. - Stay connected with people on a global scale
- a sliding scale /gradation
- you on the low scale here.
- 黄金时代已经过去了
- 城市有它们的寿命。 (西安、罗马、伦敦、香港、纽约)
- 需要时间来意识到一个城市的鼎盛时期已经过去。
- Your moments of shine come centuries ago (Greece)
- Cities have its lifetime
- Xi’an Rome London HK NY
It take time to realize that a city’s best time is behind
pay dividends
choose the path you wanna be on or it will choose you (you are going to be absorbed by osmosis the path that’s expected of you).
When we have no choice, we habituate to things
- 燃爆的Instagram story
- 很酷的鞋
- 挺好的
- 你看起来很精神/板正(尤其是头发很好看)
- 你穿西装特别帅
- 打扮的很时髦嘛
漂亮时髦的鞋、西装外套 - 因健身而有型
- 身材纤细修长的twink
- Lit Instagram stories
- sick shoes
- neat /sweet
- You look sleek
- You look dapper
- You look so spiffy (attractive and fashionable 漂亮而时髦的)
Snazzy shoes/blazer - You look dapper 穿西装 衣冠楚楚/swole(extremely muscular) (you’ve been working out m? You look swol
- I like svelte twink.
Do you have a minute to catch up?
- 你刚说啥 你开玩笑的
- 提醒你一下 他可是天天锻炼的,而我可不是
say what now?
Mind you, he works out everyday but I don’t。
- 鸿沟
- 巨大的漏洞
- 欲火焚身
- 差距(gap)
- 连不上的地方 v. 填补空白的东西
乱七八糟的 - 不匹配的地方
- 逐渐渗入
- 无底洞
- Yawning gap
- gaping hole
- gnawing desire
- Lacuna
there’s this lacuna between what the sponsor agreement says and what would presumably happen if the public shareholders were extinguish, and I wasn’t all that confident. - Disconnect v. gap-filler/gap-filling role
It is a very disjointed/haphazard comment. I am gonna end it
So there’s definitely a disconnect there.
5. mismatch
6. creep into e.g. English words are creeping into French vocabulary
7. bottomless pit e.g. it’s the bottom of a bottomless pit. You are never gonna get there.
- 开挂的Chad
2. Coffee和creatine 给你很多的能量/能让你心情更好
3. 你把我们的系统打开吧
4. 重启系统
5. 可以给我们打电话
6. say yes
7. say no
8. I wanna follow up on this.
9. 解锁新机会
10. 很卡
11. 很流畅
12. 拳击之后(cardio)神清气爽
13. 恢复多巴胺平衡
- The turbocharged Chad getting all the girls and a loveless and sexless underclass getting bitter and resentful.
these ingredients actually turbo charge the anti-aging process.
it’s arguably helped supercharge economic inequality
I was like this is rigged
2. Coffee and creative gives you an extra boost of energy /boost your mood
3. Why don’t you get Bucher Law booted off
4. Reboot/restart the computer
5. We are only a phone call away/ one click away
6. swipe right on
7. click no on
e.g. No way am I gonna click yes on that
8. I wanna double-click on this (follow up on this)
9. unlock
10. Lags and freezes
11. The MacOS system is frictionless
12.That was invigorating
13. Reset your dopamine balance
- This could be the downfall of your whole case
- Your whole case could fall apart on this. His whole case disintegrates. The argument unravels.
- This is a fatal flaw of your case.
- 我隔一天喝一次咖啡。
- 前几天
- 这要在过去,直接开除
- I drink coffee every other day
- The other day,
- Back in time,
sketchy and scammy
- 痛处
- 很讨巧 v. 电影很妙
- 让我很难办啊
- 常去玩耍的地方
- 高潮点
- 盲点
- 他对哪个男孩一直怜爱有加
- The failure is always a sore spot for him
- Sweet spot v. very clever
- Tough spot
- go-to spot to goof around
- g-spot
- blind spot
- He has a soft spot for the boy
- 食物很有趣 - 请给我一些水漱一下,谢谢。
- 原本的含义在翻译中被稀释了
法学院不想降低招生标准因为这样会稀释他们毕业生的质量 - 小的事情不聊开就会滚雪球越来越大,最后伤口变得化脓,只能结束这段关系。
- 发生了翻天覆地的变化
- 这只是无数恐怖故事中的一个
- 这回波及什么呢?
- 我们培养博士的资源可是毫无保留
- 她总是抱怨被那份无聊的工作压得透不过气来,但她又害怕寻找更好的工作。
- 把水搅浑
- 贝壳被冲上海岸
- 我不想在体验如此强烈的快乐,除非我知道这种快乐是可持续的
- 名校中几千个同样聪明的学生中只是一个普通人
- 再次出现
- 几个刚刚勉强维持经营发商店也倒闭了
- The food is interesting - May I have some water to wash it down plz
- So much is lost in translation The meaning just got watered down in English
Law schools don’t want to lower their admission standards to water down the quality of their graduates稀释 - If you don’t talk out small things, they will grow and fester, they would snowball into something bigger and then the wound become so festered that the only way out is to end the relationship.
- There has been a sea-change
- This is just one horror story in the sea of horror stories out there
- what does this ripple out into?
- Showering resources on the PhDs
- Saddled with e.g. She complaint of being saddled with a boring job, but afraid she can’t find something better.
- Muddle the water
Unknown territory, the water is going to get very muddy - Shells being washed ashore
- i don‘t wanna wash my brain over a combination of these powerful happy chcemicals again until I know there is a sustainable source for it.
- Being the average joe trying to stay afloat among a thousand equally smart kids
- resurface
- The few businesses that were just managing to keep afloat were shutting down.
- 事后归因的解释
- 谁也没有前后眼。
- 你这是事后诸葛亮。
- 现在回头看看,当时实在是太单纯了
- Post-hoc explanation
- I don’t have a crystal ball.
- You are looking at this with the benefit/luxury of hindsight.
- now looking in the rear view mirror, I don’t know shit.
In retrospect, I don’t know shit in the big picture sense.
both prospectively and retrospective ly
The jokes that we made wouldn‘t be completely funny if they weren’t accurate/there isn’t a grain of truth in it.
He is a keeper.
- 据理力争
- 真正的法庭并不像你期望的那样激烈。
- 美国的学生比较好斗(两种表达),他们在口头辩论中要杀个你死我活,我总是得跟他们说:冷静、冷静
- get a bit of feisty.
- real courtrooms are not as feisty as you’d expect.
- America students are so feisty/ aggro, they want to kill in oral hearings and I have to tone them down repeatedly
collate the bill
- 模范学生一心向学
- 任性的青少年到了35岁左右就会开始后调皮悔的
- 我既聪明、也好学
- 我很会想办法
- exemplary exam-oriented grade-obsessed try-hard
- roguish and wayward teenagers will regret in their mid thirties.
- I am smart and studious
- I am very resourceful
- 宅男/宅女
- 气场
- 鲜
- 崇洋媚外的
- 稀松平常
- 百发百中/永不出错的判断/方向感
- 偶然的
- 相亲
- 缘分
- 默契
- homebody
- get your mojo back
- umami
- xenophile (white monkey jobs /white fetishization
- garden-variety
- unerring sense of direction/judgment
- Adventitious/serendipitous
- Chinese family tinder
- Kismet
- There is a silent/tacit/unspokenunderstanding between them.
- 非法所得
- 精疲力尽(三种表达)
- 委曲求全
- hertz 现在应该给你跪下来
- 逆来顺受
- ill-gotten trading profits
- I am spent.
I am all tapped out for the day
i am beat - You don’t have to be subservient
- Hertz should bend over heels for you now.
- Submissive/bend over backwards/let people step over them - assertive (whether or not you agree with me I don’t particularly care - I am in the right here)
How have you been
- 我们想要赞誉(认可)是因为我们对自己感到羞愧。
- 外部认可不稳定,因为别人的可能会是喜怒无常、瞬息万变
- 不要把自己的幸福和认可交给别人
- 突然变心
- We want accolades (validation) because we are ashamed of ourselves/ Over-reliance on outside validation usually comes from a place of shame
- External validation ** ebbs and flow** and they are at the whim of other people’s opinions and mood which turn on a dime
- When you are outsourcing the task to love yourself to outside validation you are leaking the power within yourself to others.
Don’t ever let others hold your happiness hostage.
(1) Body validation - attractiveness sex etc thirst traps
(2) Intellectual validation - straights As, you are so smart
(3) Material validation -money status power
(4) Emotional validation - who I am and how I feel is normall
4. Sudden change of heart
There’s a shadow side to everything
I hate people rambling
- 夏天正在逐渐逝去
- 漆黑的夜晚伸手不见五指
- 深夜
- 他写遗嘱时,病入膏肓
- 在聚光灯下
- 远离偷窥的目光和记者们的 即时评论
- cheating means your love for someone else is waning (summer is waning)
- In a pitch-dark night
- In the dead of the night
- he was at the height of his illness when he made the will
- under the hot glare of the spotlight
- away from prying eyes and the hot takes of reporters.
A stands for Asian
A means average
A- means you actually earned an A but the teacher doesn’t like you
B+ bad plus horrible e.g. If I were to give Tom a letter grade, I would give him a B+ meaning bad plus terrible (a means average)
Grade A asshole
Asian not Bsian
the privacy being trampled on by techonology
The downtrodden
unmanned aircraft in common parlance drones
in layman terms
Self efficacy. The layman term is confidence
- 不称职的母亲
- 欲求不满
- 得体的回复
- 精力旺盛
- 从不出错的
- unfit mother
- Unmet needs (people with unmet needs do crazy things 欲求不满的人容易疯)
- fitting reply
- unspent energy (he has a lot of unspent energy 他精力旺盛)
- unerring
- 如今,如果我想要吸引你的注意,我必须:
假装很忙 - 在约会应用上,不要总是上传你最好看的照片,展示出你幽默的一面,否则会传达出你非常注重外貌,非常拘谨,可能会让人有点反感。
- 有时候要让一个人及时回消息就跟要他命一样
- 银行是不可能放弃债权的,铁公鸡拔毛
- 奇怪的是,我认识的最忙碌的人回消息像闪电一样快。而那些整天无所事事的人却要花两天时间回复。
- Nowadays if I want to get you attention I have to be
- playfully condescending
- purposefully inattentive
- readily unavailable - Don’t always put on your **model shots ** on dating app, show the goofy side of you otherwise it is signaling you are very into your looks, very uptight, can be a bit of a turn-off
- Sometime it’s like pulling teeth to get a person to respond
It’s painless. There is no teeth being pulled.
- There is no way the bank is going to let go of the loan. It’s drawing blood from a stone.
- The weird thing is the busiest people I know respond to messages like lightning. It’s those who have nothing to do all day long take two days to reply.
- 原告的诉讼只是因为一项投资出了问题而感到失望。
- 丈夫出轨后,这段关系恶化了
- Plaintiffs’ lawsuit is simply sour grapes for an investment that went badly.
- The relationship soured after the husband cheated.
I’m halfway through season two
- 剖析巨词
仔细阅读金融时报 - 剔除不必要的词汇
- 准备辩论
- 筛选重要的信息 -obtain answer/solution esp. when it is difficult to obtain
套出正确的答案 - 拆解xx
分解xx - 总结
- 回顾 v. 预告 (伏笔)
- 探究
- 反驳
- 具体解释
- 加大投入
扬长避短(两种表达) - 拖慢
- 吻合
- 攀附、借助
- 提炼、重新打包、重新包装成(换汤不换药)、用你自己的话重述一遍
- 丰满、根据大纲写内容
- (抽象)按照逻辑顺序整理复杂证据、论据、事实、想法
18. (具象)按某种顺序整理文件、核对数字
19. 仔细审阅(合同、材料、财报) - read sth carefully, attentively and in detail
20. 从头开始
21. 简单修改一下
22. 都编入目录了、都分类标记好了、分颜色标记好了
23. 分解问题
24. 理解
25. 标出相关部分并划掉不相关的部分,标记出重要的部分。
26. 试图理解、想不明白
- Parse out the words
close parsing of a complicated contract
Perusing financial times - weed out the unnecessary words
- tee up 准备 the debate
This paper does not really put forward anything new. It’s thick description of everything he found teeing up intriguing questions for future research - tease out important information
Tease out the actual causes of the problem
Tease out information when you deliberately say something wrong and wait for others to contradict what you’re saying - Unpack
In order to understand it better, we have to slice and dice the law of publication (切成小块,以不同方式进行分析) - encapsulate
- recap v. Foreshadow
just to foreshadow it/just a recap 预告、回顾 - drill down on/dive into/chase it down/run it down
- push back on (press on it)
- elaborate on
- double down on that (invest more; Don’t try to fix your weaknesses double down on your strength.)
Try everything, see what works and what doesn’t and double down on the things that work best for you and keep away from/eschew those that don’t. - bog down I want us to get all bogged done by this.
- dovetail with (align)
One piece of advice that would dovetail with my personal experience is
The UNCITRAL Model Law really dovetails with NYC. - piggyback off of
- Distill it/packaging them into three claims /repackaging/rebranded as/recast what I said in your own words
- Flesh out the outline
- Marshaling complex technical evidence; marshaling arguments/facts整理论据、事实(comb through the facts梳理事实);marshaling your thoughts整理你的想法
Marshal your resources 调动资源 - Collate your application - arrange the application in a particular order; collate the data - gather the data together and examine and compare them
- I have been perusing your transcript/contract/financials/application materials
- Take it from the top
- send us the draft, so we can dust it off and file.
You need to pick yourself up and dust yourself off - It’s all catalogued/categorized and tagged/and color-coded
- Slice and dice it/break it down/unpack it
Done and dusted - Digest it a bit.
- Mark out the relevant part and cross out the irrelevant part, flag out the important ones
- Am trying to suss out / can’t really suss out (understanding by thinking) You know, when somebody sees the category, shearling boot is a top-of-mind brand, and that’s reflected in the survey data, but because the controls are so inadequate, you’re not able to really suss out what’s brand, category association and what’s like specific elements being safe dress that would be driving the association beyond that
Spawn a lot of disputes
a fight to the bitter end
- 他父母很有资源
- 富含营养
- 很有趣
- 口译每天都让我感到快乐。这是一个我可以表达个性和放松的地方。
- Most parents are resource-rich
- The food is nutrient-rich
- rich in fun
- Interpretation gives a healthy dose of fun everyday. is a place where I can express my individuality and be playful.
The most important court room skill is to speak off the cuff and be precise to a fault(b/c everything is being transcribed and you are the one holding the bag at the end of the day)兜底的人
He‘s attention to detail is meticulous to the nthdegree
- 你可以轮着大锤子进来(可以分出胜负的东西)
- 如果律师不精准地起草文件的话,法院会粗暴地把问题解决。
- You can come in here with a sledgehammer
- If you don’t have lawyers will draft contracts with a scalpel, the judge will solve any dispute with a chainsaw.
