Obstetrics Flashcards
Pre-eclampsia background
- approximately 5% of pregnancies
- in approx 0.5% of cases
- > eclampsia
- > maternal death
- unknown
- risk factors
- > previous hx
- > family hx
- > primip
- > multiple pregnancy
- > older age
- > obesity
- > HTN
- > diabetes
- > renal disease
- > autoimmune disease
- normal pregnancy
- > invasion of trophoblastic cells into spiral arteries
- > remodelling into large capacitance vessels
- pre-eclampsia
- > trophoblastic cells invade endo but not myometrium
- > normal spiral artery remodelling does not occur
- > placental hypoperfusion, hypoxia, ischaemia
- > release of antiangiogenic factors into maternal circulation
- > alters systemic endothelial function
- > vasoconstriction and increased permeability
Pre-eclampsia evaluation
- Timing
- > most commonly after 34 weeks
- > almost always after 20 weeks
- > occasionally during labour or postpartum
- May be asymptomatic
- Severe symptoms screen
- > altered mental status
- > severe, persistent headache
- > severe, persistant RUQ/epigastric pain
- > photopsia/scotoma/blurred vision
- > new dyspnoea/orthopnoea
- Fetal wellbeing
- > fetal movements
- > abruption (abdo pain/contractions/PV bleeding)
- Obstetric hx
- > previous pregnancies/complications/HTN
- > GA/route of delivery
- Medical hx
- > chronic illnesses?
- > kidney disease
- > diabetes
- Allergies
- Medications
- Social
- > smoking/drinking/drugs
- Height/weight/BMI
- > 2 readings 4 hours apart
- Hyper-reflexia or clonus
- > indicates severe disease
- Oedema
- > pulmonary
- > peripheral
- Fundoscopy
- > rarely abnormal (would imply underlying HTN)
- > arteriolar narrowing/cotton wool/flame haemorrhages
- Abdo palpation
- > assess lie/presentation for pre-term delivery
- Fundal height
- > reduced = raised concern for IUGR (30% incidence)
- Doppler
- > FHR
- urinalysis
- > protein 2+ on dipstick
- > UACR >30
- > anaemia?
- > thrombocytopaenia?
- > raised creatinine?
- LFTs
- > raised transaminases?
- Consider
- > coags if thrombocytopaenic
- > CXR if concern for pulmonary oedema
Fetal wellbeing
- Initial assessment
- > growth scan
- > BPP (NST/tone/movement/breathing/AFI)
- > umbilical artery doppler (reduced end diastolic flow)
- Ongoing monitoring
- > umbilical dopplers most useful
- > growth scans can be repeated in 2 weeks for velocity
Pre-eclampsia criteria
- HTN plus
- > proteinuria or
- > end organ dysfunction
- > growth restriction
Severe pre-eclampsia criteria
- SBP >160 or DBP>110
- CNS symptoms
- > visual disturbance
- > severe headache
- Liver involvement
- > transaminase >2x upper limit
- > severe RUQ pain
- Renal involvement
- > creatinine >2x upper limit
- Thrombocytopaenia
- > less than 100,000/microL
- Pulmonary oedema
- HELLP syndrome
- > severe subtype of pre-eclampsia
- > haemolytic anaemia
- > elevated Liver enzymes
- > low Platelets
Severe pre-eclampsia management
- Strictly inpatient management
- > labour/delivery unit (consider tertiary transfer if ex pre)
- > regular (4x daily) BP monitoring
- > accurate fluid monitoring
- > repeat blood tests daily (on advice)
- > fetal wellbeing (dopplers and CTG)
- Indication for delivery
- > certainly for >34wks
- > probably for >24wks (consider tertiary transfer)
- Route
- > no clear evidence for absolute caesarian need
- > consider parity/GA/severity etc
- Magnesium sulfate IV
- > approx 4g IV then 1g/hr infusion (diluted)
- > given immediately prophylactically
- Anti hypertensives
- > labetalol IV (start at 20mg and work up)
- > hydralazine IV
- > caution nifidepine
- Anaesthetic review
- > neuraxial = haematoma (platelets)/hypotension
- > general = hypotension/hypertensive extubation/laryngeal oedema
- > morphine = cardiorespiratory depression
- Corticosteroids
- > delay delivery by 48hrs if possible for full course
- > betamethasone favoured
- > clear benefit for <34 wks/ likely benefit <37 wks
- Thrombocytopaenia
- > transfusion usually only given if severe or bleeding
- Monitoring
- > maternal HR/BP/RR/O2
- > accurate fluid balance/consider maintenance fluids
- Maintain antihypertensive therapy
- Fetal wellbeing
- > neonatologist/paediatrician attending
- > continuous FHR
- > glucose and cord gases
- Magnesium sulftate
- > no clear evidence for safe duration
- > usually up to 48 hrs
- > regular monitoring for SE
- Bloods
- > daily monitoring until repeatedly normal
- Blood pressure
- > often peaks in first week postpartum
- > may last several weeks
- > continue treating/swap to oral when non severe
- Fluids
- > risk of overload and pulmonary oedema
- > restrict until passing urine freely
aneuploidy screening
- patient hx
- > concerns
- > family hx
- > risk factors
- genetic conditions
- > information on common genetic conditions
- > risks for pregnancy, baby and beyond
- > concept of phenotypic variability
- genetic testing
- > description of available tests
- > benefits and limitations of different tests
- > screening vs diagnosis
- > risk of unexpected findings without solutions
- > private costs
- implications
- > continue or terminate pregnancy
- > palliate baby with terminal illness
- > timing and restriction of abortion methods
- supports and further information
- > referral to genetic counselling
