diffusion Flashcards
Respiratory unit
Composed of respiratory bronchiole, alveolar duct, atria, and alveoli
300 million alveoli in 2 lungs
Average diameter of each alveolus
Alveolar walls and vascular supply
extremely thin alveolar walls
Solid network of interconnecting capillaries
Gas exchange occurs thru the membranes of all terminal portions of lungs, respiratory/pulmonary membrane
transfer of gas across the blood-gas barrier, described by FICks law, rate of trasnfer of a gas thru a sheet of tissue
Directly proportional to tissue area, the difference in gas partial pressure between the 2 sides and the diffusion property of the gas, inversely proportional to the tissue thickness
Ficks law
Volume of gas propotional to (pressure gradient x surface area)/distance
Volume of gas proportional to solubility/square root molecular weight
REspiratory membrane
as little as .2 um, averages .6 um, total surface area – 70 sq m
Total amount of blood in pulmonary capillaries- 60-140 mL
Average diameter of pulm capillaties- 5um
Average diameter of RBC-6um
Surface area, thickness, pressure graddient affects diffusing capacity of a gas
Diffusing capacity
Rapid inhalation of a diffusion gas mixture to TLC (from spirometry/demand valve/reservoir)
.3% CO, 10% HE, 21% O2, Balance nitrogen
Adequacy of the effort
The volume inspired (VI) should be >90% of the largest vital capacity (VC) to show that any reduction in VA is not due to poor inspiratory effort
A maneuver may also be considered acceptable if the VI is within 85% of the largest VS and teh VI is within 200 mL or 5 %,
diffusing capacity of respiratory membrane
defined as the volume of a gas that will diffuse thru the membrane each minute for a partial pressure difference of 1 mmHG
Average young man- diffusing capacity for Oxygen under resting conditions averages 21 mL/min/mmHg
Mean oxygen pressure difference across the respiratory membrane under normal resting condition -11 mmHg
230 mL of O2 diffuses thru the respiratory membrane each minute
Pulmonary function testing
Spirometry/FV loop
Lung volumes, diffusing capacity