Intrapartum management Flashcards
Contraindications to forceps delivery
Face presentation
Vertical transmission risks
Fracture risk
Relative: suspected fetal bleeding disorder
Vacuum vs forceps for preterm delivery
Higher risk of subgleal haematoma and scalp trauma with vacuum
- avoid vacuum if <32/40, caution if 32-36/40
Classification of fetal head position wrt OVD
-fetal scalp visible witout parting labia
- rotation doesn’t exceed 45 degrees
- vertex +2, not caput
- <45deg or >45 deg from OA/OP
- fetal head no more than 1/5 palpable abdominally
- <45 deg or >45 deg from OA/OP
- not recommended if head >/= 2/5
Placement of vacuum
3cm from post fontanelle
Halfway point = flexion point
Indications for OVD
Fetal compromise
- shorten second stage (eg med condition)
- fatigue/ exhaustion
Inadequate progress:
-P0: no progress 3 hours passive/ active w analgesia; 2 hours w/out analgesia
- P1: No progress w 2 hours passive/ active w analgesia; 1 hour w/out analgesia
Prerequisites for OVD
Verbal consent
Abdo/ VE:
- </= 1/5 palpable per abdo
- Vx presentation
- fully dilated and ROM
- need to know position for instrument placement
- assess caput/ moulding
- ? adequate pelvic
-? US
Preparation for OVD
Explain and consent (written consent if trial in OT)
Appropriate analgesia
Mat bladder empty
Aseptic technique
Staff - adequate facilities, lighting, staff, knowledge
Anticipate cx: failure, SD, PPH
Epis scissors: MLE to prevent OASIS, 60* angle
Failure risks with OVD
Increased failure risk with:
- BMI >30, EFW >4kg, OP, head >1/5
- vacuum > forceps
Risks assoc w OVD
- 3rd deg w kiwi 8:100 w forceps
Incr risk of bleeding 4:100
If failure - increase risk of fetal head impaction
Vacuum - cepalohaematoma, retinal hge, maternal worries re baby
– dec risk vaginal/ perineal trauma
– no more likely assoc w CS, low Apgar or need for phototx
Aftercare following OVD
IV dose co-amox
Reassess VTE
NSAIDS and paracetamol
Document void
? retention - PVR, UC
Offer physio at 3/12 PN to reduce UI
Factors assoc w breech presentation
Prev breech birth
Premature labour
High parity
Multiple pregnancy
Uterine anomales
Pelvic tumour or fibroids
Placenta praevia
Hydrocephaly/ anencephaly
Fetal neuromuscular disorders
Fetal head and neck tumours
Complications breech delivery
Cord prolapse 1% (0.5% w cephalic)
Fetal head entrapment
Birth asphyxia
Intrapartum death
Rupture of liver/ kidneys/ spleen
Dislocation or fractures
Mx twin delivery after first twin delivered
Assistant to stabilise fetus in longitudinal lie
Continuous CTG
US - FH/lie
Oxytocin when lie confirmed
ARM only when fixed, best with contraction
Aim for birth within 30 min
Mx twin delivery if second twin transverse
Internal podalic version
- one or both feet grasped inside uterus –> breech extraction
- don’t ARM too early –> cord prolapse
- ** caution for head entrapment
Length of inter-twin birth interval
30 min
Prevention of OASIS
MLE considered for OVD
- 60 degrees from midline when perineum distended
Perineal protection at crowning
Warm compression during second stage
Pointers on OASIS repair
Regional/ general anaesthesia
Good lighting
Vaginal pack for excessive bleeding
Avoid figure of 8s- good for haemostasis but cause ischaemia
PR before and after