- > written information
- > support groups
Combined first trimester screening
- Timing
- > 11-13+6 weeks
- Components
- > NT = >95th centile
- > PAPP-A = low
- > b HCG = high
- > maternal age
- > gestational age
- Cost = approx $100
- Conditions tested (66% of all aneuploidies)
- > trisomy 21 (Down)
- > trisomy 13 (Patau)
- > trisomy 18 (Edwards)
- Performance for 21
- > sensitivity = 85%
- > FPR = 5%
- Soft markers increase sensitivity/specificity
- > nasal bone/DV waveform/tricuspid flow
- Confounders
- > maternal weight
- > smoking
- > IVF
- Report of results
- > risk of disease
Cell free DNA
- Timing
- > from 10 weeks
- > consider as secondary screen
- Components
- > maternal serum taken
- > fetal fraction and number of sequence specific chromosomes = presence of aneuploidy
- Offer early anatomy US @ 11-13 weeks
- Conditions screened
- > autosomal trisomies (21/13/18)
- > sex chromosome aneuploidies
- > micro deletions (diGeorge) not recommended
- Unable to provide a result in approx 5%
- > early GA
- > suboptimal collection
- > low FF in obese mothers/fetal karyotype/IVF
- Private cost approx $400
- Trisomy 21 performance
- > sensitivity = 99%
- > PPV = 90%
- Causes of inaccuracies
- > placental mosaicism
- > maternal mosaicism
- > vanishing twin
- > copy number variants
- > maternal cancer
- Report of results
- > positive/negative
- > high risk/low risk
Second trimester testing
- maternal serum screening (PPV = 3%)
- > at 15-20 weeks
- > maternal age
- > AFP
- > b HCG
- > UE3
- > Inhibin
- cfDNA (from 10 weeks)
aneuploidy diagnostic tests
- > patient preference (before screening)
- > postive genetic screen
Relative contraindication
- > alloimmunisation
- > HIV
- > Hep B/C
- timing
- > from 15 weeks gestation
- > before = high risk adverse outcomes
- procedure
- > withdraw amniotic fluid using needle
- > ultrasound guidance
- post procedure care
- > uterine cramping normal
- > spotting/amniotic fluid leak immediately after
- risks
- > rupture of membranes
- > indirect fetal injury (talipes/respiratory)
- > direct fetal injury (rare)
- > fetal loss = 0.5% (1/200)
- > infection (rare)
Chorionic villus sampling
- timing
- > from 11 weeks
- > before = high risk complications
- procedure
- > tertiary institute
- > ultrasound guided
- > transabdominal/transcervical approach
- > placental tissue aspirated into syringe
- > mild pain
- post procedure care
- > no exercise or sex 24hrs
- > some light spotting is normal
- risks
- > fetal loss approx 1% (1/100)
- > transverse limb reduction defects
- > sampling failure
- > vaginal bleeding
- > infection (rare)
Assessment of sample
- extremely low false negative rate
- > variants of unknown significance in 5%
- methods
- conventional karyotyping
- chromosomal microarray
diabetes pregnancy background and complications
- GD = approx 10% pregnancies
- pre-existing = 2% pregnancies
- pre-existing
- GD risk factors
- > older age
- > personal hx
- > family hx
- > obesity
- > physical inactivity
- > high GI/low fibre diet
- > smoking
- > PCOS
Pathophys GD
- relative insulin resistance normal part of pregnancy
- > ensures adequate glucose delivery to fetus
- > most marked resistance in 3rd trimester
- diabetogenic hormones released by placenta
- > growth hormone
- > prolactin
- > lactogen
- > progesterone
- GD develops when maternal beta cells are overwhelmed
Shared complications
- short term
- > LGA = preterm/caesarian/instrumental/dystocia/injury
- > polyhydramnios = BPD/preterm/malposition
- > pre-eclampsia
- > neonate = hypoglycaemia/jaundice/CMP/cardiac/resp
- long term
- > increased risk of T2DM
- > child = obesity/metabolic syndrome/diabetes
Pre-existing complications
- Congenital defects
- > 2-4%x base (incidence apex 5%)
- > CCHD/neural tube defects
- Pre-eclampsia/HTN
- Miscarriage
- Aggravates underlying micro/macrovascular disease
- DKA more common
- > occurs at higher BGL
- > more lethal for mother (fetal demise also common)
diabetes pregnancy evaluations and non BGL management
- first antenatal visit
- > all women
- > low risk GD = BGL/high risk GD = GTT
- > pre-existing = HbA1c/UACR/GFR/TSH/fundoscopy
- 24-28wks
- > all women GTT
- > NBM for 8hrs prior
- > fasting glucose
- > 75g glucose
- > glucose at 1 hr
- > glucose at 2hrs
- GDM criteria
- > fasting = >5.1
- > 1hr = >10.0
- > 2hr = >8.5
- pre-existing diabetes
- > if diagnostic criteria met <1st trimester
1st trimester
- Pre-existing
- > cease ACEI/ARB
- > low dose aspirin after 12wks
- > higher folic acid supplementation
2nd trimester
-morph/neural tube scan at 20wks
3rd trimester
- GD and good control/lifestyle only
- > fetal movements may be sufficient
- > growth scans close to term
- Poor control/pre-existing
- > NST/ST/BPP from 32 wks
- > serial growth scans from 32 wks
- > increase insulin if steroids given
- Timing
- > consider induction after 39/before 40wks
- Route
- > consider delivery at term for macrosomia
- > consider caesarian for macrosomia >4.5kg
- Intrapartum
- > maternal glucose monitoring (fetal hypoglycaemia)
- > continuous FHR
- Post partum
- > neonatal glucose monitoring
- > loss of insulin resistance with placental delivery
- > monitor glucose for 24-72hrs (unrecognised T2DM)