A huge parcel of land/land parcel
- 当你手抓不住的时候,会有装置托你起来
- 更有抓地力的靴子
- CCP正在加强对香港的控制 一切都被压缩、折叠、限制
- 紧紧握住权力
- 故事扣人心弦
- 他对别人的影响力
- You probably wear helmets and they will have that will hold you up if you lose your grip
- buy more grippy boots
- CCP is tightening its grip on HK. Everything is being tightened up and clamping down.
- Have an iron grip on power/with CCP tightening its grip on xx
- The story is gripping扣人心弦的
You need a gripper boots to walk on snow 抓地力更强的
6. The grip he has on sb. (the hold over sb.)
- 我忘了
- 他刚走
- 没怎么变
- I forgot = it slipped my mind
- He just left=he just took off
- things don’t change much
- 适者生存
- 中看不中
- 用多亏了产品解决了市场需求和你们的努力工作,今年业绩达标了
- 合适 v. 不合适
It’s the survival of the fittest
fit over function
thanks to the product market fit and your hard work we have smashed our revenue goal this year.
fit for purpose v. a square peg in a round hole
round peg round hole - perfect fit
1. 有两种风格、方案
2. 普通方案, 底特律停普通的,普通的回答,普通的brief
3. 稀松平常
4. 他挺普通的,没什么特别之处
5. 父母那辈朴素的价值观
6. 无聊的约会
- it comes in two flavors
- Pretty vanilla
our initial thought was why don’t we make it pretty vanilla. e.g. Detroit is pretty vanilla
- garden-variety
- He’s not particularly brilliant just run-of-the-mill student
- Don’t get carried away by your parents’ homespun value.
- The date/conversation was beige.
- 这是让我们成功的临门一脚
- 他并不完全相信结婚是重要的,但是婚姻绿卡确实最后让他痛下决心。
- 就是这些细枝末节会在法官觉得双方都有道理不分上下的时候决定胜败 (三种表达)
- put us over the finishing line
- he wasn’t completely sold on the marriage is essential. but the green card tips him over the edge
- this minutiae will tip the scale in a judge’s mind for close calls.
gain an edge over the other side
- 不痛不痒的(美国制裁中国)
- 打脸(雷蒙多访华)
That’s just a slap on the wrist v.
A slap on the face
It takes two to tango.
- He has a scar on his face, is an alcoholic, and to top it all off, I caught him red-handed lying to me.
- He has a scar on his face, is an alcoholic and the final on the coffin is I caught him red-handed lying to me.
some of the issues coming up again and again, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel, why am I blanking on his name. I could be wrong, but I think it is.
They are minor cogs(齿轮) in the crime/cog in a giant wheel/cogs in the machine
知道自己讲错了 所以再往回讲
- Feel discombobulated (lost/confused)
- I am lost. You lost me.
- You are backpedaling a bit
I am not going to read the laundry list.
on the off chance that
- 满篇语法错误和拼写错误
- 一卡车的谣言在纽约散开
- 煽动恐慌
末日论者 - 用新借口操控别人的自恋狂
- 太上皇
- a chock-full of typos and grammatical errors
- A truck full of rumors is getting unloaded in New York City
- rumor- mongering
power-monger sadistic monster
hate-mongering white supremacists
war-mongering politicians
doom-mongers - You are a narcissist with a new excuse to lord over others. You are weak.
- byebye overlord
- 结尾有点平淡
- 食物一般般吧
- Taylor的新专辑挺普通的
4.中不溜吧 - 话题很无聊
- 工作很无聊
- 你做的事情很无聊、都是板上钉钉的事情,跟工厂流水线差不多
久而久之 人的思维会变的迟钝 生活变得无趣 - 我觉得一般
- 无聊的无生机的城市
无聊的生活 - 无聊的剧情
- The ending is a little bit flat。
- The food is alright
- Taylor Swift’s new album is basic
- It was mid
- The topic is kinda dry
- Day in day out monotony
- The transaction work is cut and dried, like working on an assembly line - no creativity involved.
This kind of stultifying/mind-numbing work kills the joy in life - It’s underwhelming. I am underwhelmed by it.
- drab city/drab life
- Vanilla/cliched/well-worn plot /It’s a bit Dry
- 要小心 v. 孤注一掷
- 着眼眼前的工作
- 下定决心做
- 试一试吧
- 大概看一下
- 在座的都是精英啊
- 发挥优势
- 最后阶段的冲刺
- 都是大家的功劳
- 帮助我们渡过难关
- 1+1 >2
- 系统到位之后
- 值得大家的注意
- 积极的信号 v. 灰心丧气 找不到方向
- 全力以赴
- 阵痛
短期痛苦 长期享福 - 凡事欲则立 不欲则废
1. Err on the side of caution v. Throw caution to the wind/take a gamble
2. focus/concentrate on our task at hand
3. we can do a good job as long as we set our minds on/put our minds to it
4. Try- give it a shot/take a stab/ try it out/give it a go/give it a try
5. take a glance at it/ skim it
6. cream of the top/a cut above the rest/best of the best
7. play to your strength
8. get this thing over the finishing line
9. kudos to everyone
10. tide us over
11. I want the team to be greater than the sums of its parts (synergy)
12. once the system is in place/installed/
1. The go-live date/ the Implementation go-live date
13. Worthy of our attention
14.- Set the tone for the unit at practice / set a positive tone for your day-to-day operation (set a positive tone in your department)v. Demoralized/deflated and disoriented and dispiriting
Deflated v. Pumped
15. I want all staff to be at the top of the game
16. It’s common to experience adjustment pains
short-term pains will lead to long-term gains
17. forewarned is forearmed
- 统一战线
- 时间很紧 v. 时间不紧
- 干得不错
- 一起解决
- 解释一下
- 减轻工作负担
- 不重不漏
- 大家努力解决问题啊
创新和解决问题 - 圆满收官
- 好好考虑
- 困难已经解决了
- 凝聚力 unit cohesion; present a united front统一战线
- 时间很紧Time-sensitive/ tight on time
- Good work. Kept at it. /keep up the good work.
Do not let up. (Keep the intensity) - If you have any questions just give me a call so that we can take a stab at it together
- Let me unpack that a little bit
- Lighten the workload 工作也轻一点
- No overlaps and no stone unturned
Mutually exclusive and collective exhaustive. - you all need to put on your problem-solvers hats and we needto figure out how to get this done. 大家努力解决问题 I want you all to problem-solve and innovate
- Let’s finish strong
- take sth under advisement
- The trouble is behind us. ()
- 暂时不要给他太难的工作
- 别报太大希望
你好吗?- 我还在消化中 - 发展的更好
- 必备品 和 奢侈品
- 别掉以轻心
- 提高优先级
- 正在按照预期完成目标
- 追究大家责任
- This is our last check and I will take the training wheels off (pop off the training wheels )
- I don’t think you should hold your breath for that别抱太大指望
How are you? - I’m still catching my breath. - Prosper /better-off
- Nice-to-haves and necessities
- Not take it seriously - take it blithely
- put it on the front burner/bump it up
- We’re still on target for completion of the audit report.
- 不是要追究大家责任:responsibility is not always about who is to take the blame. It is about have the power to change it. Having responsibility means taking action to change it.
I am stumped
I am vexed.
Way less worse of a choice/option that you are
Lesser of two evils
* Serotonin.血清素, sunshine, calm (attachment, second stage of relationship)
* Dopamine. achievement, sex, music, without lyrics, novelty (first stage of relationship)
* Endorphins. 内啡肽sex laughter exercise. pepper long-term efforts
* Oxytocin. 催产素 cuddle hormone
- 利用
- 强行分类
- 垃圾律所
- 跌入谷底
经济似乎正在触底反弹 - 白嫖
- 扭转乾坤
- 自然发生的
- 动员起来要求涨工资(通用工人)
- 人们都被和自己相似的人吸引
- 恶化/新陈代谢/实现
- 前提/推演/猜测/推测/xxx是不可更改的条件
- 取决于
- 沮丧 / 滑稽 / 抓狂 / 吃惊/奇怪 / 排练 / 丢弃 / 任意的 / 吓人的 / 丢弃 / 偏执狂的 / 残酷的 / 愚蠢的 / 怪吓人的(把我吓到了)/血淋淋残暴的 / 诡异荒诞的/悲惨的 / 离谱/上当受骗的人 / 大规模毁灭 / 编造 / 测量 / 激励 / 恐吓 / 生气 / 搞糟 / 糟糕的 / 正当的 / 下班了仍然心系工作、与事实相悖 / 那太糟糕了/线形的/很大/难倒了/很难受/好得很/精细的地方/分散注意力的/吸附/条件反射/按条件反射/不想再经历以前经历的事情/社会建构 心理构建/心理障碍/疯狂/无情/令人生畏的/化为乌有
- 破坏
- 逃避责任
- Piggyback off of (capitalize on )
- pigeonholed into A and B 被强行分类
- bottom-feeding law firms
Lawyers/ tabloid journalists are power-hungry bottom-feeders - opportunists to make profits at the expense of others (parasite) - bottom out e.g. We only have one basement and there‘s no place for you to move in when your life bottoms out
the economic crisis seems to be bottoming out - Freeriding/freeloading off of
- Turn the tide for
- manipulation - organically
- Everyone is galvanized to
- People are gravitated towards people who embody their traits they have or the traits they wish they have
A gravitational pull
Master’s degrees lasting one or two years are the biggest draw.
I have a chokehold over him.
- Metastasize = deteriorate
* Metabolize
* Materialize
* Predicate(presupposition)/extrapolate/surmise(conjecture)/posit /sth is a given - Predicated on/turns on
- Devastated/hilarious/freak out/taken aback/weird/rehearse/dump/arbitrary/intimidating/ditch/paranoid/brutal/dumb/spooky creepy(It spooked me) /gory/take male beauty to grotesque extremes/miserable/nightmare/dupe/ Decimate/desecrate/concoct/gauge/galvanize/intimidate(menace)/pissed off/mess up/crappy/kosher(non-nefarious)/Tether (Many people are still tethered to their work even when they are on vacation)/that stinks(that’s horrible)/Linear/major/I am stumped/I am vexed. ./I am swell/counterintuitive/hyper-/insane/ The finer aspects of the case (niche/nuance) /distracting
/Latch onto/Condition - un-condition /have repeats like I had before/social construct mental construct/mental block/wild (big law firms gossips are wild)/ruthless/formidable/wipe out (Eighty years of all that we built is just wiped out by a–by a thoughtless email?) - wrecks/torpedos/sabotages/jeopardize/ruin
- Shrouded /shirk/dodge responsibility 躲避责任 - shoulder responsiblity 承担责任
He has a big chessboard
- 我可不像打探个人隐私
- 他一直在偷听我们说话
- I don’t like to pry, but I want you feel comfortable sharing anything with me.
- He has been eavesdropping on us.
- 感谢睿智观点
感谢信任 - 你什么观点
- 容易引起争议的观点
- 寻求意见/应从长辈的忠告
- 欢迎提供建议
- 你有什么要补充的吗?
- 规劝他好好学习
- 提醒注意不要太皮
- Thanks for the siege advice. Thanks for your input. Appreciate the heads-up. Thanks for the vote of confidence.
- What’s your take?
- Hot take
Scalding take 极具争议性的 滚烫的 - Seek counsel
- Seek your counsel/listen to the counsel of the elders
- Do you have anything to add? Do you have any input.
- Exhort him to study hard
- I would caution you on making a final judgment call yourself. Involve your legal or compliance department if you can.
But I always caution people not to get too cute.
- 故事的寓意
2.【潜台词、弦外之音】蕴含的感情有点悲伤/(一般都是消极,unspoken or suppressed feelings) - 【深层含义】这是一个具有政治和哲学深意提议(can be positive or negative)。
- the moral of the story is: you get one life so do it all
- The undertones are kind of sad.
- User
This is a proposition that has political and philosophical overtones
- 他们的解释和原文差太远
- 这部剧把两种类型的电视剧衔接/融合的很好
- Their interpretation divorced from the text.
- you got your teacher sleeping with the student type of soap opera and then you got the hard hitting trial, the shows marry the two really well.
after your got those badges of prestige(Harvard, Blackrock), you would have the psychological security to do the things that you really want to do free of judgment.
Boost your credibility /bolster your credibility
Brand association
- 如果你有漂亮的房子、豪车和美丽的妻子或丈夫,你会感到幸福一段时间,但最终这种感觉会逐渐消退。一切都会平静下来。你会回归到内心平衡的状态,再次感到空虚。
- 让你后背的压力小一点
- 逐渐减少剂量(避免戒断, 让身体适应
- 注定远离分散你注意力的东西
- if you have nice house, nice car, nice wife or husband, you’ll be happy for a while but eventually it will wear off. Everything will die down. You will default to the homeostasis state where you will feel void and empty again.
- take the pressure off your back
- taper it off/wean it off
“The app is designed to help users gradually taper off their TikTok usage by setting daily limits
- if consciously wean your mind from TikTok
- 别人的情绪是会影响你的
- 不要在不重要的人和事情上浪费时间
- 自己做下心理建设、伤心一小下,继续前进
- 对事情有一个成熟的反应
- Others’ emotions will rub off onto you
- Don’t spend a lot of your emotional currency on things that don’t matter and people that don’t matter
- Get in touch with your inner care committee, grieve and move on
- That’s a very evolved response
- 我目前没有活儿
大学毕业后念法学院之前,我是一个记者 - 哪天可以啊?哪天都行
- 你有听说过…吗?没听过。没人听说过
- I am in-between assignments right now.
I worked as a journalist in between college and law school - What days work for you? Any days that ends with a y
- Have you heard of … ? Neither has anybody else
- 非常详细的事实陈述,但是非常单薄的解释
没什么说理 - 排除竞争对手
- 别铺的太开,抓好重点
- 拓宽对于有吸引力的定义
- 同甘共苦
- 如履薄冰
- 非常危险了 小心点
- 暂时冻结
- 冷冰冰的
- 我的耐心快没有了
- 快感会逐渐消失的
- 多展现一点,有点过火了。
- Have a very detailed recount of facts but a very thinned explanation
The reasoning is surprisingly thin. - Thin out the herd
- Don’t spread yourself too thin
- Thicken the definition of attractiveness
- Through the thick and thin / through fat and lean times
- walk on eggshells
- On thin ice. Be careful
- Put the New York litigation on ice.
- icy
- My patience is wearing thin
(Any trust left between us has been used up. I came up dry.) - Don’t get in a relationship for pleasure. Do that for purpose. Pleasure wears off when you are in a pit. We got no money. Why do you start to look like your grandma?
- “ Suppose you are genuinely shy—at certain moments, give your shyness a little weight, lay it on a little thick(exaggerate a little bit, lean into your weaknesses) . It should be easy for you to embellish a quality you already have
(He laid it on a little thick when he said that’s the best movie he ever watched)
- 牵强 (4种表达)
- 话到嘴边想不起来
- 不自量力 v. 过分谦虚
- 当老子傻啊
- 硬塞进去
- 格格不入、不得其所
- 站不住脚
- 一派胡言
- 两个解释一样扯淡
- 扯 (fly)
- far- fetched/a bit of a stretch/too much of a reach/strained interpretation
- At the tip of your tongue, just out of reach
- Overreaching yourself v. Undersell yourself
- You can see how it stretches our credulity 让我们不太容易轻信
- simple breach of contract cannot be bootstrapped into a fraud claim. (Shoehorned into)
- A square peg in a round hole - doesn’t really fit
- Does not hold water/ it is untenable/flimsy argument(flimsy evidence)
8.mangled the two legal doctrines beyond recognition - In any event, Defendants’ interpretation of the termination clause in the Sponsor Agreement is as tortured as their interpretation of “any other assets.”
