Obstetric emergencies Flashcards
Pathophysiology eclampsia
2 theories
W extreme HTN, there’s abN cerebral flow w dilated vessels, incr permeability and oedema –> ischaemia and encepalopaty
HTN –> vasoconstriction –> hypoperfusion ischaemia and oedema
Diagnosis of pre-eclampsia
HTN > 20/40 and 1>/
- proteinuria: PCR >30mg/mol / protein >3g/day / 1+ on dip
- Maternal organ dysfunction:
— renal: creat >90
— haem: plt < 100, haemolysis or DIC
— lft: raised AST/ ALT
— neuro: hyperreflexia, headaches, visual disturbance
— pulmonary oedema
- uteroplacental dysfx - FGR
Monitoring in eclampsia
BP every 15 minutes
Urine output and fluid inputt
O2 > 95%
RR hourly
Temp 4 hourly
Fluid management in eclampsia
AN: fluid restrict to 80ml/hr
Art line: unstable/ very high BP/ obese women/ haem >1l
CVP: CS. / complicated delivery
PP: restrict fluid to 80ml/hr, hourly UO monitoring
Medications in eclampsia
Labetalol: first line
- 200mg po stat, recheck 30 min
- bolus: 50mg IV over 5 min, repeat every 10 min to a max of 200mg
- infusion: 20mg/hr to a max of 160mg/hr
- CI in severe asthma, caution in pre-existing cardiac conditions
- Bolus: 2.5mg in 10ml water over 5 min
- Check BP every 5 min, can repeat every 20min to a max dose of 20mg
- infusion: 40mg in 40ml NS at 1-5ml/hr
- CI: hypersensitivity, severe tachycardia, heart failure
- potent, never give SL
- PO- bd or OD, max dose 90mg/day
- avoid PP, causes depression
Target BP in eclampsia
SBP <160mmHg
MAP < 125mmHg
Management eclamptic fit
Call for help
Left lateral
O2 at 10l/min via non-rebreather
IV access and bloods
Loading dose MgSO4 + infusion
Diazepam if seizure continues
Delivery once stabilised
Management of recurrent fits in eclampsia
Anaesthetics present to give IV diazepam 5-10mg
Or repeat bolus of MgSO4 of 2g and increase infusion to 1.5g/hr
- can be done twice
- assess for other causes of seizure if 2x doses needed
MgSO4 - MOA/ dose/ SE/Obs
Vasodilatation and membrane stabilisation
Loading dose 4g in 50ml IV over 5-10 min
Maintenance 1g/hr (20g in 500ml at 25ml/hr)
- motor paralysis
- absent tendon reflexes
- resp depression
- cardiac arrhythmias
- 4 hourly iMEWS w UO and reflexes
- reduce rate if absent reflexes or RR <12
Antidote for MgSO4
Calcium gluconate 10ml 10% IV
Target Mg levels in eclampsia
Aim for 1.97-3.28mmol/L
Plt transfusion in eclampsia
Consider if plt <50
Recommended prior to CS if <20
Postnatal management eclampsia
Monitor until D3
4 hourly BPs
AntiHTN: B-blockers, ACE-i, CCBs.
- safe in breastfeeding
Avoid methyldopa
- D3-4 if BP <150/100 and bloods normal
- BP check every 1-2 days for up to 2/52
- follow up within 2/52
Epidemiology PPH
1/4 of all maternal deaths
Second leading cause of direct maternal mortality
PPH definition
> /= 500ml
Antenatal risk factors for PPH
Prev PPH
Ethnicity (asian/ hispanic)
Overdistension of the uterus (multiples, poly, macrosomia)
Inherited bleeding disorder
High parity
Fetal death
Uterine anomalies
Placenta praevia
Intrapartum risk factors for PPH
Prolonged labour
Precipitous labour
Uterine rupture
Augmented labour
Volatile anaesthetic agents
Infection/ chorio
Uterine inversion
Placental abruption
Retained placenta
Primary PPH vs secondary vs MOH
Primary: within 24 hours post delivery
Secondary: 24 hours - 6 weeks
MOH: >/= 2500ml +/ 5 RCC +/- coag treatment
Preparedness re PPH
Identify high risk and mx anaemia (Hb <11)
Identify any RCC Ab
Doc any inherited bleeding disorders - notify haem, FM, anaes
FBC at booking and 28/40
Placenta- document site, if ? PAS - MDT
Ensure O neg, Kell neg supply in unit
Local drills
National MOH poster in units
Preventing PPH at delivery
Immediate cord clamping if active bleeding
Prophylactic uterotonics
If women refusing prophylaxis - fully inform and advise if placenta not delivered in 30 min
MROP in 30-60 min or sooner if bleeding
TXA if high risk