diabetes pregnancy BGL management
- referral to dietician
- > caloric needs individualised
- > determined by baseline and GA
- best evidence for low GI diet (vs low carb/calorie restricted)
- > less insulin requirements
- > lower birth weights
- some evidence for increasing folic acid supplementation
- moderate intensity exercise
- > increased muscle mass = increased insulin sensitivity
- > lower blood glucose levels
- > less insulin requirements
Insulin therapy
- after lifestyle trial for 2-4wks
- trial intermediate acting basal insulin at bedtime
- > approx 6 units
- assess fasting BGL over week
- > more than 3 > 5 = increase by 2 units
- > more than 3 > 6 = increase by 4 units
- > more than 3 > 8 = increase by 6 units
- avoid prolonged fasting at night
- > paradoxically raises morning fasting levels
- consider adding pre-prandial rapid acting bolus
- > split approx 50% of total daily dose across meals
Glucose self monitoring
- 4x daily
- > fasting/waking
- > post prandial (1-2hrs)
- log in book
Glucose targets
- fasting <5.3
- 1hr post prandial <7.8
- 2hr post prandial <6.7
ectopic pregnancy background
- approx 1% of all pregnancies
- up to 15% of first trimester bleeding
- risk factors (ASEPTIC)
- > age (older)
- > smoking
- > ectopic pregnancy in previous pregnancy
- > PID
- > tubal abnormalities
- > infertility and IVF
- > contraception failure (IUD/COP)
- anatomic sites
- > fallopian tubes (more than 95%)
- > ovarian
- > interstitial
- > abdominal
- > cervical
- > hysterectomy scar
- > intramural
- > heterotopic
Ectopic pregnancy evaluation
- Onset of symptoms usually after 8 weeks gestation
- Vaginal bleeding
- Lower abdo pain
- > sharp or dull (not crampy)
- > diffuse or localised
- Rupture
- > acute severe pain
- > severe bleeding
- > syncope
- > shoulder tip pain
- > tenesmus = blood in pouch of douglas
- Pregnancy risk
- > LMP
- > hx unprotected sex/known pregnancy
- > pregnancy symptoms (fatigue/mastalgia/nausea)
- Obstetric hx
- > previous pregnancies
- > previous ectopics/miscarriages
- Menstrual hx
- > regularity
- > intermenstrual/menorrhagia
- Gynae
- > contraception
- Social
- > smoking
Review medical fitness
- > lung/liver/kidney/peptic ulcer disease
- > allergies (methotrexate)
- > medications (immunosuppression/folate supplement)
Review surgical fitness
->previous operations (sites/complications/bleeding)
- Often unremarkable
- Vitals
- > assess for shock (cap refill/warmth/colour/JVP)
- > BP/postural hypotension
- Abdo
- > tenderness?
- > acute abdomen in rupture
- Speculum
- > source of bleeding
- Pelvic
- > adnexal mass/tenderness
- > cervical motion tenderness with rupture
- Unstable
- > FAST scan for intraperitoneal haemorrhage
- Quantitative b HCG
- > confirms pregnancy
- > provides level
- Blood group and antibodies
- > hold if significant bleeding
- > sensitising event (anti D)
- > anaemia due to haemorrhage
- > baseline for methotrexate
- EUCs and LFTs
- > methotrexate baseline
- Transvaginal ultrasound
Transvaginal ultrasound
- Confirms ectopic
- > gestational sac with yolk sac/embryo at ectopic site
- > adnexal mass/empty uterus/free fluid
- Suggests ectopic
- > pseudosac
- > complex extra ovarian adnexal mass
- > tubal donut sign
- > adnexa ring of fire sign on doppler
- > consider heterotopic
- Suggests rupture
- > fluid in morrisons or douglas’ pouch
- Absence of findings
- > follow PUL protocol
medical management ectopic
- > patient preference
- > stable
- > b HCG <5000
- > no cardiac tones / ectopic mass <3-4cm
- > unstable
- > evidence of threatened rupture
- > viable IUP/heterotopic
- > liver/renal/pulmonary disease
- > immunosuppression or peptic ulcers
- > abnormal FBC, EUCs, LFTs
- > breastfeeding
- approx 1/3 experience side effects
- > nausea/vomiting
- > stomatitis/rash/itch/urticaria
- > photosensitivity
- rarely
- > transaminitis/nephrotoxicity/myelosuppression
- treatment failure approx 20%
- > avoids surgical complications
- > similar efficacy to surgery when adequate doses given
- > similar fertility outcomes to surgery
- > similar risk as surgery of further ectopic pregnancies
-IM single dose
- b HCG on days 4 and 7
- b HCG weekly until 0
- inadequate decrease
- > repeat dose (no more than three total)
- > avoid conception for 4 months
- > avoid folic acid supplements and NSAIDs
- > avoid sunlight
- > mild pain at 1 week is common
- > severe pain needs to be investigated
surgical management ectopic
- any b HCG level
- unstable
- rupture or impending rupture
- heterotopic ectopic
- methotrexate contraindications
- methotrexate failure
-no absolute
- surgical and anaesthetic risks
- > haemorrhage
- > infection
- > damage to bowel or bladder
- > adhesions/hernias
- > nausea/vomiting post op
- fertility
- > vast majority will achieve conception if they try
- retained ectopic tissue
- > need for methotrexate therapy
- salpingectomy vs salpingostomy
- > similar rate of future fertility
- > salpingostomy = higher rate of retained/future ectopics
- laparoscopic vs laparotomy
- > laparoscopic preferred
- > laparoscopic = less blood loss, faster operation, recovery and discharge
- > consider laparotomy for interstitial or unstable
Follow up
- > regular GP to follow up with?