- To make this fly, Defendants have mangled beyond recognition two inapplicable contract doctrines—the “duty to mitigate” and the “voluntary payments doctrine”—despite their own case law demonstrating that the doctrines have no application to this case
flying too close to the sun
This argument is flying a bit too close to the sun.
- 没用 (一个词,两个词,三个词,四个词)
- 充数
(2) In vein
(3) To no avail
(4) become a wasted effort
2. Sth a makeweight
you got to go along to get along
- 避开交战区
- 步入雷区
- 我们奋斗过的地方
- 我准备好了 战斗人员 平民 不要这么好斗
- 与社会问题斗争
- 宣战
- 一碰就炸、马上就要大发雷霆 (生气的另外五种表达)
消气了 - 坐收渔翁之利
- 我们总是在和自己斗争,什么是对我现在好的,什么是对我们将来好的(一堆想要/应得之间的冲突)
- 美国和欧洲在进行力量角逐
- 非洲变成了中美博弈的地盘
- 所以如果你要开战 确保不要腹背受敌
- 英雄事迹
- step out of the line of fire
- walk into a war zone
- This is our war room
- I am combat-ready
combatant/civilians don’t be so feisty/combative - Combat social problems
- This is an act of war
- Mom is totally on the warpath
o Pissed-off
o Fuming
o Infuriated
Livid e.g. I am livid whenever someone is not prepared.
I started seeing red/ The rival team saw red when they realized they had been pranked.
His anger dissipated 怒气消散了
- Fight the easy fight, and clean up the battlefield
- Constantly at war with ourselves about what’s good for us now and what good for us in the future(plenty of want/should conflicts)
- US and Europe is at a tug-of-war
- Africa become a place for turf war between China and us
- So if you’re going to war, make sure you’re not fighting it on two fronts.
- war stories
- 想不出来
- 真没招了
- 一筹莫展
- 没词了、没想法了
- 在他的建议下
- 一想到、一听到、一见到、一提到、说到这儿
- 瞧了一瞧
仔细看看 - 一按下
- i‘ve been trying to figure out why you did what you did but I’m coming up dry.
- At my wit’s end
At his wit’s end, he confessed.
At the end of the rope - So that we don’t hit the wall after this/ I am getting nowhere with this.
- at a loss for words - For lack of a better word
at a lack of ideas - reach idea poverty - at his suggestion
I am willing to make some cuts at your suggestion
- At the thought of/ at the sound of/ at the sight of /at the mention of, he cried /speaking of which
- I’ve had a look-see at your work, and I think you’ve done a pretty good job of things.
You should look long and hard before you hang her out to dry
- At the push of a button
The drinking and using went into overdrive
They are busy - (their docket is overloaded)/backlog of cases
I have a dim recollection that we discussed that
等会儿再自我检讨; 等会儿再自责吧
Self-immolate later/self-recrimination; beat yourself up later; you can kick yourself later
- 顽强的实用主义者
- 激烈的庭审
- 老练的罪犯
- hardbitten pragmatist
- hard-hitting trial (intense, a lot of questioning)
- Hardened felon e.g. he put hands on his head like a hardened felon when going through security
- 偷窃计算机代码
- 违法的交易
- 偷钱
- 获的不义之财
- 轻松获得利益(轻松赚大钱)
- Pilfering source code
- That’s an illegal trade
- siphoning money off of the bank account
- get a windfall
- rake in the profits
- 我们的交易还作数吗?
- 我们放弃
- 大家都说你得会出招,不要一手好牌打个稀烂。但事实是你如果出生一手烂牌,烂牌还会招来更多的烂牌
- Does our deal still hold?
- We will fold 放弃、弃牌
- You need to play your cards right
When your are **dealt a bad hand ** there are a number cards within that bad hand which will lead to more bad cards.
矫揉造作 华而不实
Histrionic and meretricious
You can’t lean on this
Don’t hold your breath for this.
We’ve been taking soundings/ can you sound him out/ I am not your sounding board (security blanket)
- 你得紧盯住你想涉足的事情。
- 很多机会更容易落入那些已经有数年经验的人手中。所以你得学会重新塑造自己的形象。
- 很多人都会遇到分析瘫痪的问题。99%的时间你都是过度刺激。
- 一份让你讨厌的朝九晚五工作是你生活中最大的不幸之一。
- You gotta stay on top of the things you wanna getting into
- Many opportunities will default to people/fall into the laps of those who already have several years’ experience under their belt. So you gotta learn to rebrand yourself.
- Many people struggle with analysis paralysis. 99% of the time you are overstimulated.
- A soul-sucking 9 to 5 that you hate is one of the biggest sources of unhappiness/miseries in your life.
- 慢功夫
- 不是很轻松就能完成的
- 自我膨胀型举重选手
- 时间表比较紧(任务比较重)
- Think about your projects as slow burns rather than heavy lifting. - multiple projects in various stages of completion - slowly becomes more cooked ( info gathering - just assembling things)
- That’s not an easy lift /slow burns / marathon not a sprint
- ego lifting will only hurt yourself
- that’s a pretty heavy lift (to meet the impending deadline)
overworked, has bloodshot eyes, saggy eye bags,
- 仅凭感觉保持10%的体脂是行不通的。
- 肯定用药了(即不使用增强药物的运动员)。
- 腹肌是在健身房锻炼出来的,但要控制饮食才能显现出来。
- 如果您考虑使用类固醇/合成激素来增强身体素质,您至少应该充分发挥自身潜力,这至少倒逼您了解您的身体发育方式以及为塑造您的体型调整营养和训练方法的最有效途径。
- 肌酸是增肌最有效的补剂之一
- You can’t stay at a 10% body fat just with your intuition
- A fake natty (natural athletes, people who don’t use performance-enhancing drugs)
- Abs grow in the gym and gets revealed in the kitchen.
- If you’re considering enhancing using anabolics/steroids, you should at least max out your natural potential because of it will force you to understand how your body development and what’s the most efficient way to pull the nutrition and training lever for your physique.
- Creatine is the most efficacious supplement you can take to help you gain muscle.
One breakout will wreck/put to waste several weeks’ efforts.
Air outlet on the roof
- 周期性
- 外用药
- 你就继续用外用药,如果严重的话,就在给你开口服药
- 如果你的保险公司不赔付的话,你会再收到账单的。但是无论怎么样,现在都是要付自付部分。
- 你能给我开一年的处方吗?
- cyclical pattern
- Topical use /use it topically
- Just keep going with the topicals and then if you flare (up), we’ll give you the pills.
- If your insurance company declines to pay, if you will get another bill. But you will pay the co-pay regardless.
- Can I get the refill for a year?
- 不要只在交友软件上放你最好看的照片
- 拍写真
- 网上有你的入狱照
- Don’t just post your model shots on dating apps.
- Do a photo shoot.
- There’s your mug shot online
Is that something too much to hope for
Miami means big water. Water activities are cancelled because the water is too choppy
- 有没有什么绝招啊
- 上一轮的表现无法预测下一轮的成本
- What are the winning moves in dating? Or are there any?
- Dating is a game where how well you did on the last round is not any indication on your success of the next round.
You are good now. That’s what counts.
- 开会
- 我不这么看
- 感谢邀请,必须去啊
- 我们安排下周的会
这个项目预期下周完成 - 明年排了很多的证券诉讼的案子
- set up a meeting/
- I don’t see it like that (I don’t think so)
- there’s so much about that invitation that I like
- Let’s slate a meeting for next week”
This project is slated to be complete by next week
5. I am getting slotted into some security class actions in New York. In the near future, though, I think what we’ll have to end up litigating pretty vigorously over the course of 2024.
认清现实 (两种表达)
Here is the lawyer giving us the reality check.
Give him a dose of reality
- 特别喜欢这部剧的剧情
- 这部剧每个角度都很棒: (1) 音乐很动听,(2)人物很丰满,(3) 剧情紧凑情节跌宕起伏 充满悬念(4) 还会很多反转,(5) 引人深思 (6) 久久不能忘怀
- 希望他有续集、前传、翻拍或者衍生剧、类似物、第二部
- I love the narrative arc.
- This show hits all the right note:
(1) infectious music, (2) layered characters, (3) suspense that will keep you on the edge of the seat/plot is a nail-biter/page-turner, (4) a lot of plot twists, (5) the ending leaves you with some food for thought and (6) stays with you. - I hope there will be sequels, prequels, remakes or spin-offs.
Scandal like an analogue to how to get away with murder.
Law school part two第二部
- 我还有什么余地告诉你一些你不想听的话
- 利润率(revenues 减去成本的差额 就是利润)
- 缴纳保证金
- 银河是不会给自己的债务打折的
- where’s my margin to tell you something you don’t wanna hear
- profit margin
- margin call - (collateral used to cover the credit risk)
- The bank is never gonna take a haircut. You might as well draw blood from a stone.
Margin haircut 都是差额的意思
2. 每天无聊的朝九晚五的生活
3. 谁结婚也不是为了柴米油盐,都是为了当初的激情四射
4. 我想摆脱办公室的桔燥工作。
- You got involved because you want to shine in court probably to fill some gigantic hole in your dreary insipid lackluckster life - you know the risks but you proceed anyway
- Day-in-day-out monotony/ lackluster 9 to 5
- People don’t the everyday. They marry the now and wow.
- I’d like to escape the office treadmill.
- 覆水难收
- 愚人金 空欢喜一场
- 叶公好龙
- 人类这种生物啊好吃懒做 积习难改
- 出手还是按兵不动
- 避免打草惊蛇
- Genie is let out of the bottle
- Fool’s gold
- like the idea of something more than the actual thing itself
- People are lazy and habitual
- Throw a punch or stand pat
- I don’t wanna alarm them
- 你会变成你喜欢的人希望你变成的样子
- 蜕变成了网红
- You will morph into everything the person you like wants you to be
- How can we tell the difference between a celebrity who is “on social media” and one who has metamorphosed into a fully grown social media influencer?
游山玩水 周游世界
Gallivanting around the world
strolling around the park/strolling along the beach
- 倒了霉的好人
- 让悲剧重演
- 我不是要雪上加霜
- 堆积如山
- He’s a good man caught in perfect storm of bad circumstances.
- Punishing him would only pile tragedy upon tragedy
- I don’t want to pile on
- Piles of xxx
毫无端由地对你时好时坏非常toxic trait
Lash out on you on a whim/without rhyme or reason.
Government money was given out to some people and not to others, apparently without rhyme or reason = without any obviously reasonable explanations
We’re going to do the most human of all: attempt something futile with unearned confidence and fail spectacularly.普通而自信
When the chips are down /when push comes to shove
- 享受每一天
- 苦中作乐
- 全身而退
- Enjoy each day as they come
- Enjoy the good time during a bad one
- getting off “scot free.”
- improperly arrogate for itself the termination fee
- misappropriate
- abscond e.g. the directors abscond
They could abscond to florida, or elsewhere, any time.携款潜逃
Appropriate funds v. misappropriate funds
- 冷漠比痛苦更容易
- 养条狗不那么孤单
- 中国与世隔绝
- 隔离风险源
- Better to close off than feel the pain (easier to get angry than to admit being sad)
- Drive off loneliness
- China is blocked off from the rest of the world
- Wall off wuhan from the rest of China to contain the spread
- 凡尔赛
- 逆天
3. 摆拍
4. 照骗
5. 上镜/镜头感很强、害怕镜头/不愿意出镜
6. 土豪
7. 忽悠/大家都是在不懂装懂
8. 希望能早日抱上你的大腿\攀附权贵之人\爬社会阶梯
9. 脱颖而出的黑马
10. 一丘之貉
11. 相形见拙
- Humblebrag
- ungodly technological invention
I thought I would rock and roll, but it turns out I crashed and burned
ungodly/god-given opportunity/ First those god-awful performance reviews, and now this?
Right now it’s in its baby stage but imagining it in its god mode
- Plandid photo
- Picture-perfect
- camera-ready / camera-shy
you are photogenic 你很上镜
office-shy - Big spender
- bluff/everyone is just winging it/fake it till you make it
- I’m looking forward to riding on your coattail one day
The new boy band is riding on the coattail of the old one of the same company
1.In the society the downtrodden can only climb the social ladder by becoming hangers-on
social climbers - A dark horse that breaks out of the pack/a cut above the rest
- They are cut from the same cloth
- My achievement pales in comparison to yours
Touch base with you = get in touch with you
We can reconnect later. I haven’t reconnected with him on that
- 100% 发生/不发生 - 命中注定
- 90% 发生 - 马上两家律所要合并了
- 80%发生
- 50%
- 30%
- 20%
- 10%
- 1%
- Who lived or who died it’s all written in the stars (deterministic)
- A merger of the two firms is in the cards
- Practically a done deal /still in the air but don’t count the chicken yet.
- It’s a toss-up, could go either way.”
- Don’t hold your breath for this
- It’s a long shot, but who knows?
- Fat/slim chance/Slim to none, I wouldn’t bet on it.
- You have a better chance of winning the lottery.”
These expressions add a bit of color and humor to describing different levels of probability or certainty.
- 柱子/杆子
- 灯柱 旗杆
- 心中摆在最高的东西/最低的地方
- 我不想永远当小人物。
- 实习生是在食物链的底层,需要做很多的dirty work
- pole
- lamppost/street lamps
flag pole - money is at the bottom of my totem pole. Sex is at the top.
- I didn’t want to be low man on the totem pole for ever
- Interns are at the bottom of totem pole. Can you handle that?
a conviction held over from school days
Those are non-trivial/major benefits
it is not clear that the global boom in pet-keeping is doing humans much good.
A boon to humanity?
You have to do it consistently over a prolonged period of time to reap the benefits
- 老谋深算
- 涸泽而渔
- 做法律检索不需要穷尽,但也不能偷懒
- 穷尽式检索
- 铁公鸡拔毛
- 压死骆驼的最后一根稻草
- 扭转颓势
- Conspiratorial、cunning
- Boiling the ocean
- When doing investigations, we are not asking you to boil the ocean, but
you cannot cut corners - we have lawyers who leave no stone unturned, especially when they’re ringing up the bill.
- draw blood from the stone
- sometimes you just need the right word to tip someone over the edge
- The speech really turned the tides for you
- 把人推到轨道里
- 把哑铃放在哑铃架上
- 我听到车库里有动静喧闹
- 这面墙是由混凝土构成的。所以当子弹击中墙壁时,它反弹并击中了受害者。
- 记得,还有一种叫做真正的自行车,是用来在外面骑的,不只是人们为了坐着看奥普拉而停放的动感单车。
- push people into the tracks
- Put the weights on the racks
- I hear racket(有动静喧嚣、吵闹,noise) coming from the garage
- The wall is made of concrete. So when the bullet hit the wall, it ricocheted(反弹) and hit the victim.
