OCD Flashcards
OCD- pharmacotherapy
SSRIs Bloch et Al (2010) meta-analysis on 9 trails
Randomised blinded and controlled
Found that all dosage levels had greater improvement of symptoms
However high dose have greater improvements but more side effects
However this was only a 12 week study duration
Useful Bloch et al (2013)
Look at long term impact 10-20 year study on previous trails of SRI
However only 20% remission
Found initial response to drug was strongly associated with long term outcome
Presence of
Obsessions which are recurrent thoughts, urges that cause disturbance and anxiety
Compulsions which are repetitive behaviours that act as a response to obsessions
Time consuming - 1 hour per day
OCD model
Salkovkis et Al (2000)
Intuitive thoughts aren’t the problem it’s the interpretation of those thoughts
Associated with high levels of responsibility associated with that thought
Which then increases the distress
OCD Model support
Salkovkis et Al (2000)
2 studies with OCD Patients, non clinical controls and anxiety disorder
Study one- questionnaire measuring responsibility
Study 2- measuring frequency of thought
All OCD patients scored higher for Elavated responsibility
-see a specific link to OCD with internal consistency
OCD- Psychotherapy
Exposure and response prevention
CBT- Olaturji et Al (2013) 756 p
Meta analysis on 16 studies
Mix of waitlist and active controls
All effect sizes favour CBT
Sig effect still at follow up but with smaller sample size of 111p
However raters blind- changed effect size but still larger effect on blind studies
Active controls still have a large effect size