- Salpingostomy
- > weekly b HCG until negative
- > insufficient b HCG decrease = methotrexate
- Salpingectomy
- > post op B HCG unnecessary if histopath confirmed
- Future conception
- > no solid data
- > 0-3 months common
expectant management ectopic
- asymptomatic
- no TVU findings of ectopic pregnancy
- low (<1500) and decreasing b HCG
- aware of risks
- access to emergency treatment and close follow up
-any of indications absent
-rupture can occur with low and falling b HCG
- similar success rate (80%) to medical management
- similar treatment time as medical management
- b HCG every 48hrs for 7 days
- > then weekly until negative
- abandon expectant management if
- > any symptoms
- > b HCG not decreasing
- avoid conception until sonographic resolution
Miscarriage (<20 wks) background
- early pregnancy loss (first trimester)
- > 10% clinically recognisable pregnancies
- early second trimester loss (<20 weeks)
- > less than 1% of pregnancies
- almost half of parous women have EPL
Risk factors (ADIPOSE)
- Age
- > maternal
- > possible paternal
- Diabetes
- > euglycaemia risk is baseline
- Infection
- > CMV
- > syphilis
- > parvovirus B19
- Previous miscarriage
- > OR for 1 = 1.5
- > OR for 2 = 2.2
- Obesity
- Substances
- > medications
- > alcohol, smoking, cocaine
- Exposures
- > lead/arsenic
- > air pollution
- > radiation
- chromosomal abnormalities
- > approx 3/4 of miscarriages
- uterine abnormalities
- > ashermans syndrome
- > fibroids
- > polyps
- direct trauma
- > violent
- > iatrogenic (chorionic villus sampling)
miscarriage evaluation
- confirm pregnancy
- > LMP
- > pregnancy test results
- bleeding
- > clots
- > tissue
- pain
- > cramping
- > shoulder tip
- loss of pregnancy symptoms
- syncope
- > hypovolaemia
- infection
- > fever
- > purulent discharge
- obstetric hx
- > previous pregnancies
- > previous miscarriages
- > assisted conception
- gynaecological hx
- > surgeries
- > significant conditions
- previous investigations
- > US
- > b HCG
- vitals
- > fever/tachycardia/hypotension = infection
- > tachycardia/hypotension = hypovolaemia
- > bradycardia/hypotension = tissue in cervical canal
- abdo
- > tenderness/guarding
- > distension
- > enlarged uterus
- speculum
- > bleeding from cervix
- > open os
- > tissue in cervical canal
- bimanual
- > cervical motion tenderness
- > uterine tenderness in infection
- > adnexal mass
- b HCG
- > urine
- > serum
- blood group and antibodies
- > transfusion
- > sensitising event
- Coags
- Consider
- > MSU
- > STD
- Initial transvaginal ultrasound
- > IUP
- > ectopic pregnancy
- > absence of findings (PUL/complete miscarriage)
- > GTD
suspected miscarriage investigation pathway
Intrauterine pregnancy
- Confirmation
- > yolk sac/embryo within gestational sac in endometrial cavity
- Viable
- > fetal heart present
- Non viable incomplete miscarriage
- > loss of cardiac tones in confirmed intrauterine
- > MSD >25mm, no yolk sac/embryo
- > CRL >7mm w no cardiac tones
- Viability cannot be assess (MSD <25mm)
- > repeat TVU when MSD expected to be 25mm
- > assume MSD grows 1mm/day
- Confirmed
- > gestational sac with yolk sac/embryo at ectopic site
- > adnexal mass/empty uterus/free fluid
- > consider heterotopic
- Likely
- > pseudosac
- > complex extra ovarian adnexal mass
- > tubal donut sign
- > adnexa ring of fire sign on doppler
- DDx
- > early IUP/non viable IUP
- > ectopic
- b HCG >3500 w. no findings
- > almost certainly ectopic
- > proceed with treatment
- b HCG >2000 w. no findings
- > ectopic/multiple gestation
- > consider serum progesterone (low = non viable)
- > expectant treatment as ectopic justifiable
- > consider repeat TVU in 3 days (MSD visible at 3mm )
- b HCG <2000 w. no findings
- > repeat b HCGs over 48 hrs
- serial b HCGs
- > doubled = probably viable
- > falling = likely unviable (including aborted ectopic)
- > suboptimal rise (determined by initial level ) = ectopic or non viable IUP
Miscarriage general management
Breaking bad news
- setting
- > as soon as possible
- > ideally both parents present
- > offer and facilitate presence of support person
- > minimise waiting times
- > private, preferably away from maternity wards
- principles
- > provide as much information as possible
- > don’t speculate
- > talk about ‘baby’ or use name if given
- principles
- > allow time for questions, grief and discussion
- > discuss potential experience of grief/depression
- memories
- > offer to provide momento (eg. US picture)
- > offer to see baby (prepare them for image)
- supports
- > discuss personal supports
- > mental health services
- > medicare pregnancy support counselling services
- consider
- > risk factors for psychological morbidity
- > suicide risk (leading cause of maternal mortality)
Disposal of fetal tissue
- if state requirements for birth registration met
- > death certificate
- > cremation or burial
- birth registration requirements not met
- > early pregnancy loss certificate can be provided
- > hospital cremation
- > private funeral director
- > burial on private property
- products of conception sent to laboratory
- > confirm pregnancy
- > exclude ectopic
- > exclude GTD
- collection
- > during surgery/inpatient miscarriage
- > provide labelled specimen jar if expectant at home
Safety net
- seek emergency assistance