- remember there are actually things known as real bikes that go outside, not just stationary bikes that people park themselves on to watch Oprah
- 我激动得心怦怦跳
- 什么东西在砰砰响
- 隔音板其实并不能降噪
- My heart was thumping with excitement
- What’s that thumping noise
- Those acoustic panels can’t really muffle sounds.
- 每当糖进入你的血液,都会对你可能患有的疾病产生影响。
每个人最自己的email chain负责到底不要让别人中途接手
- 秋冬季流感往往会再度袭来
- 这是我东山再起强势回归的机会 (两种表达)
- every time sugar enters your bloodstream/hits your bloodstream m, it has downstream effects on diseases illnesses that you may have
Swimming upstream
I don’t want you to get caught mid stream.
When the nutrients are coursing through your blood stream,
This company is the only one to have bucked the trend of a declining industry.
❷Although property values in our city are down overall, one neighborhood is bucking the trend and still getting fair market value.
- flu usually make a comeback in autumn and winter
- This is my comeback game
Who knew getting hacked would put us back on top?
- 如果你属于前25%的高收入家庭,你更有可能感到幸福,但如果你属于底部25%对低家庭的下四分之一,你更容易在经济上感到压力。
- 你还算轻的
- 你会被打分排名
4.0.75% - 全世界各地的人们无论穷富,都在追求幸福
- If you are in the upper quartile of income earning household, you’re more likely to be happy, but if you’re in the lower quartile of income earning household, you are more likely to get stressed out financially.
- You are on the low scale here
You are on the moderate and low end here. - You will be ranked on a numerical scale.
- Three quarters of one per cent
- people from every part of the world and every income quartile
- Waverunner
- Jet skiing
- yacht
美国大学里 每个人都喝的很醉
Sober, tipsy, buzzed, drunk, wasted,inebriated
I was so drunk that you can light my breath on fire /his blood type is bourbon
Drunk tornado ripping through people’s life
Get the buzz
Do you wanna freshen your drink
can you top it off?
Things got a little hazy after a few drinks
I will be lisping(口齿不清) after a few drinks parts whereas some more articulate after a cup of coffee
Everyone is a bit hammered during college
i am coming back for a bit nightcap
hold up a bank
I don’t know how to do things that you dislike how are you gonna hold down a job in the future - there’s no room in the basement for you to move in when your life bottoms out
hold down the fort
What is with these two?
distorting the election system in a pernicious/insidious way
- easy - Civil Procedure is never really a walk in the park, but it does get easier from here on out/
- difficult - an uphill battle
- sophisticated - no baby in the woods
- unsophisticated - baby in the woods
- you can’t come in there no guns blazing. And saying, you have to tell me everything that I need to know. - a little bit, sort of like a mating dance, right? You’re dating, thinking about getting married?
I have a makeshift nameplate
出师不利 v. 旗开得胜
gain traction (have a little bit of success that kick off the whole thing) v. Not off to a good start /off to a rocky start
There you have it
standing ovation
Deafening applause v.
Tepid applause v.
Sporadic and half-hearted applause
Another day another dollar here
Throwing good money after bad
Yesterdays lazy cure today’s crazy
The juice must be worth the squeeze
Race to the bottom
What I wouldn’t give to see this live.
I would sell my kidney for this.
- Strapped for money
- Pressed for time
I would love to but I’m just crunched for time - Sapped of energy
- Don’t have the bandwidth to deal with it right now
- Don’t have the wherewithal to litigate this issue
- Pressed for time
i don’t know there is a whole lot of rocket science to finding/landing/hunting for a job
- Sorry. I messed up? Can I have a doover? Sorry It’s too far gone.
It’s too little too late
The ship has sailed.
Right the ship
Get off the ship before it’s too late
Cruising at full/flank speed
I think the case speak for itself and there is no need for me to going through them
Without belaboring the point
They went to one of the venture capital firm and give a razzle-dazzle presentation on their latest product
daily drip-drop of happiness
McKenzie consultants very good at razzle-dazzle their clients with bullshit
There‘s no chance for you to charm your way out of this .
With three provisos
With three caveats
物以类聚 人以群分
More bluster than bite/bluffing/ don’t have real bites/toothless tiger v. It bites/ has teeth
Time is of the essence /time- sensitive
Birds of a feather flock together / 135. Swams don’t swim in sewers
I was gasping for breath while he was telling me the joke
Kick that sickness much faster - recover.
- 你的感觉会越来越好
- 你的天线要竖起来
- Your sense of when something feels right will become Keener
- Your antenna should be up
It’s like a home away from home
New Yorker through and through
我还没决定 还在纠结 还在犹豫
Which way are you leaning?
I haven’t landed on that. I am bit torn between A and B. I am debating the pros and cons. I will let you know when the verdict is out.
The jury is still out on that one
So the verdict was academic career was not the right path for me 我心中的结论是
The unlimited form of partnership will give investors pause when making investments
You’ve got me. I’ve got nothing
Working at a big law firm will inconvenience your social life
Your weekends are not very protected.
So when you get the chance to enjoy? You spend big.
I overbought N95 masks
everybody was stockpiling on N95 mask .
认真负责的 v. 草率马虎的
I’d rather you be a conscientious gender rather than a slapdash supreme court justice
You need to get over the break-in period
Things will be easier once you get over the steep learning curve
Chewing gums can help you get over the afternoon slump
I don’t like to take power naps I like to wake up late/sleep in
He is smart, resourceful with just right amount of savoir faire
lassie-faire /hands-off approach
You are the perfect weight for your frame
等等 诸如此类的东西
and what not
It was magical. Just when I thought all all things have been lost, and I was at the bottom of the barrel, I got a phone call from LA, and I was immediately catapulted into another universe.
living abroad is like catapulting yourself into another universe
way to go
You got it
I can’t stand to watch their tear-streaked faces
key employee
North of 50%
is nearing the retirement age
the weather has gone south
Leeway/latitude/wiggle room, breathing room/autonomy - negative freedom/ liberty-positive freedom
tethered/untethered - Yet its experience shows just how difficult it is for companies born in China to untether themselves from it.
Can I breathe?
use of the latitude、leeway(自由度) of the statue to cast a wide web of corrupted behaviors
舒服的工作 v. 高端的工作
精致的发型 v. 乱糟糟的发型
朝气蓬勃的小伙子 想要干出一番事业
cushy job v. glamorous/high-end job
You getting up and looking like a posh professional lawyer is not the point. The point is answering the judges questions
Your coiffed hair your pretty nails v. unkempt hair
Well-groomed y oung men In expensive suits
designer bag
A bright-eyed and bushy-tailed Kid who is just trying to make it big
Malcolm, you hog the covers like your dad.
While everyone was doomscrolling under the covers during COVID 新冠疫情期间 当所有人窝在床上 沉溺于负面新闻而郁郁寡欢时
hog the mac - Some people were just hog the mic in class 麦霸
Hog the seat
Monopolize the place
consume rivers of content from random strangers.
Adolescents spend less time steeped in their local or national culture. They are coming of age in a confusing, placeless, ahistorical maelstrom of 30-second stories curated by algorithms designed to mesmerize them.
No every case has more to it than what meets the eye.
He hasn’t seen the dark underbelly of NYC
I want to be glib and say the paralyzing fear of making mistakes is itself a mistake.
Don’t show up and ask for a job that is opportunistic and gauche
euphemistically called
glacial bureaucratic process
you have no idea how taken aback I was when I heard this.
As of this writing, the most recent data available was that the average age of people in prison right now for FCPA violations is 58 years old. This single fact should send chills down the spine of any senior executive
This is appalling.
The men looks shell-shocked at the Lamaze class
- 你可是被政府调查重点针对的
你如果去了可是会被人针对的 - 让你成为活靶子
- 卷入交锋中
- When you find yourself in the crosshairs of an internal or government investigation(狙击枪的瞄准器)
Going there it’s only going to put you in the crosshairs(make your target)
Human rights and criminal lawyers have been the ones mostly caught in the crosshairs of the national security law since Chinese authorities imposed the law in 2020 in the wake of citywide pro-democracy protests.
Keep playing possum in the crosshairs of Justice
2. Sorry to put a target on your back 3. Sorry to implicate you in this crossfire collateral damage in the crosshairs
- 让我们一起想一想
- 我已经想了很久了
- Let’s think on that
- I have been given this a lot of thought(I have thought about it for quite some time)
This is deception writ large(obvious)
Ostensibly(=apparently) he did it ostensibly for love but really for the green card.
- A lot of time we are freiksiteining things together
- staple things together
They just kinda staple them together and blow ‘em up into space.
他们只会把火箭拼装起来 然后炸上太空
I’m not gonna let you make the decision in the heat of the moment/in the fit of passion that you will regret for the rest of your life
in the heat of a contentious hiring decision,
花招 诡计
The Aoki family says that this was all a ruse/trick/subterfuge
Use a ruse(pretext/trick) to go into the house
When you are here, you get toe-to-toe with the best, and my advice is hold on tight and enjoy the ride
When you play with people much better than you, your games becomes better.
You are playing against the best /top players here.
going against the best lawyers in town will raise your level of the game .
This word is very hard to pronounce doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue
my old school dorm is a six-floor walk-up
Harvey has really rubbed off on you
We hope some of his good qualities will rub off on you. Almost cannbalistic
You are not the first one who falls for/under his spell
(1) 迎面相撞 - 不幸的是,迎面撞上,约翰设法绕过她,但卡梅伦最终与她正面相撞
(2) 侧面剐蹭
(3) 追尾、轻轻撞上
(4) 小事故\小磕小碰
(1) Unfortunately, it was a direct hit; John was able to swerve past her, but Cameron ended up hitting her head-on.
(2) He almost sideswiped the bus
(3) bumped into the car ahead/ bumped her car
(4) Got into a little fender-bender
When the scandal at FDU is disclosed, people take sideswipes at the substandard moral education by the school
We are not in a position to resolve that heavily fact-laden issue in the first instance; among other reasons, credibility could be decisive
It is good to be a go-getter and try-hard career wise, but the same personality trait will start to rear its ugly head. Being too readily available will water down your value.
doctors, plumbers and electricians are more likely to get divorced because one they have easy access tomen or women to. two They have irregular hours three they have the disposable income, the perfect trifecta, the perfect storm to be unfaithful
我看着太得意了 你们不觉得吗?
I look too perky. Don’t you think I look too perky?
come back in one piece
I am joined today by acclaimed psychotherapist xxx
we are all just barely getting back on our feet
I must be off my game.
- 不正常的超级兴奋
- 不正常的像磕了药一样兴奋
- 你是不是咖啡喝多了
- 过于兴奋
- he is so excited like he is on adderall
- He’s super hyped
- it sounds like you‘re over-caffeinated.
- bouncing off the walls
在做热爱的事时 我感觉自己生机勃勃
When I’m working on something that I feel very passionate about, I feel very alive
Find a career that is at the intersection of money and passion.
conceal your identity.
Well, we will all be there to cheer you on.
they cross paths at high tide in the Hamptons/Miami
我不想打击你 耶稣 但你的问题是
Well, I hate to break it to you, Jesus, but here’s your problem: you are over-leveraged and debt-ridden. You need a miracle and I am that miracle.
maiden voyage
gonna roll with it.
Let nature take its course.
听着 如果你想交换位置
Listen, if you wanna trade places,
profit participation
Pay dividend
所以我让道格 试着算了一下
I had Doug give it a whirl/run the numbers
Take a stab at it
I was waylaid by our resident astronaut. 我被我们的常驻宇航员拦住了
Accousted you
drowning us in debt.
我们可以精打细算 或者…但我们赚更多的钱 把UBA+发展成巨头企业这样不是更有意思吗?
You know, we can sit around counting beans or-But you know, wouldn’t it be more fun to plant them, grow a beanstalk and turn UBA+ into a giant?
why draw the line in the sand when we can build a castle ?
这是一段艰难时期 我们会挺过去的
This is a rough patch. We’ll get through it, but we can’t burn through any more of our reserves.
don’t fire up your LinkedIn just yet
三年过去了 我们还只是在维持现状
Three years later, we’re just status quo.
自命不凡的新上任者;狂妄自 大的新手
When I came in, they called me an upstart. And then you started, and they said,
“You’re gonna love her. She’s such a disrupter.
“你们会喜欢她 她是个超级颠覆者”
我觉得你的迅速成功 有一部分是我的功劳
I feel partially responsible for your meteoric success.
The love from your parents are more or less meted out according to how much you accomplish.
The tough love that you were dishing out was pretty compelling
( she always dishes out advice even when you don’t want it)
Setting up drug shelters to dole out drugs to drug abusers so that they don’t die of infection or overdose
Mete out - 定量分发
dish out- 大量分发
dole out-少量分发
a straight shooter
她捕捉到了我们在那天中 最难忘的一些影像
Bradley captured some of the most indelible images we have of that day.
It’s been a whirlwind three years.
Could it be any hotter?
The weather has gone south
Alex Levy walks on water (圣经中Jesus walks on water)
he thinks his brother walks on air 显然觉得你能腾云驾雾
He is invincible/bullet-proof
these men think they are masters of the universe
she thinks she runs this place.
Trump thinks he is above the law
The argument is airtight&ironclad
Becomes future-proof
We are a recession-proof industry
- 越界了
这话可能不该我说 - 很快发生
- 待在你自己的地方
- 我不想拿我的生命在纽约的自行车道上冒险
you’re out of your lane/overstep the boundary of others
-我僭越?滚蛋吧 -是
- I’m out of my lane? Fuck my lane
I don‘t want to step on anyone’s toes
excuse me, if I‘m talking out of turn, but I think he’s ashamed of himself right now
drive the auto company bankrupt In the fast lane
You will be happy as long as you stay in your own lane and mind your own business.
I don‘t want to risk my life in the bike lane in New York City.
人脉广阔 关系户
他年入几十万, 十几万
and that is gonna take real deep pockets.
Someone with more money than God.
The well-connected
he is unfathomably rich
He makes high six figures, low six figures
She bailed on purpose.
超越者1号的最高时速可达3600公里并且抵达 三十五万英尺的最高飞行高度**
Hyperion One will reach a top speed of 2,250 miles an hour and reach an apogee of about 350,000 feet,
Instead, she is AWOL,
Nobody knows her whereabouts
Is that why you pulled that disappearing act,
everything looks A-okay
entirely good or perfectly OK.
(deal) 黄了
(产业) 消失
(公司) 困难重重
the deal went belly up/went bust
the business went under
If I go down for this,
The company is in deep waters after a series of poor financial decisions
If you don’t return his call you’ll be dead in the water
Your few years the traditional news industry will fall off a cliff
The program go down in flames
The company is in dire straits right now
You are coming in hot today, Cybil.
