occupational language Flashcards
What is form?
-The type of language used e.g individual words, full sentences, abbreviations, code
What is explicit form?
Explicit form is the language that must be used and is easily identifiable
as part of an occupational dialect
What is loose form?
where language choices are flexible and not subject to
strict rules
What are the functions of occupational language?
-communicating information
-requesting help
-confirming arrangements
-instructing employees or colleagues to do something
-making things happen or enacting on them
-or combinations
What is Jargon?
specialist occupational language
When can Jargon be useful?
-it can be precise and time-saving
-new technology needs new words to describe it
When can Jargon be confusing?
-technical language is used instead of everyday lexis
What is restricted lexis?
-specialist vocab that is used in specific occupations e.g legal words:subpoena,covenant
-some jargon appears to be regular words but have different meanings depending on occupation
How does Jargon hide harsh realities?
-jargon can make things seem better than they are e.g euphamistic jargon
What are some occupational grammer features?
-long noun phrases
-reflexive pronouns
-use of passive voice
What are some occupational phonology features?
-repetition, alliteration and rhyme (especially when talking to large groups)
What is a discourse community? John Swales
A community that:
-share common goals
-communicate internally
-use specialist lexis and discourse
-possess a required level of skill and knowledge
What did Drew and Heritage find?
-members of discourse communities share inferential frameworks-knowledge built overtime
-hierarchies and asymetrical relationships are marked by language use
What did Koester sugggest?
-phatic language can be used affectively in jobs
-can build solidarity and form connections
What are the features of Giles accommodation theory
Convergence:using language to be like others
Divergence:using language to distance yourself from others