- > severe pain
- > shoulder tip pain
- > soaking more than 1 pad every hour
- > syncope
- > fever
- return of period
- > resolution of complications/completion of care
- ongoing bleeds (>2 weeks)
- > incomplete delivery
- > GTD
expectant management miscarriage
- > patient preference
- > incomplete miscarriage
- > later than first trimester
- > unstable
- > evidence of infection
- > high risk of haemorrhage or coagulopathy
- > suspected GTD
- > 20% unsuccessful
- > prolonged bleeding
- > high rate of unplanned admission
- > low and comparable infection rate (2-3%)
- > 2% risk of transfusion
- > similar success rate as medical management
- > avoid medication/surgery
- > managed at home
Follow up with GP/EPAS
- > repeat b HCG in a week
- > US if b HCG decrease <90%
medical management miscarriage
- > patient preference
- > incomplete miscarriage
- > later than first trimester
- > unstable
- > evidence of infection
- > high risk of haemorrhage or coagulopathy
- > prostaglandin allergy
- > heavier and prolonged bleeding than surgical
- > 20% unsuccessful
- > low and comparable infection rate (2-3%)
- > 1% risk of transfusion
->faster process than expectant
- > outpatient/day procedure
- > misoprostol per vagina single dose
- > analgesia and anti-emetics
- > bleeding within 24 hrs
- > bleeding heavier than menses
- > cramping pain
- > pain and bleeding gradual get worse
- > peaks for 2-4 hours
- > occasional bleeding/dull ache/cramping for 2 weeks
- > SE = diarrhoea and vomitting
Follow up with EPAS
- > b HCG day 1 and 8 (confirm levels falling)
- > US if b HCG decrease <90%
- > repeat dose after 2-7 days if no response
surgical management miscarriage
- first/early second trimester
- patient preference
- unstable/severe haemorrhage
- evidence of infection
- suspected GTD
- unsuccessful medical/expectant management
-no absolute
- standard procedure/anaesthesia risks
- low and comparable infection rate (2-3%)
- complications 1-2%
- shorter time to completion
- lower rate unplanned hospital admissions
- lowest rate of blood transfusion
- misoprostol PV 4hrs pre op
- dilation and curettage (suction recommended)
- general anaesthetic in OR
Follow up
- GP if ongoing concerns
- no b HCG or US
Initial antenatal visit
- obstetric Hx
- edinburgh post natal depression scale
- genetic counselling
- > aneuploidy screening
- > carrier screening
- lifestyle
- > smoking, drinking, drugs
- > diet and supplements
- > exercise
- > general restrictions
- infection prevention
- > immunisation
- > precautions
- ongoing care
- > care team
- > frequency of visits
- > antenatal education courses available
- height, weight, BMI
- BP
- Uterine
- > size
- > consistency
- > position
- confirm
- > pregnancy
- > number
- > location
- > cardiac tones
- GA
- morphological anomalies
- > poor sensitivity
- > haemoglobin (anaemia)
- > MCV (thalassaemia/iron deficiency)
- > platelets (thrombocytopenia)
- Blood group and antibodies
- > dipstick for proteinuria
- > midstream culture
- Diabetes screening
- > random glucose
- > HbA1c if high risk
- Rubella
- > antibody titre
- Varicella
- > documented previous chickenpox/shingles
- > previous vaccination
- Syphilis
- > trepanemal assay
- Chlamydia/gonorrhoea
- > high risk
- > under 25
- > EIA + western blot
- > HBVsAg
- HCV total antibodies
Cervical screening
-if due
determining GA
Best estimates
- US is best estimate of EDD if
- > before 22 weeks
- > discrepancy with LMP larger than expected for GA
- most accurate estimate of EDD overall
- > CRL during first trimester
- accepted/unchanged EDD
- > earliest sonographic assessment made
- indications
- > offered to all before 22 weeks
- > irregular periods
- > LMP unknown
- > conception with hormonal contraception
- > uterine size differs from LMP
- technique
- > TVU preferred during first trimester
- > TAU for remainder
- limitations
- > multiple gestation
- > morphology abnormalities
- initial scan in first trimester
- > use CRL
- initial scan in second/third trimester
- > BPD, HC, AC, FL
Clinical assessment
- Naegele’s rule
- > minus 3 months + 7 days
- > assumes 28 day period with fertilisation on 14th
- Uterine size (archaic)
- > 8 = plum/10 = orange/12 = grapefruit
- > above symphysis at 12/at umbilicus at 20
- > cm above umbilicus after 20
- > invalid with fibroids, obesity, twins, retroverted
Diet and supplements advice
- opportunity for intervention
- > importance of well balanced diet
- > referral to dietician/written information
- caloric intake
- > no need for increase in first trimester
- > increase is only small in second/third trimester
- > eating for two is misnomer
- avoid
- > raw/smoked meats/fish (listeria/toxoplasmosis)
- > soft cheeses/pate (listeria)
- > unpasteurised milk/cheese (brucellosis)
- > large predatory fish (mercury)
- > high caffeine intake
- > sugar sweetened beverages (childhood obesity)
- > artificial sweeteners appear safe
- vegetarian
- > balanced diet probably ok
- > supplement vitamin D/E and iron
- vegan
- > also deficient in calcium, B12, omega 3 fatty acids
- low carbohydrate
- > deficient in folate
- multivitamin
- > may not be needed in well nourished mothers
- > prudent to presribe empirically
- goals
- > iron 30mg
- > calcium 1000mg
- > vitamin D 600IU
- > folic acid 0.4-0.8mg (increase with gestation)