If they keep doing this, I’m gonna need some insulin.
that view really does blow your mind/breath-taking/magnificent/beyond words/spectacular
back slash/forward slash
And try to make sure nobody does anything stupid,
It was a bit of a tall order to expect us to do the whole job in three days.
指望我们在3天之内完成全部 工作有点要求过高了
我觉得像因果报应啊因果被高估了 我更喜欢混沌理论
So you fuck with my rocket, and then you get taken off the air? That feels like cosmic justice to me.
Karma’s overrated. I’m more of a chaos theory kinda guy.
科里和斯黛拉刚刚报复了我 因为我抛弃超越者一号
Cory and Stella just kneecapped me for ditching Hyperion One.
McKinsey has helped kneecap/cripple the company I retired from, 3M.
This hack, it is nuclear.
you heard that right.
一群男人决定一个女人的 “保鲜期”是什么感觉
when a bunch of men decide a woman’s sell-by date.
Let’s face it. It’ll be Cory or one of his toadies.面对现实吧 会是科里或他身边的一个马屁精接手
Butter me up
Brown-nosing me
this may come across as a bit flattery, but I do think you have very high emotional intelligence.
我们发布了声明 我不懂你们为何还要节外生枝
We issued a statement. I’m not sure why you guys wanna guild the lily (doing something that is unnecessary/going beyond what is needed)
You’re free to say anything… - That’s right.
…without fear of reprisal.
- 管理层不会秋后算帐 好吗?
我们都是出于好意 而且…
We’re getting ourselves derailed here. We are all well-meaning and…
talk it out in the open
顺便说一下 斯黛拉 我们早该知道
And, Stella, by the way, it was our fucking job to know
that Chris and a hundred other people were being lowballed
in the name of budget cuts.
I told you I felt like they were lowballing me,
或许UBA的确是 一座提供牙医保险的蓄奴庄园而已
Maybe UBA is a plantation, just with dental insurance.
我会全部报销 还要邀请克里斯
And I’m expensing all of it,
不要让我用上司口吻命令你、级别压你; 我可以否决你的决定
- Stella, no. I don’t have time. - Do not make me pull rank. But I am your boss means I can overrule/veto your decision.
I don’t like keeping scores
I don’t like counting beans
Don’t quibble
Don’t haggle over 5 dollars
No. we are not trying to wrangle another 5 minutes out of your honor.
Does she want her white guilt assuaged?
It’s like you’re attaching yourself to power wherever it is.
Now I know there was some furor/public outcry, well deserved, over the statement that UBA issued some days ago. It was inadequate, to say the very least.
But this is about more than just an offhand/off-the-cuff comment.但这件事的重点 不仅是一句脱口而出的评论
在促进平等与包容方面 UBA一直很消极
And UBA has been sorely inactive when it comes to equity and inclusion.
Would you want your entire career reduced to one unthinking, bone-headed thing you said in an email?
天底下有火车出轨的灾难 还有《The Morning Show》上更大的灾难
there are train wrecks and then there’s whatever that was on The Morning Show.
Defendant‘s latest show was a box office failure/bomb、flop、swing and a miss
Fiduciary duty is a judicial backstop(fail-safe/guardrails) to fiduciary duty in case any fiduciary conduct goes off the rails
power suit
There’s very few cell towers here so signal is kinda in and out
Cell towers in our bodies
One cancer cell has thousands of genetic injuries - it become a cancer cell because it can’t get the distress signal out and so the injuries accumulate
Soul is something that supersedes the biological form
substitute A for B 用A换B
Long-winding path/shortcut
This long winding path makes me realize that nature and health is the most important thing in life.
Long-winding speech、where was learning writing, and Chinese lessons it wasn‘t about logic or persuasion. It was about holding forth the ideological narrative with hollowand distant examples in history.
I don’t want to cut corners
Disturbing/upsetting picture
They are on a hamster wheel. Sure the wheel will get bigger but it’s still a prison. So you are saying I am a jailer/prison guard/guard dog.
I used to always have access to you, but now I had to go through this palace guard in a pentsuit
We need to fast-track this.
Flashing forward to this/fast-forwarding to this
i’ll monitor that periodically
Intermediate lifter/gym-goers/gym rat
Recreationally trained/ now I am trying to become professsionallu trained
Basal metabolic rate (BMR)
So, you know, full steam ahead, but I need to reconnect with Aaron
I gather that no one really did.
I have a loose opinion on everything
I have strong opinions weakly held
It’s bustling
量身定制 v. 千篇一律的模板
The app allows me to custom-build my own work out/template
Tailor-made /tailored to your needs
boilerplate template/ canned messages
The same cookie-cutter lay out
We are treading water
He swims back to the shore without me
I was sweating in the water, if that is even possible
interning in the law firm is like being thrown into the deep end without a lifeline/you got thrown in the deep end of it, so it’s normal to feel confusing
• The shallow end of the pool they are really good at swimming there. They know exactly what to do to get what they want and where they want you to be. but once you get to the deep end they have no idea what the fuck to swim in there. well you think that’s the first time that I dated I know what people want to hear.
Well – we are all stuck in the well trying to get out. But only you can climb out.
set aside
Are you thinking of buying a house? Planning a wedding? Taking a bucket list vacation? Now is the time to start squirreling some money away.
- 我就这么说吧,Harvard的学生让人难以忍受
- 我将你所需要的一切赐予你
- 最好的玩的疯学的疯的大学
- 学生组织(兄弟会、姐妹会)很好玩
- 这个学校的学习压力很大
- 我很看好NYU
我不看好Columbia - 如果你毕业有2-3个好朋友,就很不错了
- 选择专业就是选择和什么样的人相处
- 刷分
- 模拟考
- 私立大学有直通高中,这些高中的学生被顶尖常青藤盟校录取的比率最高。
- 如果你去念了Harvard或者Upenn,身边的贫富差距超过你想象
- 去了名校念书,周围的人都超级聪明且用功,保持个平均水平就很不容易了
- Harvard students are insufferable. There I said it.
- I bestow you all with everything you need to succeed in college.
- It is one of the best work hard play hard school in in the country.
- Greek life would be super fun
- It‘s a very high stress school.
- I am bullish on NYU.
I have a dim view of Columbia - If you graduate with 2 to 3 good friends, you’re doing it right.
- If you pick computer science, you are self-selecting into a group that has low social skills and is extremely numerical and logical.
If you pick meds/lawyers, you are opting into a group of people wired for cutthroat competition and perfectionism.
Max out my grades, SAT and TOEFL scores and what not
Taking practice exams in test-like conditions
Private uni have feeder high schools who have the highest matriculation rate at the Ivies
if we go to Harvard all your pen, and you will be surrounded by global wealth gap.
when you are in a name, brand college, you’re surrounded by brainiacs, and it’s hard to even just to stay afloat.
when you graduate your entire college experience disappears and melts into the ether. - take good grades&honors, skills you acquired, habits you formed, friends you’ve bonded with
When you die wealth, money, fame, or disappears and melts into the ether/wafts up in the air
Waiting for girls shopping for eons
this is every metric they could possibly gauge success on(mental health, physical health, dating, career, family, friends) . If you expect to get an A in all of that, you’ll be definitely get down by that by that you’ll be sorely disappointed. You can’t have it all. Expect a B/C in one of the metrics
超预算 (n.)
Out of budget /above budget
budget your time
Spending over budget /I don’t wanna overspend.
Overspending/costs overruns
provide them an assessment for budgetary reasons
The prices are steep.
They store offers steep discount.
steep costs
I treated myself to a Mercedes 2 -seater
As such, under neither set of Plaintiffs’ tabulations could they have held more than 50% of the Company’s outstanding stock.
Use command to retrieve every permutation of the root word. 各种排列组合、置换方式
Permutation of Chinese characters make it hard to learn Chinese
manifestation/manifestation of intention. 意思表示 (affirmative manifestation)
In short, the Guaranty—predestined to be breached and to trigger the Mass Resignation Clause—was a timebomb, primed by Liu and Dai to blow up the board six months after their exits, so they could waltz in and take over.
- 尽管我很想,但我不能。
- 你的工作并不如你的生命那么重要。
- 我唯一的错就是不如你知道得多。
- 三到五年后,外貌并不像其他东西那么重要。
- 你对这个项目的参与和你对曼哈顿计划的参与一样少。
- 如果你对这个实验稍微做出任何动作。
- 她只要偷个叉子,她就完蛋了。
都没有暗示 更不要明说了 - 我的房间已经乱到极点了。
- 尽管会很困难,我知道我们能做到。
- 一旦学期开始,这个任务不会像现在这么有吸引力。
- 这已经是最好的了。
- 这已经是最糟糕的了。
这是最真实的了:想得到真正的爱就是要取得胜利 - 也许你在她心中并没有你想的那么重要。
- 虽然不是铁杆粉丝,但还是个粉丝。
- 尽可能提供诚实的观点。
- 我们不是喜欢民主党,只是相比起来,他们比你们要好得多。
我现在做的少了,但还是在做 - 我开这次会和达成这笔交易的目标,是尽我们所能解决你们与他们之间的问题。
- 请因你的善良和谦逊而闻名,如同因你的职业成就而闻名。
- 这个词太强烈了。
- 有些学校的捐赠基金相当于一个小国的经济规模。
- 我从没比现在更加喜欢你。
- 她本身就已经很难找工作了
看起来你这周跟我过的一样惨啊 - 我告诉你他们会支付你什么 - 就像所有工作支付的 - 少于你的价值,但足够让你回来。
- 她对我稍微示好,足以让我持续追求。
- 我们不知道何种程度可以激励人们。
- 如果你是这么看的话,更多的反映的不是我的行为,而是你的世界观(有问题)
- 如果你认为Chatgpt不对人类构成威胁的话,请记住目前你看到的是他的智商下限
- 我们总是看着眼前的山峰高不可攀,却忘记身后我们曾经越过的万重山也曾一样的高不可攀
- As much as I want(although), I can’t.
- Your job isn’t worth as much as your life.
- My only crime is not knowing as much as you.
- Looks don’t matter as much as anything else in 3-5 years time.
- You have as much to do with this project as you did with the Manhattan project.
- If you (do) so much as breathe on this experiment.
- She steals so much as a fork, she’s gone.
none of the statements so much as suggested, much less announced they knew it - My room is as messy as it can get.
- As hard as it will be, I know what we can do this.
- Once the semester starts, the assignment is not gonna be as attractive as it is now.
- It is as good as it gets.
- It is as bad as it can be.
it is as real as it fucking gets: the way to be truely loved is to be a winner. - Maybe you weren’t as big a deal to her as you thought you were.
- Not as much of a fan, but still a fan.
I’m not as much of a flash fan as I was five years ago, but still a fan - Provide as honest of a take as possible.
- It’s not like we like Democrats, it’s just they are way less worse of an option than you guys are.
do less of it now, but I still do it - My goal with this meeting, and this deal, is to solve as much of your problem with them as we can.
- Please be known as much for your kindness and humility as for your professional accomplishment.
- Too strong of a word.
- Some schools’ endowment is the size of a small country’s economy.
- I have never been more attracted to you than I am right now.
- She is a tough enough hire as it is.
The job is hard enough as it is.
I’m stressed enough as it is.
You’ve got so much going on as it is
You are already in enough trouble as it is with bringing in the pets.
I’m just as big a laughingstock as he is
Maybe this is the opportunity for her to take on something back, which will scare off someone who isn’t as ambitious
Do you know where there are millions of lives who were saved by this medication there are just as many lives were destroyed by it.
It looks like you’ve got as good a week as I get. - Let me tell you what they are gonna pay you - like what all jobs pay - less than what you’re worth but just enough to keep you crawling back.
- She flirts with me just enough to keep me going.
- We don’t know to what extent deprivation can motivate people.
- If that’s the way you see it, it tells a lot more about you than it tells about me
the way I see the world has a lot to say about me than the world
- If you think ChatGPT is not a threat just remember it is now the dumbest it ever will be.
- We always look at the mountains that are in front of us, but we forgot the mountains behind us were just as hard to climb.
it’s a better bang for the buck
I can stay off talking to people for four days maximum. After that I will just go stir-crazy
disoriented/lose one’s bearings
Find one’s bearings/find ones/ footings/sturdy scaffoldings(稳扎稳打都着力点)/invigorated
I don’t want to break his spirit(dampening your enthusiasm)
- 自大 与世隔绝
- 封闭狭隘的 v. 开放包容的
- 不只是报道一些充满光彩但实质空洞的废话,来催眠人们认为生活更美好。(你不能怪人们希望感觉更好)
American media is a bit incestuous and self-referential. 排外的(有自己小团体的)When you turn on the TV you might feel you are cut/blocked off from the world Different news satellites are reinforcing each other’s narratives and end up misunderstanding the world
The insularity of American discourse is appalling.
Provincial v. Cosmopolitan
Not just reporting on some glossy garbage to sedate people thinking that their life is better. (You can’t begrudge people for wanting to feel better)
Eschew = deliberately avoid
other than defining other counts as “Contract Causes of Action” and arguing from that false premise, Defendants eschew any discussion of whether China is adequate for the tort or declaratory judgment claims
eschewing the inefficiencies of traditional law firms
they freeze me out /I don’t wanna get frozen out
I won’t be ostracized because I voted for Trump
- To kind of set the stage, I kind of grow up in China.
- A bit of a backstory here I am a complete idiot when it comes to finding directions. I got lost, more than I would like to admit. My sense of direction is so bad that even looking at the google map, I’ll have trouble finding out which direction I am facing. But in the foreseeable future, that is all going away.
- To preface it,
American culture values extroversion and athleticism
it is trite law that
It is pretty trite that we as a society celebrates early achievers
Apart from/leaving that aside/aside from
On top of that
To boot e.g. he is good-looking and well-educated to boot.
But —— He is wrong tho.
To wit — I.e.
My therapist told me to stop buying your love; ergo I can’t pay for you
See a movie, stat (forthwith)
apropos of nothing
I’m not above admitting that.
The ledger is even/wipe the ledger clean. We are square.
I am getting a little misty.
His eyes is glistening/ there’s a glimmer in his eye.
lose the spark/ languishing v. flourishing
- 我有两台笔记本,让我看起来更忙
- 华尔街就是个金钱的水泥丛林。
- 每次看镜子里的自己,都被自己帅到。
- 我大口喝下咖啡并欣赏办公室的美景
- 感受不到的伤害不了你。
- I have two laptops so that I would seem twice as busy.
- Wall Street is a concrete money-making jungle
- Every time I look myself in the mirror, I am fueled by my own reflection.
- Gulp down my coffee and take in the office view.
- What you can’t feel can’t hurt.
She has put on cookie weight/love handle/muffin top
skinny/scrawny he has a slim build
it is a neat window into Delaware law.
There won’t be any free-standing(standalone) policy questions
(1) 如果情况存在
(2) 伴随诉讼的一系列程序上的问题
(3) 我们对xxx的热情影响着我们做出的每个决策。
(4) 之后发生了什么,以及最终结果如何?
