Obstructive airway disease Flashcards
what is a common chronic inflammatory condition of the airways associated with airway hyperesponsiveness and variable airflow obstruction
Symptoms of asthma
cough, wheeze, chest tightness, breathlesness
What is the name of the syndrom that has both asthma and COPD features?
Asthma-copd overlap syndrome (ACOS)
What is defined as complete control of asthma?
No daytime symptoms, no night time wakening, no asthma attacks, no need for rescue medication, no limitations during exercise, FEV1 of >80%
What lifestyle changes can help with asthma symptoms?
- weight loss
- smoking cessation
- breathing exercise programmes
Before initiating a new asthma drug what should be checked?
Inhaler technique, adherence, eliminate triggers
the amount of air a person can forcefully exhale in one second
the total amount of air exhaled in one breath
First line medication for Asthma in patients age 17 and over
SABA ( salbutamol, terbutaline)
How frequently must a patient be using their SABA before they need urgent assessment?
If going through >1 inhaler a month
What features warant starting ICS therapy?
- using a SABA three times a week
- symptomatic three times a week
- waking a night due to asthma symptoms at least weekly
- Had an asthma attack in the last 2 years
At what frequency do SIGN/BTS suggest ICS should be administered initially?
True or false - BTS/SIGN recommend prescribing inhalers by brand?
If asthma is uncontrolled on ICS + SABA what is the initial add on therapy?
Leukotriene receptor antagonist e.g. Montelukast and review responce in 4 - 8 weeks
what is third line asthma therapy for NICE guidelines?
ICS + LABA (with or without LRTA)
Whast is the forth line for asthma therapy according to NICE?
What is MART ?
Maintenance and reliever therapy - one combination inhaler
Examples of MART inhalers?
DuoResp Spiromax
Fobumix Easyhaler
If MART does not work, what are the other options?
- Increase ICS + LABA + LRTA or increase ICS and continue MART
- High ICS / theophylline / LAMA –> refer
Examples of monoclonal antibodies that can be used for asthma?
Omalizumab, mepolizumab. benralizumab, reslizumab
How long should you trial ICS in a child <5 years if they have symptoms to suggest its use?
8 weeks
When should you consider reducing the maintenance dose of asthma treatment?
When symptoms are well controlled for at least 3 months
What dose of ICS should patient’s be maintained on?
The lowest possible dose
What is the drug of choice for exercised induced asthma?
What marks an acute asthma exacerbation?
reduction in baseline measures of pulmonary function e.g. FEV1 and peak flow
What are the features of moderate acute asthma?
Peak flow >50-75% best or predicted, no features of acute severe asthma
what are the features of severe acute asthma?
Peak flow 33-50% best or predicted, RR >25, HR>110, inability to speak sentences in one breath
What are the features of life threatening acute asthma?
Peak flow <33% best or predicted, SpO2 <92%, PaO2<8kPa, normal PaCo2, cyanosis, silent chest, arrhythmia, exhaustion, hypotension
What is a feauture of near-fatal acute asthma?
Raised PCo2 and/or the need for mechanical ventiliation with raised inflation pressures
What types of asthma need to be admitted to hospital?
Severe or life threatening cases
What is the O2 sat aim for an asthma patient?
Treatment for acute asthma exacerbation
- High dose LABA ( potentially nebulised or given IV if cannot have inhaled therapy)
- Prednisolone 40mg PO 5 days minimum (or IV methylpred/hydrocortisone)
- Magnesium sulfate 1.2 -2g infusion / Aminophylline infusion ( unlikely)
- Ipatropium nebs in severe/life threatening asthma
Examples of SABA
Salbutamol, terbutaline
Example of an antimuscarinic used in asthma
When should blood levels for Aminphylline be taken?
4 -6 hours post oral dose or when starting/changing infusion
Target level for aminophylline
ADR associated wiht SAlbutamol and terbutaline
Fine tremor (esp hands), headache, tachycardia
ADRS associated wiht ICS
Oral candidiasis, headache, altered taste and voice
How quickly dose SABAs act and wean off?
act within 3-5 minutes, effecg wears off within 4 - 6 hours
Sied effects of LTRA
diarrhoea, vomiting, fever, nausea, abdominal pain
Side effects of LAMA
acute close angle glaucoma, dry mouth, constipation
Examples of methylxanthines
Aminophylline, theophylline
Low potency ICS example
Budesonide 400mcg BD
Moderate dose ICS example
Budesonide 400-800mcg BD
High dose ICS example
> 800mcg BD budesonide
When should LTRA be taken?
in the evening
Example of LABAs
Salmeterol annd Fometerol
What drug is in spiriva respimat?
Tiotropium (LAMA)
What asthma medication should be prescribed as brand specifically?