- iodine
- > adequate intake avoids hypothyroidism
- > 250mcg recommended
- > may be replete is consuming fortified foods (eg salt)
- > excess intake can cause fetal goiter
- vitamin A
- > main concern is excess intake (teratogenic)
- > avoid supplements containing >1500mcg
lifestyle advice
Substance use
- Alcohol
- > FASD = neurodevelopmental/ID/craniofacial
- > possibly preterm/LBW/IUGR
- > consider withdrawal and thiamine
- Smoking
- > approx 1.5 x miscarriage/still birth/SIDs
- > approx 3x PPROM/preterm/LBW/abruption
- Cannabis
- > approx 3x perinatal morbidity/mortality
- > risk of preterm/low birth weight
- > long term neurodevelopment delay/ADHD
- Amphetamines
- > approx 3x fetal/neonatal death and preterm
- > many other obstetric complications
- Cocaine
- > approx 3x preterm and LBW
- > placental abruption
- Opioid
- > broad range of obstetric/neonatal complications
- > heroin = Rh/HIV/IE/Hep B/C risk
- > methadone substitution recommended
- standard exercise prescription
- > controls gestational weight gain
- > less lower back pain
- > potential reduction pre-eclampsia/GD
- small risk
- > trauma leading to abruption
- caution
- > high intensity for long duration
- > high level in IUGR/threatened pre term
Infection control
- Influenza vaccine
- > at any stage if during winter
- DPT booster
- > in third trimester
- STDs
- > advise barrier method if high risk
- CMV and parvovirus
- > good hand hygiene
- > caution around children
- Varicella
- > pre conception vaccination
- > IvIg available if unvaccinated exposure
FHR monitoring findings
- Normal baseline
- > 110-160
- Baseline bradycardia
- > hypothermia/oxaemia/glycaemia/thyroidism
- > heart block
- Baseline tachycardia
- > infection/maternal fever
- > hyperthyroid
- > anaemia
- > catecholamines
- > arrhythmia
- > hypoxaemia
- > normal =5-25bpm
- > presence of normal variability is reassuring
- > absence/reduced is poor predictor of acidaemia/hypoxia
- Accelerations (>+15 for 15s)
- > presence is reasurring
- > absence is poor predictor of acidaemia/hypoxia
- Early decelerations (normal response to fetal head compression
- > with peak of uterine peak contractions
- Late deceleration
- > occur post peak uterine contraction
- > fetal hypoxia due to constriction of uterine arteries
- > insignificant when with good variability and accelerations
- > recurrence with minimal variability/accelerations is bad
- Variable decelerations
- > due to cord compression
- > initial compression of umbilical veins = increase FHR
- > compression of umbilical artery follows = decrease FHR
- > uterine relaxation = effects occur in reverse
- > concerning, requires close attention
- Prolonged deceleration (due to fetal hypoxia of any cause
- > up to 2 mins = non reassuring
- > more than 3 mins = abnormal
- > more than 10 mins = new baseline (severe hypoxia)
- Sinusoidal pattern
- > 3-5 cycles/minute for 20 minutes with no variability
- > severe hypoxia or fetal anaemia
- > rare and very concerning
GBS overview
- 10-20% colonisation of vagina/rectum
- > neonatal colonisation rate = 40-50%
- > early infection rate = 0.5-0.05%
- Risk factors
- > prematurity
- > prolonged rupture of membranes (>18hrs)
- > maternal fever
- > heavy maternal colonisation
- > low level maternal/fetal serotype specific Ig
- > previous infant with early GBS disease
- Neonatal infection
- > intra-amniotic infection (with intact membranes)
- > passage through birth canal
- > contact with outside environment
- early onset <24hrs
- > sepsis (most common)
- > pneumonia
- > meningitis
- late onset <90 days
- > fever/bacteraemia (most common)
- > meningitis
- > septic arthritis/osteomyelitis
- > cellulitis
- mortality
- > overall = 3%
- > pre-term early = 30%
- morbidity
- > CP
- > ID
- > seizures
- > hearing/vision loss
- rectovaginal swap/culture for all women
- > false negative approx 5%
- timing
- > general = 35-37wks
- > high risk for preterm = 3-5wks prior to EDD
- exceptions
- > GBS bacteruria/previous infant GBS = empiric rx
Labour management
- Intrapartum antibiotics
- > IV penicillin G or ampicillin
- > at least 4hrs prior to delivery
- > reduces risk of early disease by 80%
- > risk of late onset unchanged
- Indication for intrapartum antibiotics
- > GBS+/GBS bacteruria
- > previous early GBS disease
- > unknown status + preterm labour/PPROM/prolonged rupture of membranes/intrapartum maternal fever
Caesarian risks discussion
Compared to normal vaginal delivery
- Positives
- > delivery date known
- > avoids post-term neonatal mortality increase
- > avoids risk of emergency caesarian
- > lower rate urinary and bowel incontinence
- > lower rate pelvic organ prolapse/perineal tear
- > lower rate HIE/birth injury/asphyxia
- > less vertical transmission HIV/HSV
- Negatives
- > higher rate TTN/RDS (only if <39 weeks)
- > higher neonatal mortality
- > longer hospitalisation/recovery time
- Same
- maternal mortality rate
- post partum sexual function
- pain 4 months post partum
Complications (HOISTED)
- Haemorrhage
- > approx 1L
- > less than 5% need transfusion
- Obstructed bowel (ileus)
- > 15%
- Infection
- > 2%
- Surgical error (rare)
- > bowel/bladder perforation
- > laceration to baby
- Thrombosis (stroke/MI/VTE)
- > 3x vaginal delivery risk
- > 0.25% for VTE
- Endometritis