(1) If the condition/situation obtains(exists)
(2) Various procedural issues that attend(=accompany) the litigations
to determine the intention of the contracting parties, courts consider the contract, and the circumstances attending to its execution
(3) Our passion for xxx informs every decision we make 体现
(4)Transpire 用作发生“解,主要用在报纸、商业文件和公文里
Why and then what ultimately transpired there
transaction transpires
The following events transpired as a result of a warrant received and executed by Deputy United States Marshal Alejandro Ramos (“Ramos”) for Jose Barrer
Fiduciary duty is a judicial backstop(fail-safe) to fiduciary duty in case any judiciary conduct goes off the rails
You need guidelines and guardrails (training wheels)
The wellspring of this book is a lecture that I’ve attended when I was in college.
- The line-up of speakers includes: 演讲者阵容如下/ The event has an impressive line up of speakers 豪华阵容
This may come across as a Boomer take
Doesn’t age well e.g. The hit song in 2009 doesn’t’t really age well (no longer popular) Grant Gustin doesn’t really age well.
Sometimes people think classics don’t hold/has contemporary value
The aged-old problem and the plain-old solution to throw money at it.
Can I tag on a question of my own.
By your record, you get three years and the prosecutor will try every possible way to tag on more
- 人见人爱、花见花开、车见爆胎
- 敬而远之
- 人们蜂拥而至,你赶也赶不走
people person/catch
I’m not touching it without a 10-foot pole/ When I’m done with you no longer want to touch you without a 10 foot pole (10-foot pole/5-star restaurant)
People is gonna flood your places, and you have to beat them away with a stick
I’m sorry to overstep my bounds
Expand the bounds of bribery law(exceeds the bounds of reasonable belief)
I must beg beseech and implore you not to do this
Loot (抢)plunder (掠=抢+破坏)desecrate art of other cultures
raid the village and poisoned the well
The missiles flatten the village/razed the village to the ground.
Scorch-earthing this 赶尽杀绝
在进行信用卡消费时 注意自己的额度限制
when you’re using credit card need to be cognizant of your credit limit
you can’t succeed with some kind of half-ass efforts, you must put all in.
Don’t let hatred devour you.
Scour for any cases that support our proposition but I am coming up dry.
Your breathing, cadence and pitch of your voice tell me there’s a lot of emotions at stake.
I like to grill my steak and top it off with some sea salt and black pepper.
my diet is centered strictly around beef whether it‘s roasted beef or starting beef with someone else .
Weird convo
Loosey-goosey conversations
Patent shearling
“这个病毒式的营销活动将该品牌迅速推向国际知名度的巅峰。” 就是那个机会让他的事业有了极大的发展“ 视频引起全国范围的关注。”
firing a pea shooter at a tank
pumpkin slingshot place
catapult the viral marketing catapult brand into international recognition/that‘s opportunity, catapult his career into new heights/the video catapults them into national spotlight
torture chamber
observation chamber
Add one pint, shave another point there
averages 120k a year
Over time, inflation whittles down the cost of your mortgage and helps boost the value of your real estate.
He is a quick study/ quick on the uptake
Sh will flay/vivsect me
This game-changer will rebuilds the past, fortifies the present and secure the future
You don’t need to get bogged down with that
- 这个路怎么拐来拐去
- 好喝的咖啡(有果香-水果香、坚果香) v. 不好喝的咖啡
泡沫很多 - 论点紧凑、中心突出、不拖泥带水
- 精辟的观点
- 简洁有力的句子
- 简洁的方式
- 聪明的
- 长的、太长了
- The road is so curvy
- The coffee is kinda fruity and nutty v. overroasted and acidic
very foamy - Very punchy arguments (something short and sweet) quick hits
- pithy comments
- snappy short sentences /crisp sentences (brevity is the key) /something short and sweet
using very technical language, precise, narrow, simple, crisp what has been agreed
- in a succinct/concise way
- brainy
- lengthy procedural order v. Long-winding speech/verbose/prolix
this is not like anything more than what we imagined it would be.
The double whammy at UBA
❶ Farmers have faced with a double whammy of a rising dollar and falling agricultural prices. 美元升值加上农产品价格下跌对农民而言可谓是双重打击。
❷ A triple whammy is hitting these manufacturers: rising costs, a stronger currency, and a tightening credit market.这些制造商受到三方面的冲击:攀升的成本、货币升值以及信贷紧缩。
Omnivore herbivore vegetarian pescatarian
There’s booming demand for that.
an un-hedged, losing gamble
an undiversified investment
The core friend group will grow as you bring more floaters/free floating into the group
Free spirits
The snow is pelting in my face.
In-N-Out Burger在每家餐厅/地点都有相同的模板平面图。
In-and-out burger has the same cookie-cutter floorplan at every restaurant/location
demographic, populace, densely/sparsely populated area
Did you see a younger demographic coming to you? A younger demographic is experiencing body dysmorphia even when they are at their best.
Frowned upon by the local populace
- Had the government completely opened society on an unprotected populace, daily death tolls would by now have soared into their thousands.
- The fact that we are a year and a half into the pandemic and are still being wrong-footed by Covid-19 may seem surprising. After all, in that time, we have developed powerful vaccines to protect against it and have pinpointed critically important drugs to treat patients. Science has worked wonders.
Doubt creeps in /French words creeping into English words
Doubt seeps in
No company is squeaky clean.
There is a second set of books that wouldn’t pass the smell test from three rooms away.
- 用利益冲突束缚你
- 用保密协议和竞业禁止协议束缚你
- 我不想破坏你的蜜月期
Tie them up with conflicts
Straight-jack you with NDAs and Non-competes
I don’t want to ruin your honey moon phase
There are heliports near where I live.
I will come through for you when you ask for it and when I make a promise, I don’t come out short.
Walk me through this like I am a five-year-old
Baby-proof the credenza
Spoon-feed me
Always have the lawyer screaming and kicking
Take off the training wheel
In my experience rich powerful man thinks they wanna hear the unvarnished/unadorned truth, but don’t actually wanna hear it
Throw down the gauntlet e.g. The shareholders just throw down the gauntlet.
I wanna slam his ego with a battering ram
hoist with (或 by) one’s own petard
Shoot oneself in the foot
the University of Chicago is, like, the last bastion of people who do read things.”)
Get ready for some hairpin turns
take a U turn
send it into a tailspin
(America is tailspinning into chaos)
this might come up come across as a bit blasphemous, once you get the Jesus fever, it‘s rarely treatable
children should have a choice to not be beholden to some made-up deity. but if they don’t believe in some form of God, what are the beholden to?drugs sex parents,K-pop stars
rein it in before it takes root
I‘m not in a talking mood
are you in a talking mood right now?
Let’s talk it out
Let’s hug it out
you are back in your old job
What is psychoanalysis for masochist is there is a certain comfort in jumping at others command.
Control is an illusion. Control is often an expression of fear. People who truly believe they are in control more likely to escalate their action after they fail, leads to poor decision making and magical thinking.
True power is best displayed in not having to use it. Power is the ability to influence others not dictate to them.
Raging against his own impotence.
control them by seeming to cede control / we treat to advance
this is character sniping.
slake his appetite
Whet his appetite (pique my interest)
Lost my appetite
I didn’t take you for the squeamish type
turns you into a dartboard
it puts a target on your back
真难吃 但我会硬咽下去的
but I hung in, choked down every indignity
pretty hung up on that kiss
This show has a chokehold on me.I just can’t stop watching the next episode.
This is not good. But I will choke it down.
Very gripping story
Family is torn asunder by the Israel-Palestine war. (torn apart/shattered)
The town is in shambles
After the divorce, his emotions or torn asunder.
He’s not the only grouser(一次)/grumbler(总是).
He‘s not the only one who lodged a complaint .
我身先士卒,我要求下属的事情我自己都能做到 而不是只是指挥
I lead from the front. I do everything I ask of those under my command, and not from a goddamn swivel chair.
I‘m not an armchair strategist I’ve been through war.
I am ready for the full fire hose
Ready for the shark tank
litigators can be really sharky
sometimes quitting isn‘t capitulation
(Gave in/ succumb to/ throwing in the towels/ throw up one’s hands)
It’s a really important now to build a story that works the emotional lever to get what you want. How do we reach this promised land/sunlit upland of success and win-win
can I can still pull the lever right?
For decades, belt and road initiative has been a prominent lever for its trade foreign policy by funding projects in countries far and wide But the costs turns out to be steeper than imagined. A new study shows many of China’s loan has fared badly, putting not only borrowers i danger but also Chinese banks.
*stocks are underperforming
Conducted a sting operation and interdict sb. /drug shipments before the bad thing happen
Intercept a missle/intel
Interject a conversation
Hijack a plane/the mission and took it into his own hands
- 快速直拳/横拳/勾拳/上勾拳/反手拳
- 这是一次夺命组合,而不是正式批准
- 他们在法庭上激烈争斗。
Jab/cross/hook/upper cut/back hand
It is a chair shot rather than a rubber stamp.
bludgeon him to death
drop the sledgehammer
They are slugging it out in court
Leave the hard slog to straight people
after a facial, I feel my face wet and slimy
you always need to keep your skin moisturized
- 酒精既可溶于水,又可溶于脂肪,因此能够穿越血脑屏障(BBB)。
- 有些人天生对酒精上瘾的倾向,这与耐受性不同。对于这些人来说,饮酒会让他们的情绪提升的效果更持久。
- 喝酒就像是今天借明天的快乐。你可以这样做,但最终银行账户会见底。我不是说你必须过得像清教徒那样。你偶尔可以玩得开心一点,但要记得它是一种毒药。”
- 如果你一直这么喝下去的话,有一天你会发现已经无力回天了
- 酒精会导致大脑萎缩
- 酒精会导致你的行为不受控制因为他会减少大脑白质(传递信息和控制冲动)
- 滥用物质来逃避羞耻感的方式之一,事实上,对于其中的一些人来说,这是唯一的逃避羞耻感的方法。如果我们能够长时间足够地陶醉其中,就能够忘记在整天中一直困扰着我们的羞耻感。
- Alcohol is water-soluble and fat-soluble so it’s able to pass the blood brain barrier (BBB).
- Some people have a genetic predisposition to alcoholism, which is different from tolerance. for these people having alcohol will give them a more long lasting uplift in mood.
- The best expression describing alcohol consumption is borrowing. Tomorrow’s happiness today. Eventually the bank account runs dry.
I’m not saying you had to be puritanical, you can have fun once in a while but just remember it’s a toxin/poison.
- if you keep drinking alcohol, there will come a point of no return.
When will we cross the rubicon? Reach the point of no return.
- alcohol will cause brain to shrivel (becoming dryer and smaller and losing the water it contains)
- alcohol will lessen your ability for impulse control, which is bad for marriage because it shrinks the white matter in your brain, which is responsible for transmission of information and impulse control.
- substance abuse is one of the ways some of us learned to avoid shame. In fact, for some of us, it is the only way we learned to avoid shame. If we could get high enough for long enough, we could forget the shame that dogs us throughout the day.
- 你为什么想要把媒体加入到你的商业帝国版图呢?
- 你觉得你能把这一切问题都解决了?我也没见其他人自告奋勇
- 什么让你觉得你能胜任这份工作?标准挺低的(蔑视)
- 你想对这个人说什么?我觉得我需要坐下来跟他好好聊一聊
- why do you want to add a media company to your portfolio?
- And you think you can fix all this? I don‘t see anybody else with their hand raised
- and what makes you think you‘re qualified for this job ?while the bar does seem to be set pretty low.
- I think at the very least I owe him a conversation.
do you know what Chris putting the opposition brief for the attorney fee, he says parties did not dispute the validity of the settlement agreement. That is rich (funny, hilarious, in a sarcastic and mean-spirited way. Because of irony)
Shred her confidence and mangle her self-esteem/wear down his confidence/slam his ego with a battering ram
defendants have mangled the legal doctrines beyond recognition
I am not planning to wrangle another 2 days out of Your Honor.
- 抿嘴(disapprove of sth)
- 挺胸、使劲挺、呴背(向前弓腰)、耷拉着肩膀
- 抬头
- 眯眼
- 冷笑、轻蔑一笑、得意的笑
- 走路都十分的骄傲
- 仰卧姿势/附卧姿势(趴着)/侧身
- Purse your lips
- square your shoulders、arch your back、protruding your back/humping your back、slumping around your shoulders
- chin up
- squint your eyes
- smirk
- have pride in his gait (walk with pride)
- in a supine position/in a prone position/
- 模糊(不清楚)
- 模糊(大箩筐)
- 难懂的(只有内行才懂得)
- 难懂的(绕的难懂)
- 不喜欢直说
- 用很多术语搞得神秘的、让人不知道是怎么一回事 - 解密
- 定义的乱七八糟、变幻莫测、捉摸不透
- The law is kind of blurry/fuzzy on that
- Public policy is amorphous /nebulous
- After the fun part, we now have to move to a somewhat esoteric subject which is the choice of law
- (formal) likely to be understood or enjoyed by only a few people with a special knowledge or interest 只有内行才懂的;难领略的
- convoluted sentence
- Speak in riddles
- cryptic - demystifying/deciphering
- Investment is usually very capaciously defined under BIT and MIT. (Broadly defined)
Turn/switch off the lights /hit the lights
turn/switch up the AC
dim the lights
On-off switch, flip it on
It means what you think it means
You do not have to jump whenever someone tells you to jump
Whatever gets you through the night (witty comeback)
Pose that question for you to ponder
Done and dusted with no loose ends
he looks like someone that walks out of a magazine
take a power nap
Power walk to work
Two dad jokes ( finance Bria and lawyers)
I think being late is one of the most unattractive things someone can have besides owning an android phone
I cancel on people last minute only if I’m about to die
Guys are only loyal to one person that
‘s their barber
my job is turning caffeine into spreadsheets
I was thinking about whether to long or short the potential of the relationship and then I decided it’s only a call option.
The reason why finance froze always wear a vest is because they wanna in-vest all the time. /a group of terrorists hijacked a plane, they threatened that that if you don‘t pay the ransom we will land and let them off the plane.
I Volunteer so that my soul could get bigger
He looks down upon anyone who lives in the outer- boroughs of the city
- 咖啡因可以阻断你的腺苷受体。
- 有些人喝完咖啡后会感到焦躁不安,这是因为他们体内缺少钠,喝一点带点盐的水,就可以缓解这种情况。
- 耐受性:反复使用一种药物会导致多巴胺水平下降,因此药物可能不再有效。
- 如果不喝咖啡,你会感觉像一支没有削尖的铅笔一样,那可能意味着你有点上瘾了。
- 咖啡仍然受制于补偿法则。
- 咖啡仍然是一种药物,但似乎大家普遍认为利大于弊。
- 咖啡是最受欢迎的影响心智的物质
- 如果你喝太多咖啡因,你会兴奋得不行。
- 如果你对咖啡因上瘾,然后戒掉,你会经历头痛和嗜睡。
- 咖啡或其他含咖啡因的饮料。
- 心里痒痒,想和第二杯咖啡
- Caffeine can block your adenosine receptors
- The reason why some people get jittery/on edge after you drink coffee is because they are sodium-depleted, which would be alleviated if you just drink water with a pinch of salt.
