Antenatal care Flashcards
Aim of fetal anatomy scans
To optimise ANC by providing accurate diagnostic information
Indications for earlier scans (before routine anomaly scan)
Abnormal first trimester scan
Parent with congenital anomaly
Prev fetal anomaly
Teratogenic drugs
High risk first trimester screening
Two inconclusive NIPS
When would a single repeat scan be done
Done if optimal images not seen by 26/40
Can be due to:
- increased BMI
- large fibroids
- abdominal scarring
- suboptimal fetal position
* if second USS doesn’t give clear images, should be referred for fetal med review
NB things to be noted on anomaly scan
Fetal biometry: BPD, HC, AC, FL. Discrepancy >10-14/7, rescan in 2/52
Amniotic fluid: DVP <2= oligo, >8 - poly
Number of pregnancies
Placenta location including leading edge
Cardiac function
Placental cord insertion
Definition and management of low-lying placenta
<20mm from os
Repeat USS at 34/40
If low-lying and > PAS –> fetal med reivew
Risk factors for vasa praevia
Velamentous cord insertion
Placenta dysmorphology
Low lying or bilobed placenta
Multiple pregnancy
When to give prophylactic progesterone
Hx of spontaneous PTL <34/40
Pregnancy loss from 16/40
Cx length </= 25mm on TVUS from 16-24/40
When to stop PV progesterone
When to do cerclage
Cx <25mm
PPROM in prev pregnancy
Hx cervical trauma
Dx and mx PPROM
Spec +/- amniosure
Erythromycin 250mg QDSx 10/7
Screen for infection - FBC, CRP, VS, MSU
When NOT to do cerclage
Active PVB
Uterine ctx
When to consider cerclage
Between 16-24/40
Dilated cx + unruptured membranes
Management of PTL with intact membranes
Suspected labour </=29+6
- tocolysis
- maternal corticosteroids
At 30+
- TVUS for cx length
— >15mm: unlikely PTB
— < 15mm: tocolysis and steroids
Use of fetal fibronectin
Likelihood of birth within 48 hours
+= tocolysis and steroids
Considerations for tocolytics
- suspected/ dx labour
- gestational age
- likely benefit of corticosteroids
- NICU availability
Consider nifedipine 24 - 33+6 if intact membranes and suspected PTL
Oxytocin receptor antagonists if nifedipine contraindicated
When to give maternal corticosteroids
Offer 24 - 35+6
Consider single repeat dose if <34/40
- already had corticosteroids > 7/7 ago AND
- very high risk birth
Do not give more than 2 doses for PT babies
When to use MgSO4 in PTL
23 - 23+6 and delivery within 24 hours
Offer from 24 - 29+6 if established PTL or planned PTB within 24 hours
Consider from 30 - 33+6 if established PTL or planned PTB within 24 hours
Dosing of MgSO4
4g IV bolus over 5 minutes then 1g/hr until birth or for 34 hours
* if oliguric or renal failure, monitor Mg