- Death
- > less than 0.1%
Anaesthetic risk
- neuraxial
- general
Long term risk
- abnormal placentation
- > placenta accreta/previa/abruption
- adhesions
- hernias
- nerve pain around scar
- uterine rupture
- > TOLAC = 0.5% (< if previous successful delivery)
- > twice as high as risk with repeat caesar
- outcome of rupture
- > 1/3rd hysterectomy
- > neonatal death <3%
- neonatal
- > mortality 2-3x higher with TOLAC (very low)
- > resus 2x higher with TOLAC
- 1 = immediate threat to maternal/fetal life (30mins)
- 2 = compromise with no threat to life (1hr)
- 3 = earlier than planned without compromise
- 4 = maternal request
- > possible if harm/benefit understood by patient
Timing of planned/maternal request
- before 39 wks
- > increased risk of blood transfusion
- > higher rates RDS/TTN
- > higher neonatal mortality
- at 39 wks
- > approx 10% will require emergency CD prior to 39wks
- > emergency has 2x risk of complications
- after 39 wks
- > increase perinatal mortality
- > macrosomia
- > dysmaturity syndrome
IUGR background
-approx 10% births
- Fetal
- > genetic abnormality
- > TORCH infections
- Placenta
- > pre-eclampsia
- > abruption
- Maternal (ACHINGS)
- > age (extremes of)
- > CKD
- > HTN
- > Insulin resistance
- > nutritional deficiency
- > genetics (previous SGA or personally SGA)
- > SLE
- Exposures
- > teratogenic meds
- > alcohol/smoking/cocaine/heroin/marujuana
- Foetal response to compromised nutrient supply
- > redirect blood flow to brain/heart/adrenals
- > reduces overall size/fat/BMD/glycogen stores
- > reduces renal blood flow and oligohydramnios
- > preserve brain growth
- > accelerate lung maturation
- > increased RBCs
- > decrease
- Symmetric
- > proportional reduction of body components
- > chromosomal or infection
- > occurs early in gestation
- Asymmetric (majority)
- > weight/abdominal size reduced more than length/HC
- > adaptation to pathological stressor
- > occurs later in gestation
IUGR evaluation
- PC
- > unwell lately?
- > headaches/vision changes
- > loss of blood or fluid
- > pain?
- > fetal movements
- This pregnancy
- > any complications
- > scans (morph + aneuploidy) + serology
- Past obstetric
- > G/P
- > G/A and route
- > small babies
- > HTN/diabetes
- Past medical
- > any chronic illnesses
- Allergies
- Medications
- Supplements and food avoidance
- Social
- > Smoking/drinking/drugs
- > contact with children
- > proximity for follow
- Height/weight/BMI
- BP
- Abdo palp
- Fundal height
- Doppler
Confirm diagnosis with ultrasound
- Urgent CTG
- > weight below 10th centile in second trimester
- > may be constitutional or restricted growth
- > consider AC/AFI/growth velocity
Determine cause
- Fetal survey
- > doppler (umbilical/uterine/middle cerebral arteries)
- > BPP
- Anatomy scan
- > if abnormal, consider cell free DNA for aneuploidy
- > if negative, consider amniocentesis for microarray
- Infection workup
- > maternal CMV/rubella/varicella seropositivity
IUGR management
- Usually monitored as outpatients
- Weight
- > review every 2 weeks if concerned
- > consider velocity (normal in constitutional)
- US doppler
- > umbilical artery most useful
- > review every 2 weeks if first two are normal
- > review weekly if abnormal or concerned
- > reduced/absent end-diastolic flow = consider delivery
- BPP or NST with AFI
- > not needed if mild
- > twice weekly if severe
- > daily if abnormal doppler
Delivery consideration
- Issue
- > pre term delivery has high mortality/morbidity
- > each day in utero between 26-29wks increases survival up to 2%
- > mortality in IUGR rises sharply at time (placental insufficiency)
- GRIT trial
- > randomised to immediate or delayed delivery
- > when obstetrician was uncertain
- > immediate group = fewer stillbirths/more neonatal deaths
- > long term neurodevelopment outcome similar
- DIGITAT trial
- > randomised to spontaneous/expectant at term
- > spontaneous had lower birth weight
- > same adverse events/same caesarian rate/long term developmental outcomes
- Consider
- > dopplers/BPP/NST/risk factors
- > gestational age
- > patient preference
- > need for caesarian delivery if poor dopplers
- > corticosteroids and magnesium sulfate
- Issues
- > intrapartum heart rate abnormalities
- > birth asphyxia/HIE
- > meconium aspiration
- > polycythaemia
- > hypothermia
- > hypoglycaemia
- Approach
- > continuous fetal heart monitoring
- > low threshold for emergency caesarian
- > neontal support present
- > umbilical blood gas and glucose at birth
Long term
- catch up growth
- CVD/diabetes/renal disease/neurodevelopment
Rh incompatibility overview
- Rh -ive
- > 15% of caucasians
- > 7% africans
- incompatibility in 10% pregnancies
- Rh -ive mother
- Rh +ive baby
- > inherited from father
- sensitising event
- > occurs in majority of pregnancies
- > fetomaternal haemorrhage (most placental insults)
- > passage of fetal cells across placenta
- formation of maternal anti-D Ig
- > formation of memory B lymphocytes
- > future challenge leads to plasma cell Ig production
- haemolytic disease of the new born
- > maternal Ig cross placenta attache to fetal RBC
- > RBCs sequestered in spleen and destroyed
- > extramedullary haematopoeisis
- > hepatosplenomegaly/pHTN/HF/cerebral hypoxia
- > hydrops fetalis/intrauterine death