- Tolerance: a drug wouldn’t work for someone who is taking it repeatedly, because the dopamine level is dropping.
- If you feel like an unsharpened pencil without caffeine, then you might have a problem.
I feel lobotomized after drinking.
- The law of compensation still applies to coffee.
- Coffee still a drug, but the consensus seems to be that the positives outweigh the the negatives.
- Caffeine is one of the most widely consumed psychoactive substance in the world.
- if you drink too much caffeine, you would be bouncing off the walls.
- If you are caffeine-addicted and you cut it out cold turkey, you‘d experience headaches, drowsiness.
- Coffee or other caffeinated beverages.
- itching for my second coffee
Scratch an itch for me
- 有点饿/一般饿/饿死了/饿疯了/饿到极致/饿到可以吃下一个牛
再不吃点东西就死了 - 有点渴/渴死了/想喝水
- 饱了
- 我们开吃吧
- 吃点碳水
- 非常容易饱
I am a little peckish/hungry/starved/famished/ravenous/I can eat a cow
I need to get something no not die
I am little dehydrated/thirsty/parched
I am stuffed
Let’s dig in
Refuel and carb up/ refuel with a milkshake
The fish is so filling
You are prying for information that you know I can not legally divulge
You don‘t need to penny pinch your way through your 20s to get rich
你是大路货 v. 我是限量款
You‘re a dime a dozen v. I am a limited edition
rare breed
laughed my head off
grin/smile from ear to ear
have cozied up to some truly terrible clients
get into bed with a oligarch
concoct a lie
defends that program and denies skewing the results
skirt the process
I was the guilty child who had been caught lying red-handed
- McKenzie这家公司,就是用爆棚的自信,卖些普普通通的产品,然后漫天要价
- 坊间已经有很多吐槽McKenzie自诩的高见其实名不副实
- McKenzie管理咨询师,把PowerPoint当法宝、穿的人模狗样,还什么都要管的
- McKenzie is a firm that projects a huge amount of confidence to sell frequently unremarkable products at sky high prices.
- there has been a lot of grumbles that McKenzies oversold its brilliance.
- McKenzie management consultants are a group of PowerPoint-slinging power-suit-wearing micro-managers
Trouble-shooting existing problems
Swipe left
Click no on
Monday blues
latent problems
accurate to the ones place
accurate to the tens place
accurate to the hundreds place
the numbers are rounded down
the numbers are rounded up
rounding error
Please round off/round 3.14159 to the nearest whole number
for the hundredth time
A laborious/cumbersome/painful process
Painless process
Getting Pilloried for it by the media/public (being publicly criticized, condemned, or ridiculed for something you have said or done. It often involves facing severe public disapproval or backlash for one’s actions or statements)
getting crucified for it
welcome aboard a very seaworthy ship
these entreaties were rebuffed forcefully
If it was anything like this, it must have floated you for quite a while.
I am pumped.
Hang with my kid
He will learn all the lessons I have to teach, and then some
The road to success is very steep and slippery.
curvy and bumpy
full of twists and turns
We bested him.
审计事务所审查了之后/政府审查后 给出了良好的评价
After the audit/vetted by the government, they were given a clean bill of health.
You should do a wellness check on this friend
I could just easily rattle off negative things about myself and live in that reality
mounds of steak
Serve the steak on a platter
You’re handling the prize on a silver platter
“work on the maximum, spend the rest of the time resting and splurging on mafia-sized steaks”
he has the patina of chrisma or success /there is a fine/thin patina/fine/thin layer of old coffee on the wall of his coffee cup
There isn‘t a scintilla/shred of evidence
Apple’s proprietary retina display
there are other indicia of reliability here
得不偿失 v. 不切实际
A landslide victory
A pyrrhic victory v. quixotic (堂吉柯德式的)
They do not want to expend energy in what, to them, is a lost cause.
China views Taiwan as a renegade province.
he reneged.
You are backpedaling a bit.
yesterday was a complete write-off.
people write it off as nothing but a farce. (think sth as not important).
If you feel like you are in an unproductive slump, you should write the rest of the day off
Gerontocracy ( a form of government where leadership is based on age or the elderly hold the most power.)
- A little marketing tidbit here - they use movements instead of strokes because it looks more/puff up the number
Timid means small and intriguing piece of news or knowledge/food
I’ve got a tidbit for you
they’re broken down into more digestible tidbits of what it is that you’re looking for.
- A marketing/sales/promotional gimmick
- A political gambit
- I’m only a pawn, but you have a seat at the table.
what you do in the high sea is kind of in limbo.
you should feel paralytic after a leg day.
Don’t elongate the ends of your sentences end your sentences in a crisp-flat note.
If I find you talk down to your colleague, I will fire you on the spot, no if ands or buts
- 成功的定义比较单一
- 三小时的午休对于有进取心的人来说没什么吸引力
- 私人谈话不应该有任何的忌讳
- There’s rigidity as to where you should be at in order to be successful
- The three hour lunch break grows old very fast for a driven individual
- Nothing should be off limits for a private conversation.
- 缺乏规律是拖延的温床。
没有坚持下来自己的好习惯 - 练手的地方
- 征询意见的人
- 打下基础
A lack of routine is a breeding ground
for procrastination
fall off the routine
Good training ground for sth
sounding board
Lay the groundwork for the final product
- “学生不会选择去一个教授流动率高、基础设施质量差的学校。”
- “那家公司有很高的员工流动率。”
- 在那里工作太恐怖了
Students would not choose to go to school with high professor churn rate and low quality looking infrastructure
There‘s a high turnover rate in that firm
I’ve heard so many horror stories
让人有点不安 有点蹊跷、不对劲
This is so off-putting (annoying).
Your suddenly being pleasant is a bit unsettling/unnerving
Your kindness without anything in return is a bit unnerving
- 需要推一下
- 完犊子了
- 受够了
- 打磨好后呈现
- 享受
- 抱怨社会的不公
- 我不想人们对此掉以轻心
- 我一般比较闷闷不乐 但今天特别开心
Need a bit of poking and prodding
You fell off the train, crashed and burned
I thought that was a rock ‘n’ roll but it turns out to be a crash and burn
Sick and tired
Polish it and present it
All that you are basking and bathing is
people who moan and groan about all the injustices of the world
Do not want people to take it lightly and blithely- take it seriously (have a cavalier/devil-may-care attitude towards)
I am usually gloom and doom but i am super happy today
Incredulous/dubious about xx case
You want me to be your lawyer? Yes. Why? You sound incredulous
You wouldn’t be far off if you thought of it (现在想起来come to think of it, I might be wrong)
That’s not far from the mark.
Your guess is as good as mine
That makes one of us/that makes two of us.
Every generation is trying to make a name for themselves
激将法 (我不吃激将法那一套)
美人计 (他利用我来施展美人计 )
I don’t take the aggravation approach - I didn’t mean to aggravate you
He’s using me as his honey trap.
feigning retreat to advance/gaining control by ceding control
Win a battle but lost a war
Pyrrhic victory
Go halfs on the profits
Aim up
Erie doctrine means that we don’t apply federal law soup-to-nuts. 从头到位
The privilege master reviewed 200 documents soup-to-nuts.
fake/fabricated/bogus cases
spurious/fabricated claims made against Chinese students
(Spurious = plausible but false; fallacious - based on a logical fallacy)
Trumped-up charges
Made-up names
Concocted lies
their marriage is a charade/sham - they never loved each other
with no basis in fact or reality. “the allegations had been created/made up/cut out of whole cloth/thin air (fabricated)
圣女果 小番茄
passion fruit
cherry tomato
Bubonic plague
deli guy
Apple orchard
cookie sheet
box cutter
- 在皇后区大闹了一场
狂妄和自我膨胀的代价 - 你有打算宣传什么有毒思想
- 怪不得
- His rampage in Queens
rampaging elephants/a groups of elephants run amok
It’s just a very expensive lesson and self-aggrandizement and hubris run amok. - What pernicious (insidious) propaganda are you paddling here?
- That will do it.
Once you get into the club/get your foot in the door, you notice that there is a velvet roped off area.
中国的考试很无聊 因为有标准答案
they exams in China is boring because the answer is a cut and dried
set in stone
Set in grooves/ stuck in a groove
he still dithering because he doesn’t wanna make a decision willy-nilly
i haven’t landed on that
好的关系 - 没有冲突的
Arch enemy
The latest fiasco could become an opportunity for the country to reflect and regroup—or it could fuel further division and enmity - long term
animosity - short term
acrimonious relationship
I have a good rapport with my parents
and I want to stay in the good graces
Amicable relationship
Cordial relationship
We are very collegiate
inspirational leader
inspiring speech
Rousing speech
Somehow people think getting tattoo will give you some kind of street cred. That‘s probably true on the low life for not in elite groups
lowlife criminals
rev up the engine
Prove his Machismo by getting a tattoo/affirm his masculinity
Masks of masculinity
- 我们的车抛锚了,但是幸运的是,有几个小伙子帮我们修好了
- 遇到他我真是走狗屎运了
- 你没法靠运气拿到这么宝贵的机会的
拼运气找到了好工作 - 我是说起来也是偶然
- 这都不叫幸运了,就是天选之子
- Our car broke down, but as luck would have it, some guys helped us fix it
I really lucked out when I met her
Of course I have plans, you don’t just luck into operating a particle accelerator
lucked into a good job.
it’s actually quite fortuitous
Luck doesn’t even begin to describe my situation
- 如果书记员没问题的话
- 非和平分手
- 说好听点 他们亦敌亦友吧
- 像大学般的友好关系(team)
- 性格随和、平易近人的法律教授
Amicable = done sth in a friendly way 和平结束
Affable = easy to talk to 平易近人
Amiable = easy to like 和蔼可亲
If the clerk is amenable to that, you can go ahead.
That is not an amicable split
(amicable divorce)
I would charitably describe them as frenemies.
we are super collegiate we are like a family here
Your Honor, at this point I would add, we’ve had a very collegiate relationshipwith Mr. Ni in the couple weeks that I’ve known Mr. Ni and I like the creativity of his argument But the thrust of his argument is that at this point my client Transhare should have violated the Preliminary Injunction -
4.I don’t think there’s a good argument, though I will sit back and let Angus try.
The justices in the case called Benny Tai, an affable law professor, “the mastermind” of the primary plan. He received the longest sentence: ten years.
salivating at the thought of
There is a veritable cornucopia of delectable items on this menu. veritable banquet/feast 盛宴
- The bacchanal buffet
- An assortment of very exquisitely made dishes paired with condiments
- I was parched and famished after a long workout - feeling a bit peckish 有点饿 - This is what feels like to eat like a Caesar, to be the decadent rich
毫无针对性的方式(东一榔头 西一棒子)
a scattershot approach to sth
- 暴力犯罪正在上升
- 快速下降 v . 快速上升
- 美元不和黄金挂钩
- violent crime is on the upswing/rise
- take a nose dive/nose dive/plummet v. Skyrocketed/leapfrogged
- dollars are not pegged to gold
- 渎神的
- 惩罚异教徒
- blasphemous
- pagans are punished
Most securities litigation were initiated because the stocks were underperforming
my regimen includes high-protein, diet, hydration, meta-vitamin and mineral, supplements, weight training, and cardio.
balanced and nutritious diet
Carb-heavy diet
Give sb. a conniption
Gets hysterical
acquatic center
出生图 - 根据一个人在地球上的确切的出生时间和出生地点,用图表和符号纪录星体在黄道十二宫的位置的图
birth chart
constellation/zodiac sign
不是在上学 就是在补课
Either at school or at tutoring
I worried sick about you
- 给聪明人的建议
- 知己
- 诉讼律师都非常凶狠的
- 这不是我第一次见这种角逐了
- 我想听听你的陈述 一定要确保非常干脆利落
- Word to the Wise
- bosom friends/confidants
- most contingency class action lawyers are very very Sharky
- it’s not the first time I’ve been to this rodeo
- I want to hear the spiel because it has to be super crisp
A cross that, we all must bear
People think success is these big sweeping moves, but it is actually what you doing on a daily basis and compounding over years.
- 外表是一直在贬值的,思维是升值的资产,所以要明智投资。
- 这种心态的改变开始渐渐渗透到我生活的其他领域。
- 享乐主义 vs. 严格执行规律生活
- 当困难降临时,你需要一个坚实的立足点。如果你唯一坚实的立足点是我是个个位数的体脂率,那你麻烦就大了。
- 外部赞誉 vs. 内在价值
- 理论上,理论和实践是相同的。实际上,它们是不同的。(你必须先学会规则,然后再打破它们。首先,要遵循指导方针和保护措施。其次,要善加利用。)
- 我的希望破灭了。
- 如果你到幕后瞅一瞅,你就会知道它是由一种有毒的动力源-不安全感——而不是纯粹无私的能源—所推动的。
- Your looks are depreciating assets and your mind is appreciating assets. So invest wisely.
- That mindset shift starts permeating into other areas of my life.
- Hedonistic v. Puritanical
- When the hard thing happens, you have somewhere to stand. If the firmest place you have to stand is, I am single-digit body fat, you are in for a hard fucking time.
- Eternal accolades v. Intrinsic value
- In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are different. (You have to learn the rules before breaking them. First, explore with guidelines and guardrails. Second , exploit)
lawyers have to be very careful at the outset, when they’re negotiating a budget with funders, because this is really where the rubber hits the road. If you haven’t put in the budget with the funder, adequate funding for experts, and you put your fees first, in a way prioritize your fees over an expert and then you get to the point you are gonna spend three times more
- My hopes were dashed
- If you look behind a curtain a bit, you know it’s fueled by a toxic energy source of insecurity, rather than a pure, altruistic energy source.
我可以不用每天没过完就要给我的apple watch充电
Hold the charge or take the charge
Top off the charge in the middle of the day
Charging port/chord(cable)
power strip
indicator light
Voltage output
6. I can do longer gym sessions without having to top off the charge of an Apple Watch like halfway through the day.
7. A laptop that charges fast and last
- 如果你想把男子气概也牵涉进来
- 他怎么能融入呢(拌入打好的蛋白质)
- 让他有一种掌控感的错觉
- 把自我价值放在外表上是危险的
- 你看到的现实是被社交媒体扭曲的现实
- 他是怎么把我们卷进来捐血的?
if you want to roll masculinity into this
how is he going to be able to fold in, understanding the way that social media or online dating works /fold in the beaten egg whites
Envelop him in the illusion of control
It’s dangerous to wrap your self-worth up in your looks/ he’s a guy who has a lot of his self-worth wrapped up in the way he looks.
Your reality is mediated by social media
How did Wendy roped us into donating our blood
If you walk on red, they will stare at you as if you‘re a troglodyte
Don’t behave like a Neanderthal
So many times I find myself gazing out at a carless street and just thinking, what are we doing here?
The design was thought out to the last detail.
It has a clean look.
Scrolling non-stop will **wear out ** your pleasure center.
