obstructive lung diseases Flashcards
types of lung diseases
Obstructive: air goes in and cant go out easily, air trapping and hyperinflation, reduced FEV1/FVC ratio
Restrictive: lung very scarred so air cant get in easily, Low TLC, normal FEV1/FVC ratio
Combo: recent addition of asthma-COPD, ILD-COPD groups
Pulmonary function testing
process of having the patient perfom specific inspiratory and expiratory maneuvers, compared to predicted normal values
indications for pulmonary funtion testing
Evaluate symptoms, signs, abnormal lab tests, assess the effects of diseases and therapies on the respiratory system
Screen at risk people for pulmonary disease, preop risk, prognosis
Indications for spirometry
monitoring- assess therapeutic intervention, describe the course of diseases that affect lung function, monitor people exposed to injurious agents, monitor for adverse reactions to drugs with known pulmonary troxicity
Disability/impairment evaluations
Info used to obtain predicted values
Height, weight, age gender, race/ethnicity
Normal spirometry
test meets acceptability and reproducibility standards
FEV1/FVC is normal .7 to .87
Restrictive ventilatory defect
Interstitial lung disease (sarcoidosis, colagen vascular diseases, pulmonary fibrosis)
pleural disease: pleural effusion
Chest wall disease: kyphosis, neuromuscular disorders
Extrathoracic conditions: obesity
Normal FEV1/FVC ratio, and a decreased FVC
Interpret cautiosly from spirmetry
Obstructive Ventrilaroy pattern
Large conducting airways: tumors, foreign bodies, peripheral airways asthma, chronic bronchitis