Screening for incompatibility
- blood group, Rh status, antibodies
- > first antenatal visit
- > Rh -ive repeated at 24-28wks
- > after any sensitising event
Diagnosing incompatibility
- if mother Rh antibody +ive
- > paternal blood group
- Paternal zygosity if Rh +ive (PCR for RHD genes)
- > if homozygous = fetus Rh +ive
- > if heterozygous = 50% chance fetus Rh +ive
- Amiocentesis (>15wks) or cfDNA (>10wks) if heterozygous
Monitoring incompatability
- Baby Rh +ive
- > serial (monthly) maternal indirect coombs
- If antibody titre rises above critical threshold
- > doppler MCA for severe anaemia ever 1-2wks
- If suspected sensitising event
- > rosette test = presence of fetal RBC in maternal blood
Sensitisation prevention
- Rh incompatibility diagnosed
- > maternal Ig present = no benefit of anti-D
- > routine prophylaxis = anti-D at 28wks
- > fetomaternal haemorrhage = anti-D
- > sensitising procedure = anti-D 72hrs prior
- > delivery = additional anti-D 72hrs prior
- Dosage
- > Kleihauer test/flow cytometry = %fetal RBC
Infertility background
- fecundability
- > 85% over 12 months regular unprotected sex
- > 25% in first 3 months, then decreases
- Risk factors
- > age >35
- > obesity/low BMI
- > smoking
- > previous STD
- Female factors (1/3rd)
- > diminished ovarian reserve with age (majority)
- > oligo/anovulation (PCOS/prolactin/hypogonadism/hypothalamus)
- > tubal (post infection/endometriosis/pelvic adhesions)
- > uterine (adhesions/mullerian abnormalities)
- > smoking/obesity
- Male factors (10%)
- > oligo/azoospermia (majority idiopathic)
- > primary/secondary hypogonadotrophinism
- > congenital testicular disorder (klinefelter/cryptochordism)
- > acquired testicular disorder (infection/drugs/exposure)
- Combined factors (1/3rd)
- Idiopathic 5%
Female factor internality evaluation
- Menstrual hx
- > regular menses/moliminal symptoms = ovulatory
- > long = anovulation
- > short = anovulation/endometrial dysfunction
- Sexual hx
- > timing and regularity
- > dyspareunia (PID/endometriosis/adhesions/uterine abnormality)
- Hypothalamus
- > stress/weight loss/exercise
- > anosmia
- Pituitary
- > headache/vision changes/nipple discharge
- Ovaries
- > acne/hirsuitism/overweight/irregular periods
- > SLE/UC
- Tubes
- > pelvic surgery/STD
- > endometriosis/pelvic pain/menorrhagia/dysmenorrhea
- Uterus
- > procedures/instrumentation
- Social
- > smoking
- > alcohol and substances
- > stress/mood/psychiatric disorders
- > occupational exposure
- height/weight/BMI
- inspection
- > hirsutism/acne
- > galactorrhea
- > secondary sex characteristics/syndromic features
- pelvic
- > abnormal shape uterus
- > nodular pouch of douglas (endometriosis)
- > adnexal mass/tenderness
Assess ovulation
- serum progesterone
- > 7 days before menses
- > ovulation if high
- urine LH sticks
- > serial assessments at home
- > predicts ovulation approx 24hrs in advance
- serial ultrasounds
- > usually restricted to during treatment
- if anovulatory
- > FSH/LH (hyper/hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism)
- > androgens (PCOS)
- > TSH
- > prolactin
- > karyotyping
Anatomical assessment
- Imaging
- > transvaginal ultrasound (uterine/tubal/ovarian morph)
- > hysterosalpingography (uterine/tubal path)
- > saline infusion sonography (uterine path)
- > MRI (uterine path pre-op planning)
- Surgical
- > laparoscopy (endometriosis/adhesions) with chromotubation (tubal patency)
- > hysteroscopy (uterine path)
Ovarian reserve testing
- Basal FSH on day 3
- > less than 2 = hypogonadotrophinism
- > greater than 10 = possible reduced ovarian reserve
- > greater than 30 = menopausal/ovulatory surge
- Antral follicle count on day 3
- > transvagianl ultrsound
- > less than 4 indicates diminished reserve
- AMH on any day
- > less than 1 ng/mL indicates diminished reserve
infertility management
Non pharm
- Diet
- > limited evidence
- > beneficial for future pregnancy
- Weight loss
- > high BMI or PCOS
- Weight gain
- > athlete/low BMI/anorexia
- Reduce smoking/drinking/substances
- Psychology support
- > high stress associated with infertility
- > stress/psychological morbidity risk factor for infertility
Ovarian stimulation
- Clomiphene
- > indicated for normogonodotrophic ovulatory dysfunction
- > ineffective in hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism
- Letrozole
- > indicated for normogonadotrophic ovulatory dysfunction
- Gonadotrophin therapy
- > failed first line treatment
- > hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism
Tubal abnormalities
- > failed ovulation treatment
- > tubal abnormality
- > male infertility
- > uterine abnormalities with surrogate
- Tubal patency improving procedures
- > distal occlusion may be treated/proximal should not
- > fimbrioplasty (lysis of adhesions/dilation of strictures)
- > neosalpingostomy (new tubal opening)
Uterine abnormalities
- Setate
- > some evidence for surgical intervention
- Fibroids
- > consider surgery if other treatments failed
- > best evidence for submucosal
- Polyps
- > polypectomy for large endometrial polyps
Specific aetiologies
- Endometriosis
- > first line = IVF
- > surgical ablation of impants/adhesiolysis
- PCOS additional treatments
- > ovarian stimulation
- > metformin
- > ovarian drilling
- Hyperprolactinaemia
- > bromocriptine