Obstretics Part 2 Flashcards
Preterm labour Placental Factors
Placenta Previa, Abruptio placenta
Spontaneous Abortion (miscarriage) Facts
Termination of pregnancy before the 20th week of gestation. Track pad and tampon use. Intensified menstrual complaint
10 CM or bigger dilated
Threatened Abortion (4 facts)
Attempting to take place. Vaginal bleeding during first half of pregnancy. Can progress or subside. Continue with normal activity
Inevitable Abortion
Spontaneous abortion that cannot be prevented. Severe abdominal pain caused by strong uterine contractions. Vaginal bleeding and cervical dilation
Incomplete abortion
Some products of conception remain in uterus. Watch for shock. Cervix dilated to expel fetus. If any visiable retained products seen constant OLMC. Risk for sepsis. D&C may be needed
Missed abortion
Fetus die during the first 20 weeks but remains in utero. Brownish vaginal discharge. Sepsis
Placenta Previa
Abnormal Implantation of placenta. Painless vaginal bleeding in 3rd trimester. Uterus soft. Management is get to hospital for C section
Abruptio Placenta
Premature separation between the uterine wall and mom’s side after 20th week. Can be partial or complete. Pre existing things like trauma diabetes smoking etc causes this
Uterine Rupture
During labour or close to then. Prev c section patients most at risk. Trauma. Mortality 100% for fetus
Signs and symptoms of Uterine rupture
Severe sharp tearing abdominal pain. Lack of uterine contour. Easily palpable fetus parts. Shock.
Gestational hypertension requirements
Increased BP diagnosed. After 20 weeks without systemic involvement
Pre eclampsia and eclampsia involve what system
HELLP Syndrome meaning
H-Hemilysis anemia (destruction of red blood cells). E+L - Elevated Liver Enzymes (liver damage). L+P - Low platelet count
What is HELLP
Life threatening liver disorder/end organ failure thought to be a variant of severe preeclampsia in 10-20 diagnosed.
HELPP syndrome Symptoms. (5)
Fatigued, Abdo pain, Nausea vow, Blurred vision, Headache
Gestational Diabetes
Caused by Hormonal changes. Consider hypoglycemia. Testing for this is done approx 26-28 weeks
Hormones involved with Maternal Diabetes
HPL, Cortisol, HCG, Progesterone - cause increase high levels of glucose. However that makes the mothers body resistant to insulin so more glucose goes to fetus
Pulmonary embolism and Pregnancy
Most common cause of maternal deal. During childbirth or post pardon. Embolism travels from pelvic circulation (trauma from child birth)
Vulnerability of a pregnant woman in trauma - Digestive
Bowel motility decreases, stomach stays full longer, chances of aspiration are increased
Vulnerability of the pregnant woman in trauma. -bladder
Displaced upward and forward as early as second trimester
Vulnerability of the pregnant woman in trauma -vascular volume
Increase vasc volume in pregnancy. Cardiac output and resting pulse rate increase. Difficult to interpret tachycardia. Hypovolemia symptoms not as evident. Relative redistribution in blood volume especially in pelvic region