“Nobody wants to be around a jerk who never acknowledges when he has screwed up. Eventually, we grow weary of such a person and break off the relationship”
“Years of riding this relationship roller coaster had worn down Tim’s confidence that a relationship could be anything more than this.”
nucleus accumbens, they respond to dopamine and brings you happiness, motivation, and drive. When you overstimulate them, they will be thrilled to death. That’s why a lot of celebrities suffer from depression.
Once you raise your dopamine levels and you get that euphoric experience it gives, you’ll inevitably get a little bit of a downer, you’ll get sluggish, tired, and probably want to go to sleep.
- 在30分钟内,我可以做到的事情可能比他们三小时才能完成的多。
- 你只是希望通过周围的事情潜移默化地吸收,然后一些有用的信息会被保留下来,将来可能对你有所帮助。
- 这样你可以实时发现任何误解,而这些误解不会随着时间的推移而逐渐增加。
- 简直太棒了。
- 我希望我的日常工作和爱好能在我前进的过程中相互促进。
- 撞墙
- 过度兴奋
I could do as much in 30 minutes as they might be able to do in three hours.
You’re just hoping that you absorb through osmosis and observation what’s going on around you and some of that I would be retained that would be helpful to you in the future
So that you can spot any misunderstandings in the real time and those won’t compound over time .
It’s epic
I hope the my day job and hobby can symbiotically help each other as I move forward.
bash your head against the wall
Bouncing off the wall
What’s going on there?
Why do you think there’s a mass exodus going on in that company?
started at the bell
会计师 护士 程序员 诉讼律师
Bean counters
Pill pushers
code monkeys
Journalists shatter one moral code to uphold the other.
I heard through the grapevine that there is one LLC behind them all
Word on the street is
公司裁员10% 可不是小数目
何必可能能够让公司再活3年. 大公司会吃掉小公司
The company is facing cuts 10% of the staff it’s not a drop in a bucket
The acquisition may keep the door open for maybe three years. but eventually the big firms would cannibalize the small ones.
Because I would not have known otherwise
The board is not going to delay the vote for a bunch of maybes
That‘s a big if.
If you talk down to your colleagues one more time, you are fired. No ifs ands or buts.
Hard to imagine all the hours, days, weeks I waste tying myself in knots about the nevers and the not enoughs and the what ifs and why can’t l’s.
working late should be a sometimes, not an always
She is all too happy to rub it in my face
they will sell the company, lock stock and barrel (different parts of a gun)
They have throwed everything but the kitchen and sink at this.
he bought it hook line and sinker.
Wear your insecurities like your armor, because then they could never be used to hurt you
AI is a new and budding field
huge value-add
It is time to step into a shark tank and make your pitch
Iterate through the feedback and build on that otherwise it’s just pain
you feed me to the wolves
走过轧机,然后自己对自己说 人生就这样了?
My phone is going off.
Do you want to spend 6 hours with this guy at the airport?
Is he fun to work with during late night hours
I remember walking out of the building through the turnstile/turn gate (access card/card reader)
circuit- party-going queen
“alcohol wasn’t flowing generously”
“none of our relationships has come close to satisfying the ravenous yearning for authentic validation. ”
This objection/rejoinder hits closer to the mark
I don’t expect that speed in the beginning or anything close to it
- 留下心灵创伤
- 瞎了我的狗眼
- 勾起回忆
- 明显带有有欺诈的痕迹
- 他充满内疚
- 在心理咨询师的温室内。
温室里长大 - 另一个内在的拉锯战开始涌动在你内心。
- “他们中没有一个不在自己选择的职业中取得了非常成功的成就。我们很少从事安静、保守和平凡的工作,这些工作通常交由顺直男去辛苦奋斗。(在法庭上一决高下)
- “通过迅速投入另一段感情,就没有太多时间或精力来反思过去的问题。
- “当这些错误仍然被羞愧所蒙蔽,他无法承受审视自己生活的成本。”
- Dating can be deeply wounding/traumatizing.
- Get out of there before you are scarred for life.
- My mind **reels **in the early years where I felt very helpless./ my memories of him are flooding back whenever I hear that song
- It **reeks of **fraud
- He is racked with guilt
- In the cocoons of the therapist’s office
Get cocooned and cozy in our lightweight twin bed comforter
Stay cocooned in my tech bubble
Europeans are so hammocked in their social safety net that they don’t have edge.
He grow up in bubble wraps
- “another internal tug-of-war begins to churn within you.
- “ Not one of them was anything less than outrageously successful in his chosen profession.” We rarely do things that are quiet, reserved, and commonplace. Those jobs we leave by and large to straight people to slog through.
(slug it out in court) - “By throwing himself into another relationship quickly, there is little time or energy to mull over the problems of the past. ”
- “When these mistakes remain shrouded in shame, he cannot afford to investigate his own life. ”
- 代表经济中的问题
- 这只是深层次问题的表象
- 浓缩了我的成就
- 达到顶点
- 人脉与你的价值相称
- 完成、撒谎高手
- 同情你的孤独处境
- 我们都在同情地讨论男人有多糟糕
This tweet is pretty emblematic of what’s going on in the economy right now
“There’s nothing wrong in wanting to look younger, but when it takes on such an importance in our lives that we are willing to do just about anything to hang on to the illusion of youth, it is symptomatic of a deeper issue. We don’t have meaning in our lives without sex. There is no joy in our lives without sex.”
epitomize my accomplishments
Culminates in
Your network is commensurate with your worth.
Consummate the merger 、consummate/Grade A liar (the person you’re talking to is a consummate liar)
commiserate with you on your loneliness
We are all commiserating how men suck
gay ghettos /丰富多彩的都市生活
“They’ve often lived in the metropolitan “gay ghettos,” having lived the life of the urban gay man. Now they are questioning everything, and somehow they are drawn to this dusty New Mexico town where the houses are built of mud and straw at the foot of a mountain. Perhaps, they have wondered, this small town is the antithesis to the pulsating urban gay life of the city and will hold the answers.”
vibrant city/dynamite city
“He and Ben struck up a conversation and within a few hours were “back in Ben’s hotel room for the night. ”
“What makes betrayal so searingly hurtful is that it involves planned deception between two men who ostensibly trust each other. ”
“the attainment of integrity represents a crowning achievement.”
mounting evidence that says otherwise
Meanwhile, there is scant evidence that short-selling depresses prices.
Generally you can apply 80% throughput rate for the billable hours (meaning the billable hours/80-hour work week is often inflated)
you’ve got to balance everything out, since even if you’re keeping a tight lock on yourself, something’s got to give.
“Service above self.
经师言教 人师身教 良师开释 大师开悟
The mediocre teacher talks
The good teacher explains
The superior teacher demonstrates
The great teacher inspires
Knowing you can sit back and not worry about life’s basic necessities being stripped away at a moment’s notice should put a smile on anyone’s face who is mature enough to understand what’s really important.
口风不紧 船艘沉
被你的外貌所吸引 被你的才智所征服
Loose lips sinks ships
i was taken over by your beauty but won over by your mind
pontificate about fighting communism
pot calling the kettle black
Good lawyers are thin on the ground/few and far between
landscape is pretty sparse
一如既往 不出所料
True to form, when it came to his turn to buy the drinks, he said he’d left his wallet at home.轮到他买饮料时,他一如既往地称钱包落在家里了。
China is poised to win the future
She waited in the wings to take over the company from her father. 她随时准备接任其父亲的职位。
So you are telling me you have the defamation lawsuit in the wing
clipped one’s wings
twiddle (one’s) thumbs walkers, hired to meet growing demands have been left to twiddle their thumbs now they’re shown the door.
Slacking off
Loitering around
dithering about/dilly-dally
The fiduciaries are completely asleep at the wheel.
morning grumpiness
My brain is mushed today because I didn’t sleep
双重不幸 雪上加霜
dualistic nature
two-prong approach
double whammy
Indeed, the twin facts of slower growth and quiescent inflation will pave the way for the Fed to start cutting rates again, possibly as soon as mid-2024.
Jealousy and shame are intimately entwined in the tragic interaction between Pedro and Natalie.(intertwined interwoven)
the personality test offers a double-hit of narcissism and community.
When he slips into loneliness, he resorts to alcohol.
I am witnessing loneliness moving through my body.
The fact you don’t know speaks volumes (speak for itself)
His lifestyle spells disaster.
I am eating nowhere near enough protein or calories when is traveling.
Heirloom tomato
Life is a thrill ride
Coordinate and cross-fertilize each other’s research
年轻一代 年老一代
Journaling is a way to chronicle your spiritual growth
The book is optioned for a film.
make my soul grow bigger
Coming of age stories
No, I want to be treated like a kid,” came the reply. “Adulting is hard.”
boomers v. zoomers
停止孤芳自赏 顾影自怜的内心独白
A meet-cute doesn’t mean anything
Stop the pity party monologue
I am gonna blow out the candle on this pity party
stop wallowing in your self pity
Good day to be alive
I don’t want you to get bogged down by the details.
I don’t want to hold things up.
I don’t wanna overstay my welcome/ impose on your hospitality
Packed with protein
Don’t despair
Compare and despair
快乐转瞬即逝 幸福是更持久的
Being happy is evanescent/transient; the feelings of well-being produced by alcohol is short-lived
Happiness has a more permanent nature
Feeling happy and a happiness sometimes overlap but they don‘t necessarily go hand in hand.
When you can compare the brain of people who fall in love and the brain of people who are addicted to meth amphetamines, you can’t tell the difference.
spac pileup - breach the contract in an identical way
We are losing the thread here.
Throughout my high school life, I lived like a soldier in retrospect. it helps to keep me on the straight and narrow and maintain regimen and discipline later in my life.
I am between jobs
I am between assignments
You should be arrested for this
等等 你刚说啥?
wait back up
Say what now?
she is going to constantly wedge herself between you two
maximally compatible
To play the devil’s advocate here
People in your age range
He’s the kind of judge that makes you feel small
It doesn’t strike me as a good argument, but you can try
experts are given short shrift all too often for a number of reasons.
the judge gave short shrift to an argument based on the right to free speech
So the funders perspective is very dull and we care about making money.
It all loops around and it’s not always chronological/linear
- Middlemarch as a Metaphor: “Middlemarch” is a classic novel known for its complex narrative and numerous subplots, interwoven to create a rich tapestry of life in a 19th-century English town. It’s not just one story but many, with various characters and themes intricately connected.
- Appellate Lawyer’s Approach: The passage suggests that an appellate lawyer, when presented with “Middlemarch,” would try to dissect it into individual disputes or subplots (like the hospital story, or the story of Yvonne and Dorothy). This is analogous to how lawyers might dissect a complex legal case into separate issues or disputes.
- Incoherence in Segmentation: The problem highlighted here is that by dividing the novel (or a legal case) into distinct parts, one loses the coherence and interconnectedness of the whole. Just as “Middlemarch” cannot be fully understood or appreciated by only looking at its individual subplots in isolation, a complex legal case loses its meaning and coherence when dissected into separate disputes.
- Litigation and Middlemarch: The speaker believes that most legal disputes are more like “Middlemarch
If you prepare early, you can avoid a lot of the crunch work at the back end.
We are in a bit of a time crunch/we are pressed for time/we are tight on time
I also think that the expert testimony should be a break from the flow of the ping pong match and the entrenched positions of counsel.
So they now Jeff, if you’ve ever been on the road a lot, you’ve gone to all these wonderful restaurants but you just can’t wait to get home and have a salad and not talk to people
I recently had a case where in the gas industry where the technical expert was really someone who was boots on the ground.
I mean, they sent it to me and I almost like fell out of my chair on the floor because it was literally a PowerPoint that was blank white with just words on it.
the whole line of questioning was just ridiculous and the arbitrators was sort of looking at counsel like he had two heads
Let’s test it out
Please educate me on this.
Some witnesses that are very charismatic and can command space and insist on having the last word
Some witnesses are very deferential less assertive
it is a moving target. It’s like watching a horse race./ it’s always a moving target because cases resolve and drop off the docket
a lot of moving pieces
this is slightly impinging on Joe’s topic
不是原文 是我的推理
This is not the text, it is my extrapolation
But you’ll see it in our org that people who have written on choice of law on international arbitration, basically posited one of three alternatives.
Have more standing
(1) 逐渐成型
(2) 重塑我的信息流
(3) 挺忙的
(4) 短平快
(5) 尾部
(6) 急病乱投医、慌不择策
(7) 怒气冲冲的法官
(8) 冗长、没完没了
we can look at it as it shapes up,
reshapes my information diet/feed
Getting slammed/
I wonder if maybe Lawrence can take that section because we got a pretty heavy lift on the others/ And then the 19th is the summary judgment hearing, but it’s also the final pretrial conference. So that’s a heavy lift.
I think we should try to be as streamlined as possible on these issues to be real quick hits
So any expert report is within discovery but it was at the tail end
Nice and tight to show they are grasping at the straws here
this is something that’s alluded to in the one the bullets
a somewhat irate judge
How verbose/long-winding/prolix/never-ending we are
- “把一周安排得过于满,就会失去那些自由探索和随意摆弄东西的非结构化时间。”
- “父母们疯狂地为孩子们的生活排满各种计划。”
- “感觉急于尽快尽可能多地完成事情,就像是在压缩自己的时间。”
- “我一生的座右铭是:旅程比目的地更重要。”
- “有时候我发现我的工作和生活的平衡过度倾向于工作方面。”
Over-scheduling your weeks/lose the unstructured time where you can explore and tinker with things
parents are in this mad dash to over-schedule their kids life
Feeling rushed to accomplish as much as I can as soon as I can /compress your time
My mantra throughout life is journey before destination.
I sometimes find my work life balance tip way too far into the work territory
- 好像他们生活的每一个时刻都充满了幸福。
- 这个标准提得比天还高
- 如果你被灌输的信息是你处在社会的最低等级,你会开始感觉自己是群体中最没有价值的成员,这意味着你是可以被牺牲的,没有人关心你,这会增加恐慌发作、焦虑、上瘾和抑郁,因为当你在底层时,你无法放松。
- 当你认为自己只用几根手指挂在悬崖上时,你怎能放松并享受生活。
- 如果你花六个小时在一个充满模特、兰博基尼和度假胜地、无尽微笑的幻想世界中,即使是最成功的人也无法与之竞争。这迫使你与一大群你永远无法战胜的虚构人物竞争。
As if every single moment of their life is filled with bliss
The bar is raised virtually impossibly high
If you are fed information that you are at the bottom of the hierarchy, you starts to feel like you are the least valuable member in the group, it means you are expendable and nobody cares about you, this increases panic attack, anxiety, abdication and depression because you can’t relax when you are at the bottom.
How can you relax and enjoy life when you think you are hanging off the cliff with just a couple of fingers.
If you spend six hours in a fantasy world filled with models, lambos and vacations and endless smiles, even the must successful people can’t compete with that. It forces you to compete with a huge group of imaginary people/fictional characters/wearing their persona/make-believe that you can never beat.
hanging on to life by your fingernails
咖啡因是一种作用于多巴胺的药物。多巴胺就是go go go
Caffeine is a dopaminergic drug. Dopamine is about to go go
Alcohol is a seretoinergic drug.
Keeps you calm and satiated