Obstetric Presentations Flashcards
What is an antepartum haemorrhage?
Bleeding from birth canal >24 weeks
How common is an antepartum haemorrhage?
3-5% of all pregnancies
What would you ask about in the history of an antepartum haemorrhage?
How much blood What colour Provoked? - post coital Have waters broken? Any pain Foetal movements Risk factors - smoking, drugs, domestic abuse
What would you look for on examination in a patient with an antepartum haemorrhage?
General appearance - pallor, cap refill Tender abdomen? Uterus feel tense and woody? (placental abruption) Palpable contractions Lie of foetus CTG - >26 weeks
What are some causes of an antepartum haemorrhage?
Infections - candida, vaginosis, chlamydia Vasa praevia Uterine rupture Placenta praevia Placental abruption Benign or malignant lesions Domestic violence
What triad does vasa praevia present with?
Vaginal bleeding
Membrane rupture
Foetal compromise
What is uterine rupture usually associated with?
Hx of previous C Section or uterine surgery
Why should vaginal examination for suspected antepartum haemorrhage not be carried out in primary care?
Women with placenta praevia may haemorrhage
What is the immediate management in suspected antepartum haemorrhage?
Admit to hospital for assessment and management
Mothers life take priority!
Urgent delivery of baby if foetal distress
If Rhesus -ve - Kleihauer test and prophylactic anti-D
What is Kleihauer-Betke’s test?
Blood test to calculate amount of fetal Hb that has crossed to maternal blood stream
What investigations should be ordered for a patient with a suspected antepartum haemorrhage?
Depend on presentation
Can include - FBC, platelet, G&S, clotting, USS, foetal monitoring
What should you do once you rule out placenta praevia?
Cusco speculum examination
Digital vaginal exam
Swabs - exclude infection
What complications are associated with an antepartum haemorrhage?
Premature labour DIC AKI Placenta accreta Foetal hypoxia and death
What features, if accompanying abdominal pain, require urgent midwife assessment?
Bleeding or spotting Regular cramping or tightening Vaginal discharge that is unusual Lower back pain Pain or burning on urination Pain is severe or doesn't go away after 30-60 mins of rest
What are the common causes of abdominal pain in pregnancy?
Trapped wind
Growing pain of ligaments